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As Salamu alaykum

here is a list of free Islamic books I can order for you Insha Allah
- A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam (Islam & Modern Science)
- AnNawawi"s Forty Hadiths and Forty Qudsi Hadiths
- Fasting
- Hisn Al-Muslim (Fortification of the Muslim through remembrance and supplication from the Quraan
and Sunnah)
- Islam The religion of all
- Islamic Facts Refuting the Allegations against Islam
- Jesus Prophet or God (PBUH)
- Part 27, 28 and 29 of The Holy Quraan
- Part Thirty of The Holy Quraan
- Part Thirty of The Noble Quraan (English Translation of the meanings and commentary)
- Prayers
- Principles of Islam
- Purification
- Qur'an & Modern Science, Compatible or incompatible?
- Signs of Prophet hood
- Stories of New Muslims
- Supererogatory prayers
- Surah 19 (Maryam) of The Noble Quraan
- Surah Al-Fatihah and Surat Al-Baqarah in The Holy Quraan
- The Concept of God in Islam
- The life History of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.)
- The most beautiful names of Allah
- The Muslim"s Belief
- The Prerequisites of the Declaration of Faith
- The Religion of Islam (Part 1)
- The Religion of Islam (Part 2)
- The truth about Jesus (PBUH)
- Women in Islam (versus Women in Jeudaeo-Christian Tradition. The Myth & The Reality)

If you are interested in any of these slots books email me back detailing which books you're interested

Insha Allah

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