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Materia: Lengua Adicional al Español III Grupo: PR03AA Profesor: Emmanuel

Baeza Herrera

Fecha: ______________
Aciertos: 30=10
Nombre del Alumno: ________________________________
No. de Aciertos:
Autorización: ________________________
Director de Preparatoria
Calificación final:

 Lee con atención todo el examen antes de resolverlo.

 No utilices corrector, cuida tu ortografía.
 Queda estrictamente prohibido comunicarse con otro alumno durante el desarrollo del examen.
 El alumno sólo podrá presentar examen mostrando su credencial vigente al pasar lista.
 El alumno sólo podrá tener en su banca lápiz, pluma, goma y sacapuntas al momento de iniciar el examen.
 En caso de que se sorprenda a algún estudiante copiando, con acordeón y/o en actitud indebida se le retirará el examen y se
anulará (cero de calificación).
 Se prohíbe el uso de celulares, cámaras fotográficas, iPod, iPad, audífonos, etc. Cualquier aparato electrónico deberá
permanecer apagado y guardado.


A. Look at the picture on the right and complete the sentences (Simple Present or
Present Progressive).

1. This ______ Mark

a) are b) is c) am d) then
2. Mark _______ a shirt and shorts today.
a) is wear b) wearing c) wear d) is
3. He ______ an apple at the moment
a) is eating b) eat c) is eat d) eating
4. Mark ___________ fruits and vegetables.
a) liking b) is liking c) like d) likes
5. He _________ some every day.
a) eat b) eats c) eating d) is eating
6. Mark _________ that apples are good for his
a) is known b) knowing c) knows d) is

Universidad Tecnológica de México / Primer Examen Parcial / Lengua Adicional al Español III
B. Choose past simple or present perfect to complete the sentences below.

7.  _____ painting the bedroom yet?' 'Not yet. I'll finish it tomorrow.'
Have you finished Did you finish
8. I _____ much last year, but I´ve earned a lot this year
Haven’t earned Didn’t earn
9. _____ a holiday recently?
Did you have Have you had
10. We _____ last week. We have been here for 5 days
Arrived Have arrived
11. He _____ here for 30 years
Has worked Worked
12. He loves gardening. He _____ a gardener all his life
Was Has been

C. Choose past simple or present perfect for each gap below.

13. A. Mary isn’t here. She _____ to Egypt. B. I _____ to Egypt

a) has gone / have b) has gone/ have c) went/ have never d) go / have never go
never gone never been gone
14. I _____ my arm. I _____ it playing with my cousin.
a) ´ve broken/´ve b) ´ve broken/ broke c) broke/´ve broken d) broke / broke
15. _____ a ghost?
a) have you ever seen b) Did you ever see c) Have you ever see d) Do you ever see
16. A: I _____ to china this year. B: When _____ there
a) went / did you b) have been/ have c) was/have you gone d) have been/ did you
been you been go
17. I´m sure I _____ this man before
a) ´ve see b) saw c) ´ve seen d) have saw
18. A: How long _____ a teacher? B: I _____ teaching a long time ago
a) were/ started b) was / start c) have you been/ d) have you been/
have started started
19. _____ Titanic?
a) Have you seen b) You have seen c) Did you see d) You’ve seen
20. A: I _____ the keys. B: Where _____ them?
a) find/did you found b) have found/ did c) found/ have you d) found/ did you find
Universidad Tecnológica de México / Primer Examen Parcial / Lengua Adicional al Español III
you find found

D. Read the following article, answer true or false.

The arm of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is probably the most famous icon of the USA. It was built to celebrate the
end of slavery, and later became a symbol for freedom among immigrants. The statue depicts
Libertas, the Roman goddess of liberty. And the torch she carries high above her outstretched arm
represents a light that guides people along the path to freedom. Interestingly, however, Liberty
looks different from the way the designer first intended.

The idea for the statue came from a poet, Édouard de Laboulaye. When the American Civil war
ended, he wanted to commemorate the end of the slave trade with a gift. He and other people
who opposed slavery raised money and hired a sculptor, Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, to design the
statue. Bartholdi later employed the French engineer, Gustave Eiffel, to devise its structure. Eiffel,
who would subsequently build the famous tower in Paris, was already a well-known designer of
railway bridges. So he knew how to build robust structures that are flexible and safe in strong
winds. This feature was necessary because the winds in New York harbor are extremely strong.
Today, the top of her torch swings over 15cm when the wind is blowing at 50 miles per hour.

Eiffel designed the statue to be built around a massive metal skeleton, similar to the Eiffel tower.
Huge pieces of copper were fixed onto this to form its shape. Until recently, two copies of the
plans were believed to exist. But recently, a third copy was discovered, which revealed some
interesting information. In 2018, a map dealer bought some historic papers at an auction in Paris,
which included original plans, calculations, and drawings of the statue. At first, the documents
were too fragile to read. But after special treatment, the papers clearly showed that Eiffel’s plans
had been changed by Bartholdi with red ink. Liberty’s arm, which was thick and vertical in Eiffel’s
drawing, was adjusted to be slimmer, less upright, and generally more attractive than Eiffels’

The changes in the plans are dated July 28, 1882, after the construction of the tower had begun.
We don’t know what Eiffel thought of Bartholdi’s changes. By then, Eiffel was working on other
projects, and only his assistants were working with Bartholdi in New York. Maybe Bartholdi
thought he could make the changes because Eiffel was not there and would not complain.

However, the changes made the arm not only more attractive but also weaker, which has created
problems over the years. At first, visitors could climb a ladder to the torch in Liberty’s arm, but in
1916, there was an explosion on a nearby island. It damaged the statue and made it unsafe, and
the stairway to the torch has been closed ever since. During restoration work in the 1980s,
engineers noticed that the structure inside Liberty’s head, shoulders, and arm were different from
how they were shown on Eiffel’s plans. They thought that the builders had made mistakes, but

Universidad Tecnológica de México / Primer Examen Parcial / Lengua Adicional al Español III
some historians believed that Bartholdi had changed Eiffel’s design. The newly discovered papers
confirm those theories

21. The Statue of Liberty was constructed to welcome immigrants to the USA.

a)True b)False

22. Édouard de Laboulaye paid for the statue with his own money.

a)True b)False

23. Gustave Eiffel designed the Statue of Liberty before designing the Eiffel Tower.

a)True b)False

24. Eiffel failed to consider strong winds when designing the Eiffel Tower.

a)True b)False

25. Three known copies of Eiffel’s plans of the Statue of Liberty exist today.

a)True b)False

26. Eiffel planned for Liberty to hold her torch more vertically than it is today.

a)True b)False

27. Eiffel worked with Bartholdi on the construction of the Statue of Liberty.

a)True b)False

28. The new arm design is not as strong as Eiffel’s original design.

a)True b)False

29. People have not been allowed to climb the arm since 1916.

a)True b)False

30. In the 1980s, engineers noticed that the arm did not match Eiffel’s plans.

a)True b)False

Universidad Tecnológica de México / Primer Examen Parcial / Lengua Adicional al Español III

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