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Puaso, Alexa Mae D.

ABM 11-A

Position Paper

Situation: The student council is petitioning to prepare an arts festival in your school but the
administration is reluctant to agree to the plan because it involves taking two days off the students’
normal classes. As one of the organizers, you are tasked to write a position paper which argues your
stand for the establishment of the activity to the administration.

As stated by Howard Garner, a psychologist, humans have different types of intelligence. Thus,
we shouldn’t cage or enclose our children into pure academic activities. And arts festival engages students
to explore more on their interests, capabilities, and creative intelligence. On behalf of the school
organization, I state my argument or position in conducting an arts festival for the students to explore,
enhance, or to discover their creative intelligence and skill. Students will acquire knowledge for the 2-day
arts festival as much as they do on the regular class, but on a whole new area of learning.

Studies have already shown the different effective learning areas of students, as well as their
different bright sides. Most smart kids are produced by exploring the corners of different knowledge, and
not just by being stuck in the classroom for regular academic classes. Even if an arts festival is not directly
related to classwork, it can give the students a renewed enthusiasm for a subject in more subtle ways.
Discovering that they have the skills in arts boosts the student’s performance and confidence inside the
classroom. It can do wonders for confidence in speaking up in class or could inspire their creative works.
Festivals also build the social and interactive skills of students which helps them in gaining new ideas and
be productive with peers. These are most of the benefits of having an art festival in school, it builds
brighter children.

This art festival would not affect the academic learning progress of children. The two-day non-
academic school days would not be a hindrance on their improvement or learning. We can give
assessments or performance task connected to the arts festival to students, to ensure that they are
gaining something from the activity. The subject lessons that won’t be discussed on the festival days can
be given to the student to be read at home, so that it won’t mess up the class calendar or schedule.

Statistical survey shows that students with school spirit performs better academically. School
spirit is the pride shared by the members of school organization. This spirit can be possessed by creating
organization activities for students, such as art festival. From academic achievement to general happiness,
the survey indicated a positive relationship to school spirit. Principals overwhelmingly believe it is
important that they personally build school spirit at their school (89%) and that higher levels of school
spirit is tied to higher student achievement.

Based on the supports, evidences, and solution to the issue stated above, the student council
firmly believes in the benefits of this art festival for the students’ and school’s performance. These will
produce brighter and more productive students, and help others discover their creative intelligence. This
two-day festival won’t affect the student’s academic learning, and we also supported possible solutions
for the issue.

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