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Jln.Nailoe 03 Kawata, KodePos 97795.

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/jurusan : X (Sepuluh)
Waktu : 90 Menit
Semester : Genap
Nama Siswa :

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban di bawah ini a, b, c, d, atau e. dengan benar...!

Long, long a go, a terrible dragon came to the kingdom of Tarania. It carried away the princess
“Oh, oh, oh save my princess, “the king Tarania shouted. “Who can save Princess Tara?” “I can
save princess Tara. I’m the bravest knight in your kingdom”, Prince Gregor said proudly “I can
save her too, but I’m the poorest boy in your kingdom”, Thomas said humbly. “You?
Ha..ha..ha..,” Prince Gregor laughed loudly. “How can you save the princess? You have no
soldiers and no swords.” “I’ll save the princess, beggar boy.” Ready! Get set! Charge! The
terrible dragon roared! Prince Gregor and his soldiers ran away. But Thomas did not run away.
He opened his basket, and took out a ladder, a flute, a rope, piece of meat, a spear, and a blanket.
Then Thomas ran into the cave and saved princess Tara. Taken from: Primary English Thematic
Series “Pets

1. How many tools did the poorest boy use to fight against the dragon?

a. Nine

b. Eight

c. Seven

d. Six

e. Ten

2. “ I can save her too, but I’m the poorest boy in your kingdom”.Thomas said humbly. The
antonym of the underlined word is …
a. angrily

b. politely

c. respectfully

d. disrespectfully

e. Helpfully

3. What can you learn from the text?

a. People need braveness and power to get something.

b. People don’t need braveness and power to get something.

c. Somebody need money to get something.

d. Somebody don’t need money to get something.

4. How many greetings in English…?

a. Four

b. Five

c. Six

d. Eight

e. Seven

5. If you want to be success you must..?

a. Many times for play

b. Just prayer

c. Prayer n relax

d. Study hard

e. Study hard and prayer

6. Renata is a friend of mine. This sentences is…?

a. simple present

b. past sentences
c. personal pronoun

d. simple future

e. perfect tenses

7. The baby is crying ..?what the sentences about..?

a. Simple present sentences

b. Present perfect

c. Simple future

d. Present perfect continuous

e. Past future

Read the text and answer question 8 to 10

A big storm happened two days a go. It destroyed everything in the city. The electricity went
off. All big trees went down. Some people lost their houses animals died. Students cannot go to
school because their schools were broken. The Indonesian Re-Cross Society helped all the
people in the city. They gave them some food, some cloths, and some blanked to protect their
body from the cold. They also gave some medicine to the sick people there. Some people
from other village gave their hands to help the people in the city rebuild their houses, schools,
and mosques. They worked together without giving any complaint.

8. Who helped the people in the city?

a. The army

b. The president

c. People from other village

d. The Indonesian Red-Cross Society

e. The people

9. Which of the following statement is FALSE according to the text?

a. The Indonesian Red-Cross Society rebuild the houses.

b. The red-cross

c. A big storm destroyed everything in the city.

d. Some people from other village helped to rebuild the houses, schools and mosques.

e. Because of the schools broke, the students couldn’t go to school.

10. They gave them some food. (paragraph 2) What does the underline word refer to ?

a. Some people from the city. b. Some people

c. The students from the village.

d. Some people from other village.

e. The Indonesian Red-Cross Society.

Read the text and question 11 to 14

WHY DO HAWK HUNT CHICKS? Once upon a time, a hawk fell in love with a hen. The
hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen, “will you marry me?” The hen loved the
brave, strong hawk and wished to marry him. But she said, “I cannot fly high as you can. If you
give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then we can fly together. The hawk agreed.
Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to show that you have promised to marry a
rooster: 50, when the rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. “Throw that ring a way at
once!” shouted the rooster. The hen was so frightened at the rooster’s anger that she threw away
the ring immediately. When the hawk came a few month’s later, the hen told him the truth.
The hawk was so furious that he cursed then hen, “why didn’t you tell me earlier?” now, you’ll
always be scratching the earth, and I’ll always be flying above to catch your children.” Said the

11. Why did the hawk curse the hen?

a. The hen didn’t tell him the truth.

b. The truth

c. The hen couldn’t fly as high as the hawk.

d. The hawk didn’t want to marry the hen.

e. The hawk couldn’t catch the hen children.

12. Which statement is TRUE based on the story above?

a. The rooster gave the hen a ring.

b. The rooster saw the hen walking

c. The rooster saw the hen wearing the ring.

d. The rooster taught the hen flying in the sky.

e. The rooster saw the hen walking with the hawk.

13. “The hen loved the brave, the strong hawk …” (paragraph 2)What is antonym of the
underline word?

a. Bold

b. Weak

c. Fear

d. Angry

14. What can we learn from the story above?

a. Never say the truth.

b. Do not ever lie to others.

c. Never be a loyal person.

d. It’s not important being hones.

15. This is flower that lives in water.

a. Jasmine

c. Orchid

b. Tulip

d. Edelweiss

16. People say that this flower is the symbol of love. It is the ...

a. Jasmin

b. Orchid

c. Rose
d. Sunflower

17. The part of tree that functions to supply water to the other parts of the plant is ...

a. Leaves

b. Stem

c. Root

d. Branch

18. These are the functions of the roots expect ...

a. To absorb water

b. To absorb the soil

c. To hold the tree

d. To anchor the tree in the soil

19. In the rainy season the farmers do not need to ... the plants

a. Grow

b. Cut

c. Spray Plants

d. Water

20. The lions in the circus are not dangerous, they are ...

a. Spare

b. Tame

c. Extinct

d. Wild

e. Time


Make the sentence below with present continuous tense Pattern

21. Wati is standing in front of my house.
22. The children aren’t playing in the yeard.
23. She is coming for visit me.
24. Are you watching TV in the living-room now ?
25. Mother is buying a shirt for me.

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