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CO-4: Home Assignment

1 In a large metropolitan area, the probabilities are 0.86,0.35 and 0.29 that a family
owns a color television set, a HD TV set or both kinds of sets. Determine the
probability that a family owns either or both kinds of sets.

2 Obtain number ways can two slices of pizza be chosen from a plate containing one
slice each of pepperoni, sausage, mushroom, and cheese pizza

3 The Probabilities are 0.23 and 0.24 that a truck stopped at a roadblock will have
faulty breaks or badly worn tires. Also, the probability is 0.38 that a truck stopped
at the roadblock will have faulty brakes and or badly worn tires. Determine the
probability stopped at this roadblock will have faulty brakes as well as badly worn

Write the normal equations of the best fit the parabola .

5 Based on the following data whether there is a relationship between time in

minutes, it takes a secretary to complete a certain form in the morning and in the
late afternoon. Compute the correlation coefficient.

Morning(x) 8. 9.6 7.0 9. 10.9 7.1 9.0 6. 8.4 10.5

2 4 6

Afternoon(y) 8. 9.6 6.9 8. 11.3 7.6 9.2 6. 8.4 12.3

7 5 3

6 Various doses of a poisonous substance were given to groups of 25 mice and the
following results were observed:

Dose(mg) (x) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Number of deaths(y) 1 3 6 8 14 16 20

Determine the equation of the least squares line fit these data also estimate the
number of deaths in a group of 25 mice who receive a 7mg dose of the poison

7 In a bolt factory, machines A, B and C manufacture 25%, 35%, 40% respectively. Of the
total of their output 5%, 4% and 2% are defective. A bolt is drawn and is found to be
defective. Determine the probability to found defective bolt?

8 A die is thrown three times, events B and C are defined as B: 4 on the third throw; C: 6 on
first throw and 5 on second throw. Obtain the probability of B given that C has already

Fit a power curve from the following data
x 1 2 3 4 5

y 5.0 6. 7.2 7. 8.5

3 9

10 Determine the regression line y on x from the data

Age (x) 27 25 2 20 18 17 16

Height (y) 70 69 6 62 56 54 50

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