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N12494/SPSJC51 NOVEMBER 2021


Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

SECTION A — (10  1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer:

1. Which of the following is used to define

(a) Deviation from the statistical norm
(b) Deviation from the sexual norm
(c) Deviation from the social norm
(d) Maladaptive behaviour

2. Which of the following are the historical

explanations of psychopathology?
(a) Witch craft
(b) General paresis
(c) Social class
(d) The plague
3. Psychological disorders were only added to the
International list of causes of death in 1939. This
was done by

(a) The American Psychiatric Association (APA)

(b) The World Health Organisation (WHO)

(c) The National Health Service (NHS)

(d) The Ministry of Health (MOH)

4. A core feature of all abnormal behavior is that it is

(a) Culturally absolute

(b) Learned

(c) Maladaptive

(d) Dependent on age.

5. In most anxiety disorders, the person's distress is

(a) Focused on a specific situation

(b) Related to ordinary life stresses

(c) Greatly out of proportion to the situation

(d) Based on a physical cause

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6. A rare condition in which separate personalities
exist in the same person is called
(a) Dissociative identity disorder.

(b) Split personality

(c) Schizophrenia

(d) Amnesia.

7. Irrational and very specific fears that persist even

when there is no real danger to a person are called

(a) Anxieties

(b) Dissociation's

(c) Phobias

(d) Obsessions

8. An example of a developmental disorders

(a) ADHD

(b) Dyslexia

(c) Mental retardation

(d) Autism

3 N12494/SPSJC51
9. In DSM-IV-TR intellectual disabilities are divided
into a number of degrees of severity, depending
primarily on the range of IQ score provided by the
sufferer. One of these is Profound Mental
Retardation, represented by an IQ score below:

(a) 20-25

(b) 25-30

(c) 35-40

(d) 40-45

10. The most frequent chromosomal abnormality is

(a) Down syndrome

(b) Autism

(c) Phenylketonuria

(d) Fragile X syndrome

SECTION B — (5 × 7 = 35 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b)

Answer not exceeding two pages.

11. (a) Briefly explain criteria of abnormality?


(b) Differentiate between DSM IV and ICD 10.

4 N12494/SPSJC51

12. (a) Explain generalized anxiety disorders.


(b) Write about specific phobias.

13. (a) Differentiate dissociative fugue and

dissociative amnesia.


(b) Elucidate about Hypochondriasis.

14. (a) Explain binge eating disorder.


(b) Elaborate on insomnia.

15. (a) Explain the level of MR.


(b) Which are the environment factors that

causes mental retardation?

SECTION C — (3 × 10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE out of five.

Answer not exceeding four pages.

16. Write an essay on classification of disorders.

17. Elucidate the DSM IV criteria and treatment plan

for OCD.

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18. Elaborate on dissociative disorders

19. Critically evaluate sleep wake disorders.

20. Write an essay on developmental characteristics of

mentally retarded.


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