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Mario A.

Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681


1993 - 1997 Harvard University Cambridge, Massachussetts

• Counseling and Consulting Psychology
• 3.80 Grade Point Average
1993 - 1994 Harvard University Cambridge, Mass.
• Counseling and Consulting Psychology
• 3.80 Grade Point Average
1980 - 1981 The Merrill Palmer Detroit, Michigan
• Clinical Psychology
• 4.00 Grade Point Average
1976 - 1980 University of Puerto Mayagüez, PR
• Psychology
• 4.00 Grade Point Average


2003 - 2008 University of Puerto Mayagüez

Associate Dean for Assessement Rico at Mayagüez
and Learning Technologies

1987 - Present University of Puerto Mayagüez

Professor of Psychology Rico at Mayagüez

2003 - 2008 University of Puerto Mayagüez

Director Institute for the Rico at Mayagüez
Development of Online Learning
and Teaching

2000 - Present University of Puerto Mayagüez

Coordinator of the Center for Rico at Mayagüez
Internet Enhanced Education


• Abnormal Psychology
• Counseling Psychology
• Introduction to Psychology
• Developmental Psychology
• Educational Psychology
• Research Methods in Psychology
• Group Counseling
• Folk Healing Systems
• Theories of Personality
• Psychological Testing
• Careers In Psychology
• The Psychology of Carl Jung
• The Psychology of Cyberspace
• Qualitative Research in Psychology



• Presidential Fellowship from the University of Puerto Rico

• U.S.A. Department of Mental Health Fellowship
• National Hispanic Scholarship
• American Psychological Association Fellowship for Minority Students
• Selected to participate in a two months seminar sponsored by the National
Endowment for the Humanities about "Freud and Jung on Religion". (1991)
• Selected to participate in the "Latino Research Issues Workshop" (one month) held at
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, sponsored by the Social Science Research
Council. (1992)
• Selected to participate in the Comparative Anthropological Research workshop held at
the University of California, Irvine, sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
• Visiting scholar, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1993).


• 2003-2007: Multidisciplinary Research and Education in Digital Governments as a

Catalyst for Effective Information Technology Transfer to Regional Governments
($400,000) (Bienvenido Vélez, PI)

• 2002-2006: Development of online learning modules in HIV/AIDS for health

professionals in Puerto Rico, Florida Caribbean Aids Educational Training Center.

• 2002: Faculty satisfaction with WebCT. Research supported by Center for Research
and Development of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR.

• 2002: The development of an online course: Folk Healing Systems. Research

supported by Hispanic Educational Telecommunications System.

• 2002. Online bibliography of psycho-social research done in Puerto Rico.

• 2000: Web based education: A new teaching paradigm. Research supported by the
Central Administration of the University of Puerto Rico.

• 1999: Developments of learning environments in the Internet. Research supported by

the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.
• 1997-98: Folk Healing Systems: A Puerto Rican Perspective (Electronic Textbook :

• 1996: The influence Meister Eckhard's theology on Carl Jung's psychology of religion.
Research supported by the Office of Research and External Resources, University of
Puerto Rico, Mayagüez.

• 1995: The personality of the spiritist healer according to the 16PF. Research supported
by the Office of Research and External Resources, University of Puerto Rico at

• 1994: Revision of the Bibliography of Psycho- social Research in Puerto Rico. Research
supported by the Office of Research and External Resources, University of Puerto Rico
at Mayagüez.

• 1992-1994: Psychosocial Evaluation of the Toxic Potential of a Folk Remedy: The Case
of Mercury. Sponsored by the Central Administration of the University of Puerto Rico.

• 1992-1993: Spiritist Healing in Puerto Rico (Documentary). Research supported by the

Office of Research and External Resources, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.

• 1992-1993: Dissociative Experiences in the Puerto Rican Culture (In collaboration with
Roberto Lewis-Harvard Medical School).

• 1992: Young Adolescents' Images of the Ideal Woman and Man (In collaboration with
Dr. Judith Gibbons).

• 1992: Alumni Survey On Undergraduate Psychology Majors. (with Virgilio Rodríguez)

Research supported by the Office of Research and External Resources, University of
Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.

• 1991: A Needs Assessment Survey for Faculty Inservice Training on College Teaching
Methods and Strategies in the Arts and Sciences (with Gilberto Ríos). Research
supported by the Office of Research and External Resources, University of Puerto Rico
at Mayagüez.

• 1990: Peer Academic Advising. Research supported by the Office of Research and
External Resources, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.

• 1989: Bibliography of Psycho-social Research in Puerto Rico. Research supported by

the Office of Research and External Resources, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.

• 1988: Traditional Healing Systems and the Treatment of Alcoholism. Research

supported by the Office of Research and External Resources, University of Puerto Rico
at Mayagüez.

• 1987: Desarrollo del médium: The process of becoming a healer in Puerto Rican
Espiritismo. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

• 1981: How do people experience the participation of spirits in their lives? Master
thesis, The Merrill Palmer Institute, Michigan.


• 1985: Núñez, M. Review of Boiling Energy: Community healing among the Kalahari
Kung. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 7, (2), 208-210.

• 1986: Katz, R. & Núñez, M. Researching realities: A method for understanding cultural
diversity. The Community Psychologist, 19, (2), 7-8.

• 1989: Núñez, M. Manual de ayuda económica. (Manual of financial aid) San Juan:
Editorial Librotex.

• 1989: Núñez, M. Terapias folklóricas y el tratamiento del alcoholismo (Folk healing and
the treatment of alcoholism). Prisma, 4, (1), 73-93.

• 1990: Núñez, M. Therapeutic and preventive functions of Puerto Rican Espiritismo.

Homines, 14, (1), 267-276.

• 1991: Núñez, M. Reflexiones sobre posibles elementos anti- terapéuticos de las

prácticas espiritistas (Reflections on possible anti-therapeutic elements of spiritist
practices). Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología, 7, 13-22.

• 1991: Núñez, M. (Ed). Manual del estudiante de psicología(Manual for the psychology
student). Mayagüez: Impresos R.U.M.

• 1991: Núñez. M , Galarza, A. & Rodríguez, I. (1991). La participación de estudiantes

como recursos en la orientación académica (The participation of students as resources
in academic advising). Revista de la Asociación Puertorriqueña de Profesionales de
Orientación, 10,(1), 18-23.

• 1992: Núñez, M. (1991). Bibliografía de investigaciones psico-sociales realizadas en

Puerto Rico (Bibliography of psychosocial research in Puerto Rico). Atenea, XI, 155-

• 1992: Núñez, M. (1992). Las prácticas espiritistas y el tratamiento del alcoholismo: Un

estudio exploratorio. Caribbean Studies, 24, 151-174.

• 1992: Rodríguez, V. & Núñez, M. Manual para estudiantes de apoyo.(Manual for peer
counselors) Programa de Prevención de Alcoholismo y Drogas, Decanato de
Estudiantes, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez.

• 1994: Núñez, M. , Aguero, J & Rodríguez, V . Desarrollo ocupacional y profesional de

los egresados de un programa de psicología en Puerto Rico (Professional and
occupational development of psychology alumni in Puerto Rico) Revista
Puertorriqueña de Psicología, 9, 221-242.

• 1995: Núñez, M. (1994). Toward an experiential approach for researching religious

experiences. Revista Interamericana 24(1-4).

• 1996: Núñez, M. Archetypes and spirits: A Jungian analysis of Puerto Rican Spiritism.
Journal of Analytical Psychology, 41, 227-244.

• 1997: Lewis, R. & Núñez, M. . Hacia una interpretación psico- antropológica del
espiritismo puertorriqueño. En J. Poveda (Ed), Chamanismo:El arte natural de curar.
Madrid: Ediciones Temas de Hoy .
• 2000: Folk Healing Systems: A Puerto Rican Perspective. An online textbook that is
used for the course Kolk Healing Systems.

• 2000: Núñez, M. Espiritismo as a therapy for the soul. In M. Fernández Olmos (Ed.),
Healing Cultures, New York: St. Martin Press.

• 2001: Núñez, M. The internet as a resource for research on the social sciences. (La
internet como recurso de investigación en las Ciencias Sociales) Chapter for the ebook
Topics in Social Sciences.

• 2002: Núñez, M. Training of professors in web based education. (Adiestramiento de

profesores en enseñanza complementada por Internet). Actas del Primer Congreso
Puertorriqueño de Web Educación, San Juan, P.R.

• 2002: Training Professors in Internet Enhanced Education. Publish in Syllabus

Proceedings , Fall 2002.

• 2002: (with Yanira Alemán) The internet as a reasearch tool in psychology. (La internet
como herramienta de investigación en psicología.) Revista Puertorriqueña de
Psicología, 20, 90-115.

• (2003). (Ed. Malpica, F. ). Developing a model for training faculty in web based
education. Proceedings Education and Information Systems: Technologies and
Aplications. Orlando, Florida.

• (2003). Training professors in internet enhanced learning. Revista Punto y Coma.

Universidad del Sagrado Corazón. Instituto de Educación a Distancia.

• 2007. (Ed). Memorias del Primer Congreso de Blogs Educativos, Mayaguez, Puerto


• 2003: Multidisciplinary Research and Education in Digital Governments as a Catalyst

for Effective Information Technology Transfer to Regional Governments ($400,000)
(Bienvenido Vélez, PI)

• 2002-3: Development of online learning modules in HIV/AIDS for health professionals

in Puerto Rico, Florida Caribbean Aids Educational Training Center. ($125,000)

• 2002: Faculty satisfaction with WebCT. Research supported by the Center for Research
and Development, RUM. ($5,000)

• 2001: The development of an online course: Folk healing systems. Project supported
by the HETS program ($7,000)

• 2000: Web based education: Research supported by the University of Puerto Rico
(Central Administration) ($18,000)

• 2000: The student evaluation of WebCT. Research supported by the Faculty of Arts
and Sciences, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. ($4,500)
• 1999: The development of learning environments on the Internet. Research supported
by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences , University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. ($5,000)

• 1995: The personality of the spiritist healer according to the 16PF. Research supported
by the Office of Research and External Resources, University of Puerto Rico at
Mayagüez. ($3,000)

• 1994: Revision of the Bibliography of Psycho-social Research in Puerto Rico. Research

supported by the Office of Research and External Resources, University of Puerto Rico
at Mayagüez. ($2,000)

• 1992: Psycho-social evaluation of the toxic potential of a folk remedy. Research

sponsored by the Central Administration of the University of Puerto Rico. ($10,000)

• 1991: Alumni Survey On Undergraduate Psychology Majors. (with Virgilio Rodríguez).

Research supported by the Office of Research and External Resources, University of
Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. ($1,000)

• 1991: A Needs Assessment Survey for Faculty Inservice Training on College Teaching
Methods and Strategies in the Arts and Sciences (with Gilberto Ríos). Research
supported by the Office of Research and External Resources, University of Puerto Rico
at Mayagüez. ($2,000)

• 1991: A Jungian analysis of Puerto Rican Spiritism. Research supported by National

Endowment for the Humanities. Washington, D.C.

• 1990: Development of a Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Drug Addiction,
Isabela, P.R.


• DigiZen:
• Avalúo del Aprendizaje:
• Hermes: Revista de enseñanza complementada por
• Avalúo Plus:
• RUM Edublogs:

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