Harvesting and Post Harvest Handling

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Distinctive Area of Competence and Qualifications :


Unit of Competency: # 02

Module Title: # 6


Technical Education Skills and Development Authority
Region XI
Lupon School of Fisheries
Lupon, Davao Oriental

Welcome to the module: Harvest and Post Harvest Handling. This module
contains training materials and activities for you to complete.

The unit of competency ”OPERATE FISH NURSERY” contains the

knowledge skills and attitudes required for a JUNIOR AQUACULTURE
TECHNICIAN. It is one of the CORE Modules at National certificate Level
(NC II).

You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to

complete each learning outcomes of the module. In each learning outcome
there are Information Sheets, Resource Sheets and Reference Materials
for further reading to help you better understand the required activities. Follow
these activities on your own and answer self-check at the end of each
learning outcome. Get the answer key from your instructor and check your
work honestly. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to ask your
facilitator for assistance.

Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL)

You may already have some or most of the knowledge and skills covered in
this learner’s guide because you have:
Been working for some time.
Already completed training in this area.

If you can demonstrate to your trainer that you are competent in a particular
skill or skills, talk to him/her about having them formally recognized so you
won’t have to do the same training again. If you have qualification or
Certificate of Competency from previous training, show them to your trainer. If
the skills you acquired are still relevant to the module, they may become the
part of the evidence you can present for RPL.

At the end of this learning material is a learner’s Diary. Use this diary to
record important dates, jobs undertaken and to other workplace events that
will assist you in further details to your trainer or assessors. A Record of
Achievement is also provided for your trainer to complete once you complete
this module.
This learning material was prepared to help you achieve the required
competency, in Harvest and Post Harvest Handling. This will be the source
of information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this particular trade,
with minimum supervision or help from your instructor.

In doing the activities to complete the requirements of this module,

please be guided by the following:

 Talk to your trainer and agree on how you will both organize the
Training of this unit. Read through the learning guide carefully.
It is divided into sections which cover all the skill and
knowledge you need to successfully complete in this module.
 Work through all the information and complete the activities in
each section. Read information sheets and complete the self-
check. Suggested references are included to supplement the
materials provided in this module.
 Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or
manager. He/she is there to support you and show You the
Correct way to do thing. Ask for help.
 Your trainer will tell you about the important things you need to
consider when you are completing activities and it is important
that you listen and take notes.
 You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and
practice on the job. Make sure you practice your new skills
during regular work shifts. This way you will improve both your
speed and memory and also your confidence.
 Talk to more experience workmates and ask for their guidance.
 Use the self-check questions at the end of each section to test
your own progress.
 When you are ready, ask your trainer to watch you perform the
activities outline in this module.
 As you work through the activities, ask for written feedback on
your progress. Your trainer keeps feedback/pre-assessment
reports for this reason. When you have this learning material
and feel confident that you have sufficient knowledge and skills
your trainer will arrange an appointment with a registered
assessor to assess you. The results of the assessment will be
recorded in your competency Achievement Record.
QUALIFICATION : Junior Aquaculture Technician NCII

UNIT OF COMPETENCY #02 : Operate Fish Nursery

MODULE TITLE #6 : Harvesting and Post Harvest Handling

This module covers scheduling of harvest,
preparing harvesting materials, harvesting
and packaging.

The theory that you learn from this module

will help you perform the activity skillfully.
Upon completion of this module you will
submit your self for an assessment. A
certificate of competency will be given as
proof that you have met the standard
requirement of this module. The
assessment could be of different methods
as prescribe in the competency standard.


1. Schedule harvest

2. Prepare harvesting materials

3. Observe proper handling while


4. Demonstrate proper grading, counting

and packing of live fish.


1. Purchase order is recorded

2. Schedule of harvest is prepared

3. Record keeping is observed

4. Harvesting supplies and materials are

identified and prepared.

5. Methods of harvesting is identified

6. Proper handling in harvest is observed

7. Materials and supplies for conditioning,
grading counting and packing are
identified and prepared.

8. Procedures of conditioning, grading,

counting, and packing live fish are

9. Care in handling live fish is

QUALIFICATION : Junior Aquaculture Technician NCII

MODULE TITLE #6 : Harvesting and Post Harvest Handling

LEARNING OUTCOME #1 : Schedule Harvest


1. Purchase order is recorded

2. Schedule of harvest is prepared

3. Record keeping is observed.

1.Purchase – to acquire by paying money
2. Harvest – the time of gathering
3. Deliver- to carry and distribute
4. Schedule - a time table
5. Fingerlings size- a young fish , not bigger
than a man’s finger


Fish Farming in the Philippines

By DK Villaluz pp. 92-93

Philippine Recommends for Bangus p. 30

- Purchase order form
- Record Book
- Pen


Learning Outcome: # 1 Schedule of Harvest

Learning Activities Special Instructions

Guided by the attached instructional

materials, the trainee will perform the
following activities:

1. Prepare purchase order.

2. Prepare schedule of harvest.

3. Keep record on purchase

orders/schedules of harvest.

Harvesting of fish in the nursery pond, is usually done when fish

reaches two to three months in the nursery pond when fish reach the desired

Harvesting is also scheduled when pond for stocking is ready and

have an abundant supply of natural fish food. It is also scheduled based on
the phase of the tide and/or weather conditions and the preparation of
harvesting equipment and facilities.

Harvest is also done when there are purchase orders. In general

there is no definite time for catching or harvesting fish in the nursery. Demand
regulates when they are caught and delivered.

Harvesting fish in the nursery is scheduled when:

1. Fish reaches fingerling size

2. Pond for stocking is ready

3. Water supply is available

4. There is orders from buyers

Purchase order in a form where the customers name is written and the
number of fishes ordered, when to be delivered.


Lupon , Davao Oriental

Customer Name: ___________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

No. of Fish Ordered: ___________________________________________

Delivery Date: ___________________________________________


Direction: Complete the statement by writing words or group of words on the

blank provided.

1. Cropping of products is called ________________.

2. A form showing the number to fish to be harvested _______________.

3. A fish whose size is as man’s finger ___________________.

4. A trimmed plan for harvesting ______________.

5. There is no definite catching a harvesting of fish in the ____________.


1. Harvesting

2. Purchase order

3. Fingerlings

4. Schedule

5. Nursery pond
Records of Achievement

Module # 6: Harvest & Post Harvest Handling

Learning Outcome # 1- Schedule Harvest YES NO

Performance criteria :

1. Record purchase order

2. Prepare harvest schedule
3. Observe correct and proper recording
Results Competent Not yet

Comments :


Learner has satisfied the above performance criteria:

Learner’s signature : _______________________

Trainer’s signature : _______________________

Date : _______________________
QUALIFICATION : Junior Aquaculture Technician NCII

MODULE TITLE #6 : Harvesting and Post Harvest


LEARNING OUTCOME #2 : Prepare Harvesting Materials


1. Harvesting supplies and materials are

identified and prepared.

1. Spontaneous- done or acting from one’s
own impulse
2. Hoster- to cause to many in move
3. Facilitate – more convenient
4. Grading- to arrange or classify by
grades or degree according to size
5. Polyethylene bag- a synthetic bag made
of plastic or cellophane use in packing
fry & Fingerlings.
6. Harvesting – gathering of a crop/fish


Farming Prawns and Shrimps

FD Apud, JH Premavira
Jose Dagon

Techniques on the Production of

Male Tilapia
Edited by Graham C. Nair and Tereso
Tools/Accessories :

- Seine net
- Scoop net
- Plastic basin
- Plastic pail
- Polyethylene bag
- Rubber band


Learning Outcome: #2 Prepare Harvesting Materials

Learning Activities Special Instructions

Guided by the learners guide you are to

read information sheet on the advantage
of preparing harvesting materials.

Identify materials to be prepared base on

the list.


Preparing harvesting materials, tools equipment is one major activity

to be performed before harvesting is undertaken.

Advantages derived from preparation of harvesting supplies and materials are

as follows:

1. it facilitates easy harvesting

2. lessens time consumed

3. lesser effort spent

4. provides for spontaneous and systematic movement

5. hastens work flow and activities

Harvesting materials:

1. Scoop net

2. Polyethylene bag

3. Rubber bond

4. Pail

5. Plastic basin

6. White bowl

7. Seine net

8. Tally counter

9. Fry grander

10. Record note book

11. Buying basket

12. Styrofoam boxes

13. Suspension net

14. Oxygen tank

Function of Supplies and Materials

Direction: Write the correct answer on the space provided for:

1. Used for scooping the fish.

2. Used for counting fry.

3. Used for packing and transporting fry and fingerlings.

4. Used for pitching water.

5. Used for tying the bag after filling in with oxygen.


1. scoop net

2. plastic basin/bowl

3. polyethylene bag

4. water pail

5. Rubber bond
Records of Achievement

Module # 6: Harvest & Post Harvest Handling

Learning Outcome # 2- Prepare Harvesting Materials YES NO

Performance criteria :

1. Prepare materials and supplies for

harvesting as to the listed materials

Results Competent Not yet


Comments :


Learner has satisfied the above performance criteria:

Learner’s signature : _______________________

Trainer’s signature : _______________________

Date : _______________________
QUALIFICATION : Junior Aquaculture Technician NCII

MODULE TITLE #6 : Harvesting and Post Harvest Handling

LEARNING OUTCOME #3 : Observe proper handling while harvesting


1. Methods of harvesting is identified

2. Proper handling is harvested is



Tilapia Growing in Ponds

Tesero A. Abela
Freshwater Aquaculture Center
Muños, Nueva Ecija

Learning Element
Produced by: The Curriculum Development
UL Complex, Pasig Metro Manila


1. Fishing gear- an instrument used in

collecting or gathering of fish
2. Seine net- any long fish net, having
floats at the top edge and weights as the
3. Strees-Strain or tension
4. Submerged- to place under
5. Inverted- mosquito net- hapa nets


- Scoop net
- Plastic basin
- Plastic pail


Learning Outcome: #3 Observe proper handling while harvesting

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read information sheet on the method

of harvesting.

2. Proceed to the learning resource

center, play VHS player and view the
methods of harvesting fish and the
proper handling wile harvesting.

3. Visit a nearby fishpond presently

conducting harvesting and observe
their practices.

4. Demonstrate the method observed in Refer to Job Sheet # 1

harvesting and proper handling.



Seine Net
Scoop Net
Plastic basin
Plastic pail
Polytechnic bag

Steps in collecting seedling in the Nursery pond:

1. Drain about 50% of pond water. It is necessary to decrease water

in the pond so that the fish may easily detect the presence of
incoming water. The caretaker should also observe the reaction of
fingerlings to the incoming water. If necessary, leave only a small
amount of water in the pond to enhance positive fish reaction to
water current.

2. Install fingerlings seine at the catching pond, preferably near the

gate. Fingerling seine is featured like an inverted mosquito net.
Fingerlings usually swim against the current. In a few minutes, they
are concentrated at the water surface.

3. Lift the net. This means that only a portion of the net is being
lifted and the remaining part is submerged underwater. The net is
brought close to the dike, and the fingerlings are now ready to be

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until there are still fingerlings reacting to

water current.

5. Drain the pond up to 30 cm. The reductions of pond water

facilities the seining of the remaining fingerlings in the pond.

6. Catch the remaining fingerlings with the use of seine net. It is

advisable to maintain a certain quantity of water to make sure that
the fingerlings are still alive. Seine net should be operated slowly
to prevent too much stress on the fish caused by the herding
effect of the net.

7. Stocking fingerlings in the plastic basin, if possible aerate.

8. Bring the fingerlings to the rearing pond.



Excessive stress is harmful to fish. The use of stress-free gear in

collecting seedling in the pond is ideally necessary. However, there is no
existing gear of this type. Practically, one should only explore the possibility of
availing a gear and technique of catching fingerling at minimal stress.


1. Total draining

2. Current method

3. Seining method

Direction: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is


1. Fingerlings are collected at noon to facilitate handling and


2. Attraction to swim against the current is the usual technique in

collecting fingerlings in the nursery pond.

3. Seine net is the gear used for catching fingerlings.

4. Reduction of pond water stimulates fish reaction to water current.

5. Excessive stress is harmful to fish.


1. F

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. T
Records of Achievement

Module # 6: Harvest & Post Harvest Handling

Learning Outcome # 3- Observe Proper handling YES NO
while harvesting

Performance criteria :

1. Method of harvesting identified

2. Proper handling in harvesting is observe

Results Competent Not yet


Comments :


Learner has satisfied the above performance criteria:

Learner’s signature : _______________________

Trainer’s signature : _______________________

Date : _______________________
QUALIFICATION : Junior Aquaculture Technician NCII

MODULE TITLE # 6 : Harvesting and Post Harvest Handling

LEARNING OUTCOME #4 : Demonstrate proper grading, counting and

packing of live fish


1. Materials and supplies for conditioning,

grading, counting and packing are
identified and prepared.

2. Procedures of conditioning, grading,

counting and packing live fish are

3. Care in handling live fish is



1. Fish Grading – the process of separating

desired size of fish from small ones
( when different size are mixed)
2. Monosize- Culture cultivating of uniform
size of fish.
3. Multi size fish – fish of different size.
4. Oxygen tank- a cylindrical steel
container used to contain
5. Value- a mechanical device by which
the flow of liquid, gas or loose material in
bulk may be started, stooped or
regulated by a movable part.
6. Plastic tubing/hose- tubing used as
channel for flow of liquid or gas in one
7. Leakages- process of permitting the
admission or escapes through an
8. Recycle- means to use again
9. Compressed air- air trapped in a
10. Harvesting - the gathering of a crop
11. Stock- refer to the organisms produced
or raised
12. Inflate- expand by adding air
13. Respiration – process of taking in
oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide


Technoguide on the Production of

Genetically Male Tilapia
Edited by Graham Mair
Freshwater Aquaculture Center
Tereso Abella
Nueva Ecija

Tilapia Grow Out Operation in Ponds

Freshwater Aquaculture
EM Vera Cruz

Equipments :
- Vehicle

Tools/Accessories :
- Fish grader
- Counter
- Filled oxygen tank

Supplies/Materials :
- Styrofoam boxes, bayong
- rubber band


Learning Outcome: #4 – Demonstrate proper grading, counting and packing of live fish
Learning Activities Special Instructions

Read information sheet in the learners

guide on grading preparing and counting
of fish.

Demonstrate proper packing of fish for Refer to Job Sheet # 2



Fish do not grow uniformly despite being subjected to the same

environmental condition. Some excel and grow rapidly while others left behind
growing timidity.

Fish growers employing mono size culture scheme prefer the same
size of fish rather multi size for culture. This facilitates almost uniform sized
fish reaching marketable size during harvest. With this culture scheme, there
is a need to grade fish to get the desired for stocking. Bigger ones command
higher price than the smaller ones. While in impound net, the seedlings are
graded before they are disposed for sale.

From the nurseries, seedlings are transported to the ponds for rearing
to marketable size and, therefore, should reach the site alive and in good
condition. Packing techniques are necessary to ensure higher survival rate
while in transport. Factors like distance covered, time and volume of
fingerlings to be packed and size of container can accommodate depends on
its size and the distance of transport.

This task can be accomplished only if one is familiar and acquainted

with the uses, functions and operations of materials and equipment used in
packing and transporting fingerlings.

Grading of fry and fingerlings is achieved by using the following:

A. Fish grading panel- its function is just to filter/screen the desired fish. The
net with desired mesh size is fixed at a wooden frame whose width is
equal to the width of the tank

Fish dealers and buyers usually ask for allowance of 100-500

fingerlings for every 1000-fingerling purchase to cover expected mortality
during transport and possible undercounting.
To grade fish using this device, steps are listed below:

4. You can scoop the desired fish.

JOB SHEET # 2 & 3

Title :Harvest & Post harvest handling

Program : Demonstrate Proper grading, counting & Packing of live fish

Equipment : Vehicle

Tools/Accessories :
- Fish grader
- Counter
- Filled Oxygen tank

Supplies & Materials :

- Fish grader
- Counter
- Filled Oxygen tank

Steps in Preparing Packing Material and Equipment:

1. Bring all the necessary tools, equipment and materials near the place of
harvesting the fingerlings.

2. Lean and tie the tank with a rope on the post or stand to prevent it from
falling down or simply lay down the tank on the floor putting pieces of
wood or stone on both sides just enough to keep it from moving or rolling.
NOTE: If you cannot carry the tank by yourself, seek for help from other

3. Get the plastic tubing/hose and fit it tightly into the tank valve where
oxygen passes through. Fasten with rubber band to prevent leakage.
4. Operate by opening the gas regulator gradually to test whether fitting is
tight and to determine if leakage is present or not.


a. A whizzing sound is produced at the fitting if ever there is leakage.

Air (oxygen) escapes through it.

b. If it happens, dismantle the fitting and reassemble it

c. Rest it again

5. Check scoop net and screen/flitter. Be sure these are damage free and not
worn out.

6. Wash basin with clean water. These should be of the same size and color.
The number of basin depends on the number of fingerlings to be
harvested. You must have an estimate of the number of fingerlings t be

7. Fill each P.E. bag with clean water about ¼ of each water volume.

Never use damaged polyethylene bags, they do not store water/trap
B. Floating Grading Box

This is a net enclosure formed like a box. The mesh size is enough to
grade/separated desired size.


1. Place the box inside the tank. Be sure the box is not totally submerged in

2. Place the fry to the graded inside. Those that are smaller enough pass out
and those that are retained are transferred to another holding unit.

Note: Always observes affect to minimize stress and mortality. Clean and
clear after work.

Methods in counting fingerlings:

1. Direct Method- fry are counted individually by fishermen. For large

numbers, the number of fry in one cup or bowl, or any convenient multiple,
is represented by a corresponding number of pebbles, shell or stones to
aid in counting. For instance, one pebble may represent 100 fingerlings
while bigger one would represent 1, 000 fingerlings.

2. Visual estimation or “subay” system – this method used by fry

concessionaires and dealers. The density of one container is compared
with that of the other container for which the exact number of fry has been
previously determined.

3. Percentage Method –the buyer arranges with the sealer to stock all fry
bags equally. He then select the bags and gives the total number of fry.

Fish dealers and buyers usually ask for allowance of 100-500

fingerlings for every 1000-fingerling purchase to cover expected mortality
during transport and possible undercounting.

Direction: True or False: Write T if the statement is true and F if the

statement is false or the space provided for before each number.

1. Oxygen gas is soluble in water

2. Preparing harvesting tools, equipment before harvesting is done

will slow down harvesting activity in hatcheries and fishponds.

3. Mechanisms, which control the flow of oxygen form the oxygen

cylinder tank, is the rubber tubing.

4. Transporting fish alive by packing in polyethylene bags employ

clinical/medical oxygen in order t o keep them alive.

5. Fish when subjected to the same environmental conditions,

attain equal growth at the same time.

6. A fish culture scheme where fish of varied sizes are stock in the
pond is called Monosize culture.

7. It is imperative to maintain cleanliness of the workplace after

grading the stocks.

8. In fish grading, bigger size fishes command lower piece

compared to the small ones.

9. Grading of fish of desired size uses filter/screen with the much

size suitable to trap such fish.

10. Transported live fish should be packed in a polyethylene bag

with water pumped with oxygen.

1. T

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. F

6. F

7. T

8. F

9. T

10. T
Records of Achievement

Module # 6: Harvest & Post Harvest Handling

Learning Outcome # 4- Demonstrate proper grading YES NO
counting & packing of live fish

Performance criteria :

1. Materials and supplies for conditioning,

grading, counting and packing lice fish are
identified and prepared.

2. Demonstrated

Results Competent Not yet


Comments :


Learner has satisfied the above performance criteria:

Learner’s signature : _______________________

Trainer’s signature : _______________________

Date : _______________________

Candidate name:
Unit of competency: Operate Fish Nursery
Competency standards: Junior Aquaculture Technician NCII
Oral/interview questions Satisfactory
Yes No
What if you were using visual estimation instead of direct
method, could you give 100% accuracy?
What would you do in the event of grading of fry, the fish
suffer stress?
What precautions must you take when counting fish fry?
If mortality happens after packing live fish, what action
would you take?
What are the specified procedures or steps to prepare
packing materials?

The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory Not satisfactory
Assessor Date
Feedback to candidate:

Acceptable answers are:

1. [insert suggested answer to questions]
Assessor signature: Date:

Candidate name:

Unit of competency: Operate Fish Nursery

Competency standards: Junior Aquaculture Technician NCII

Oral/interview questions Satisfactory


Yes No
What precautions must you take when preparing harvest 
If mortality happens after packing live fish, what action 
would you take/
What if you were using total draining instead of seining 
method? What could be the effect of fish?

The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory Not satisfactory
Assessor Date

Feedback to candidate:

Acceptable answers are:

1. [insert suggested answer to questions]
Assessor signature: Date:

Candidate’s name:

Assessor’s name:

Unit of competency:

Competency standards:

Date of assessment:

Time of assessment:

Instruction for demonstration

Materials and equipment

 to show if evidence is
OBSERVATION demonstrated

During the demonstration of skills, did
the candidate:

Keep record purchase order properly 

Prepared and identify supplies and

materials for harvesting

Observe proper handling in harvesting 

Demonstrate correct procedure of 

grading, counting and packing of fish.

The candidate’s demonstration was:

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Demonstration [Cont.]

QUESTIONS response

Yes No
The candidate should answer the following questions:

What would you do if purchase order is not properly 


What precautions must you taken when preparing 

harvesting materials?

What precautions must you take when counting fish fry? 

What would you do in the event of grading of fry, the fish 

suffer stress?

The candidate' underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory Not satisfactory

Feedback to candidate:

The candidate’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory Not satisfactory

Candidate signature: Date:

Assessor signature : Date:



Competency Standard: Junior Aquaculture Technician NC II

Unit of Competency: Operating Fish Nursery

Ways in which evidence will be collected:


The evidence must show that the candidate...
1. Prepared harvest schedule
2. Observed record keeping
3. Prepared and identified supplies and materials for
harvesting x

4. Identified methods of harvesting x

5. Observed proper handling in harvesting

6. Demonstrated correct procedure of grading counting
and packing of fish x x

NOTE: *Critical aspects of competency

Prepared by: Date:

Checked by: Date:


One way of informing the members in an organization about an

acting to be dine is by an interoffice memorandum.

Interoffice memorandum is a letter style used in interoffice communication. It

provides a fast and easy communications within the organization. Only
essential information is included. Full addresses, personal titles, the
salutation, the complimentary close, and the signature are omitted.

Examine the suggested format below.

(Name of Office or Institution)

Interoffice Communication

TO: _____________________________

FROM: __________________________


SUBJECT: _______________________




(Typist’s initials)

Reference: Macaraeg, Bienvenido B. 1987. Write Better Letters the Modern

Way. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store, p.50

Study the following sample of an interoffice memorandum

Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Lupon, Davao Oriental

Interoffice Memorandum




DATE : November 10, 2003


The celebration of our 20th Foundation day will commence on

November 19. One of the highlights of this affair is the exhibit of our finished

Please start processing sardines in jars, chayote pickles, and

ampalaya pickles to be displayed in our booth. Be sure to process these this
week together with your committee members and the processing students.


Comprehension Questions

1. Who is the addresses?

2. What is the purpose of this memorandum?

3. Why is she instructed to process these items before the week?


You are the chairperson of the Harvesting Committee. Write a

memorandum addressed to your members of the proposed schedule of the
bangus harvest. Included in your memorandum is the assignment that you
give to one member to prepare the checklist of materials to be used in

Direction: Explain in your own understanding the following questions below:

1. Why is there no definite catching or harvesting of fish in the nursery fund?

2. Why do we have to consider the phase of the tide/or weather in harvesting?



In transporting fish, you need to communicate with a

wholesalers/buyers to gather information about what they want and know
packaging is done based on their specifications.

Therefore, you should prepare are questions for the interview.

There are the steps to conduct an interview:

1. Know exactly what you want to find out.

2. Prepare list of questions.

3. Explain your purpose.

4. Specify information you want.

5. Get full weaning of each statement or answer.

6. Record information

7. Summarize main points discussed.

8. Express appreciation, interest, thanks.

Aids on Writing Questions:

A. Wh-Questions

Wh-questions with function words: do, does, did

ex. 1. How do you pack the fish before transporting to the


2. What does a buyer need?

The function verb do is used with the base form of the verb if the
subject is either I, we, you, they or plural nouns. In sentence no.1;

Function Verb (FV) - do

Main Verb (MV) - pack (base form )

Subject - you (plural)

The function verb does is used when the subject is singular: he, she,
it or singular nouns.

In sentence No.2:

Function Verb - does

Main Verb - need (base form)

Subject - buyer (singular)


Key Points
Function verbs do and does are used with main verbs in the present tense.
These main verbs are actions that refer to present event.

Do is for plural subject and does is for singular subject. Did is used for
singular and plural subject but used when the action is past tense.


Supply the correct function verb with the base form of the verb in parenthesis.
Identify the number of the subject to determine the correct form of the function

1. How much ice ______ you _____ (use) to retain the freshness of the 50
kilograms of bangus that weigh 500 grams each?

2. What _____ a retailer ______ (want) to buy during Christmas seaon?

3. How many kilos of tilapia ______ we ______ (deliver) today?

4. When ______ a retailer ______ (profit) more?

5. To whom ______ he _______ (place) his order?

B. Wh-questions without function verbs

Example: Where are the caretakers?

Pattern: Wh + HV (are) + subject + Complement

Who will contact the buyers?

Pattern: Wh + MV (will contact) + other words


Supply the correct form of the verb in the each sentence.

Use the present tense

1. Who ___________ (be) the consumers of our products?

2. What ___________ (make) the fish fresh always while still being

3. What ________ (happen) when the amount of ice is lower than the
amount of fish to be preserved?
C. Yes – No Questions with Function verbs

Study the questions in the chart below. What is the form of the main verb?
What is the number of the subject in sentence 1, 2 and 3?

Function Subject Verb

Do people consume more tilapia than
the farmers

Does everyday eat tilapia?

Did the customer purchase fingerlings last


Key Points

In yes-no questions, the function verbs do/does/did begin the

sentences and followed by the subjects. The main verbs follow the subjects.

D. Yes -No Questions with verb Be (am, is, are, was, were)

Examine the sentences below. Do you find any differences from the
questions with function verbs? Discuss your answer.

Verb (be) Subject Subject Complement

Is crushed ice good for fish over 500

Are farms ready to supply the market?

Was the production last year remarkable?

Key Points

The verb (be) begins the sentence in yes-no question and is followed by the
subject. The subjective complement follows the subject.

You have already experienced writing a business letter such as

request letter. Using your prior learning, recall the parts of the letter,
addressing the envelope and folding the stationery.

Before you can go on a field trip to the different establishments, it is

a requirement that you have an appointment with them so that they can
prepare the venue and the information you may need from them. You should
inform them in advance and ask them to grant your request.

In doing these, follow these guidelines:

1. Tell your purpose of the field trip.

2. Let them understand that the information they can share to you is very
relevant to your lessons in a particular subject.

3. If you have done this, ask them to grant your request.

4. Be concise in your message and express your appreciation.

Sample Letter of Request

Read the letter following sample letter of request.

Evaluate it based on the guidelines.



The Junior Aquaculture students of Lupon School Fisheries in

Lupon, Davao Oriental will be holding a field trip to the different
establishments of fish wholesalers and retailers on December 20, 2003. Our
purpose is to be acquainted with the species that are sold, the sizes, the
techniques in packaging, marketing and distribution.
The knowledge that we will gain from this trip will surely make our
learning in the classroom concrete as this will be our exposure to the real

I would like to request your good office to allow us to visit your place
to gather information from you about fish and marketing.

I shall appreciate your favorable response on this request.

Sincerely yours,


Write your letter requesting a particular establishment to allow your

group together with your major subject instructors to go on a field trip in and
around this establishment to enrich your knowledge in fish handling,
marketing and distribution.

Candidate name:
Unit of competency: Operate Fish Nursery
Competency standards: Junior Aquaculture Technician NCII
Oral/interview questions Satisfactory
Yes No
What would you do if purchase order is not properly
What would you do if schedule of harvest is not possible?
What precautions must you take when preparing harvest
What would you do if purchase order gets lost?
What are the regulations in respect of scheduling

The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory Not satisfactory
Assessor Date
Feedback to candidate:

Acceptable answers are:

1. [insert suggested answer to questions]
Assessor signature: Date:

Candidate name:LO1
Unit of competency: Operate Fish Nursery
Competency standards: Junior Aquaculture Technician NCII
Oral/interview questions Satisfactory
Yes No
What would you do if purchase order is not properly
What would you do if schedule of harvest is not possible?
What precautions must you take when preparing harvest
What would you do if purchase order gets lost?
What are the regulations in respect of scheduling

The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory Not satisfactory
Assessor Date
Feedback to candidate:

Acceptable answers are:

1. [insert suggested answer to questions]
Assessor signature: Date:

Candidate name: LO2

Unit of competency: Operate Fish Nursery
Competency standards: Junior Aquaculture Technician NCII
Oral/interview questions Satisfactory
Yes No
What if you were using plastic pail instead of plastic basin
in counting fry? Would there be any difference?
What would you do if polyethylene bags are not
What precautions must you take when preparing
harvesting materials?
What would you do if prepared harvesting materials are
What are the specified steps in purposing harvesting

The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory Not satisfactory
Assessor Date
Feedback to candidate:

Acceptable answers are:

1. [insert suggested answer to questions]
Assessor signature: Date:

Candidate name:
Unit of competency: Operate Fish Nursery
Competency standards: Junior Aquaculture Technician NCII
Oral/interview questions Satisfactory
Yes No
What if you were using total draining instead of seining
method? What could be the effect on fish?
What would you do in the event of forgetting to aerate
fingerlings stock on plastic basin?
What precautions must you take when collecting seedling
in the nursery pond?
What would you do if, while bringing the fingerlings to the
rearing pond mortality occurs?
What are the steps to follow in collecting seedling in the
nursery pond?

The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory Not satisfactory
Assessor Date
Feedback to candidate:

Acceptable answers are:

1. [insert suggested answer to questions]
Assessor signature: Date:

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