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The Beneficial Impact of Integrating Technology into the Classroom

Destiny Storr

University of The Bahamas

English 120: Writing and Rhetoric 2

Dr. Rose McTier

November 18th, 2020


Technology plays a significant role in today’s generation; modern technology is use on a

daily basis. This paper will discuss how the implementation of technology within the classroom

provides numerous benefits for students, such as increasing academic performance by making

learning fun and motivating them to be more engaged while enhancing their technological skills,

which also contributes to their future careers in a competitive workforce that is filled with a high

demand for technological skills.


The Beneficial Impact of Integrating Technology into the Classroom

Technology has a huge impact on our lives affecting it in various ways; it plays a

significant role in today’s society because of it is heavily depended upon. Technology is rapidly

evolving which opens the door for the utilization of the innovation of technology into the

classrooms of schools. The classroom is an area where students get the opportunity to learn and

develop skills and it is essential for students to expand their technological skills in all content

areas. Students can use technology to access the internet which is a powerful tool in education.

Implementation of technology within the classroom provides numerous benefits for students,

such as increasing academic performance by making learning fun and motivating them to be

more engaged while enhancing their technological skills, which also contributes to their future

careers in a competitive workforce that is filled with a high demand for technological skills.

There are numerous approaches to how innovation can be acquainted with a classroom

and provide benefiting outcomes. Computers, tablets, e-readers, and laptops are some of the most

useful devices for education within the classroom. Utilizing technology in education enhances

the student’s learning experience. As Earle (2002) stated, “Technology involves the tools with

which we deliver content and implement practices in better ways. Its focus must be on

curriculum and learning. Integration is defined not by the amount or type of technology used, but

by how and why it is used”. (p. 7) There are numerous resources with the objective to make

education fun and also aims to enhancing the effectiveness of learning through technology. The

integration of technology into the classroom can be use not only to challenge learners but also to

motivate them. Integrating technology into the classroom can be an effective result from many

factors, however one of the mean factors is the educator’s competence and skills to create a

technological curriculum that can subside the students requirement. “Teachers should plan

accordingly to introduce and integrate technology into the curriculum to enhance the overall

classroom environment and increase student engagement, motivation, and satisfaction”. (Rafool

et al., 2012, p. 59) In order to augment the system of education, it is crucial for the teachers to

guarantee that learning methods are put into operation in a useful way because they are the ones

who deliver a critical contribution in expanding student learning. However, the devices should

contain a software that monitors and or limits access to non-relevant and non-educational

websites within the vicinity of school so students can remain focused.

Technology provides the ability to involve students in various types of activities.

“Research has generally supported the notion of student learning being enhanced by the use of

computer technology in their classroom activities. In fact, education has for decades, discussed

this issue, and has concluded that greater learning would be taking place, if the classrooms had

more computer technologies for both students and teachers”. (Sinclair, 2006, p. 46). Technology

keeps them engage and interested in what they are learning. It makes teaching more dynamic.

The use of technology within the classroom encourages full participation through digital tools

such as online polling that allows students to give their view. There are students who find it

troublesome to express their views amongst their peers, online engagement systems give them

that chance to express themselves. Some online systems give teachers the opportunity to receive

feedback from students and also analyze data that can determine areas where a student may be

struggling. When a student is aware of their weak areas it encourages them to seek an

opportunity to get help in the areas which they are struggling in before it’s too late, which will

improve their academic performance.

Academic performance is also positively enhanced by technology because it provides

access to information right away and preserves time by it eliminating the need for student to

physically flip through tons of books and pages. Technology allows students access to the

internet from a single location, providing instant access to updated information that can augment

their learning experience. When they learn how to utilize technology, their primary objective

should then be, that they use it in an effective manner to achieve their academic objectives.

Improvement of a student’s learning regarding technology innovations is dependent upon their

learning capacities.

Another beneficial use of implementation of technology in the classroom is the technical

skills that student will gain. “By introducing technology to students from an early age, we can

teach them the critical vocational skills that are necessary for success in a digital world”.

(Miller, 2019). The consistent use of technology is a vital preparation for students to develop

skills necessary in the workplace. As asserted by Tierney, “There’s no denying that we’re

moving toward a technology-driven society. Knowing how to use technology — everything from

digital menus to self-driving cars — prepares students for the future. Technological skills learned

early can support the growth of students both in their careers and personal lives.” (2020) If we

allow students to grasp all of the necessary knowledge within the classroom it will make the

adjustment into the real world and the workforce easier to manage.

Technology provides valuable life skills that are necessary for the job market. Today’s

students are tomorrow’s pioneers and workforce, and in a cutting-edge world innovation is not

just a device; it is a life expertise that is crucial for everyone to have. Students who can ace the

understanding of technology in general and adjust to any app or software that is put before them,

will be at the cutting edge of tomorrow’s businesses and organizations. Students who know how

to operate technology are more prepared for the competitive job market. Students who are

capable of web designs will be viewed as more beneficial to a potential employer rather than a

person who is only just knowledgeable in turning on a computer. The more students are able to

learn about the power and ability of technology the more benefits they will gain.

Technology is the key to opening doors in education to new experiences, discoveries, and

innovative ways of learning. Technology has a vital role; the argument should no longer be

whether or not technology improves academic performance, but rather can technology be used to

improve learning? A learning environment that is flexible and generates innovation needs to be

create. The dependency of successful integration of technology in the classroom is how

technology is applied to keep students engaged. It is quite clear that the benefits outweigh the


Earle, R. S. (2002). The integration of instructional technology into public education: Promises

and challenges. ET Magazine, 42(1), 5-13.

Miller, K. (2019, June 3). 22 Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education.


Rafool, B., Sullivan, E., & Al-Bataineh, A. (2012). Integrating Technology into the Classroom.

The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society, 8(1), 57–71.

Sinclair, G. B. (2009). Is Larry Cuban right about the impact of computer technology on student

learning? Nawa: Journal of Language & Communication, 3(1), 46-54.

Tierney, K. (2020, January 14). How Technology in the Classroom Is Shaping the Future of


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