SALN MEMO Guidelines

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‘Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education atonal opt Region Division of ity Schools MANILA Hlnivisiratioe Soriees Jonvary 1 MEMORANDUM NO. 16 To: FILING OF SWORN STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH AND DISCLOSURES OF BUSINESS INTERESTS AND FINANCIAL CONNECTIONS [AND IDENTIFICATION OF RELATIVES IN THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE ‘AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2021 ASSISTANT SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS. ‘CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS AND SERVICES ALL PUBLIC SCHOOL PRINCIPALS. AIL OTHERS CONCERNED 1. Pursuant fo CSC Resolution No. 15-00088 dated Jonuay 23, 2015 and CSC Memorandum Circular No. 3,s. 2015, and as specified in Section 8 of Republic Act 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees). ‘all publc officials and employees are required to fle their Statement of Assets, Lobilties and Net Worth (SALN}. Furthermore, deciorants are required “to accomplish and submit declaration’ under oath of. and the public has the tight fo know, their assets, lobites and net worth, and financial and business interests including those of hei spouses and of unmaried chiren under eighteen 118) years of age living in their households". 2. Accomplished ond original (hard) copies of SALN forms shall be submitted to the ‘Administrative Services for attestation (Attn: Mr. Vivencio M. Talegon, Jr. Chief Administralve Officer, Administrative Services) no! later than February 28, 2022. 3. Personnel in-charge of the SALNs of officials and employees per school/services shal scan the attested SALNs using PDF Format and individually save the same per declarant {for reference, please see OMBCircular No. 2). Likewise, the format/templates for Cerificalion of SALN are attached hereto. 4. The electronic copies of the SALNS including Excel copies, must be submitted in compact dises (CDs) of Flash Drive to the Administrative Services not later thon March 25, 2022, 5. For City Paid Non-Teaching Employees. as per Executive Order No. 14,5. 2021, and reiterated by Unnumbered Memorandum dated June 3, 2021, Oifice of the City ‘Administrator, each school/services MUST submit a separate copy both soft and hhard copies) to the Administrative Services for submission fo the City Personnel Office. 6. SALN forms must be accomplished in tipficate copies and to be submitted to the folowing Offices: Office ofthe Ombudsmanl ‘Original Copies of the SAIN, together wih] City Persomnel Office: ___| electronic copies (PDF format] thereot. _| Records Management Services | 2 Copy ‘Schoo/Semvices ‘38Copy, 7. For guidance and stict compliance. ‘and immediate dissemination ofthis Memorandum is desired, & Wide Paget of 2 Prepared by: ‘Administrative Services Pullcation Services Recommending Apéfoval: Ally. ANTONIO C. CASANGKAPAN Assistant Schoo's Division Superintendent APPROVAL: C (MARIA MAGBALENA M. LIM, CESO V ‘Schools Difsion Superintendent ¥ i ‘Manila Education Cenler Aroceros Forest Park © mm denedmantanst (ot y= Form 2 Division of City Schools (School) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the following teaching/non-teaching personnel of this school have failed to submit their Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth and Disclosures of Business Interest and Financial Connections and Relatives/s in the Government Services for the Year 2021 as required under Section 8 of Republic Act No. 6713 as implemented by Memorandum Circular issued by the Office of the Ombudsman on June 21, 1995. Name of Teaching/Non-Teaching Employees Designation /Position 1. 2 This Certification is being issued for whatever legal purpose it may serve. Date Principal SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __ day of , 2022 at City of Manila, Philippines. VIVENCIO M. TALEGON, JR. Chief Administrative Officer Administrative Services Note: Pease use adaiional forms if necessary Distribution: ‘Oifce ofthe Ombademan Records Management Services Office/ Shoot Form 3 Division of City Schools (School) Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth Calendar Year 2021 CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the SALN’s submitted/included in the Summary List of Filers were reviewed and found compliant by the Review and Compliance of this School/Office. Further, the review was made in accordance with the review and compliance procedure in filing and submission of SALN’s pursuant to CSC Memorandum Circular No. 10, s. 2006 (as amended by CSC Resolution No. 1300455 promulgated on March 04, 2013) Issued on ‘Name and Signature of Principal / Chief of Service Name and Signature of Member Name and Signature of Member Distribution Records Management Services Otice/Schoa! Form 4 (Attn: With Soft Copy, Excel Format Only) Name of School ‘SUMMARY LIST OF FILERS Statement of Assets , abilities and Net Worth Calendar Year 2021 ‘Name of Employee No, Sumame | GivenName | Middle Name la lees pees 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 3 10 u “otal Number of Fier: ‘Total Number of Personnel Complement: Propaed by Notes by

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