Name: Ahmed Hassenm: Student #:201bo9373

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Midterm Exam

ECE 4110

June 29, 2021

Total marks: 36

Name: Ahmed Hassenm

Student #:201Bo9373
and the
You have 120 minutes to complete this midterm exam. There are 8 questions
exam consists of 11 pages. The last page provides cxtra spacc for any question (but
please indicate which).

Answer each question in the space provided, on the last page, or on the back of a page

with an indication of where to find the answer.

.Only non-programmable, non-graphical calculators are permitted.

1. State the converse, contrapositive and inverse of cach of the following conditional state-


(a) If it is raining tomorrow, then I will drive to work.

If the number of new COVID-19 infections remains low, then the university will
rCopen in the Fal1.
) ConVesse I am dviving te wo rk
hen it is raining
CotrapsiHive f 1 am nb criving do work oroui
nen t is not Yoinih
nverse If it is not caining tomovohen
T will nat drive 6owork
Convese TP the uníVety meopen in the
Fall hen the mber of new
CovID-19 infectiens vemans low
Corrkapos thive IF he wniversy wil net reopen
inhe henthen Hhe rumber of
oV-1 ofeehens Aid not remeín
Invese 1F he nunbev of new CovID-19
itecions doer not Yemath lon, theh
the umiversty wil he epen
he Pal
/ 3 points on page

2. Deternine wlhether the following conmpound proposition is satisliablc: (a Vb)A (a

b) A (-t V -6).

a b aV a Vb 1aVb

aVL) A aVb) A (ra Vb) is sohisfiable

byA amd b T
/4 points on page

3. Let S be the set of students

Then let E(x, y) be the
studying Engineering at Memorial University, and let z E S.
propositional function with domain S defined by "Student z is
taking course Y", C(7,y) be the propositional function "Student a owns a cell
manufactured by Y" phone
Using quantifiers, translate each of the following English statements into mathematical
(a) No student taking ECE 4110 owns a cell phone manufactured LG.
(b) Every student taking ECE 4110 does not own both a cell
Apple and another manufactured by Samsung phone manufactured by


YxEECE411)(cyAPple)A c(ysam
- / 7 points on page

4. Assue given the

we are
premises Vx(s(a:) w(:)) and 3x(s(r) Ac(T). The following
argument concludes that r (c(*) A w(t).

1. 3e(s(r) A c(#)) Premise

2. s(y) A c(v)
Exstenial Instantiatien ushg
3. s(y)
Simglitication uisng (2
4. Va(s(r) >
w(r)) Premise

5. s(y) w(y)
Unvel Tnstnhion wsing (4
6. w(y)
Modus Ponens usiny (3)and ()
7. c(y)
smliestion usin (2)
8. c(y) A
(onwnctiorn sing (6) and (P)
9. 3r(c(r) A w(a))
Eistential Generallzatlon usihe)

Fill in the rationale for steps 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 above.

Note that you must indicate the
statements used in each case (e.g. "Hypo-
thetical Syllogism using (2) and (14)").
/3 points on page

5. Prove that there is no positive integer n such that n + n° =

100. 3
Smce he domain is only posithve fnteger
We only need to lopk al positive fnteers
with a'ube hnt is less han oo(1£ns+

PO)=1+1 2
P (2)2+2 lo
P3) 3+3 3
P(+)4+4 62

Snce pf dhese is Cqus to loe

have proven ihat ho gosidive integer n
We have
statisfies nnloo

-/2 points on page

6. If A and B {2, 3, 5} what the elements of A x B?

{1,2} = are

AxB 0 , ()), 0,5)JN),(33)aGs}

- / 6 points on pagge

7. Let fandg be functions from {1,2,3,4} to fa, b,c,d} and from fa, b,c,d} to {1,2,3,4},
respectively, with f(1) = d, f(2) = e, f(3) =a, f(4) = b,and gla) = 2,9(6) = 3,g(c) = 1
and g(d) =2.

(a) Is f one-to-one? Is g one-to-oue?

(b) Is f onto? Is g onto?

(c) Does either f or g have an inverse? f so, find this inverse. 2

a)fis bne-o-one as avey elemen

n ne Co domaln has only one (ortesponeding
element in he domaln
is not oneto- one
P i s onto as eveYy elemend n dhe codomaln
hes a respondineg elememd in he domdn
i s not onto

hes he invense Such th»t

f (o) 3
P- (b)4
hos nonwetSe as it needs o be both
one-to-one cmd onto to have an inveSe
/5 points on page

8. Prove by mathematical inductiou that for all positive integers ,

1:2+2.3+3.4+...n(n + 1) = n(n + 1)(n +2)/3.

Basis shep

12 ()()+1) ()+2)
22 )2)(3)

2 So PC) s Aue
nductve step
LetPk) be tvue for K
ith Pk) beina klk+Dk
e nee olo ove P{k*1)
2+2343.+k(k+) (k) ((r+)+1)= K(K*UKE2(:) (K+()k+)-1)
Aka2.(k+1)(k+2) c1)(*+2)+1
(k)(kre)* (k))(«+2)(k»3
(k*)+)+1) ((k>))+2) 3
Wing o indue hypehess,
3 LPCk+) is tme
We poved p(k)P(k+) and thus he
hatenent 1.2+2-3+3.4...+n(n+1) =nn+1)
for nzE

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