Contoh Tugas BI Kutipan

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Contoh penulisan ilmiah, kutipan serta daftar pustaka.

A research about English learning model was conducted in Binus

University shown that teaching model that engage students to be more active
during the lesson, would improve their motivation to perform better and put
creativity for the performance. The job interview role playing model was one of
interactive method in learning, was proven giving students more opportunity to
explore deeper into their mind and creativity in using English to communicate.
It was also motivating students to show a fully performance and not only giving
answer by the book. The teaching model was giving lecturer to deliver an
interactive method that centring on students not teacher-based method. The
students were also given the opportunity to practice English with their partners
in the class or even at home. By giving interesting learning activities, students
were motivated because they were engaged. The confidence on English speaking
was improved because students were using English more and more. The activity
was giving students the opportunity to experience the job/work interview so that
they will not as nervous as the first time, especially when they are facing the real
job interview (Willyarto, Oktriono, Suarly, & Agustina, 2018).
Based on research done by Ulani,, it could be concluded that cross-
cultural communication in Binus has succeeded in bringing change into a better
life of respondents. Learning about people's cultures has the potential to give a
mirror image as the opportunity to challenge how to learn new ways to solve
problems that we had previously given up on. We can accept the difficulties as
"just the way things are". Then, raising the local culture can improve the social
status because it allows to be more creative and have their own characteristics.
The model cross cultural communication could improve the quality of social
education in Indonesia in terms of cultural interaction in many aspects. Working
and studying tradition in Binus was supporting Binusians to improve themselves
by interacting with people from different countries and communicating between
cultures to face a better future as the citizen of the world (Willyarto, Yunus, &
Wahyuningtyas, 2019).
Another research that was done in Binus University as well, came up with
the conclusion: cross-cultural communication in Binus was not only at national
level culture but also at international level. The tour operators and wholesalers
abroad were, in the field of marketing, selling overseas, then brought tourists to
Indonesia. To master operations, how to market tourism, students were equipped
with courses: hotel management, tourism destination and planning management
and marketing in tourism. It was as if to sharpen their culture to be equipped
with courses, philosophy, Indonesian culture, history and heritage. To be able to
interact with foreign cultures they were equipped with foreign language such as
Japanese, Mandarin, French, Korean and Arabic languages. Most exams were
given in case studies. Thus, besides mastering the theory, Binus students were
also expected to be able to become problem solver in tourism cases. (Yunus,
Wahyuningtyas, & Willyarto, 2019).

Daftar Pustaka (APA style)

Yunus, U., Wahyuningtyas, B. P., & Willyarto, M. N. (2019). Komunikasi

Lintas Budaya dan Entrepreneurship pada Program Studi Destinasi
Pariwisata Universitas Bina Nusantara Jakarta. Seminar Nasional
Komunikasi Pariwisata, IDIK.
Willyarto, M. N., Yunus, U., & Wahyuningtyas, B. P. (2019). Communication
on Social Education: A Perspective from Cross-Cultural
Communication to Strengthen Indonesian People among Nations.
International Communication Association (ICA) Regional Conference.
Willyarto, M. N., Oktriono, K., Suarly, T. C., & Agustina, T. N. (2018).
Effectiveness of Learning Model Role-Playing Work Interview in
English Savvy. (International Conference on Language, Literature,
Culture and Citizenship. Jakarta.

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