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Semestral I

Semestral I
Guía UNI

Pronouns (Subject/Object)

Pronouns (Subject/Object) Possesive and Reflexive

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive
pronouns pronouns adjectives pronouns pronouns
1st. p. sing I me my mine myself
2nd p.
you you your yours yourself
3rd p.
sing. he him his his himself
3rd p.
she her her her herself
sing. fem.
3rd p.
it it its its itself
sing. neut.
1st p.
we us our ours ourselves
2nd. p.
you you your yours yourselves
3rd p.
they them their theirs themselves

• We use personal pronouns to avoid repeating nouns.

Mum’s calling. She’s in Turkey.

How’s Daisy? Give her my love.

You used she because it’s the subject and her because it’s the object.

• We use pronouns to avoid repetition when it is obvious what we are talking about.

it this your bike?>No, that one’s mine, (=my bike)

Those red gloves are yours; the blue ones are hers (=her gloves)

• Can I use two pronouns together? Yes! prohibida su venta

The man in the shop gave me them free.

• Check these examples:

I love house music > I do too / Me too.

Who’s that? > Me. / It’s me. / It’s Fran.

• Sometimes we use they instead of he or she, them instead of him or her and their instead of his or hers.

When you meet your new teacher, they will give you the books.
If anyone asks where I am, tell them I’m in Istanbul this week.
Someone left their gloves in the classroom.

¡Tu mejor opción! 1

Semestral I

• What about animals?

We usually use it/they for animals, but when people are talking about their own pets,
they use he or she.

The dog must be thirsty. Give him some water.

Let’s Practice

• Complete the following sentences using appropriate pronouns. Choose your answers from the given options.

1. It is ………………….. car.

a) my b) mine

2. That coat is …………………

a) my b) mine

3. It is ……………….. party.

a) his b) him

4. She is quite fond of praising ………………….

a) her b) herself

5. That must be ……………….. dog.

a) their b) theirs

6. You must have a word with ………………….

a) him b) he

7. He did it …………………

a) him b) himself

8. ‘Whose bag is this?’ ‘It’s …………………’

a) her b) hers

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9. My dog is an Alsatian. …………………… is a Doberman.

a) Their b) Theirs

10. She …………………… took the baby to the hospital.

a) herself b) her

11. I don’t believe ………………. story.

a) your b) yours

12. Mind ………………….. own business.

a) your b) yours

13. I saw it with ……………………. own eyes.

a) my b) mine

2 ¡Tu mejor opción!

Semestral I

• Write the correct pronoun to complete the sentence.

1. Charles bought two houses last winter. He paid a lot for _____.

2. This painting is very old. _____ was done two centuries ago.

3. Can I have some sugar? _____ is all gone.

4. The police blocked the road. _____ said someone had an accident.

5. You all look filthy. Wash _____ off in the bath.

6. Brighton’s shops are open at terrible hours. I can never visit _____ after work.

7. The football team has a great new kit. They paid for it _____.

8. There were many dogs in the competition. I won because _____ dog was the best.

9. Who left this jumper here? Those girls just arrived, so I know it’s not _____.

10. Paul wanted more ice cream. He bought it _____.

11. I like your notepad. Please let _____ see it.

12. This drawing is very good. Did you do it _____?

13. Don’t take the blue pen. That one is _____.

14. She was smiling earlier. Something made _____ happy.

15. Do you understand different pronouns yet? The cases make _____ quite difficult.

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¡Tu mejor opción! 3

Semestral I

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4 ¡Tu mejor opción!

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