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The Neural Basis of Cognition

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Visual texture agnosia caused by bilateral

posterior cerebral artery stroke: a case study

Mamiko Sato, Yasutaka Kobayashi & Masahito Hitosugi

To cite this article: Mamiko Sato, Yasutaka Kobayashi & Masahito Hitosugi (2021): Visual texture
agnosia caused by bilateral posterior cerebral artery stroke: a case study, Neurocase, DOI:

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Published online: 14 Apr 2021.

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Visual texture agnosia caused by bilateral posterior cerebral artery stroke: a case
Mamiko Satoa, Yasutaka Kobayashib and Masahito Hitosugic
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Fukui General Hospital, Fukui, Japan; bGraduate School of Health Science, Fukui Health Science University,
Fukui, Japan; cDivision of Legal Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science, Shiga, Japan


A 57-year-old man presented with a bilateral posterior cerebral artery attack and was visually impaired. Received 15 October 2020
He had a hard time identifying familiar faces and shades. He also felt that the familiar building looked Accepted 23 March 2021
different, and complained that it was not possible to tell from visual information alone whether the food KEYWORDS
was cooked or the kimono fabric was soft.We assessed the patient’s visual function using real materials Visual texture agnosia;
and material images and was diagnosed with visual texture agnosia. There are few reports of visual bilateral posterior cerebral
texture agnosia, detailed evaluation is considered important because perceiving texture is important for artery; reversible cerebral
activities of daily living. vasoconstriction syndrome;
texton; real materials;
material images

Introduction analgesics. The patient had no family history of note. His occu­
pation was the manager of a kimono store. Diffusion-weighted
For visual object recognition, not only form and color but also
imaging (DWI) of head magnetic resonance imaging performed
surface characteristics, such as texture, are equally important. It
at the time of onset indicated a high-intensity region corre­
has become clear in recent years that form, color, and texture
sponding to the bilateral posterior cerebral artery region
are often discussed separately because it is now known that
(Figure 1(a)). Moreover, magnetic resonance angiography
each neural pathway is independent of the other. The texture
(MRA) showed narrowing of the bilateral posterior cerebral
of an object is important for identifying an object and knowing
arteries, wall irregularity, and poor visualization of the distal
its state; therefore, texture analysis is important for daily func­
region (P3 segment and beyond; Figure 1(b)). On day 7 of the
tions. For example, determining whether the material of an
patient’s hospital stay, the bilateral posterior cerebral arteries
object is wood or metal, whether the ground is wet or dry,
were well visualized to the periphery using MRA (Figure 1(c)).
whether food is still fresh, and whether meat products are
Based on the above course and the patient’s history of head­
completely cooked requires the individual to distinguish
ache, cerebral infarction was thought to be caused by reversi­
between textures. Textures are understood based on multiple
ble cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS). Consciousness
sensory modalities, such as tactile sense, visual sense, and
disturbance was abolished following conservative treatment,
auditory sense. Textures detected by each sensory modality
and the patient had no paralysis of the limbs or trunk. However,
are integrated by learning so that the textures can be inferred
due to the patient’s visual impairment, he required assistance
based on visual information only. A state in which textures can
to move about. He was transferred to our hospital for rehabili­
be recognized by information, such as hearing and touch, but
tation on hospital day 25.
cannot be recognized only by the visual information is called
On admission, the patient had a height of 188 cm,
visual texture agnosia. We report a case of bilateral posterior
a bodyweight of 76 kg, blood pressure of 114/77 mmHg, and
cerebral artery infarction that caused impairment of color and
heart rate of 66/min. There were no general physical findings.
texture perception despite preservation of form perception.
The patient was alert and did not have aphasia or apraxia. He
complained of visual impairment; the visual acuity in the
Materials and methods patient’s right and left eye were 20/500 and 20/333, respec­
tively. The visual field was maintained in the lower right quad­
A 57-year-old male patient was brought to Hospital A on
rant of both eyes. The percentage of correct answers in the
1 September 2018, due to experiencing a disturbance in con­
color vision test was low at 49%. His chief complaint was that all
sciousness at work. The patient was diagnosed with bilateral
his vision looked sepia. He could not understand the cooking
posterior cerebral artery stroke and admitted on the same day.
condition of food, the texture of the kimono, the warmth of
His past medical history included surgery for bladder cancer in
wood, and the skin color and luster of others. Thus, all the faces
1994 and untreated hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, and dia­
of others looked like mannequins.
betes since around 2013. Approximately 2 years earlier, the
However, except for visual disorders; cranial neuropathy,
patient began experiencing occasional severe headaches with
limb/trunk movement disorder, limb/trunk sensory disorder,
the subjective symptom of blurred vision, and he began taking

CONTACT Mamiko Sato Department of Rehabilitation, Fukui General Hospital, Egami Town, Fikui, Fukui 58-16-1, Japan
© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

distinguishing between black-navy blue and orange-red hues.

No abnormalities were noted regarding symbol recognition. In
visual space recognition and operation, there was an oversight
regarding the upper side in the line cancellation and number
reading. Concerning topographical orientation, the patient did
not understand the layout of his house or the hospital and
described familiar places in the hospital as if they were seen
for the first time every single time. Visual impairment, visual
field impairment, color blindness, memory impairment, atten­
tion disorder, facial agnosia, and landmark agnosia were noted
based on neurological findings and neuropsychological test
results. Moreover, since abnormalities in texture perception
were suspected based on subjective symptoms related to visual
perception, the following additional tests were performed.

Evaluation of texture recognition

Identification of texton: The evaluation was performed by
using textons proposed by Julesz (Julesz, 1981). As an ele­
mental evaluation of the texture, the task of finding one
Figure 1. Head magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiogra­
phy (MRA) at onset and on hospital day 7 (a) Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) texton difference was performed to recognize the qualitative
performed at the time of onset shows a bilateral posterior cerebral artery infarc­ difference of the texton (Figure 2(a)). Next, the possibility to
tion. (b) MRA performed at the time of onset showed stenosis and wall irregu­ discriminate whether the size of the region formed by the
larity in the bilateral posterior cerebral artery region and poor visualization of
blood vessels from P3. (c) MRA performed on hospital day 7 revealed that the difference in the texton was the same or different was eval­
bilateral posterior cerebral artery stenosis and wall irregularity had disappeared, uated (Figure 2(b)). Furthermore, as a control task, whether
and blood vessels were well visualized to the periphery. the difference in the size of the region due to the difference in
color could be discriminated was also evaluated (Figure 2(c)).
These evaluations were performed 20 times each in the
ataxia, deep tendon reflex abnormality, and autonomic neuro­ patient and five age-matched healthy subjects. The correct
pathy were not observed. response rate and mean reaction time were calculated. The
The scores for the neuropsychological tests were as follows. correct response rate was 100% by all patients in all the tasks,
The cutoff values for each test are shown in parentheses. In the but the mean time from task presentation to response was
evaluations done using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III longer than the five healthy subjects (Table 1). All reaction
(Fujita et al., 2007), verbal IQ score was 102, behavioral IQ 120, times for each evaluation task were plotted and compared
full-scale IQ 79, verbal comprehension 107, perceptual organi­ with the data of cases and five healthy subjects in a graph. In
zation 91, working memory 135, processing speed 78 (85 each). addition, 95% confidence intervals were inserted for each task
Using the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (Sugishita, 2007), (Figure 3).
verbal memory 86, visual memory 86, general memory 84,
attention/concentration 87, delayed memory 86 (85 each).
Identification of real materials
Using the the Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test (Watamori
et al., 2002) standardized profile 19 (16), screening 8 (7). Using Texture recognition was evaluated based on whether or not the
the Clinical Assessment for Attention (Japan Society for Higher material could be identified. It is known that the neural path­
Brain Dysfunction, 2008, the time periods required for the visual ways for discriminating and identifying the real material and
cancellation task was 120 s (71), and for the Position Stroop Test the image material are different from each other. Therefore, the
was 94 s (76). The achievement rate of the symbol digit mod­ real material and the image material were identified and eval­
alities test was 17.3% (50.9%), and the correct response rate of uated. Just as Suzuki conducted an inspection to identify mate­
the Position Stroop Test was below 96% (99.2%). The results for rials using nine real materials (Suzuki, 2015), this study also
the visual perception test for agnosia (Japan Society for Higher identified real materials in the same way. Nine different types
Brain Dysfunction, 2006) were as follows: Concerning basic of materials (i.e. wood, metal, glass, pottery, fur, leather, stone,
visual perception, the patient claimed that the scenery looked bark, and cloth) were partially presented through a 60 mm ×
like a black and white painting and did not appear realistic. 20 mm hole to block information regarding the shape of the
Also, the patient required time to visually identify the numbers. objects. The tasks were performed five times for each material.
In object/image recognition, the patient had trouble under­ The mean correct response rate was 40%, which was lower than
standing context picture and could classify pictures; however, the correct response rate of 81% among five age-matched
the classification process took time. Regarding face recognition, healthy subjects, and the decrease in the correct response
the patient made errors in recognizing familiar faces. In per­ rate was remarkable, especially regarding metal, glass, fur,
forming color recognition, the patient had difficulty leather, bark, and cloth (Table 2).

Figure 2. Identification of texton. (a) The task to search for one texton. (b) The task to discriminate the size of the area by texton. (c) The task to discriminate the size of
the area based on the difference in color.

Table 1. Identification of texton.

Patient Healthy controls
a. Search for one texton Correct response rate (%) 100 100
Mean reaction time (seconds) 1.55 0.79 ± 0.16
b. Determination of area by texton Correct response rate (%) 100 100
Mean reaction time (seconds) 2.03 1.34 ± 0.20
c. Determination of areas by color Correct response rate (%) 100 98
Mean reaction time (seconds) 1.65 1.04 ± 0.19

Identification of material images (as an identification task) were evaluated. Each task was performed
20 times. The correct response rate of the patient was 75% for
Using images (90 mm × 60 mm) of the same nine types of material,
discrimination and 25% for identification, which was lower than
the task of asking whether two material images of random combi­
the correct response rate of five age-matched healthy subjects
nation are of the same or different materials (as a discrimination
(93% and 99%, respectively). The mean time from task presenta­
task) and the task of identifying the material of the material image
tion to response was longer than five age-matched healthy

Figure 3. Reaction times for tasks using texton. (a) The task to search for one texton. (b) The task to determine area by texton. (c) The task to determine area by color.

Table 2. Identification of real materials.

Wood Metal Glass Pottery Fur Leather Stone Bark Cloth Mean
Examples of incorrect response Paper Mirror Aluminum Paper Cloth Plastic Pottery Paper Paper
Plastic Iron Cotton Kelp Wood
Patients’ correct response rate 60% 20% 40% 80% 20% 40% 60% 0% 40% 40%
Healthy controls’ correct response rate 96% 80% 84% 84% 96% 52% 100% 56% 84% 81%

Table 3. Identification of material images.

Patient Healthy controls
a. Discrimination of materials Correct response rate (%) 75 93
Mean reaction time (seconds) 2.5 1.59 ± 0.57
b. Identification of materials Correct response rate (%) 25 99
Mean reaction time (seconds) 3.15 1.44 ± 0.59

controls (Table 3.). All the reaction times for each evaluation task Visual information first reaches the primary visual cortex
were plotted and the data was compared for cases and five healthy on the medial side of the occipital lobe from the retina, and
subjects on a graph. In addition, 95% confidence intervals was enters via dorsal and ventral streams (Goodale & Milner,
inserted for each (Figure 4). 1992). In particular, the ventral stream is a route for recog­
Visual texture agnosia was diagnosed in the patient based nizing an object based on shape, color, and texture. When
on the results of the aforementioned examinations. Following the ventral stream is impaired, the following conditions may
hospital transfer, the patient’s vision gradually improved. On develop: visual agnosia, in which an object cannot be identi­
hospital day 40, he could move independently within the ward. fied based on the shape (Lissauer, 1890); color blindness, in
On hospital day 60, oculomotor trainings and visual cognitive which the color cannot be determined (Tranel, 2001); and
training using a computer and screen were initiated. On visual texture agnosia, in which the material cannot be iden­
hospital day 90, the patient’s prosopagnosia and memory dis­ tified from the texture (Suzuki, 2015). Furthermore, it has
order had mostly disappeared, and he was discharged. been suggested that shape, color, and texture do not inter­
However, the patient’s visual field disorder, blue–orange dis­ fere with each other and are processed by different neural
crimination disorder, visual texture agnosia, and landmark pathways (Cant et al., 2008); however, these pathways work
agnosia persisted. These symptoms, as well as the patient’s complementarily during the visual recognition of an object.
discomfort because familiar buildings near his house looked Recent studies using neuroimaging methods have shown
similar, prompted the decision to give him a navigation map. that the relevant active parts slightly differ depending on
The patient could subsequently go outdoors and returned to which visual characteristic of the object is focused upon.
work after 120 days. For example, it has been demonstrated that the lateral sur­
face of the occipital lobe is activated when focusing on
geometric features and the medial surface of the occipital
Discussion lobe is activated when focusing on surface features (Cant &
Goodale, 2007). Visual target recognition is analyzed using
The present case was characterized by bilateral posterior cere­
shape, color, and texture. The responsible lesions are related
bral artery stroke associated with RCVS, which caused visual
to the lateral occipital region for shapes, the lingual gyrus to
cognitive dysfunction, visual field and color blindness, visual
collateral fissure region for color, and the posterior region of
texture agnosia, prosopagnosia, and scene agnosia.
the collateral fissure for texture (Cavina-Pratesi et al., 2010a).

Figure 4. Reaction time for evaluation tasks. (a) The task to discriminate material images. (b) The task to identify material images.

Poor visual texture recognition has been clinically reported visual perception assessments do not include items related to
in patients with lesions of the occipitotemporal cortex caused texture perception, and visual texture agnosia is likely to be
by cerebral infarction, traumatic brain injury, encephalitis, or overlooked. In this case, always being aware of the texture of
other pathological conditions (Cavina-Pratesi et al., 2010a; the kimono at work is important because the patient was highly
Suzuki, 2015; Suzuki et al., 2000; Suzuki & Uno, 2012; Vaina, sensitive to the texture even before the onset of the stroke.
1990). Texture agnosia has not received much clinical attention A detailed introspection-based appeal of his eyesight during
so far. However, reporting cases of texture agnosia will be rehabilitation led to the diagnosis. The texture is an important
important now that the neural basis of texture has begun to source of information in everyday life, and visual texture agno­
be elucidated. Furthermore, studies in recent years on visual sia may interfere with social life, but it is often difficult to notice
agnosia of dementia with visual cognitive impairment, such as the symptoms. Therefore, evaluation for texture agnosia should
Lewy body dementias and Alzheimer’s disease, have been be performed in cases with visual perception impairment.
reported (Oishi et al., 2018, 2020). Connecting it with rehabilitation, such as making patients
The present case had a widespread lesion in the bilateral aware of using other sensory modalities is necessary if abnorm­
occipital and temporal lobes including the bilateral collateral alities are found in the evaluation.
fissure, fusiform gyrus, lingual gyrus, and the parahippocampal
gyrus. Similar to Cavina-Pratesi’s case and Suzuki’s case A,
shape perception was retained and color and texture percep­ Disclosure of interest
tion were impaired (Cavina-Pratesi et al., 2010b; Suzuki, 2015).
No potential competing interest was reported by the authors.
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of shape and texture were impaired (Vaina, 1990). Also, in
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