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Microprocessor/Microcontroller Systems


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following problem and submit in the complete solution.

1. If we had 20,00010 memory address lines, what would be the last address line needed to
describe an item in hex 2 bytes wide?
2. Refer to Figure shown. If we POP data item #2 (two-bytes) from the stack, will the stack
pointer (SP) increment or decrement? What hex value will appear in the SP?
3. Refer to the same Figure, if we PUSH three data items onto the stack 1-byte each, will the
SP increment or decrement? What hex value will appear in the SP?

Include the rubrics (see Table 1 in the next page) in assignment submission.

College of Engineering – URS Morong Campus 1/2

Microprocessor/Microcontroller Systems

Table 1. Rubrics Evaluation Sheet

Meeting Towards
Meeting Achieved
Criteria Expectations Meeting
Expectations Score
(7-10 pts.) Expectations
(0-2 pts.)
(3-6 pts.)
The submitted The submitted The submitted
work results or work results or work results or
Correctness and outputs are outputs are outputs are below
completeness between 100% between 84% and 60% correct or
and 85% correct 60% correct and incomplete
and complete complete

The logical order The logical order The logical order

and neatness of and neatness of and neatness of
Presentation the solution for the solution for the solution for the
and the submitted the submitted submitted work
organization of work results or work results or results or outputs
solutions outputs are very outputs are are not
satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory

The submitted The submitted The submitted

work results or work results or work results or
outputs manifest outputs manifest outputs poorly
authentic or mostly common manifests the
Authenticity or
novel qualities qualities and no required qualities
which go beyond evidence of and are found
the common plagiarism either incomplete,
standard incorrect, or has
strong evidence of
Timeliness of Submission Submission on Submission after
design before the set the exact set the set deadline or
submission deadline deadline non-submission

Total Score ___ / 40

College of Engineering – URS Morong Campus 2/2

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