By Engr. Syed Hamza Mustafa

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Lecture 3

By Engr. Syed Hamza Mustafa

Contents for Lecture 3
• Introduction to Attributes, Selecting and
Identifying features
• Search/Query Vector Layer
• Creating and Editing Vector Data
• Digitization/Vectorization
• How to save vector and raster layer
• Assignment 1
Introduction to attributes
• Up to now, none of the changes we have made to the map
have been influenced by the objects that are being shown.
• In other words, all the land use areas look alike, and all the
roads look alike.
• When looking at the map, the viewers don’t know anything
about the roads they are seeing; only that there is a road of
a certain shape in a certain area.
• But the whole strength of GIS is that all the objects that are
visible on the map also have attributes.
• Maps in a GIS aren’t just pictures. They represent not only
objects in locations, but also information about those
Select and De Select Features
Identifying Features
Search/Query Vector Layer
• Query builder can be used to search/query for
different features of a vector data
• Go to layer and click on query to open query
builder or use shortcut Cntrl+F
Query Builder
Creating and Editing Vector Data
• Read Module Creating Vector Data, lesson
6.1.1: Creating a new vector data set in the
training manual (page #101-104)
• Also watch the video provided to you
Digitization (Vectorization)
• Read Module Creating Vector Data, lesson
6.1.2,6.1.3,6.1.4 (page #105-110)
• Also watch the video provided to you

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