Dead Man's Island Summary

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The story is about a young girl called Carol Sanders.

She is 17 years old and she lives with her family in Hong Kong.
Her mother is a secretary and her father is a businessman. She likes listening to pop music and her favourite singers
are David Bowie and Jake Rosso.

The year Carol leaves school, Jake Rosso dies in a car accident, but she still listens to his music all the time.

One day in winter, her father is on a business trip and the day of his journey home, the airplane crashes into the sea
and he dies.

This is very hard for Carol and her mother. She cries for weeks and everything begins to go wrong for her. She is
alone in her room all day and she wants to die. Also she stops listening to her favourite singer Jake Rosse. Carol
begins to go out with new friends who are bad people and her mother doesn’t like them. Her new friends take drugs
so Carol takes drugs too and she feels unhappy and angry.

One month later, her mother decides to go back to England. Carol’s mother tells her that she has to go on studying
and Mrs. Sanders needs a new job. They look in the newspaper and Carol’s mother finds a job as a secretary on a
little island in Scotland.

The woman who offers the job is Greta Ross. She is about thirty years old and she’s a beautiful woman. After talking
for a moment with Mrs. Ross, Carol’s mother gets the job and she asks Greta if Carol can live with her on the island.

Greta says yes, but Carol has to work as a gardener and help in the farm. The house is very big and there are trees all
around it. As they arrive at the house, they meet Mr. Ross, who is a young man with a moustache and wears glasses.
Mr. Ross doesn´t like visitors and he looks very sad.

One afternoon, Carol is riding a horse in the garden, when she sees a face at one of the windows. The person is Mr.
Ross in a mysterious room.

The next day, Carol is taking some photos of the house and she wants to take a photo of Mr. Ross, but Mr. Duncan,
the gardener, takes the camera, opens it and takes out the film. He says: Never take photographs of Mr. Ross.

So then, Carol realizes that there’s something strange about Mr. Ross.

One night, she goes out of her room and she walks along the passage and she sees a door at the end of the passage.
She tries to open it but the door is locked. Greta Ross sees Carol and gets very angry. She says: That room is private!

One night, during a storm, Carol goes to the room and she sees that there is light under the room’s door. She sees
Mr. Ross coming out of the room, so Carol hides in her room and she sees that Mr. Ross puts the keys in the plant
pot next to the door.

The next day, everybody is busy with their activities and no one is in the passage so Carol runs along to the locked
room, she takes the keys and opens the door. She enters the room and looks around. She is very surprised because
the room is full of posters, guitars, suits and photographs on the walls.

She looks at the posters and she realizes that they are of her favourite singer Jake Rosso. Then she begins to see
another face… an older face, with a moustache and glasses, but the same face: Jake Rosso is Mr. Ross!!

At that moment, Mr. Ross enters the room but he says he isn’t Jake Rosso, he is Jake’s brother but Carol doesn’t
believe it and she tells him that she is a big fan of Jake Rosso, so he tells the truth.

He tells her that one night he was drunk and he was driving his car and hit a young girl and she died. She was only 15
years old. However, he didn’t tell the police and run away. After that, he felt really bad and wanted to die. So he
faked his own death… a car accident.

He begs Carol to keep the secret. She says she won’t tell anybody. Mr. Ross takes Carol’s hand and they walk out of
the room and close the door.

Carol never goes into the room again and at the end of the summer, she and her mother leave the island.

She is happier now. She goes to college and works in a farm, and her mother works in an office in England. She never
comes back to the island because a dead man lives there.

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