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Group Member:

John Denzel D. Mina

Christian Ancheta
Jeremiah Canceran
Jerome Espiritu
Daniel Barrameda

Code: C088

"Women Are Flower of the World"

“1. Women are like flowers, they attract many people by their different styles of dress like flowers
with their different forms and color”.
We as a group we agreed on this argument, because on the way of dressing of women, you will be really
attract, because on their own beauty just like flower.

“2. By saying women are flower, we reduce them to mere decoration with no real value, except to be
seen and admired”.
Our group dis agreed on this argument because women are not stuff, women has a real value, women
has their own ability, skills, talents, intelligence and etc. that’s why every women needed to be treated
fair treated them in the good ways, not on abuses them.

“3. Women are beautiful in every way”.

We agreed on this statement because women has their own different beauties, how ever it skin colors,
accent on languages, culture, traditions of the women they will be still pretty, because women has their
own beauties not just only on physical appearance but also in their attitude and behavior.

“4. Women have multifaceted roles to perform. These roles are very important for the survival of
family and society. They must be ignored”.
We agree on this statement because women have multifaceted roles, many of women can sacrifices
their dreams for their family, because women is really careful, women has a lot of work for their family
to guide, love, support the family in any problems that they can face.
“5. Women play important reproductive roles like flowers”.
We agreed on this argument because a women has a lot of hard work and sacrifices, a women is the one
who give the colorful world for men, they give love, support, care and etc. because a women symbolized
like a flower that in every angles flowers really beautiful also a women also.

"6. Women also have productive role and support the family economically".
We Agree, because the productive role of women relates to work performed by women and men for pay
in cash or kind of market production, informal production, home production and also women who are
economically empowered contribute more to their families, societies and national economies. It has
been shown that women invest extra income in their children, providing a route to sustainable

"7. Without women, the world would be a very dull place".

We agree the reasons why women are important to the peacebuilding process. ... Women are also the
central caretakers of families and everyone is affected when they are excluded from peacebuilding.
Women are also advocates for peace, as peacekeepers, relief workers and mediators.

"8. Women are multi-talented; they can be roots, stems, leaves, branches, not just flowers".
We agreed, because Sometimes if you want to achieve something that you want you can own ambitions
and own success a multi-talented women are women who don't define themselves by one career or
one job. These are women who can do and will do several jobs and have several careers and be
excellent at them.

"9. Women make life pleasant for the family like flowers, which bring pleasure to those who see
We agree because woman are the ones who make it possible for your family to be peaceful, a man can
too but women are the ones who give fun and peace more and women is the one who support the
family by teaching her siblings and to care on men.

"10. If women are flowers, they will be put on a pedestrial, be confined and fade away, They would
not have chance to grow".
We dis-agree for this because if women are like a flowers they need to plant it on the pots and can put it
on the garden for them to grow and give us joy everytime we see them growing.

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