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Stability Definition

Power System Stability is defined as that property of a

power system that enables it to remain in a state of
operating equilibrium under normal operating
conditions and to regain an acceptable state of
equilibrium after being subjected to disturbance
Critical clearing time

It is defined as the maximum time that is allowed to

remove the disturbance without interrupting the
system's performance. The system will be stable if the
disturbance can be cleared before the time allowed.
The process of performing a dynamic Calculation of Initial Values
simulation typically involves the following
✓ Calculation of initial values, including a load Define the result variables
flow calculation
✓ Definition of result variables
Define the events
✓ Definition of simulation events
✓ Execution of simulation
Define the output graphs
✓ Creation of simulation plots
✓ Exporting results (Optional).
Initialize the Simulation

Run the simulation

Create additional graphs if required

Analyze the results

Events that can be defined in the Power Factory

loads connected to the power system.

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