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MODULE _____.


I. Objectives (3 Minutes)
At the end of this module, participants should be able to
 Identify the different Education in Emergencies (EiE) supplies and how they are different
from ordinary education supplies
 Discuss the concepts and strategies involved in making EiE supplies timely and relevant
 Make their own EiE supplies list and logistics plan.
II. Materials
1. Manila papers
2. Scissors
3. Coloring materials
4. Adhesive
5. Markers
6. Copies of the activity sheet
7. PowerPoint presentation
8. Laptop, projector and sound system

III. Time Allotted

1 hour and 28 minutes (88 minutes)

IV. Facilitator’s Process
1. Preliminary Activity (35 minutes)

Divided into four groups, the participants will be given simulation sheets with reference to the
given scenario:
Nunaland, a small kingdom with a population 2million suffered from a massive disaster caused by an
intensity 8 earthquake. Nunaland has three main geographical zones with the following characteristics:

 Dorne- the smallest zone with a population of more than 500,000 and with mostly flat terrain which
is a rich agricultural and forest area.
 Mereen- the second largest island-zone with a population of 700,000. It consists of 8 other minor
islands and most structures are built on stilts.
 Winterfel- the largest zone with a population of 800,000 with a mountainous landscape and some
thick snow in some parts.

The governor of these zones are requesting for some assistance from the MInistry of Education to rebuild
the schools which were damaged by the earthquake. As construction supplies in Nunaland are only
available in the capital which is Dorne, the request can only be provided by sending construction materials
instead of cash relief.

Based from the scenario, the groups should answer the following questions:

1. What specific construction materials will you be sending to each of the zone to rebuild their
2. How will you be sending these supplies to the different zones?
3. Create a timeline of your activities from receiving assessment report to distribution of
construction supplies in the three zones. Illustrate the different processes and the number of days
for each process.

Using the materials provided to them, the groups will illustrate their plans graphically and post
and present their outputs on the designated areas. The presentation should last for five minutes

2. Processing (20 minutes)

After all the groups have presented their work, the participants will be asked of the following

1. What did you consider in identifying the supplies to be sent to each zone?
2. What did you consider in identifying the means of transporting the supplies to each zone?
3. Is your timeline responsive enough for an emergency situation? Why or why not?

The facilitator should then discuss that their considerations are some of the key considerations in
emergency supplies and logistics, as well as mull on the “business as usual” timelines whether
they are responsive enough for an emergency situation

3. Abstraction and Analysis (30 minutes)

After the processing of the activity, the facilitator should also emphasize that supplies and logistics
during emergencies is different from supplies and logistics during emergency situations. He/She
will also use the following slide presentations to further explain their differences:

1. Key definitions
2. Different EiE Supplies
3. Strategies in emergency supplies and logistics management

After the discussion, the facilitator/resource person may invite 2-3 questions or insights from the

4. Application (15 minutes)

This is an individual work. The participants should make an EiE supplies and logistics plan for
their region/division, including those supplies that may be necessary for learning continuity during
emergencies. Along with the plan, they should provide some emergency strategies to make
supplies procurement and transport responsive and timely, as well.

V. Key Learnings

In this module, the participants learned that:

 Emergency Education/EiE supplies are necessary to provide continuity of learning during
disasters or emergencies
 Managing EiE supplies and logistics is different form managing supplies and logistics
during normal times as emergency situations require fast (time element) and responsive

(will serve the emergency needs of recipients) supplies delivery to schools, teachers and
learners who need them.
 Innovative approaches and strategies should be undertaken to make EiE supplies and
logistics reliable and responsive.
 DRRM Coordinators have a significant role to play in supplies and logistics in their
respective office (answer to the opening question).

VI. References

Unicef Back to School Guide: Evidence-based Strategies to Resume Education in Emergencies

and Post-Crisis Situations, 2013

Managing Supply Chains, www. 2015

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