Other Devices: Sistem Informasi 2022 - 2023. Imelda Yose. M.PD Open Book. Universitas Dinamika Bangsa Jambi

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2022 – 2023.
Imelda Yose. M.Pd
Open book.
Universitas Dinamika Bangsa Jambi

Other devices

A. Match the devices with the places you would find them.

1. cash dispenser / cash machine / atm a. at a supermarket checkout

2. barcode reader b. connected to a pair of headphones

3. magnetic strip c. in an office in 1975

4. mp3 player d. in a office, school or copy shop

5. photocopier e. in the hands of a tourist

6. telex machine f. in the headquarters of a large company

7. video camera g. on the back of a credit card

8. mainframe computer h. outside a bank

B. Choose the best verb.

1. To turn on the computer. _________ the “Start” button.

a. touch b. press c. switch

2. The printer has ________ of ink.

a. finished b. ended c. run out

3. Unfortunately, my scanner isn’t _______ at the moment.

a. working b. going c. doing

4. Please ________ the CD ROM.

a. insert b. introduce c. inject

5. The Projector isn’t working because it isn’t _________

a. plugged b. plugged in c. plugged into

6. The battries in my digital camera ar nearly dead. They need ________

a. to change b. exchanging c. changing

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