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Read the sentence and the select the option that best fits using a conditional structure.

If it ___________ for your help, I don’t know what I would have done.
Seleccione una:
a. weren’t
b. wasn’t

c. hadn’t been 

d. hasn’t been

La respuesta correcta es: hadn’t been

Pregunta 2
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and the select the option that best fits using the first conditional.
if he _______ a temperature, he will see the doctor.
Seleccione una:
a. will have
b. have

c. has 

La respuesta correcta es: has

Pregunta 3
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and the select the option that best fits using a conditional structure.
If I _______ you, I would _______ a better place to live.
Seleccione una:
a. were / found

b. were / find 

c. was / find

La respuesta correcta es: were / find

Pregunta 4
Puntúa 0 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and indicate whether it is right (R) or wrong (W).
Would he help you, he reached the washing machine.
Seleccione una:
a. W

b. R 

La respuesta correcta es: W

Pregunta 5
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and the select the option that best fits using the first conditional.
If I don't feel well tomorrow, I ________ home.
Seleccione una:
a. would stay
b. stay

c. 'll stay 

La respuesta correcta es: 'll stay

Pregunta 6
Puntúa 0 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and the select the option that best fits using a conditional structure.
If Chivas ______, they are _______ the beers.
Seleccione una:

a. will win / buying 

b. win / going to buy

c. won / to buy

La respuesta correcta es: win / going to buy

Pregunta 7
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and the select the option that best fits using a conditional structure.
I _________ the report if I had received the required information.
Seleccione una:
a. have done
b. had done

c. would have done 


La respuesta correcta es: would have done

Pregunta 8
Puntúa 0 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and the select the option that best fits using a conditional structure.
If I _________ a lottery, I would spend all my time traveling.
Seleccione una:
a. won
b. win
c. have won

d. had won 

La respuesta correcta es: won

Pregunta 9
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and indicate whether it is right (R) or wrong (W).
They might talk better if they was less stubborn.
Seleccione una:
a. R

b. W 

La respuesta correcta es: W

Pregunta 10
Puntúa 0 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and the select the option that best fits using a conditional structure.
If the weather ________ good, we could go to the beach.
Seleccione una:
a. were

b. was 
c. are

d. is

La respuesta correcta es: were

Pregunta 11
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and indicate whether it is right (R) or wrong (W)
We might use the public transportation if we worked closer.
Seleccione una:

a. R 

b. W

La respuesta correcta es: R

Pregunta 12
Puntúa 0 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and the select the option that best fits using a conditional structure.
He would _______ married if he _______ promoted in his job.
Seleccione una:
a. get / were
b. got / was

c. gotten / were 
La respuesta correcta es: get / were

Pregunta 13
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and the select the option that best fits using a conditional structure.
If I ___________ more spare time, I would join the sports club.
Seleccione una:
a. has

b. had 
c. have

d. would have

La respuesta correcta es: had

Pregunta 14
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and the select the option that best fits using a conditional structure.
We could ________ the snacks in that shop if it had offered a better price.
Seleccione una:
a. would ordered
b. had ordered

c. have ordered 

La respuesta correcta es: have ordered

Pregunta 15
Puntúa 1 sobre 1

Texto de la pregunta

Read the sentence and the select the option that best fits using a conditional structure.
She would _______ money if she _______ to do so.
Seleccione una:
a. bring / need

b. bring / needed 
c. brought / need

La respuesta correcta es: bring / needed

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