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made by Noraiza Mary Grace C.

of Grade 9 Rizal

Week 8 Health
Learning Task 1
Environmental Issue:
Ozone Layer Depletion - the thinning of
the Earth's ozone layer, which is caused by

Program/Activity to solve
Ozone Layer Depletion:
I suggest that we should lessen, or if
possible, is to stop consuming chemicals
and gases like chlorofluorocarbons and
carbon tetrachloride. In fact, there are a
lot of substitutes or alternatives for this.

Refrigerators and appliances are

Steps/Procedures to prevent
replaced by HFC-410A, a
Ozone Layer Depletion:
replacement blend that will protect
the ozone layer;
Plant more trees, do NOT
Hydrocarbon blown polystyrene,
tear down forests.
plastic film wrap and bags that can
be used for food containers.
Stop using harmful cleaning
chemicals especially CFC's,
Buy or make ozone-friendly
Lessen the use of cars,
Lastly is to continue spread
"Not just a layer,
awareness like posting
but a protector." articles in a local newspaper
or social media.

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