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Class activities 1.

Getting started

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

I. Discuss these questions.

1. What do you think they’re discussing?

A= I think they are discussing proposals or initiatives to promote women in their
2. Why do you think there are only women in the meeting?
A= Maybe because the best way to create strategies and plans to impulse the
development of women careers is the mind of a woman.
3. Do you know a company where the managing positions are taken only by men?
A= No, I don’t
4. Why do you think this still happens in some companies?
R= Maybe because men wrongly think that women are not as smart or capable as
them are.

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Functional phrases

Survival class expressions

What's the meaning of …?

How do you say …?
How do you spell …?
How do you pronounce that word?
I don't understand that.
I don't quite understand that.
Could you repeat that?
Could you say that again?
Could you speak a bit more slowly?
Could you play it again? (the recording)
May I …?
Do you think I may …?

Saying hello

How are you? Fine. Tired.

How are you doing? Pretty good. Busy.
How’s everything? Not bad. Exhausted.
How’s it going? Great. Starving.
How are things? Awful.
What’s up? Same old.

Requesting something and responding to it

Could / Would you …? Sure.

Hand me that book, will you? Of course.
Do (would) you mind giving me …? Not at all.
With pleasure.

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I. Read these brief descriptions of companies and match them with the images (A,
B, C, D, E)

Company 1: We’re an Internet service company, with our head (E)

office in Leeds, UK. You can see details about our service on
our webpage.

Photo by form PxHere

Company 2: This car manufacturer is based in Detroit, and it has (D)

subsidiaries in six other cities in the US. It’s well known for its
luxury cars; but it also makes engines for the aeronautic

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

Company 3: This is a Japanese company, specialized in audio,
video, and communication products. It has around 100,000
employees. One of its most well-known products is Play Station.

Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash

Company 4: Our Company produces mobile phones, multimedia
systems and wireless networks. In the mobile phone market our
main competitors are Motorola and Ericsson.

Photo by Ramon Costa form PxHere

Company 5: This French group is a leader in dairy products,

including yoghurts, cheese and desserts. It also produces (C)
biscuits, and it’s the number two in bottled water.

Photo by Wikimedia Common

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II. Could you mention some of the main positions in a company?
A = CEO, Manager, Chairman, Assistant, Vice President, Director

Job profiles


I. (1.1) Listen to some job profiles and say which photo each of them corresponds

Photo A Photo B Photo C

Foto de Ketut Foto de Andrea Piacquadio en Photo by Standsome

Subiyanto en Pexels Pexels Worklifestyle on Unsplash

Photo D Photo E

Andrea Piacquadio en Pexels Photo by Jeremy McGilvrey on Unsplash

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Photo B: Elmer checks his mail; he arrives before his boss and try to answer
important mails before lunch. Elmer prefers to go to office because he usually gets
Photo E: Jake organizes workshops and talks in different fields. Jake works
together with the HR area to train people.
Photo A: Lucia is mother of 2 children; she is looking for a job with some flexibility.
She must leave at 4 pm, 6 weeks’ pay vacation.
Photo D: Mark is in sales; he travels a lot; he has a company car that he also uses
at weekends. Mark has a free gym membership.
Photo C: Ursula has a baby, she is 28; she doesn’t care about pension plan at this

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I. Read the following job profiles.

She’s Kyla. She’s a project manager at an international bank. She has meetings every month to
discuss projects. Sometimes she has videoconferences with foreign counterparts; but she
speaks very good English. She likes international teams. She has eight people from different
countries in her team. Sometimes she watches videos to learn things about their cultures .

He’s Doug. He usually starts works at 7:00 in the evening. He works at night because he
contacts colleagues in different countries. When he arrives at work, he reads his emails. Then
he phones colleagues in the US. He has a videoconference every Monday. He sometimes has
coffee and a sandwich at about 11:00 p.m. At midnight he writes a report and sends it to his
team. He finishes work at 1:30 a.m. Then he goes home to rest. He likes his job because it
gives time free time during the day.

He’s George. He’s an export manager. He works in Mexico, but he doesn’t have experience in
the country, and has to get familiar with the culture. He has a lot of experience working in Spain,
so he speaks very good Spanish. He feels very good with his Mexican team; they’re all very
friendly, and he often goes to lunch with them. He loves Mexican food. On weekends he likes
going to different places in the city.

II. Write the key words of each job profile.

Kyla: project manager, speaks very good English, teamwork, auto study.
Doug: excellent grammar and vocabulary skills, contact colleagues in different countries,
videoconferences, flexi - time, available.
George: export manager, speaks very good Spanish, good relationships, teamwork.

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Simple or habitual present

It expresses habits, routines, and permanent facts.

I work in the H.R. department of the company.

I usually get to work before my boss arrives.
Sometimes I do home office.
Kyla speaks very good English. She has meetings every month to discuss projects.
Sometimes she watches videos to learn things about their cultures.
Doug usually starts works at 7:00 in the evening.

Important notes

The only change in the verbs forms in English appears in the 3 rd person singular (he, she,
it) of habitual present, where we add an –s or –es. (works, stops, has, watches, passes)
Apart from the practice in class, be aware of this when you speak and write in English.


 Activity to be evaluated

I. In groups make a brief profile of an imaginary company, and three job


II. Present them to the class.

Company: Bank, its core business is Global Consumer Bank. This is an international bank
and is in the top 5 banks in the world.
Mission: promote economic growth and progress. Improve people’s life.
Vision: To be an institution of excellence worthy of the trust of society.

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 Clear communication (philosophy, governance).
 Strategic vision.
 Leadership.
 Negotiation skills.
 Good Relations.
 Laws and government knowledge.

 Financial experience.
 Good relations with investors.
 Economics and accounting knowledge.

 Execute strategies.
 Problem solving.
 Customer and personal service understanding.

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