The Demon Hunter: A Fan-Made Dungeons and Dragons Class Based On The Demon Hunter Hero Class of The Warcraft Universe

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The Demon Hunter

A fan-made Dungeons and Dragons class

based on the Demon Hunter hero class of the Warcraft Universe

Demon Hunter

attered and scarred, barely standing on her two threats to the security of the Nine Hells; for the most part,
legs, a drained drow wielding two blades demon hunter will be on their own for most of their lives after
emanating a sickly green energy backs up to a having been trained, rarely teeming up with non-demon
cliff face, surrounded by a gnoll pack. Gathering hunters as they are difficult to entrust a mission outside of
the rest of her strength, she throws back her their own kind.
arms and explodes in a dark wave, engulfing the
first row of the furred raiders; those left Ten Thousand Years in the Making
unharmed are stunned with fear as they see a hellish entity The first demon hunter was formed from a wood elf
standing before them in her place, its dark wings seeming to hundreds of years ago by the name of Illidan Stormrage.
block out the sun as she swoops down upon them, her blades When a group of demons, lead by the Demon Prince
carving throw them like butter. Demogorgon, were summoned under the cover of night by a
A toned human covered in ritualistic markings faces down group of crazed cultists lusting for power, Illidan's home and
a large orc in a duel, the first few minutes spent in a surrounding villages were razed before the sun had risen the
methodical, coreographed dance of death. Finding an following morning. The fortunate elf was the only one within
opening, the orc brings down his massive battleaxe in an miles to survive; having lost many a loved one so quickly, in
attempt to decapitate his enemy; his confidence soon wavers, his heart burned a hunger for vengeance. Calling out to the
however, as just as the blade of his weapon is about to make darkness, he pledged his undying servitude to whoever would
contact with flesh, the human shimmers and disappears. deem him worthy enough of their power.
Without warning, the orc feels a massive force impact him The one to respond was none other than Asmodeus, the
from behind as the human, now warped into a huge Lord of Nessus and Ruler of the Nine Hells. Seeing the
monstrosity of muscle, armored plating, and spikes, tackles appearance of Demogorgon on the Material Plane as a threat
the orc and begins to pummel the hapless opponent into the to Baator, the archdevil provided Illidan with a deal: be
dusty earth. infused with the essence of the Nine Hells and declare fealty
Reviled by many for their willing embrace of hellish to the Lord of the Ninth, and the elf would have the power for
powers, the cunning demon hunters have been the hidden vengeance. Eager, Illidan accepted without a second thought,
heroes for many centuries, operating in the shadows to and for the next several months begun hunting demon after
protect the Material Plane and other realms from the demon, occasionally consuming some to increase his own
demonic forces of the Abyss and other fiendish threats. Once power. Soon he was strong enough to take on Demogorgon,
obedient servants to the Nine Hells, these skilled killers soon keeping the Prince of Demons occupied long enough for a
begun to harbor a hatred towards all evil creatures, both group of adventurers to open a portal to the Gaping Maw,
magical and mundane, seeing anything of the sort as a threat successfully imprisoning the demon prince within it.
to those that they love. While some can still be found under However, Illidan was not completely satisfied. Having gazed
the service of a devil as a warlock would, even these into the heart of Asmodeus and realizing the evil within it, the
individuals have a higher degree of independence, with the demon hunter went rogue, hiding himself from the gaze of
only duty towards their "masters" being the prevention of the archdevil. He went on to start a crusade against all

fiendish creatures, attacking demon, devil, and yugoloth alike, Creating a Demon Hunter
treating all of these as threats to the rest of the Material When creating your demon hunter, you must first ask yourself
Plane; even as his own kind turned their backs on him, he the reason as to their pursuit of such a dark career. Perhaps
continues to fight for them, wishing for nothing more than you have a personal vendetta against a named demon which
the security of their protection. killed several people close to you. Or maybe after a vampire
ravaged your hometown, you sought out for its lair in order to
Lead by the Elves slay it and prevent its reign of terror. No matter the cause, a
Regardless of race and origins, all demon hunters look up to demon hunter is typically formed from a prior tragedy that
Illidan as their leader. The first demon hunter has become a would encourage the hunter to a life devoted to the protection
demigod of sorts, immortal and almost worshipped by all of of others from supernatural entities.
those who follow him. Having transcended his original form, Another question you must pose is the means by which
Stormrage has become more fiend than elf, and yet has your demon hunter acquired their new set of abilities. Were
become something more - a symbol of resistance and you approached by a malebranche in a dark alley, given the
sacrifice. promises of vengeance in return for a few quick "errands" to
While multiple races from all walks of life have been the devil's enemies? Did you find several dark tomes after
known to take up the path of the demon hunter, the vast perusing the darker section of a grand library, pouring your
majority of the mysterious group of trained killers are time into the twisted pages and slowly gleaning the means to
composed of elves. The purity of the elves and their societies hunt your prey.
have made them extensive targets for demonic invasions, and
causing much fear and hatred to become harbored within the Quick Build
elegant race. As such, elves that become demon hunters are You can make a demon hunter quickly by following these
some of the most terrifying to face on the battlefield, as they suggestions. First, your highest ability score should be
show an unending resolve that has allowed for single fighters Dexterity, followed by Charisma or Strength if you plan on
to take on hundreds of the tanar'ri threats. taking the Path of Havoc or Path of Vengeance, respectively.
Second, choose from the blade ward, eldritch blast, or true
Masters of the Warglaives strike cantrips.
One of the most common identifiers of a demon hunter can Multiclassing
be seen distances away - great warglaives, weapons unique to If you wish to multiclass into a demon hunter, you must have
the demon hunters. Based off of an elvish weapon, the the following prerequisite: Dexterity 13, and you must have
moonglaive, the warglaive is a found in the possession of the successfully absorb the heart of a fiend-type creature (see
majority of demon hunters; allowing for quick attacks, the Hunting Your Quarry, "Increasing Your Arsenal" section for
double-sided blades can also be thrown through the air more details on how to do this).
almost like a boomerang, returning to their thrower's hand
without any effort.
Class Features
Warglaive Statistics As a demon hunter, you gain the following class features
Uncommon simple weapon, requires attunement
Cost: 10 gp Hit Points
Weight: 2 lb. Hit Dice: 1d8 per demon hunter level
Damage: 1d6 slashing damage Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution
Properties: finesse, light, special, thrown (20/60) Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
A warglaive is an enchanted one-handed weapon with two score per demon hunter level after 1st
curved blades attached to a central handle. Proficiencies
Special Trait. When a warglaive is thrown, whether it hits Armor: light armor
its target or not, it will travel back to the one that threw it. You Weapons: daggers, handaxes, sickles, longswords,
can catch the warglaive by making a successful DC 13 shortswords, warglaives
Dexterity check. On a failed check, the warglaive flies past Tools: none
you, traveling a distance equal to 5 x your Strength modifier.
If the warglaive strikes a hard surface (e.g. stone, wood) on Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
its return, it will become lodged into the surface and stops Skills: choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics,
moving. It can be removed with a successful DC 15 Strength Stealth, and Survival
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
(a) a warglaive, (b) a shortsword, or (c) any simple weapon
(a) a warglaive or (b) a dagger
(a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
two daggers, leather armor and one trinket made from a
fiend's body part

The Demon Hunter
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips Known Metomorphosis Charges
1st +2 Bound to the Nine Hells, Infernal Inheritance 1 ─
2nd +2 Metamorphosis 1 1
3rd +2 Hunter Path 2 1
4th +2 Ability Score Increase 2 1
5th +3 Extra Attack 2 1
6th +3 Chaos Strike 2 1
7th +3 Ethereal Strikes, Hunter Path Feature 2 2
8th +3 Ability Score Increase 3 2
9th +4 Eye Beams 3 2
10th +4 Ruthless Tracker 3 2
11th +4 ─ 3 2
12th +4 Ability Score Increase, Hunter Path Feature 3 2
13th +5 Extra Attack 4 3
14th +5 Wings of Zariel 4 3
15th +5 Hunter Path Feature 4 3
16th +5 Ability Score Increase 4 3
17th +6 Mephistopheles' Fury 4 4
18th +6 ─ 4 4
19th +6 Ability Score Increase 5 4
20th +6 Hunter Path Feature 5 4

Bound to the Nine Hells First, you have two horns sprouting from your forehead;
these horns take any shape, and can be used as an alternative
Every now and then, demon hunters are able to stave off the form of unarmed strike. The damage dealt is bludgeoning if
hand of death and spirit away their souls to the depths of the horns are more curved like a ram's or gazelle's, or
Baator. If you fall to 0 hit points, you can make a Constitution piercing damage if they are more straight like a goat's or a
saving throw equal to 1 + amount of excessive damage; for bull's. Additionally, your body is covered in swirling tattoos,
example, if you fell to 0 hit points and then took an additional and your blood has become a luminescent green.
10 damage, the DC would be 11. On a successful save, your Secondly, your eyes have been removed and replaced with
body disappears for one minute. Once a minute has passed, two burning orbs that are able to give sight beyond sight. You
you appear within 15 feet of where your body once was, you have darkvision of 60 feet; if your race has darkvision, it
are conscious, and you are given 2d4 temporary hit points. becomes 60 feet instead. Additionally, if you are touching or
If you fail your Constitution saving throw the first time, you holding an object or creature, you are able to observe it as if
must make an additional Constitution saving throw as with truesight. Many demon hunters decide to place a
normal for death save. On your subsequent death saving blindfold or some other covering over their sockets to prevent
throws, you can attempt to make the Constitution save for completely unsettling others; doing so does not affect their
this ability again, until it's either successfully used, you're vision.
stabilized, or you die. Finally, you are able to learn one cantrip from the warlock's
Once you successfully use this ability, you cannot do so spell list. You are able to learn additional cantrips at higher
again until you take a long rest. The amount of temporary levels, learning one more cantrip at 3rd (2), 8th (3), 13th (4),
healing done increases at higher levels, granting you more and 19th (5) level. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for
temporary hit points at 7th (4d4), 13th (6d4), and 19th (8d4) these cantrips.
Infernal Inheritance
Starting at 2nd level, you're able to temporarily transform into
Also at 1st level, you have been bestowed basic devil-like a fiendish creature to decimate those around you. While you
features to improve your hunting abilities:

are transformed, your Strength
and Dexterity scores increase by 3,
your unarmed strikes deal 1d8
bludgeoning damage, your size category
becomes Large, and you have advantage
on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. This
form lasts for one minute or until you end it.
This ability has an amount of charges per
long rest, dependent on your demon hunter level.
Hunter Path
When you reach 3rd level, you're able to choose a specific set
of methods for attacking enemies, called a path. You choose
between taking the Path of Havoc or taking the Path of
Vengeance. The path you choose grants you features at 3rd
level, and again at 7th, 12th, 17th, and 20th level.
Abiliity Score Increase feet, and you are able
to move over difficult terrain without
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and needing to make any checks. Additionally,
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice whenever make a high jump, you do not need to make a
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by running start, and you're able to add your Dexterity modifier
1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 to how high you can jump (minimum +1).
using this feature.
Wings of Zariel
Extra Attack Beginning at 14th level, you've tapped into the power of
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack two times, instead of Avernus' ruler, Zariel. As a bonus action, you can make a
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. flaming dash in a 40-foot line. Any creature caught in the line
The number of attacks increases to 3 when you reach 13th must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d4 fire damage
level in this class. on a failed save or half as much on a success.
Additionally, any fall damage you take at any time is
Chaos Strike reduced by half.
At 6th level, whenever you make an attack with a weapon you
are proficient in, you can have the weapon blaze to life with a Mephistopheles' Fury
green until the end of your next turn. A creature that is struck When you reach 17th level, you can briefly unleash the power
with the weapon while it is ablaze must make a Dexterity of the archdevil Mephistopheles in a chaotic blast. All
saving throw. A creature takes 1d6 fire damage and 1d6 force creatures within 30 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. If you throw, taking 1d12 force damage on a failed save or half as
make a critical hit while this ability is active, you are healed much on a success.
for half of the damage dealt. You're able to use this ability once per long rest.
You can do this a number of times per long rest equal to
your Charisma modifier (minimum once). The damage dealt
increases by 1d6 each at 14th (2d6/2d6) level. Hunter Paths
The hunter path that you choose determines the type of
Ethereal Strikes hunting style that you adopt when it comes to tracking down
When you reach 7th level, you have learned enough in the your targets. This is divided into the Path of Havoc, and the
magic of teleportation to weave it into your combat. You can Path of Vengeance.
cast the spells blink and blur each per long rest.
Path of Havoc
Eye Beams Demon hunters that take the Path of Havoc typically make
Starting at 9th level, you're capable of turning the burning quick, geurilla warfare-like attacks, causing disruption in
orbs that form your eyes into weapons. As a bonus action, you opposing forces and taking on multiple enemies at once.
can make a ranged spell attack on a creature within 30 feet. When they enter their Metamorphosis Form, it becomes
On a hit, you deal 1d10 + your Charisma modifier in fire reminescent of a horned devil, but with shadowy, torn wings
damage. This ability has a recharge of one minute. and great tail-less, goat-like legs.

Ruthless Tracker Attunement to Dis

Beginning when you choose this path at 3rd level, whenever
At 10th level, your reflexes quicken and your movement you are in your Metamorphosis form, your Dexterity and
becomes unhindered. Your base walking speed increases by 5 Charisma scores gain an additiona +2 bonus, and you have a

flying speed of 35 feet. If you normally have a flying speed, Hardened Flesh
you gain an additional 20 feet. Also at 3rd level, your hit dice becomes d12 whenever you
gain another demon hunter level starting at 3rd.
Quick Attack Sigils of Baator
Also at 3rd level, you can use your reaction when attacked by At 7th level, you're able to spend a minute placing on a
an enemy to avoid the hit and strike multiple targets. When a surface an invisible sigil that can only be seen by a creature
creature makes a melee weapon attack against you, you use with truesight. If a creature comes within 10 feet of the sigil,
your reaction to make a Dexterity check against the attacking all creatures within 20 feet of the sigil must make a DC 17
creature's Dexterity score. On a successful check, you don't saving throw; you're able to designate creatures that remain
take any damage during the attack, and can make a single unaffected by the sigil. If a creature fails its saving throw, it is
weapon attack on up to three creatures within 15 feet of you. suffers from an effect that is designated by the chosen sigil:
Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you
take a short or long rest. Sigil of Chains. The creature becomes restrained for one
minute. It can make a DC 19 Strength check at the
Magic Absorption beginning of each of its turns in an attempt to break free of
At 7th level, whenever you are targeted by a spell, you can its magical binding, or through the use of the spell dispel
make a Wisdom saving throw equal to 15 + the spell's level - magic.
your proficiency bonus. On a successful save, you absorb the Sigil of the Flame. The creature takes fire damage equal to
spell and are healed for an amount of hit points equal to your the demon hunter's level.
demon hunter level + the spell's level. Sigil of the Mage. The creature is affected by a random
You're able to use this ability an amount of times equal to effect from the Wild Magic table.
your Charisma modifier. Sigil of Silence. The creature is unable to speak or make a
verbal sound and is unable to make a verbal sound.
Chaos Beam Sigil of the Storm. The creature takes lightning damage
When you reach 12th level, when you are in your equal to half the demon hunter's level (rounded up), and is
Metomorphosis form, the damage dealt by your Eye Beams stunned until the end of its next turn.
attack increases by 1d10. Sigil of Thunder. The creature is deafened for one minute as
a loud thunderstrike rings out. All objects made of glass or
Improved Spellcasting ceramic within the affected area that are not being worn or
Starting at 15th level, you're able to innately cast the spells carried are shattered.
counterspell and darkness. Charisma is your spellcasting You're able to use this ability an amount of times equal to
ability for these spells. your Charisma modifier (minimum once).
Additionally, you're able to cast eldritch blast both as an
action and as a bonus action on the same turn. You're able to Destruction Beam
do this once per short or long rest. When you reach 12th level, when you are in your
Metomorphosis form, the damage dealt by your Eye Beams
Aura of the Nine Hells attack deals force damage instead of fire damage.
At 20th level, you cast a permanent aura that is connected to Additionally, whenever you target a Medium or larger
the very depths of Baator. Whenever a creature enters within structure, you blast a Small hole into it. If you target a Small
10 feet of the demon hunter, it must make a Constitution or Tiny object made of glass, wood, or stone, it shatters
saving thow, being unaffected on a successful save. On a immediately.
failed save, the creature takes 2d8 fire damage and must
make an additional Wisdom saving throw against the demon Demonic Spikes
hunter's Charisma score. On a failed save, the creature is Starting at 15th level, you gain a +4 bonus to your unarmored
frightened by the demon hunter for one minute. AC. Additionally, whenever a creature makes a melee attack
against you while you are within your Metamorphosis form,
Path of Vengeance they must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take
Demon hunters that take the Path of Vengeance have more piercing damage equal to half of your demon hunter level
chaotic fighting styles, throwing themselves recklessly into (rounded up).
the fray and breaking up enemy forces; they are capable of Seismic Slam
placing terrible curses upon a creature, and when they enter At 20th level, while your Metamorphosis form is active, you
their Metamorphosis form, they become a hulking can use your bonus action to launch into the air and slam
monstrosity covered in spines and armored plating. down into the ground at a point within 20 feet. All creatures
Attunement to Minauros within 15 feet of the impact must make a Dexterity saving
Beginning when you choose this path at 3rd level, whenever throw, with disadvantage if they are within 5 feet of you. A
you enter your Metamorphosis form, your Strength and creature takes 2d12 bludgeoning damage plus 2d4 thunder
Constitution scores gain an additional +2 bonus. damage and are knocked prone on a failed save, or take half
Additionally, when you initially enter your Metamorphosis damage and is pushed backwards up to 10 feet on a success.
form, you gain an additional 1d12 temporary hit points. The This ability has a recharge of 6; after using this ability, you
amount of temporary hit points increases at higher levels, have disadvantage on Dexterity checks until the start of your
adding an extral d12 at 8th (2d12) and 17th (3d12) level. next turn.

Your Quarry

espite the name of their profession, demon
hunters do not exclusively hunt demons; they
have a distaste for all fiendish kind - including
their progenitors, the devils of the Nine Hells -
as well as any destructive, magical creature that completely consuming
would dare to threaten the safety of their homes the creature's heart, your inner
and loved ones. Occasionally, the hunters will demons shall become far more empowered
take trophies from their hunts: the skin of a quasit turned into than before.
the leather wrappings of a sword handle; a horn from a If you successfully kill a fiend-type creature, you may spend
hamatula fashioned into the pointed blade of a stilleto a minute successfully carving out its heart. If you wish to eat
dagger; the shriveled paw of a dretch hung from one's neck as the heart, you must successfully perform a Constitution
a dark talisman; or the leathery wings of a cornugon sewed check that is equal to 20 - your demon hunter level as the vile
together to form a toughened cloak. flesh courses down your throat, wrenching your stomach. On
However, the most treasured trophies from their kills come a failed check, you take 2d4 poison damage and vomit up the
from within the fiends they hunt: their hearts. If a strong heart. On a success, you must make an additional Wisdom
enough demon hunter were to eat the heart of a slain devil or saving throw to prevent the soul of the monster from claiming
demon, they would be able to inherit a small portion of that you as its own; such a check is equal to 15 - your demon
creature's power. However, doing so would more often would hunter level + the monster's challenge rating. On a success,
increase the risk of the strength of such corrupting energies, you inherit one trait located in the Fiendish Absorption list.
risking the individual to become consumed by the forces it On a failed save, you lose control of your demon hunter for 1
has claimed; as such, the oldest and strongest of demon minute as it goes on a hellish rampage. At the end of this
hunters would be able to rival most of the baatezu that rampage, a d100 is rolled; on a or 100, the demon hunter is
populate the realm of Baator, and were considered enough of transformed into a random fiendish creature; the creature is
a threat as to attract the attention of the archdukes and a demon, devil, or yugoloth depending on the heart from the
archduchesses of the Nine Hells. original creature.
Some fiends might have multiple traits or may share a trait
Increasing Your Aresnal with other fiends. If you eat successfully eat and absorb the
Among your journies, you may come across an infernal heart of a fiend that has multiple traits more than once, you
creature that possesses foul energies and magics. Should you can gradually adopt all of the traits; if you eat the heart of a
ever find yourself capable enough to slay such a foe, you may fiend that shares the same trait with another fiend, you
have the chance to absorb its own soul into your own; by cannot adopt that same trait a second time.

Horned Visage (Path of Vengeance only). While their
Metomorphosis ability is active, the demon hunter can use
Fiendish Absorbtion the goristro's Gore action, with the change that it has a
The following list details the types of creatures that can have recharge of 6.
hearts successfully consumed by demon hunters, and the Hezrou
traits and abilities that can be added to the demon hunter's Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all
own arsenal on a successful absorption. If you come across a magical attacks.
fiend in your journeys that are not listed here, consult your Deadly Claws. The demon hunter's unarmed strikes deal an
DM to decide if their are traits that can be absorbed. additional 1d6 slashing damage.
Demons Poisonous Blood. The demon hunter has immunity to
poison damage.
The following list is the various traits and abilities that can be Manes
inherited from selected demons of the Infinite Layers of the
Abyss. Deadly Claws. The demon hunter's unarmed attacks deal an
additonal 1d6 slashing damage.
Babau Limited Linguistics. The demon hunter can understand
Draining Sight. The demon hunter adopts the babau's Abyssal, but can't speak it.
Weakening Gaze action, with the change that it has a Mariliths
recharge of 6 and the Constitution save DC equals that of Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all
the demon hunter's Wisdom score. magical attacks.
Heightened Senses. The demon hunter has advantage on Nimble Blades. The demon hunter inherits the marilith's
Wisdom (Perception) checks and has their darkvision Parry reaction.
increase by 15 feet. Quick Reflexes. The demon hunter inherits the marilith's
Balor Reactive trait.
Fiery Presence. The demon hunter inherits the balor's Fire Nalfeshnee
Aura trait, with the change that the damage dealt by the Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all
aura deals 6 (1d6 + 2) fire damage. magical attacks.
Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all Aura of Terror. The demon hunter inherits the nalfeshnee's
magical attacks. Horror Nimbus ability, with the change that it has a
Storming Blood. The demon hunter is immune to lightning recharge of 6, and the save DC is equal to the demon
damage. hunter's Wisdom score.
Barlgura Raven Wings. The demon has a flying speed of 15 feet; if
Bloodrage. Once per long rest, the demon hunter can go into they already have a flying speed, they gain an additional 10
a rage as if from the barbarian class at 6th-level. feet. The wings take on the appearance of that of a haggard
Dense Musculature. The demon hunter's Strength score raven's.
inceases by 2; this can surpass the maximum of 20. Quasit
Chasme Illusionist. The demon hunter is able to cast the spell alter
Insectoid Wings. The demon hunter has a flying speed of 20 self an amount of times per long rest equal to their
feet; if they already have a flying speed, they gain an Charisma modifier (minimum once).
additional 15 feet. The wings are divided into two pairs of Shadow Demon
fly wings. One with the Shadows. The demon hunter inherits the
Heightened Senses. The demon hunter has advantage on shadow demon's Shadow Stealth trait.
Wisdom (Perception) checks and has their darkvision Shadow Steps. The demon hunter inherits the shadow
increase by 15 feet. demon's Incorporeal Movement trait.
Dretch Shoosuva
Limited Telepathy. The demon hunter can telepathically Envenomate. The demon hunter's unarmed strikes deal an
speak in Abyssal to any creature within 30 feet. additional 1 poison damage, and requires a DC 12
Glabrezu Constitution save to prevent being paralyzed for 1 minute.
Inherited Magic. The demon hunter learns one of the A paralyzed creature can repeat the saving throw at the
following spells, being able to innately cast it once per long start of its turn, ending the condition on a successful save.
rest: confusion, darkness, detect magic, dispel magic, fly, or Tanarukk
power word stun. The demon hunter's spellcasting ability Dense Musculature. The demon hunter's Strength score
for these spells is Charisma. increases by 2; this can surpass the maximum of 20.
Goristro Inherited Aggression. The demon hunter gains the
City Destroyer. While their Metomorphosis ability is active, tanarukk's Unbridled Fury reaction.
the demon hunter deals double damage to objects and

Bearded Devil (Barbazu)
Vrock Heightened Sight. The demon hunter inherits the bearded
Vulture Wings. The demon hunter has a flying speed of 30 devil's Devil's Sight trait.
feet; if they already have a flying speed, they gain an Strong Will. The demon hunter has advantage on saving
additonal 20 feet. The wings take on the appearance of two throws against being charmed or frightened.
grizzly vulture wings.
Bone Devil (Osyluth)
Yochlol Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all
Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all magical attacks.
magical attacks. Bone Plates. While not wearing any armor, the demon
Illusionist. The demon hunter is able to cast the spell alter hunter gains a bonus to their AC equal to their Constitution
self an amount of times per long rest equal to their modifier (minimum +1).
Charisma modifier (minimum once). Heightened Sight. The demon hunter inherits the bone
Inherited Magic. The demon hunter learns one of the devil's Devil's Sight trait.
following spells, being able to innately cast it once per long Silver Tongue. The demon hunter is proficient in the
rest: detect thoughts or dominate person. The demon Charisma (Deception) skill, and can automatically succeed
hunter's spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma. a single Charisma check every long rest.
Spider Climb. The demon hunter can climb difficult
surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without Chain Devil (Kyton)
needing to make an ability check. Altered Nightmare. The demon hunter inherits the chain
devil's Unnerving Mask reaction, with the change that the
Devils save DC is equal to the demon hunter's Charisma score.
The following list is the various traits and abilities that can be Chained Weaponry. The demon hunter can use a chain as a
inherited from selected devils of Baator and the Nine Hells. normal weapon, rather than an improvised weapon. They
Along with the listed traits, the successful absorption of a are proficient with the chain, which has a range of up to 10
devil's heart can allow you to choose from the following traits: feet and has the versatility property. On a hit, it deals 1d8
(1d10) bludgeoning damage. If you make any modifications
Blood of the Nine Hells. The demon hunter has immunity to to the chain, it does not turn it into a modified weapon, and
fire damage. you gain additional benefits/damage from the weapon as
Unending Fighter. The demon hunter has resistance to appropriate to the specified alterations.
nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage Heightened Sight. The demon hunter inherits the chain
from attacks not made with silvered weapons. devil's Devil's Sight trait.
Barbed Devil (Hamatula) Erinyes
Heightened Sight. The demon hunter inherits the barbed Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all
devil's Devil's Sight trait. magical attacks.
Silver Tongue. The demon hunter is proficient in the Fallen Wings. The demon hunter has a flying speed of 30
Charisma (Deception) skill, and can automatically succeed feet; if they already have a flying speed, they gain an
a single Charisma check every long rest. additional 15 feet. The wing takes on the apperance of red
Thorned Skin. Whenever a creature makes a melee attack eagle wings that seem to be constantly shedding.
against the demon hunter, it must make a DC 14 Dexterity Magical Imbuement. The demon hunter can spend a long
saving throw, taking 3 (1d4) piercing damage on a failed rest to make one weapon that they are proficient with into
save. a magical weapon. If the demon hunter is 15th level or
higher, the weapon can also be imbued with a specific
magical damage type, dealing 14 (4d6) damage of that type
on a successful hit.
Horned Devil (Malebranche)
Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all
magical attacks.
Devil Wings. The demon hunter has a flying speed of 30
feet; if they already have a flying speed, they gain an
additional 15 feet. The wings take on the apperance of
large, batlike wings that are covered in a dark, scarred
Heightened Sight. The demon hunter inherit's the horned
devil's Devil's Sight trait.

Inherited Magic. The demon hunter learns one of the
Ice Devil (Gelugon) following spells, being able to innately cast it once per long
Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all rest: alter self, contact other plane, fire bolt, heat metal,
magical attacks. invisibility (self only), magic missile, or minor illusion. The
Fleet-Footed. The demon hunter's base speed increases by demon hunter's spellcasting ability for these spells is
10 feet. Charisma.
Phasing. The demon hunter inherits the arcanoloth's
Imp Teleport action.
Heightened Sight. The demon hunter inherits the imp's
Devil's Sight trait. Canoloth
Illusionist. The demon hunter is able to cast the spell alter Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to
self an amount of times per long rest equal to their magical attacks.
Charisma modifier (minimum once) Heightened Senses. The demon hunter inherits the
Toxic Strike. The demon hunter's unarmed strikes deal canoloth's Uncanny Senses trait.
poison damage equal to their Constitution modifier Magical Suppresion. The demon hunter inherits the
(minimum 1) and poisons the attacked creature until the canoloth's Dimension Lock trait, with the change that the
end of its next turn. range is 30 feet.
Lemure Dhergoloth
Heightened Sight. The demon hunter inherits the lemure's Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to
Devil's Sight trait. magical attacks.
Minor Rejuvination. At the start of the demon hunter's turn, Inherited Magic. The demon hunter learns one of the
they can make a DC 18 Constitution check. On a following spells, being able to innately cast it once per long
successful check, they are restored 1 hit point. rest: fear or sleep. The demon hunter's spellcasting ability
for these spells is Charisma.
Pit Fiend
Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all Hydroloth
magical attacks. Aquatic Evolution. The demon hunter can breathe air and
Fearful Presence. The demon hunter inherits the pit fiend's water, and has a swim speed equal to their base walking
Fear Aura trait, with the change that the save DC is equal speed.
to the demon hunter's Charisma score. Strengthened Mind. The demon hunter cannot be affected
Inherited Magic. The demon hunter learns one of the by spells or abilities that control the mind or affect memory
following spells, being able to innately cast it once per long or thinking.
rest: detect magic, fireball, hold monster, or wall of fire. Merrenoloth
The demon hunter's spellcasting ability for these spells is Increased Senses. The demon hunter has a blindsight of 30
Charisma. feet.
Heightened Sight. The demon hunter inherits the pit fiend's Inherited Magic. The demon hunter learns one of the
Devil's Sight trait. following spells, being able to innately cast it once per long
Unhindered Vision. The demon hunter's true sight from rest: charm person, control water, control weather, or gust
their Infernal Inheritance feature is extended to 60 feet, of wind. The demon hunter's spellcasting ability for these
and their darkvision is increased to 120 feet. spells is Charisma.
Spined Devil (Spinagon) Oinoloth
Heightened Sight. The demon hunter inherits the spined Perverse Restoration. The demon hunter inherits the
devil's Devil's Sight trait. oinoloth's Corrupted Healing action, with the change that it
Spined Defenses. The demon hunter inherits the spined can only use this ability once per short or long rest.
devil's Limited Spines trait and Tail Spine attack, with the Gripped. The demon hunter inherits the oinoloth's
change that their spines are located on their arms. Transfixing Gaze ability, with the change that it has a
Yugoloths recharge of 6.
The following list is the various traits and abilities that can be Mezzoloth
inherited from selected yugoloths, the mercenary-like Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all
creatures of Hades that have lended aid to both sides in the magical attacks.
Blood War. Along with the listed traits, the successful Inherited Magic. The demon hunter learns one of the
absorption of a yugoloth's heart can allow you to choose from following spells, beign able to innately cast it once per long
the following traits: rest: cloudkill or dispel magic. The demon hunter's
Blood of Hades. The demon hunter has immunity to acid spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma.
damage. Nycaloth
Heightened Perception. The demon hunter has advantage Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all
on all Wisdom (Perception) checks. magical attacks.
Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to
magical attacks.

Whenever you make a ranged attack with warglaives, you
Inherited Magic. The demon hunter learns one of the automatically catch a returning warglaive without needing to
following spells, being able to innately cast it once per long make Dexterity check.
rest: detect magic, dispel magic, or mirror image. The
demon hunter's spellcasting ability for these spells is Feat: Harbored Hatred
Charisma. Prerequisites: must be an elf (any subrace) and must have at
Tattered Wings. The demon hunter has a flying speed of 20 least one level in the demon hunter class
feet; if they already have a flying speed, they gain an You have advantage on all attacks against demons, and all
additional 10 feet. The wings take on the apperance of attacks made by demons against you deal less damage due to
tattered dragon-like wings. your persistence to see them dead. The amount of damage
Ultroloth decreased is equal to your demon hunter level.
Antimagic Soul. The demon hunter has resistance to all
magical attacks. Feat: Infernal Detonation
Inherited Magic. The demon hunter learns one of the Prerequisites: at least two levels in the demon hunter class
following spells, being able to innately cast it once per long When the demon hunter successfully uses their Bound to
rest: alter self, clairvoyance, detect thoughts, dimension the Nine Hells feature, they release an explosion of infernal
door, fear, mass suggestion, or suggestion. The demon energy. All creatures within 15 feet of the demon hunter must
hunter's spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma. make a Dexterity saving throw, with disadvantage if a
Windows to the Soul. The demon hunter inherits the creature is within 5 feet. A creature takes 1d4 force damage
ultroloth's Hypnotic Gaze attack, with the exception that it and 1d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
has a cooldown of one minute. success.
This feat cannot be earned if the demon hunter already has
Yagnoloth the Unleash Hell feat.
Inherited Magic. The demon hunter learns one of the
following spells, being able to innately cast it once per long Feat: Know Thy Enemy
rest: lightning bolt or suggestion. The demon hunter's Prerequisites: Intelligence 15, at least four levels in the
spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma. demon hunter class, and have consumed at least two fiend
Lightning Attunement. The demon hunter inherits the hearts
yagnoloth's Electrified Touch action.
Phasing. The demon hunter inherits the yagnoloth's Teleport
Silver Tongue. The demon hunter is proficient in the
Charisma (Deception) skill, and can automatically succeed
a single Charisma check every long rest.
Demon Hunter Feats
Due to their unique training and experiences, demon hunters
are able to adopt their own sets of feats that other classes are
unable to have. These feats may be earned instead of the
ability score increases allowed at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level; some feats have specific requirements to be met
before they can be earned.
Feat: Blood of the Hunter
Prerequisites: must be an elf (any subrace) and must have at
least one level in the demon hunter class
Your training was based off of your elven ancestry's
infamous fighting styles, many of which you've known since
birth. You gain health equal to your Charisma modifier per
level up, and you gain a +2 bonus to all attack and damage
rolls with melee attacks made with your warglaives.
Feat: Fiendish Tongue
Prerequisites: at least two levels in the demon hunter class,
and have consumed at least one fiend heart
You are able to read, write, speak, and understand Abyssal
and Infernal.
Feat: Glaive Master
Prerequisites: Dexterity score 15 or higher, and must have at
least three levels in the demon hunter class

Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) or Intelligence once was. The hellhound attacks all nearby creatures; attacks
(Nature) check on a fiend, you do so with advantage. against creatures allied to the demon hunter are made with
disadvantage. The hellhound disappears when the demon
Feat: Unleash Hell hunter returns.
Prerequisites: at least seven levels in the demon hunter class This feat cannot be earned if the demon hunter already has
When the demon hunter successfully uses their Bound to the Infernal Detonation feat.
the Nine Hells feature, a hellhound appears where their body

I do not own the rights to the demon hunter or its attributes. All of the content presented in this document are based entirely off of
the Demon Hunter hero class as is presented in the MMORPG World of Warcraft. All rights for the Demon Hunter, along with all
other related content, belong solely to Blizzard Entertainment. This document was not made for the intention of profit.
Art Credit
Aeladori, by Astri-Lohne:
Demon Hunter - To the End, by Kyle Punk Art:
Demon Hunter Crest:
Feljager, by Astri-Lohne:
Fel Scryer, by Astri-Lohne:
Homebrewery Stains:
Illidan Stormrage, by Blizzard Entertainment:
Night Elf Demon Hunter:
Outland Demon Hunter, by Blizzard Entertainment:

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