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ME 525: Combustion

Lecture 9: Mass and Species Conservation

• Rudiments of Mass Transfer

• Some Applications of Mass Transfer
• Mass Conservation for Reacting Flows
• Species Conservation for Reacting Flows
Molecular Basis for Diffusion
Fuel and oxygen must diffuse into each other before they can react. Products must
diffuse away from flame before reaction can proceed. Reactive species/radicals must
diffuse into mixture
 8k BT  2 " 1  nA 
v   ;ZA  v
  mA  4  Vtot 
1 2
 ; a    x / 2
 ntot  2 3
2   
V 

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Molecular Basis for Diffusion
mA  mA  x  mA  x  Z A x  a mA  Z A x  a mA
  v (YA, x  a  YA, x  a );
  mtot / Vtot ; YA  nA mA / mtot
   DAB
DAB  v  / 3  v x / 2
2  kB T  T3
  3  ;
3   mA   P

DAB  T 3/2
P ;  DAB  T
1 1/2

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Fick’s Law of Diffusion
• Binary diffusion, Fick’s law on mass basis:
𝑚″𝐴 = 𝑌𝐴 (𝑚″𝐴 + 𝑚″ 𝐵 ) − 𝜌𝐷𝐴𝐵 𝛻𝑌𝐴
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 flow 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 flow of species A 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 flow of species A
of species A 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 with bulk associated with molecular
per unit area flow per unit area diffusion per unit area

YA:Mass fraction of A; DAB:Binary diffusivity[m2/s]; ρ: Mixture mass density

• Binary diffusion, Fick’s law on molar basis:
𝑁 ″𝐴 = 𝜒𝐴 𝑁 ″𝐴 + 𝑁 ″ 𝐵 − 𝑐𝐷𝐴𝐵 𝛻𝜒𝐴

N  A : Molar flux [kmol/m -s]


𝜒𝐴 : Mole fraction of A
c : Mixture molar concentration [kmol/m3]

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Mass Transfer Rate Laws
A B Note that the magnitude of
Yi gradient adjusts to balance
the magnitude of diffusivity.
mA  mYA   DAB DAB  DBA
mB  mYB   DBA
dx x
m  mA  mB
 m(YA  YB )   DAB   DBA
dx dx
 DAB    DBA
dx dx
School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
Some Applications of Mass Transfer
Gas B Gas B
+ Vapor A
mB  mYB   DBA 0
dx x=0
 m  mA
Liquid A
dYA dY
mA  mYA   DAB  mAYA   DAB A
dx dx
mA (1  YA )    DAB A
 (mA /  DAB ) x   ln(1  YA )  C
 DAB 1  YA, L  Psat MWA
mA  ln   ; YA,0 
L  1  YA,0  P MWmix
YA, L  YA,0 ;0  YA,0  1; YB ,0  1  YA,0

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Example Problem
• Consider liquid n-hexane in a 50-mm-diameter graduated cylinder. The
distance from the liq.-gas interface to the top of the cylinder is 20 cm.
The steady-state n-hexane evaporation rate is 8.2 X10-8kg/s and the n-
hexane mass fraction at the liquid-air interface is 0.482. The diffusivity of
n-hexane in air is 8.0X10-4 m2/s.
(a) Determine the mass flux of n-hexane vapor. Give units.
(b) Determine the bulk flux of n-hexane vapor, i.e. that portion associated
with the bulk flow, at the liq.-gas interface.
(c) Determine the diffusional flux of n-hexane vapor at the liq.-gas interface

Air Air
YC6H14 = YC6H14 (20) Vapor C6H14

x=0, YC6H14 =0.482

mC6 H14  8.2 X 108 kg / s

Liquid C6H14

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Example Problem
• Consider liquid n-hexane in a 50-mm-diameter graduated cylinder. The
distance from the liq.-gas interface to the top of the cylinder is 20 cm.
The steady-state n-hexane evaporation rate is 8.2 X10-8kg/s and the n-
hexane mass fraction at the liquid-air interface is 0.482. The diffusivity of
n-hexane in air is 8.0X10-4 m2/s.
(a) Determine the mass flux of n-hexane vapor. Give units.
(b) Determine the bulk flux of n-hexane vapor, i.e. that portion associated
with the bulk flow, at the liq.-gas interface.
(c) Determine the diffusional flux of n-hexane vapor at the liq.-gas interface
𝑚 8.2𝑋10 −8
″ 𝐶6 𝐻14
Liquid mass flux 𝑚 𝐶6𝐻14 = =
𝜋 𝐷2 4 𝜋 0.05 2 4
supplied: = 4.176X10−5 𝑘 𝑔 𝑠 − 𝑚2

Advection (Bulk) vapor mass flux at surface

= mC6 H14 *YC6 H14
= 4.176X10 X0.482
= 2.013X10-5kg/s-m2

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Example Problem
𝑑𝑌𝐶6 𝐻14
Diffusional mass flux at surface = -ρD
(Apply Fick’s law)
Conservation of mass at surface,
dYC6 H14
 D  mC6 H14  mC6 H14 * YC6 H14
= (1-0.482)*4.176X10−5 𝑘 𝑔 𝑠 − 𝑚2
= 2.163*10-5 𝑘 𝑔 𝑠 − 𝑚2

Air Air
YC6H14 = YC6H14 (20) Vapor C6H14
𝑚″ 𝐶6 𝐻14 =4.176X10−5 𝑘𝑔 𝑠−𝑚2
x=0, YC6H14 =0.482
𝑚″ 𝐶6 𝐻14,adv =2.013X10−5 𝑘 𝑔 𝑠−𝑚2
𝐶6 𝐻14,𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓 =2.163X10−5𝑘𝑔 𝑠−𝑚2
Liquid C6H14

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Some Applications of Mass Transfer
Gas B Gas B
dYA + Vapor A
m  mA  mYA   DAB x=L
 4.176 X 105 [kg / m 2  s] x=0

 mAYA surface   DAB Liquid A
dx surface

 2.013 X 105  2.163 X 105 [kg / m 2  s]

mB  mYB   DBA 0
 m(1  YA ) surface  4.176 X 105 (0.518)
  DBA =2.163X10 5 kg / m 2  s
dx surface

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Mass Conservation for Reacting Flows with Spatial Gradients
 (mx  mx x )  (m y  m y y )  (mz  mz z )
d xyz
 (  vx x yz   vx x x yz ) 
(  v y z x   v y z x) 
y y y

(  vz z xy   vz z z
xy ) 
Divide by the small volume xy z and take limits as the small volume tends to 0
  vx  v y  vz
  
t x y z
Similar derivations can be performed in the
cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems
 1   r  vr  1  (  v sin  ) 1  v

  
t r 2 r r sin   r sin  
    vx  1  (r  vr ) 1  (r  v )
   2
t x r r r 
School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
Species Conservation for Reacting Flows with Spatial
Net Velocity
& components
Convection/Advection Diffusion Velocity
Velocity & components

& components

 (Yi m) x  (Yi m) x x  (Yi m) y  (Yi m) y y  (Yi m) z  (Yi m) z z  mi

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Species Conservation for Reacting Flows with Spatial

d Yi xyz
 mi ( Yi (vx  vi ,diff , x )  Yi (vx  vi ,diff , x ) )yz 
dt x x x

( Yi (v y  vi ,diff , y )  Yi (v y  vi ,diff , y ) )z x 

y y y

( Yi (vz  vi ,diff , z )  Yi (vz  vi ,diff , z ) )xy

z z z

Divide by the small volume xy z and take

limits as the small volume tends to 0

Yi  v jYi  Y
   Dim i  mi
t x j x j x j

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Example Problem: One Dimensional Advection-Diffusion
Consider a one dimensional steady flow of a fuel air mixture from a burner into a
quiescent oxidizer that diffuses into the fuel in a one dimensional manner. The fuel
mixes with the oxidizer but does not react. Write the species conservation equations
for the fuel and oxidizer and seek solutions with appropriate assumptions and with the
boundary conditions: YF=YFo and YO=YOo, x=0 and YF=0 and YO2=YO2L, x=L.

Yi  v jYi  Yi

   Dim  mi
t x j x j x j
Steady State No reaction

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Example Problem: One Dimensional Advection-Diffusion
YF ,0 Large velocity, small K
d  uYF d dY d u
  D F ;  D  const., 0
dx dx dx dx
dYF d 2YF dYF d 2YF
 u  D 2  K
dx dx dx dx 2
( D 2  D)YF  0  YF  C1e(0) x  C2e( x / K )
YF ,0  C1  C2 ; YF , L  C1  C2e( L / K )
YF ,0  YF , L YF ,0  YF , L YF , L  YF ,0 e( L / K ) YF , L
C2  ; C1  YF ,0   Small velocity, large K
1 e ( L/ K )
1 e (L/ K )
1  e( L / K )
(YF , L  YF ,0 e( L / K ) )  (YF ,0  YF , L )e( x / K ) YF ,0 (e L / K  e x / K )
YF  
1  e( L / K ) (e L / K  1)
Note :0  x  L; YF  0;(e L / K  1)  0

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

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