Vocabulary Exercise A

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To answer just write/spell the word which completes each sentence using the word in the
bracket. Make the necessary change to the word (add a prefix or suffix or change the form of
the word).
My eldest sister is very ________. I do get jealous of her sometimes. (BEAUTY)
Answer: beautiful
My eldest sister is very beautiful. I do get jealous of her sometimes.

Make sure the spelling is correct and follows the punctuation rule (i.e. if the word is at the
beginning of a sentence, it begins with a capital letter (upper case letter); if not then use small
case letter to spell)

1. They accused him of _______, but he denied stealing anything. [THIEF]

2. Have you made a _______about which car to buy? [DECIDE]
3. We’ll ______ go to France again this year; we usually enjoy it there.
4. Jane’s car has been ______ . Someone broke all the windows. [VANDAL]
5. It’s _______ in here! Don’t you feel cold? [FREEZE]
6. I don’t think we’ll go camping this weekend; the weather’s a bit too
_______. [CHANGE]
7. Our bathroom is very _______ when it gets wet. [SLIP]
8. It says in the paper that _______ have increased a lot lately in our town.
9. ________ has become a major problem in today’s world. [TERROR]
10.I don’t think that doing community service is a good ______ for a
mugger. [PUNISH]

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