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39.1.28 B.

AOAC Official Method 983.19 Weigh 10 g test sample, transfer to 300 mL tall form beaker, add
Calcium in Mechanically 30 mL HCl (1 + 1), several glass beads, cover with watch glass, and
Separated Poultry and Beef place on hot plate in fume hood. Bring to boil slowly, digest 20 min,
Titrimetric Method cool, and filter (Whatman No. 4 paper) into 200 mL volumetric
First Action 1983 flask. Wash filter paper with H2O until 190 mL is obtained. Dilute to
Final Action 1985 volume and mix. Pipet 20 mL aliquot into 400 mL beaker, add ca
A. Reagents 50 mL H2O, place on magnetic stirrer, and add 200–300 mg hydroxy
naphthol blue indicator, stir, and adjust pH to 12.5 ± 0.2 with
(a) Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid, disodium salt, dihydrate
(EDTA).—0.02M. Dissolve 7.44 g EDTA (99+% purity) in H2O in 1 L KOH–KCN solution. (Do not exceed pH 12.5 ± 0.2, to prevent pre-
volumetric flask and dilute to volume. Standardize with ACS CaCO3 cipitation. If precipitation occurs, discard and repeat.) Add
10–25 mL 0.02M EDTA accurately measured to provide
primary standard as in 967.30A(d) (see 18.4.07) (3 significant figures).
back-titration of minimum of 3 mL. Mix on magnetic stirrer and ti-
(b) Hydroxy naphthol blue indicator.—Mallinckrodt Specialty
trate filtrate with 0.02M CaCO3 to permanent purple end point. If
Chemical Co.
back-titration is <3 mL, repeat with larger aliquot of EDTA solution.
(c) KOH–KCN solution.—Dissolve 280 g KOH in 500 mL H2O.
Cool, add 66 g KCN, dissolve, and dilute to 1 L in H2O. (Caution:
Use care in handling of KCN. HCN is evolved on contact with acid Calcium (Ca), % = (A - B × R) × M × 4
or moisture.)
(d) Calcium carbonate.—0.02M. Weigh 2.000 g ACS primary Bone (for poultry), % = (%Ca – 0.015) × F
standard CaCO3 (dried 2 h at 100°C) and transfer to 1 L volumetric
flask. Add 500 mL H2O and 10–12 mL HCl (1 + 1). Heat just to boil- where A = mL EDTA added; B = mL CaCO3 of back titration; R =
ing to dissolve CaCO3. Cool and dilute to volume with H2O. Pipet EDTA:CaCO3 ratio; M = molarity of EDTA solution; 4 = meq.
25 mL aliquot of EDTA (a) into 400 mL beaker and determine ratio weight Ca (0.040 g) × 100(%); 0.015 = correction for natural Ca in
of EDTA to CaCO3 by titration as under Determination beginning poultry tissue; F = Ca-to-bone conversion factor (6.25 for young
“…add ca 50 mL H2O, place on magnetic stirrer…”. Use average of chickens and 4.55 for turkeys and mature chickens).
3 determinations. Reference: JAOAC 66, 989(1983).
Revised: March 2002


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