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mH . L Reg No: W90a943 coueete code MéC 20} Set-!; O el 8 26 absolute paesuene: Tt is defined ov the dohich 's measured abaya te Wi th uve: PRESSE neference do absolute Vaccum pror Guage premure! Tt Is deSined 08 the prewus which ts measured with the help of a pHesure Raxtrumnent , in which atmosphere as taken on datum: The otmo:pheric nr the cole ts mavked as tero- measusing PHEwUre "ewe Pressure Oo © Meta centre height? The distance MGs !% | the distance blw the meta-centye Df a Floatig toed and the centye of qeavity of the body ’ re colled meta~ centric height. © quilébrion condition for #looting bodies: @Ostavle Equilibciorn: T4 powt M is above G , the floatimg body will bem Btohle 4 Ca ruili lost d Oye som wW—> metacentye 2 G> Centre of Grout," — wt HG) opstable Squitbriven: The poimt Mo belocs &, the floating body will be im onstoble —I Zquult brium: Neutvo Equilieniom: Tt poimt M eG is od Same pormet, the Floating body will be in neutye! equt U byium: Gapilority : Tt is defined asa phenomenonof yise or folf of aliquid aAUface in a Ayal Lube selative © adjacent general Revel of liquid when Aube ts held vebticolly im Laid: i® differential manometer: Mt L-terential manoneters out the devices used for measuring the Ai Rfeven of presuye, Joetween {100 ports im a pipe oy im two digferent pipes Moet commonly tape of Aigfeyential manometers ave: ) o-tube didferential manometer a) styverted O-tube ditferential Manomete, Vy = atamys v9 lated = 0-92™M Ave Tw ve Ay = Tete 2s H.O3kAA4 No = atamis 4 Dz = lbem = O-lom Aa* Mesy" > tee, , Qr1 QB WH dischaages im pape WAS derpeckivelt Q, ~Qit & 30 UW) The discharge Qi? AM = 0.080 384 % ators = O21 ee-n ls 0-0344 x arsenls Value ot V3 Qr= ALVe Lo wy so LEr0cibn CS = 0-O080%F27 | aN a | cubstituting the Values of Q, & Orin enON o.286 &= 0.0807 +83 Qa * O.2\86 - 0-:080t Qe = ONSTAY | ASXVa = O34 0-020096 ¥Va = O34 Stream Funckon: Te ts, defmed as the. acalar function af space and Rime auch that its . Partial derivative -tuith stespect 40 any hack dwection gives the Vel ocity componert at Wight amgles “to that divechon. Ht ts ee by PCPs) and defimed only for two Ginensional ftovo. Hoathematically, fov stead Slovo it is defined os welr,4) Such theet Of -V & ay OH =U oy ; ——~y, re Given: e F(4NIE, yey?) neon £(Q, aN «Total no. of Vasa bles © nz ®iemensions of each Vosiable, ore . ® BOs de Ler pecs -wene Be we HT, we MET Totat mo. of fundamental dimenstons, m=2 ~+ Total no.of TWeterms = noms JT-3=4 ENO becomes as Ff, (TT Ms, Me) =O Choosing ON ¢ as nepeating Variables, the Teterms are : tT, = dt nb. ps @ be) p& T=, dm NOP GO A . ae ne. ee = Ta 2 PEN 5% ww. ph Fist Thom Ty = d NPL pF =— | Sulostieuking dimensions pn bS } ae ——SSSST oe CNet mest Et Fauaking the sow ers of Mt T on bs C=O A,B +32 0 ~b-| =0 Ons = ° b= (| t QA,+-3 Substs tubing “cu, by ,C1 nT = a NP =&_ aN < - : a t Serond Moterm? “-y, . dA® Wer eh Ee Aubstituting the dimenstone sn b-S Cot) =0] a-sG-lzo | ~h-l) =O G=N J Os => b,~~( Tr = ant pas A ANS Thed Terms Ts = d BBN eGo. 212 4° 18S Cty b2 (cS) Se Gay Ps He) pe Cat(=0 Az-3BCz =O | -ba-2 =O Cs3= 7) Ozg-=-3 bs - tm \ 352 aa — Tse dN Gl oe 2 ow \ dN -p! l\ Fe eterm! Soe tem ge att abe poo LG Her OM, (x AS by Meyer Wi Ca l= | ne | ees aaa ae Aq4= ~1 byes 72 ay Tas dine lw = an’ Sulosituting the Values of nT, Tey Te Wy Gy) | + (©, ease » 2 yw ) =O ] Seu) PNd> ’ nr anre 1 ao ~ Fi) = EN RNd* oy NOL ae | O@= nN 27 | . b [4 aaa 2 nN. re aod [The at ro mdb tm the dive ctionogy 5 “) Euler’ Equation of Hotton: \ Twit ts the equakion of moon mw ately the force due to Gravity E prersure ate tak Gnko consideration Thic ti detivimg by consdert 19, the motion ot fund elem ent atong O Bream Line Ak , Bornider a 2tream Une In which flow is talking place tm s-divection. Consider a Cylindyical tlurd element of Crows xettion dA ond length ds- The force acting on the cylindrical element ave. 1 (p+dp).dA Dy ~ v wt= pq. dads RAK wt =m4q me Wt = pgdads mep dads \ 2 nan tn £8 ¥ Parerwre forte pdA im the dive ction og} {loro - { & parersuve {over (pxdp)da , khe dine chon o 4 lov (dp = Ve OF ~My | io | sm opposite && % Wweignt of the element -pgaade-- het © ts the angle b(w the divection of €\ ment \ % the Lime OF Adon of _ weight o£ ele Drom Newton wd Lond, The sresuttant -for co on the tlui bbe eqped oth gd elemen& NIMS te the dive ction of & mus ony im avec: mas of fluid element % accelevabhon i dvvecks, ok S: Rak — (padp)dA -P - . ds \9. D9 ~p dA “| f-Wexdr) — PG dads cos © = parle | g.dAds cose ov \W- O ap — mag as cose +o: 88S Besa, —\ oop m" A as Sues [ap-pad> - pas [woe ds Git ae ae al wsoatal Ww €\uleri eq™ Lor vyrsteedy fous | rs S TE flow is Skeady eren dV =6 | Bt V -dp-pqdr. p O- BY Popgde> pds Co aw) | ~dp APNAV. 0 7 P P P OP gd% + V-dv=0 f —— ATntegnate obove. eq? - / _ {ae + \9.do4 \vau =0 ~~ N x each term ropAererd enes om (@ | rt) Wg (Oud In above eqy lid pa unit mass f I of the + ite, an seen OY imcompnerti ble , ow, along gtrearn Line 24mm of pares ENEQY + kimetic energy Ww pokentia | energy ts co nstant i i | Po ve i const p78 © agen vost Lows Hyid element ui a __% iE | ~ ate eRe Comider 0 Movi vont ol ptpe of radius R- The viscous fluid 1 Howing efrorn left to ight mr the pipe Gs Shown in $6 q oT SOY £ q a = gaia cnatdey 1 Qa ne elevnernt of radius mx re | ' mM & eylt z “oS “ “a indy ‘y ical element of vodius (x4 dr): { | Lek the lengthy of fluid element be do { TSP ig the mtensity of Pxexsene om the ! foce AG Then mtensity oft prenuye on sf Sfoce Co wil be CP + 2P_ax) | Taxon ex lees exparxvon secret} om eturd element Then the force aching | b The pres force s pxtre on tace AG: force; (P+ 2k da) WY on Face CDy OL a The pre on surnfoace a a mo accelerehon, hence ee, f | -_ As there ts Curenmrake © ot oll 4ovces in the derection of | | e Xero te, Blow must 6 _ tT rida =e Pir ( Park An) ae du: mag oe yt” 22: my N AK A exc distribution acevos 2 feckion \s Shear rtrext 2 EON Une® Q Bj ra z Meximnurm — *keor trex To at the pipe wall ais Sributton: Go a Veloaty er Rarer bp edrvidy G. Res cowstant) ay = (-ay) { Bor wW¥-T, Us du at. ay Te pds (-4y) Us -w- da 4 eo eH als 0 G= (2t \x foo eV, Ch) AY: 3, Che" i we 9 equating SPOS aut eV ceqvake » at (= wx bh > at | BT Du 2 . . & Cone the pipe woolly yeR Be wo a; CS \e AC ¢ oY a) > \ ae\e 4M oe EP LDH fyeat co (aE) Ui B at centye yo 0 vw Us Umax ee jalue o-f My Be WR of Comstaut, whic ree the Velocity, UW Varles Woith the squave of Thus the eq) Ss prakda eqn. This shows the velocity Aistyibubto pn atross the section of a Pipe fS Fabolte - Parabolic {eUmad wr vmex O-7] y \oca\ Velocity - ea oft AQ z= Velodty ak wadiun y W* ving elemest ai ~ ) erty av n - Integrate Awe above ey WE gk mei, + Dy ~ Qs | Watemag. (v- Ss) dy e R = ‘ . be a a \ 8 Ram Umasl& | then Q = Teme RB a oe = Q- WR A (-3P_)R a {SM ox 2 . PRG VAB ONCE? TE ty Useful I determ ming ke Vasculor rnexstance and hence slow woke of tmtyavenous Uv) fluids Enot toy be achtexved Using Vator res of Peripher ol -and cert val connutor : FPoxarnet er —— Cons tyuchion- Meadoy pressurd €) We ference yl Cowl vi Pug od ~ ating PUP Ce ntyLa oA Bimnple in Conitiuchen __ low oO, work Tw Ond oe Ons, ——___ Pecipmoteh Pump: Cornplicated 3-0 fomnevuchion This worle at lish ‘ applicmtion: | wedigm pre sa ure head pHexwre head: angen ba Cischarge @ DESChArYe és high: Bischarge ts low Requrvers wot xequined Nees : elref yYolvue ; Snooth oY pusating flor Helin og oelf priming | Space covmdevacior Aiwvewel mtwis is having o smooth Flow: Vaxt abole Noorny sett- Priming - Vegi yes lore Space Not Deqaived : This fs having pus ating flow coustant delivery Slt Patiming REQUTES MEYE Spe, At vessel nequeved a OE ee Velocites Ariandes at imlet_ cmd outlet of cents fugal” pumpt- (Br 4 ler me PM Ta let N= Speed oF impel = Diameter of impeller ot Dy Tangentrral WU = vdodty of impeller al imlet = WEN Or = Uy_= Tangenteal Velouty O-P Tenpeller ot outlet = tov 0 earn Vp abenlute Velority of tonkes ab Celeb Ney = Pelotive veloute af Gold A > hengle conde by obeolute veleo by Otyy 24 talek unit direction ofp ne. cvnd Mr” oud le: ane COYFe sons ing 4 value, oF nao? , Vwir © ternpe(ler on tye wok per Sted of wotey stinking per x cursne | wore done by cers nwa per ponit weignt i. = -joore done in CVE © | = i (Mors —\inzs)) = (3 (Mo, 42 ~ vain) | > Noe Lgimce Woy = ° heve) | wor done &Y tempeller | = DW Nor Be = exg xe Wz Weight” of Woter = Q~ Volume oF Waker: EN Se HIRE = ine cemeemeiicioa ins @. Avery Velo dty, of -flow =U perk Ve =TpB. Wer

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