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NCVPS Honors Chemistry

Module 2 Lesson 1

Slide 3 – What are the two main regions in an atom? What is the purpose of
energy level contains the electrons, and the nucleus which contains the
protons and neutrons

Slide 4 – What are the three main subatomic particles? How are they similar?
How are they different from each other? protons, electrons, and neutrons.
They are similar because they are all a particle of a cell, they are also
different because they are located in different parts.

Slide 6 – What identifies which element an atom represents? What is the atomic
number? a specific number of protons identifies which element the atom
represents, the atomic number is that specific number.

Slide 7 – How is the nucleus important to the atom? it contains the atomic

Slide 8 – How can you differentiate between average atomic mass and a specific
isotope mass? each isotope's mass in AMUs and each isotope's relative

Slide 9 – Write and explain the formula for average atomic mass. Average
atomic mass = f1M1 + f2M2 +... + fnM where f is the fraction
representing the natural abundance of the isotope and M is the mass
number (weight) of the isotope.

Slide 10 – What are the components of atomic shorthand? mass number 39

atomic number 19, element symbol k

Slide 11 – What does each part of U-235 represent? U- symbol, 235-mass


Slide 12 – How can you use the atomic number and atomic mass to find the
number of protons, neutrons, and electrons? How will the charge affect the
number of electrons? subtract the atomic number from the mass number

Slide 13 – What is an isotope? an atom that has one or more forms

NCVPS Honors Chemistry
Module 2 Lesson 2

Slide 3 – What did Bohr’s model indicate? (Note – this diagram is found on your
reference tables.) electrons travel in defined circular orbits around the

Slide 4 – What is an electron transition? How is it indicated on the diagram? An

electron transition is when an electron goes from one energy level to
another. It is indicated by arrows and dots on the diagram.

Slide 5 – How can you determine where the wavelength released from a
transition will fall in the electromagnetic spectrum? You can change the
wavelength into scientific notation and the electromagnetic spectrum
will then tell you where it falls.

Slide 6 – What happens when an electron falls to a ground state? A red photon
of light is emitted

Slide 7 – How is a photon of light released? An excited lithium atom

emitting a photon of red light to drop to a lower energy state. The
excited atoms release energy by emitting photons.

Slide 9 – How is the color of the photon of light determined? It is based on the
amount of energy that is absorbed.

Slide 10 – What is the probability model? It states that the electrons are
located at energy levels best described as regions of high probability. It
describes the cloud-like area where it is most likely for an electron to
be found.

Slide 11 – How are light, energy, and heat related? Things like the sun, a
light bulb, and fire all transmit light. From these sources energy is
transferred, mainly as heat. This light is called electromagnetic
radiation and the range of light is called the electromagnetic spectrum.

Slide 12 – Explain the “duality” of light. Light travels as waves, but carries
packets of energy called photons so "duality" or "dual nature" is used
to describe light.

Slide 13 – What is the particle-wave nature of light? It means that electrons

behave like matter and energy at the same time.
Slide 14 – In the electromagnetic spectrum, what are the lowest energy waves?
The highest? lowest- radio waves, highest- gamma rays

Slide 15 – What characteristic of EM waves does the seagull illustration

demonstrate? EM waves are transverse waves that cause the medium to
move up and down. So the seagull moves up and down with the waves,
but does not move forward.

Slide 16 – What is a wavelength? What symbol represents a wavelength? A

wavelength is measured from the crest of one wave to the crest of
another wave. An upside down y represents wavelength. The
wavelength can tell a chemist the energy and the frequency of the light

Slide 17 – What is wave frequency? How is it related to wavelength? Wave

frequency (the "speed" of the wave) is how much a wavelength occurs.
They are indirectly or oppositely related.

Slide 18 – True/False Light travels as a wave and a particle. Explain your answer.
Yes, because light can travel as a wave and as a stream of photons
(packets of energy).

Slide 19 and 20 – How do wavelength, frequency, and energy relate to each

other? The smaller the wavelength the larger the frequency and the
energy of the wave. The larger the wavelength the lower the frequency
and energy of the wave

Slide 21 – What forms the emission spectrum of an atom? The spectrum of

light is released from excited atoms of an element. Electrons must
absorb energy to "jump" to higher energy states (nucleus is +,
attracting/pulling on e-s); when they fall back to lower energy levels
they release the exact amount of energy they absorbed (photon),
resulting in the colors of light.

Slide 22 – How is the transition of an atom endothermic? Exothermic?

Endothermic- absorbs/requires input of energy, energy "enters" the
system. Exothermic- releases/emits/produces energy, energy output
or "exits" system.
Module Two Lesson Three

A. Atomic orbital-
1. A region in space where there is a high probability of finding an

B. Energy Levels of electrons (n)

1. Indicates the distance of the energy level from the nucleus

2. Values of n are positive integers

a. n=1 is closest to the nucleus, and equal in energy.

3. The number of orbitals possible per energy level (or "shell") is equal
to n2

C. Energy Sublevels

1. Indicates the shape of the orbital

2. Number of orbital shapes allowed in an energy level = n 

​ a. Shapes in the first four shells are designated with

letters s, p, d, and i

Energy levels Sublevels Number of Number of Number of

(n) (s) orbital per electrons per electrons per
sublevel sublevel main energy
(n2) level (2n2)
1 s 1 2 2
2 s 1 2 8
p 3 6
3 s 1 2 18
p 3 6
d 5 10
4 s 1 2 32
p 3 6
d 5 10
f 7 14

D. Electron Spin
1. A single orbital can contain only 2 electrons, which must have opposite

2. Two possible values for spin, +1/2 = ↑, -1/2 = ↓

II. Electron Arrangement in Atoms

I. Writing Electrons Configurations

A. Rules

1. Aufbau Principle

a. An electron occupies the lowest-energy orbital that can

receive it

2. Pauli Exclusion Principle

a. No two electrons in the same atom can have the same set of
four quantum numbers

3. Hund's Rule

a. Orbitals of equal energy are each occupied by one electron

before a second electron occupies any orbital, and all electrons in
singly occupied orbitals must have the same spin

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑↓ ↑ ↑
2p 2p 2p
B. Orbital Notation

1. Unoccupied orbitals are represented by a line, labeled with the

principle quantum number and the sublevel letter

a. Lines are labeled with the principal quantum number and

the sublevel letter

2. Arrows are used to represent electrons

a. Arrows pointing up and down represent opposite spins

C. Electron Configuration Notation

1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p 6s 4f 5d 6p 7s 5f 6d


1. Locate the element whose electron configuration you wish to write in

the periodic table.

2. Fill orbitals in the proper order with electrons.

3. Check that the total number of electrons in the electron configuration

equals the atomic number.


1. The number of electrons in a sublevel is indicated by

adding a superscript to the sublevel designation

i. Hydrogen = 1s1
ii. Helium = 1s2
iii. Lithium = 1s2 2s1
iv. Potassium = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s3 3p6 4s1

D. Shorthand Notation /Nobel Gas Configuration

a. The beta symbol is substituted in for the electron configuration of the
previous elements in its row.
b. After the alpha the outermost electrons are written in regular electron
i. Li = [He] 2s
2 3
ii. B = [He] 2s 2p
iii. Mg = [Ne] 3s
2 6
iv. Ar = [Ne] 3s 3p

Module Two Lesson Four

I. Radioactivity

A. Radioactive Decay

1. The spontaneous disintegration of a nucleus into a a

slightly lighter and more stable nucleus, accompanied by
emission of particles, electromagnetic radiation, or both

B. Nuclear Radiation

1. Particles or electromagnetic radiation emitted from

the nucleus during radioactive decay

C. Unstable Nuclides

1. All nuclides beyond atomic number 83 are unstable

and radioactive
II. Types of Radioactive Decay

A. Alpha Emission

1. Alpha particle (α) is a helium nucleus ( 42He ), and

has a 2+ charge. Ex:Alpha particle, positively charged
particle, identical to the nucleus of the helium-4 atom,
spontaneously emitted by some radioactive substances,

2. Alpha emission reduces the mass of an atom by 4

amu’s and the atomic number by 2.

B. Beta Emission

1. Beta particle (β) is an electron emitted from the

nucleus during nuclear decay ex:The decay of
technetium-99, which has too many neutrons to be stable

2. Beta particles are emitted when a neutron is

converted into a proton and an electron ex:The
decay of technetium-99, which has too many neutrons to be

C. Gamma Emission
1. Gamma rays (γ) are high-energy waves emitted
from a nucleus.
2. Gamma emission usually follows alpha and beta

D. Penetrating Ability of Radiation

1. Alpha Particles

a. Least penetrating ability due to large mass and


b. Cannot penetrate skin

c. Can cause harm through exposure to internal

organs or indigestion

2. Beta Particles
a. More penetrating than alpha

b. Travels almost as fast as light

c. Penetrating ability about 100 times greater than

that of alpha particles.

d. Travel only a few centimeters through air

3. Gamma Rays

a. Greatest penetrating ability.

b. Protection requires shielding with thick layers of


c. No mass or charge

Alpha Beta Gamma

Least harmful Most harmful

I. Nuclear Stability and Decay

A. Neutron-to-proton ratio determines the type of decay

that occurs

1. Band of Stability
II. Half-Life

A. Half-Life (t1/2)

A = A0 (1/2)n
● A = the amount of sample remaining
● A o = Original mass
● n = number of half lives past
● where n = T/t
● n can be calculated by taking the total time (T) divided by
the length of the half life (t)

1. The time required for half the atoms of a radioactive

nuclide to decay.

a. More stable nuclides decay slower

b. Less stable nuclides decay faster

III. Transmutation Reactions

A. Transmutations

1. A change in the identity of a nucleus as a result of a

change in the number of its protons

B. Nuclear Reaction

1. A reaction that affects the nucleus of an atom

2. Small amounts of mass are converted to large

amounts of energy

a. E = mc2

C. Balancing Nuclear Reactions

1. Total atomic numbers and mass numbers must be

equal on both sides
I. Nuclear Fission

A. Nuclear Fission

1. A very heavy nucleus splits into more stable nuclei of

intermediate mass

2. The mass of the products is less than the mass of the

reactants. Missing mass is converted to energy

a. Small amounts of missing mass are converted to

HUGE amounts of energy (E = mc2)

3. Used as a source to heat water to produce steam to

produce electricity.

B. Nuclear Chain Reaction 

1. A reaction in which the material that starts the

reaction is also one of the products and can start
another reaction

C. Critical Mass

1. The minimum amount of nuclide that provides the

number of neutrons needed to sustain a chain reaction
II. Nuclear Fusion

A. Nuclear Fusion

1. Light-mass nuclei combine to form a heavier, more

stable nucleus

B. Fusion Reactions

1. More energetic than reactions.

2. Source of energy for the hydrogen bond.

3. Could produce energy for human use if a way can be found

to contain the reaction.
Science Journal #1

1. What are some characteristics of the "space" inside an atom? Most of the
atom is empty space. The rest consists of a positively charged nucleus of
protons and neutrons surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged
electrons. The nucleus is small and dense compared with the electrons,
which are the lightest charged particles in nature.

2. If an atom is mostly empty space, what keeps other matter from moving
through the space inside an atom? Atoms are surrounded by electrons which
repel each other and move around. This repulsion stops you from falling
through the floor.

3. To get an idea of the size of the parts of an atom, including the nucleus and
the amount of space, the video segment compares a courtyard at Cambridge
University and a bit smaller than a grain of sand. Think of another comparison
that uses places or objects that are familiar to you. My mom's house, and the

Science Journal #2
Science Journal #3

1. Describe the relationship between wavelength and frequency as you move

through all parts of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The relationship among the
speed of propagation, wavelength, and frequency for any wave is given by
vW = fλ, so that for electromagnetic waves, c = fλ, where f is the frequency,
λ is the wavelength, and c is the speed of light.

2. Describe the relationship between frequency and energy as you move

through all parts of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The amount of energy they
carry is related to their frequency and their amplitude. The higher the
frequency, the more energy, and the higher the amplitude, the more energy.

Science Journal #4

1. Explain the Bohr Model and how electron transitions release and absorb
energy. Your reflection should be at least two sentences in length. Bohr's model
explains the spectral lines of the hydrogen atomic emission spectrum.
While the electron of the atom remains in the ground state, its energy is
unchanged. The change in energy, ΔE, then translates to light of a
particular frequency being emitted according to the equation E = hv.

Science Journal #5

i did ok on it

Science Journal #6

Atomic# Electron Configuration

H 1 1s1

He 2 1s2

Li 3 1s2 2s1
Be 4 1s2 2s2

B 5 1s2 2s2 2p1

C 6 1s2 2s2 2p2

N 7 1s2 2s2 2p3

O 8 1s2 2s2 2p4

F 9 1s2 2s2 2p5

Ne 10 1s2 2s2 2p6

Na 11 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

Mg 12 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2

Science Journal #6

I got most of them correct. There were a few that I got incorrect, but those
were the ones that had the positron emissions. Other than that i got a
pretty good amount right.

Science Journal #7

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