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Activity: Track & Trace

DIRECTIONS: Describe the changes happened in our literature from Spanish Period to American Period. Put emphasis on th e language used and the
influences contributed by Americans and Spaniards in the Philippine literature.

Spanish Period

- Many things changed during the Spanish era, the first of which being that the Filipinos converted to Catholicism. Afterwards, we were baptized
by immersion. Finally, we incorporated a large number of Spanish terms into our vocabulary without even realizing it.Because the Spaniards
occupied the Philippines for 333 years, we are bound to adopt some of their characteristics. Even our first names have been altered. That long,
the Spaniards have set fire to our alphabets, believing they are demonic creations.

Enlightenment Period

- Things began to heat up a tad. El Filibusterismo published Noli Me Tangere at the same time as it did. José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso
Realonda are the authors of these two well-known and historically significant books. When Rizal was in London, he authored those novels.
There were a lot of minds opened by such novels back then. When this time period arrived, La Liga Filipina was also active. The organization
was founded by Jose Rizal, and notable members include Apolinario Mabini, Marcelo H. del Pilar, and Andres Bonifacio.
American Period

- The merging of American music cultures and romantic traditions was clear proof of Western influence.

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