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1. Why is it important to centralize human rights in science, technology,

and development?

Science and human rights are inseparably linked in many ways. Human
rights will provide the community to be equal and productively balance. And
also, human rights are the basic guidelines for science, technology and
development. Certainly, science, technology, and development are central to
the industrial and post-industrial revolution of the 21st century. And, even
with their limitations, human rights are central to thoughts on how science,
technology, and development can encourage human well-being. Human
rights are also rights to sustainability, serving to protect the poor and
vulnerable from the extremes of market-driven science and technology.
Since technologies have frequently evolved over the last decades, they have
a strong influence on people and society. In order for human rights approach
to be grounded more strongly, human rights should be perceptively
responding to the developments of a society. Human Rights has been
central pillar of human lives.

2. The article asserts that there is no universally accepted definition of a

human-rights based approach to science and technology. Why do you
think so?

A human rights-based approach to science, technology and

development seeks to place a concern for human rights at the heart of how
the international community engages with urgent global challenges. A
human rights-based approach means that individuals and communities
should know their rights. It also means that they should be fully supported to
participate in the development of policy and practices which affect their lives
and to claim rights where necessary in here it can access in science and
technology. A Human Rights Based Approach is a way of empowering
people to know and claim their rights, and increases the ability and
accountability of individuals and institutions who are responsible for
respecting, protecting and fulfilling rights. a human rights-based approach
recognises that science is a socially organised, human activity which is
value-laden and moulded by organisational structures and procedures.
Human rights-focused approach in dealing with science. It attempts to
generate the provisions for equal cooperation in the worldwide science
community and reasonable passage to scientific goods and information.

3. Not everyone agrees that in a human rights-based approach to science

and technology. Why do you think so?

But the bigger issue is whether, and how, a human rights-based approach
should inform development ethics and human rights-based approaches to
bear on the ethical allegations of rapid technological transformation .the
ethical clarifications provide which are the main reasons which we can’t
agrees.. also, Human rights approaches to policy can have an impact on
many areas of science, technology and development, including climate
change, housing, energy production, deforestation, access to fresh water,
biological warfare, surveillance, public health, and gender issues.
Technology is so introductory that it cuts all the surface in every sector. It
is tangled everywhere in the modern-day’s with the support of
technological tools, great opportunities persevere to improve human
rights efforts. Simultaneously, however, a thriving call is there to warrant
the security and safety of human rights defenders, activists, in this the
world of globalized surveillance. new technologies would have further
revealed people to new kind of human rights violations. Since today’s
freedom of expression are often limited by the censoring of online
content by governments, the transformation of such rights as freedom of
expression and right to privacy to the digital world is pretty much
evident. Science and technology can bring about severe damage to the
ecological and social systems upon which life depends. For example, in
order to challenge justice and liberty military technologies can be applied.
Moreover, current technologies, such as geo-engineering or
nanotechnology, may even raise doubt what it significances to be human.

4. Give at least two concrete examples on how a human-rights based

approach to science and technology lead to good policy-making and
approach to development.

1)The UN's human rights-based approach to programmes of development

cooperation, policy and technical assistance uses a three-tiered approach that
focuses on goals on realising rights, processes the standards and principles,
and outcomes is the increased volume to meet duties and claim rights.

2) A Human Rights-Based Approach Development Planning Toolkit,

developed with the support of various UN agencies, offers a situation for
development planning exactness the priorities to keep in mind in
development work within the larger architecture of development projects.
And it helps analyse progress in executing human rights approaches.

5. In your opinion, in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic, do you think a

human-rights based approach to science and technology is being
implemented? Why or why not?

Yes, a human-rights-based approach to science and technology is being

implemented during the covid-19 pandemic because International human
rights law guarantees everyone the right to the highest attainable standard
of health and obligates governments to take steps to prevent threats to
public health and to provide medical care to those who need it. And also,
with the case of Science, technology and innovation have played an
important role in addressing this health crisis in this pandemic situation.
there were a lot of scientific approaches were done during this time.
during the time of the pandemic, the technologies became rapidly
emerged, the digital platform of technologies were also increased,
humans start to depend on these platforms starts to increase. everyone has
the right to access this technology. because during pandemic none of us
can stay out or get out from home so every basic. So, the approach of
human right’s based on technology and science been good in here. also,
the scientific advancement led the way to attain healthy status in this
situation. science advancement like vaccine and medicines and treatment
lead the path to safe. these advancements are equally and mandatorily
giving to the populations

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