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(1, 2, 8, 11, 12, 14)
Eastern Visayas State University
Tacloban, City
College of Education


Course & Section: BCAED-4A


1 1


ACTIVITY 1.1 – Exploring the school Campus
Resource Teacher: Regie P. Paca-anas
Teacher’s Signature:
School: Osmeña National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 8
Subject Area:
To realize the Intended Learning Outcome, work my way through these steps:
1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas in the campus, then in the
2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises,
3. Analyze your gathered data about the school environment.
4. Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning.
5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:
a) Descriptive paragraph c) Sketch or drawing
b) Photo essay d) Poem, song or rap
Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the student’s
learning and development?
Office of the There are 2 sofas, 1 computer, A clean Principal Office can
Principal 2 tables, 6 chairs and 1 electric
motivate the students to have a
fan. clean classroom too and if their
classroom is clean, they can
study well.
Library There are 4 rows of Having a good and complete
bookshelves, 2 tables, 1 furniture in the library, the
computer and 2 teacher’s table. students will enjoy to study in
the school library.

Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the student’s

learning and development?
Counseling Room There are 4 tables, green room, If there is a good environment in
2 electric fan and 1 sofa. accommodating the students, the
students will enjoy to study.
Canteen/Cafeteria A Brown room, 2 electric fan, A clean cafeteria and healthy
1 refrigerator, 2 teachers foods they sell can help the
tables, 2 tables and 6 chairs. students to be healthy so that
they can study well.
Medical Clinic A green room, there are 1 bed, If the clinic can accommodate
2 pillows, 1 electric fan, 2 the sick students, and give
chairs, 1 computer, 1 medicine that help them in their
weighting scale and 1 table. health, only few students will be
having sick so that they will be
easy to them to study.
Audio There are projector, computer, Audio visual will help students
Visual/Learning speakers, and any kinds of to enhance teacher’s ability to
Resource Center wireless. present the lesson in simple,
effective and easy to understand
for the students.
Science There are 1 microscope and Science lab are a great place for
Laboratory they have laboratory students which help them to
glassware, test tubes, beaker, enhance their learning by
funnel, flask, cylinder, burette understanding the theoretical
and etc. concepts of science and
developing their skills.
Gymnasium There are room in a building It will contribute to the students
meant for schools or athletic learning because they know how
activities. to have a personal hygiene for
their self. It helps students to
develop their strength and their
stamina in terms of their health
and other activities.
Auditorium There are room built to enable It will contribute to the students
an audience to hear and watch learning because they know how
performances. to have a personal hygiene for
their self.
Outdoor/Garden There are some plants in the It can help students to learn
garden. about photosynthesis by
observing plants leaves in the

Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the student’s

learning and development?
Home Economic They have 1 sink, 2 tables, It can help the students to have a
Room kitchen materials, 2 electric knowledge in industrial works
fan, 1 room, 6 chairs and 1 that can really help them.
comfort Room.
Workshop Area
PTA Office
Comfort Room They have 2 cubicles with a If the facilities are clean and
for Boys white paint. have a good smell and if it is
near the classroom, the students
will know be distracted.
Comfort Room They have 2 cubicles with a Same as my answer in the top,
for Girls green paint. having a good environment can
help students to study well.
(Please specify)

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the space
Guide Question Classroom Observation Report
1. Describe the community or The neighborhood of the school is quite simple and
neighborhood where the school is comfortable to walk in because they are respecting the
found. school privacy.
2. Describe the school campus. The campus in itself is very much accessible to public
What colors do you see? What is transportation. A key location in the community and very
the condition of the buildings? easy to locate by people not living in the community
where the campus is in. Like most public high school, the
population is way over the intended number of the
students enrolled.
3. Pass by the offices. What The campus building is still usable, showing the signs of
impression do you have of these decay but proper maintenance could be done like
offices? repainting and refurbishing, new buildings are being
constructed to accommodate the growing population. The
administrative offices are easy to locate, when one is a
first timer in visiting the school campus. It was convenient
also for visitors, since most office visiting the school
4. Walk through the school halls, They have also the Ict room for those students want to
the library, the cafeteria. Look learn and improve their skill in using technology.
around and find out the other
facilities that the school has.

Resource Teacher: Regie P. Paca-anas

Teacher’s Signature: School: Osmeña National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 8 Subject Area:

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious
figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located?
How are the tables and chairs/desks arranged?
3. What learning materials/equipment are present?
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?


1. Wall displays top achievers, class officers, curriculum guide, announcement and schedules
are posted on the wall.
2. Teacher table in a position where she can see their students.
3. Learner’s materials that is given to their students.
4. There are students who did not answer their modules because of this pandemic.
5. Yes

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record your
Classroom Facilities Description
(location, number, arrangement, condition)
1. Wall Displays List of class officers, DepEd officials, Daily cleaners and Food
for taught.

2. Teacher’s Table 1 projector, visual aids, and equipment’s.

3. Learner’s Desks Notebook and ballpen.

4. Blackboard 2 green board and there is list of the attendance of the students.

5. Learning Chalk, board, PowerPoint presentation, projector, and video

Materials/Visual Aids presentation.

6. chairs 6 rows and 5 columns of chairs.

Write your observation report here.

Name of the school Observed: OSMEñA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL
Date to Visit: OCTOBER 17, 2021

1. There are thought for the day, many quotation, class officers, DepEd officers that are
posted on the walls.

2. Teachers table is located at the side and the chairs arranged with 5 columns and 5 rows.

3. The teacher will present her lesson by using their laptop and a power point

4. There are 30 students, 17 girls and 18 boys.

5. The classroom is well ventilated.

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students
going to school? What are your conclusions?
 The way going to school is too far and the road is rough, but not all. For me, there are the
great impact on the students learning because it is too far to go to school, the students will
be lazy to attend their classes, especially if it’s raining.
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/ How does this
relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
 As a future educator, I know that there are many factors that can affect the student’s
when they going to school. I can adjust on my student’s needs.

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?
 Yes, I would like to teach at Osmeña National High School, the School is good
performing, and their school facilities is well maintained, the orderliness and the
ambiance of the classroom is adorable, the students always participating, and the
classroom is good condition which motivate both learners and teacher of assessment
2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
 A school campus is conducive to learning if it has enough space for the learners to do
their activities.
3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?
 A classroom that is conducive in learning is like there are spacious classroom, that is
good furniture, there are clean facilities, complete learning materials and also there are
only 30 students in the classroom.
4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?
 For now, I will study hard so that I can be a good teacher in the future. If I Have good
grades and right experiences, I have no doubts so that I can accomplish to become a
compassionate teacher in the future.
5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.
 I learned that teaching in public school with sometimes noisy students is not easy,
because it required that we have long patience that we have and also to control our
emotions when we are a teacher.

ACTIVITY 1.2 – Observing bulletin board displays

Resource Teacher: Regie P. Paca-anas Teacher’s Signature: School:
Osmeña National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 8 Subject Area:
Date: September 15, 2021 (Wednesday)
The display board, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of the
most readily available and versatile learning resources.
To achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps:
1. Examine for bulletin board displays. Include samples of those found at the entrance, lobby,
hallways and classroom.
2. Pick one and evaluate the display.
3. Propose enhancements to make the display more effective.

As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide and forms
provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do you
 There are 2 board display.

2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see them?
 Yes, the display board are located in the center of the school where the target viewer
can easily notice all the activities and the announcement.

3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and colors
do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?
 It posted all the human announcement and the schedules of the activities in a month so
that the teacher as well as the students be aware of those upcoming activities. The color
is suitable for the students to notice the display boards.

4. What materials were used in making the display? Are borders used?
 The materials that used are fly wood, glass, paint and adding some recyclable
materials to make it very creative.

5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like)

No error all the message is clear and readable.

6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?


7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?
 The board displays are very organized and creative that catch up my attention. The
color of the design is very attractive suitable for the theme color of the school.

8. Take a photos of display boards (if allowed).

Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your observation report:

Observation REPORT
(You may paste pictures of the Board displays here.)
From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got most interested
Evaluate it using the evaluation from below.


Topic of the Board Display________________

Location of the Board Display in School________________

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.
4- outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory
2- Satisfactory 1- Needs Improvement
Criteria NI S VS O Comments
1 2 3 4
Effective ✓ The separation of the
communication information displayed at the
it conveys the board is properly divided. It can
message quickly make the target viewer to easily
and clearly. read the information posted.
Attractiveness ✓
Colors and Its attractiveness is outstanding.
arrangement The color used is vibrant and
catch and hold appealing to the eyes.
Balance ✓
Objects are The arrangement is very good.
arranged, so Its section is the same size and
stability is proper distances that could not
perceived. overlap the other information.
Unity ✓ Its unity is excellent because it
Repeated shapes didn’t use different shapes and
or colors or use boarders. The design is
of borders hold consistent with the use of shape.
display together.
Interactivity ✓ Its interactivity is outstanding
The style and because if the learners read they
approach entice it they could easily understand it.
learners to be
involved and
Legibility ✓ The legibility is satisfactory
Letters and because you need to be near to it
illustrations can to be able to read the posted
be seen from a information.
good distance.
Correctness ✓ The correctness is outstanding as
It is free from it is free from any errors.
grammar errors,
Durability ✓ Its durability is very satisfactory
It is well – because it is securely attached
constructed, and couldn’t be easily flown
items are away.

Bulletin Board Evaluated by:


Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:


Strengths Weaknesses
Description of the bulletin The Color is the most eye
Board layout catch instead of the message
The layout is Quite Good and
interesting to be participate in
the activity

Evaluation of educational No weakness at all because

content, and other aspects. It is good specially the it's an educational purposes.
content because it helps the
students and the school to be
more connected to each other

Recommendations or
Suggestions for
: For me we should minimize the color we are using so the content can be more showing and
interesting to read.

Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:

Based on your suggestions, make your board display lay-out. You may present your output
through any of these:
 A hand-made drawing or layout
 An electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or layout
 A collage

My Board Display Lay-out


Grade Level / High

Students Updates
School Level
What do you think was the purpose of the board display?
 The purpose of board display is to disseminate information to the students. It could
inform the students about a certain issue or topic. It could also contribute to the students
learning because most of the students tend to be visual learners; therefore, they could
easily remember things that they saw.

Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why not?
 Yes, the board design reflects the likes/interest of the students because it was decorated
using vibrant colors, have images and is not boring to look into. Students don’t want a
board displays that is full of text and the board displays at that school is looks interactive.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why not?
 Yes, the language that used was understandable and clear for the audience to easily

Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

 Yes, I can say that the purpose of Nutrition Month Celebration is very effective because
it shows how the students enjoy the celebration and they actively participate in every

What suggestions can you make?

Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display board. Use the
form below.
My Proposed Board Display
Theme: UNITY FUN RUN 2021

Board Title:
Takbo para sa kabataan

To Inspired Student to Help each other and Have a Good relationship with the student and

Objectives: Create a good unity program that shows the ability of the student

Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement: The design and message itself

Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description):
Own idea having a supporting details include

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

Pen, Art materials, fly wood, paint brush

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board
displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
 Creative and Visualization skill – This creativity should be instill in teacher’s ability in
order to have good layout designs, and give out more appealing board to all kinds of
 Grammar Skill -
 Communication Skill -
 Minimalistic Skill -
 Organization Skill -
2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences in
making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
 During my school days, I don’t experience making board displays. However, I could
possibly consider myself for having this creative and visualization skills. I am not an
expert but, in some way, or another I could pull it to have this make over thing and make
it for more interesting for the students.
3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you can
improve on or acquire these skills.
 I’m not confident enough, when it comes to my grammar and communication skills; I
guess I need to work on this through reading, and getting back on my lessons back then.


Directions: Read the items gives below and encircle the correct answer.
1. With the PPST as guide, an ideal learning environment should have the following
characteristics, EXCEPT.
A. the learning environment promotes fairness
B. is safe and conductive for learning
C. builds many professional linkages
D. establishes and maintains consistent standards of learner’s behavior
2. Which facilities are present in a health-promoting school environment?
I. Canteen that sells all kind of food including junk food
II. Comfort rooms common for boys and girls
III. Sanitary drinking fountains
IV. Safe playground
A. II, III and IV
B. I, II, III and IV
C. I and II
D. III and IV
3. Which physical school environment supports learning?
A. Availability of flexible classroom furniture
B. Presence of spacious classrooms
C. Prominence of bulletin boards in every building
D. Tall school buildings
4. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which primary purpose?
A. Instructional-interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative
5. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which primary purpose?
A. Instructional-interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative
6. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board fulfills which primary purpose?
A. Instructional-interactive
B. Informational, decorative
C. Motivational, decorative
D. Instructional, informational

Show Your Learning Artifacts

My Personal Illustration of an Effective

School Environment
Evaluate your work Task Field Study 1, Episode 2 – Learning Diversity: Characteristics, Needs,
and Interests Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics, needs and interests of learners
from different developmental levels.
Name of FS Student: Bacuñata Jovilyn E. Date Submitted:

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs

Episode 4 Satisfactory 2 Improvement
3 1
Accomplished All One (1) to Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation observation two (2) observation observations/ tasks
Sheet questions/tasks observation questions/tasks not not answered/
completely questions/ answered/ accomplished.
answered/ accomplished accomplished.
accomplished. .
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered were answered observation
completely; answered completely; answers questions were not
answers are completely; are not clearly answered; answers
with depth and answers are connected to not connected to
are thoroughly clearly theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on connected to three (3) four (4)
theories; theories; grammatical/spellin grammatical/spellin
grammar and grammar and g errors. g errors.
spelling are spelling are
free from free from
error. errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; lacks depth; shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
supported by supported by supported by what supported by what
what were what were were observed and were observed and
observed and observed and analyzed analyzed
analyzed analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on on in the context of on in the context of
the context of in the context the learning the learning
the learning of the outcomes; outcomes; not
outcomes; learning Complete, well- complete; not
Complete, outcomes; organized, relevant organized, not
well- Complete, to the learning relevant
organized, well- outcome
highly relevant organized,
to the learning very relevant
outcome to the
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
before the the deadline after the deadline days or more after
deadline the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7- Below
Grad 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.2 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
e 5 5
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

FIELD LEARNING Learner Diversity:
STUDY 1 EPISODE Developmental Characteristics,
2 Needs and Interests


Learner’s Development Matrix

Record the data gathered about the learner’s characteristics and needs in the matrix. This
will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The items
under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just sample indicators. You may add
order aspects which you may have observed.

Development Preschooler Elementary High School

Indicate age range of Indicate age range of Indicate age range of
children observed: children observed: children observed:
3-5 years old 6-11 years old 12-16 years old

Physical In the elementary Adolescent children

Gross-motor level, they already has a refine control
skills The learners already know have a refine control on their body parts,
how to balance their self. on their body parts. and already aware the
Their coordination significant of the
was very fine due to others from head to
some reason that foot were functioning
most of them are in well. Most of the
good health. students were healthy
on the time of
Fine-motor Help kids perform tasks for
skills daily living, like buttoning They have idea how They already help
buttons, picking up finger’s to do things on their themselves physical
foods, using aa fork, own. and act
pouring milk, going to the independently.
Self-help skills restroom, and washing their

Social The learners were very It showed the They are very
Interaction with attached with their teacher. interactions with expressive with their
Teachers teachers that teacher, and easily
stimulate cognition conveyed their wants.
Interaction with and language skills to
Classmates/ They enjoying the company improved children’s
friends of their others, yet always academic
playing without thinking achievement. They
either it will ham their interact will enough
classmates or not. to their peers, and
know their limits.

Interests They are interested in

They are still more activities and
interested in playing. with new gadgets.

Emotional They are an expressive They already know They are closely to be
Moods and learner, if they want to how to control their more emotional
temperament, show attachment to their feelings, and they are independent, but it is
expression of teacher, they won’t already restricted and should
feelings hesitate. They are not comprehended the teaches them this part
independent; they are still meaning of shyness in a far more details
on the first level of learning and where to put their in the height of wider
this factor. self. curiosity about their
Emotional They are in this stage
independence of learning this
independence, but
still they need to be
guided carefully on
this aspect.

Communication The learners were starting They are being The learners well
skills to convey their feelings in talkative, that even in controlled on their
more basic way. class they sometimes communications
over do it, and not skills, and way better
listen to their teacher. than those in the
lower level. They
can express their self
even with the adults.
Thinking skills Their thinking skills are Their thinking skill is
still on side of molding way improved than
them since they are preschooler, which
questionable about their
environment. they can give out
their idea on the
certain matter.
Problem- In this area, they are not In this aspect, they
solving capable of solving this Problem solving have their higher
around them. become easier with abilities to decide and
students in giving out think of a certain
an answer that they solution and give an
understood. alternative.

Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed. Based
on these characteristics, think of implementations for the teacher.
Level Salient characteristics Implication to the
observed Teaching- Learning Process

Preschool Therefore, teacher should be more

Preschoolers like to move compassion with their preschoolers
Age range of the around a lot. and be enough on their needs and
learners observed 3-5 tactics on how to handle small

Elementary Elementary learner’s have Therefore, the teacher should know

the responsibility to be how to keep his/her children in
Age range of the way talkative and move keeping their mouth in silence during
learners observed 11-12 around and ask lots the lesson session.

High school High school learner’s like Therefore, the teachers are now
activities. They like to complied to facilitate the learning of
Age range of the explore a lot and some of their students, and ready for some
learners observed 15-16 them could express their alternative way for them not to be
thoughts to the teachers bored with the class.
with confidence.

1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you were
their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?
 While I’m observing the learner’s, I remembered those days when I was at their age.
There’s a lot of similarities and differences that I remembered. The similarities are
playing with my classmates, sometimes not listening to the teacher, playing inside the
classroom and etc. The differences when I was a child, when my teacher strict, he slapped
my hand and pinched my groin. Unlike today, many children are fickle unlike then when
youth was quiet.
2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help or
not help you with your needs (physical, social, and cognitive)? How did it affect you?
 I will never forget I had a flat 1 grade now in college. When I was in elementary and
high school, I never experienced this grade, but now in college I’m happy that I have this
beautiful grade.
3. Share you other insights here.
 Children are still developing and constructing knowledge so in terms of teaching, we
discuss topics that is relevant or appropriate to their cognitive level. Learner’s must not
force to perform tasks that are beyond their current cognitive capabilities. This learning
will be applied to my teaching profession someday in facilitating learning of the children
soon I will become a teacher.


Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.
1. A 14-year-old felt ignored by her crush whom she believes is her one true love. She is crying
incessantly and refuses to listen and accept sound advice that the teacher is offering. Her refusal
to accept is because.
A. she thinks what she feels is too special and unique, that no one has felt like this before
B. the teenager’s favorite word is “no”, and she will simply reject everything the teacher
C. 14-year-olds are not yet capable of perspective taking and cannot take the teacher’s
D. teenagers never listen to adult advice.
2. A preschool teacher is thinking about how best to develop the fine motor skills of the 14-year-
olds. Which of the following should he best consider?
A. provide daily coloring book activities
B. ask the children to do repeated writing drills everyday
C. encourage children to eat independently
D. conduct a variety of fun and challenging activities involving hand muscles daily
3. Science Teacher Rita showed her class a glass of water with an egg in it, she asked the class:
“what happens to the egg if I add Three- tablespoon salt to the glass of water?” This is
hypothesis formulation. What can you infer about the cognitive development stage of teacher
Rita’s class?
A. Formal operational stage
B. concrete operational stage
C. Pre-operational stage
D. Between concrete and formal operational stage


Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future
Clip some readings about this theory and paste them here.
 Erik Erikson’s theory: Psychosocial Development I choose Erikson’s theory because, it is
indeed true that personality is determined by experiences during childhood and
adulthood. Development has a stage where it is determined by crisis. As a person grow
up, he/she will acquire and construct knowledge and different characteristics that can fit
their age depending on what stage where they belong.


Evaluate your work Task Field Study 1, Episode 2 – Learning Diversity: Characteristics, Needs,
and Interests Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics, needs and interests of learners
from different developmental levels.
Name of FS Student: Bacuñata Jovilyn E. Date Submitted:

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs

Episode 4 Satisfactory 2 Improvement
3 1
Accomplished All One (1) to Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation observation two (2) observation observations/ tasks
Sheet questions/tasks observation questions/tasks not not answered/
completely questions/ answered/ accomplished.
answered/ accomplished accomplished.
accomplished. .
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered were answered observation
completely; answered completely; answers questions were not
answers are completely; are not clearly answered; answers
with depth and answers are connected to not connected to
are thoroughly clearly theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on connected to three (3) four (4)
theories; theories; grammatical/spellin grammatical/spellin
grammar and grammar and g errors. g errors.
spelling are spelling are
free from free from
error. errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; lacks depth; shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
supported by supported by supported by what supported by what
what were what were were observed and were observed and
observed and observed and analyzed analyzed
analyzed analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on on in the context of on in the context of
the context of in the context the learning the learning
the learning of the outcomes; outcomes; not
outcomes; learning Complete, well- complete; not
Complete, outcomes; organized, relevant organized, not
well- Complete, to the learning relevant
organized, well- outcome
highly relevant organized,
to the learning very relevant
outcome to the
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
before the the deadline after the deadline days or more after
deadline the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7- Below
Grad 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.2 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
e 5 5
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

FIELD LEARNING Understanding the School Curriculum

FS 1


Activity 8.1 Curriculum in the School Setting

It’s time to look around. Discover what curriculum is opening in the school setting.
Recall the types of curriculum mentioned earlier. Can you spot where these are found? Let’s do a
hunting game!

Resource Teacher: Regie P. Paca-anas Teacher’s Signature:
School: Osmeña National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 8 Subject Area:
Date: September 15, 2021 (Wednesday)
I. Locate where you can find the following curriculum in the school setting. Secure a copy,
make observations of the process and record your information in the matrix below.
Describe your observations.
Type of Curriculum Where Found Description

1. Recommended The ministry of education, The ministry of education, or any

Curriculum (K to 12 the commission on higher professional organization can
Guidelines) education, or any recommend and implement a
professional organization curriculum.
can recommend and
implemented a curriculum.
2. Written Curriculum The written curriculum refers to a
(Teacher’s Lesson Plan) Lesson plan or syllabus lesson plan or syllabus written by
written by teachers. teachers.

3. Taught Curriculum This is about the implementation

(Teaching Learning of the written curriculum. This
Process) Implementation of the curriculum contains different
written curriculum. teaching and learning styles to
address the student’s needs and

4. Supported Curriculum Materials which support or The supported curriculum is

(Subject textbook) help in the implementation about the implementation of the
of the written curriculum. written curriculum.

5. Assessed Curriculum When students take quiz or the

(Assessment Process) To determine the extent of mid-term and final exams, these
teaching or tell if the evaluations are the so-called
students are progressing. assessed curriculum.

6. Learned Curriculum This type of curriculum indicates

(Achieved Learning What student learned what the students have learned.

7. Hidden Curriculum The hidden curriculum refers to

(Media) This is maybe partially in the unplanned or unintended
what is not taught inside a curriculum but plays a vital role
school’s formal in learning.


Which of the seven types curriculum in the school setting is easy to find? Why?
 Taught curriculum teaching learning process teachers actually deliver day by day
assessed curriculum appears as tests and measures performance state test.

Which is difficult to observed? Why?

 Hidden curriculum, because this is the unintended curriculum. It defines students learn
from the physical environment, the policies and the procedures of the school.

Are these all found in the school setting? How do curricula relate to one another?
 Yes, the relationship between curricula to one another is highly connected and they both
serve to enhance each other. Curriculum sequences the outcomes so they build on each
other. This ensures that students have the prerequisite skills necessary for success on the
next unit or grade level.

Draw a diagram to show the relationship of one curriculum to the other.


Make a reflection on the diagram that you have drawn.

 The relationship between the different types of curriculum is highly connected and they
both serve to enhance each other. Curriculum is one of many tools used to give you an
education or a method you use to teaching.

ACTIVITY 8.2 The Miniscule School Curriculum: The Lesson, A Closer Look
Resource Teacher: Regie P. Paca-anas Teacher’s Signature:
School: Osmeña National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 8 Subject Area:
Date: September 15, 2021 (Wednesday)

This activity requires a full lesson observation from Motivation to Assessment.
1. Secure permit to observe one complete lesson in a particular subject, in a particular
grade year level.
2. Keep a close watch on the different components of the miniscule curriculum: the
3. Follow the three major components of a curriculum (Planning, Implementing and
Evaluating/Assessing). Observe and record your observation.

Observe and Record Observation on the Following Aspects

Major curriculum Key guide for Observation (Carefully look for the
components indications/behavior of the teacher along the key points. Write your
observation and description in your notebook.)
A. Planning 1. Borrow the teacher’s lesson plan for the day. What major parts
do you see? Request a copy for your use.
Answer the following questions:
a. What are the lesson objectives/learning outcomes?
b. What are included in the subject matter?
c. What procedure or method will the teacher use to implement the
d. Will the teacher assess or evaluate the lesson? How will this be
B. Implementing Now it’s time to observe how the teacher implemented the prepared
lesson plan. Observed closely the procedure.
a. How did the teacher begin the lesson?
b. What procedure or steps were followed?
c. How did the teacher engage the learners?
d. Was the teacher a guide at the side?
e. Were the learners on task/Or were they participating in the class
f. Was the lesson finished within the class period?
C. Evaluating/Assessing Did learning occur in the lesson taught? Here you make
observations to find evidence of learning.
a. Were the objects as learned outcomes achieved?
b. How did the teacher assess/evaluate it?
c. What evidence was shown? Get pieces of evidence.

Write a paragraph based on the data you gathered using these key questions?
1. How does the teacher whom you observed compare to the ideal characteristics or
competencies of global quality teachers?
 She facilitates inspire students learning and creativity so that all students achieve in the
global society. She also works their students to co-create new learning opportunities. She
uses data to support student learning and program improvements.

2. Was the lesson implemented as planned? Described.

 Yes, the lesson is planned before it is used in her class. She also shoes the interaction and
relationships of the major curriculum components in the lesson.

3. Can you described the disposition of the teacher after the lesson was taught? Happy and
eager? Satisfied and contended? Disappointed and exhausted?
 It shows that the teacher is happy and satisfied. Because she knew herself that she
delivered the lesson according to planned and students also actively participating in the
class. She demonstrated the professional attitudes and conduct that facilitate students
learning and convey a positive image of the education profession.

4. Can you described the majority of student’s reactions after the lesson was taught? Confused?
Happy and eager? No reactions at all.
 Happy because they have a new knowledge and also the teacher explain all and they
understand them all.

Based on your observations and tasks in Activity 2 how will you prepare your lesson plan?
Make a short paragraph on the topic.
Regardless of the parts of the lesson plan, each lesson it should build on the prior lesson and
flawless flow into the next. Alongside form the major components of a curriculum, there are
some guidelines to follow. Each one has important aspects that go into its construction such as
the type/level of the students, their prior knowledge which will allows us to continue with the
flow, and the teaching techniques that you we can use in your lesson plan. Afterwards are the
identifying of the learning objectives, planning specific learning activities, organize the lesson,
and assess students learning.

ACTIVITY 8.3 Constructive Alignment of the Components of a lesson Plan

Resource Teacher: Regie P, Paca-anas Teacher’s Signature:
School: Osmeña National High School
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
Using the diagram below fill up the component parts of a lesson plan.
I. Title of the Lesson:
II. Subject area:
III. Grade Level:
Outcomes Teaching

-Fill this up -Fill this up

-Fill this up

Answer the following questions based on the diagram.
1. Are the three components constructively aligned? Explain.
 Yes, the three components are constructively aligned from setting the learning outcomes,
down to what methods to be accurately use to achieve the outcomes and what type of
assessment to be conducted to test the level of learning the student has. For example, in
TLE. The teacher set an outcome for student to be able to cook a French Omelets. The
teaching method she used was to let the student watch the video. And she assesses the
student through cooking activity.

2. Will the outcomes be achieved with the teaching methods used? Why?
 Yes, the outcomes were achieved with the teaching methods the teacher used. Although,
it was modular but then the teacher provided an illustration of the steps in cooking
Omelets and link for the video for those who can avail to watch. Basically, we think the
outcome has achieved through this teaching method.

3. What component would tell if the outcomes have been achieved?

 The Evaluation and Assessment part will tell if the outcomes have been achieved when
the students able to get passing or above average score and perform well the activity set.
What lesson have you learned in developing or writing a lesson plan?
 The lessons we have learned in developing or writing a lesson plan is that you need to
align the three components so you could achieve what you want to achieve. You need to plan
ahead the knowledge, skills and values you want to achieve by your students, choose the right
method to achieve the desired outcome and it’s a must to provide evaluation and assessment that
is anchored with your learning outcomes to test where your learner’s at the time of learning.

What value will it give to the teacher if the three components are aligned?
 The value is success will be gained by teacher if the three components are aligned
together. Success in delivering the lessons efficiently, and learning to the students effectively.


Learning Artifacts for Activity 1-3
Present an artifact for Activity 1,2, and 3.
Activity 1 Artifact
1. Present an evidence for each kind of curriculum opening in the school setting. This can be in
pictures, realia, documents or others.
Activity 2: Artifact
1. Present a sample curriculum in a form of a Lesson Plan.
Activity 3: Artifact
1. Present a matrix to show the constructive alignment of the three components of a lesson plan.
a. Example:
Lesson Tittle:
Subject Area:
Grade Level:
Lesson Outcomes Teaching Methods Evaluation


Evaluate your work Task Field Study 1, Episode 8- Close Encounter with the School Curriculum
Learning Outcomes:
 Identify the different curricula that prevail in the school setting
 Describe how the teacher manages the school curriculum by planning, Implementing
lessons through different strategies and assessment of learning outcomes.
 Analyze if the teacher aligns the objectives to subject matter, to teaching strategies and
Name of FS Student: Bacuñata Jovilyn E Date Submitted:
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs
Episode 4 Satisfactory 2 Improvement
3 1
Accomplished All One (1) to Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation observation two (2) observation observations/ tasks
Sheet questions/tasks observation questions/tasks not not answered/
completely questions/ answered/ accomplished.
answered/ accomplished accomplished.
accomplished. .
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered were answered observation
completely; answered completely; answers questions were not
answers are completely; are not clearly answered; answers
with depth and answers are connected to not connected to
are thoroughly clearly theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on connected to three (3) four (4)
theories; theories; grammatical/spellin grammatical/spellin
grammar and grammar and g errors. g errors.
spelling are spelling are
free from free from
error. errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; lacks depth; shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
supported by supported by supported by what supported by what
what were what were were observed and were observed and
observed and observed and analyzed analyzed
analyzed analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on on in the context of on in the context of
the context of in the context the learning the learning
the learning of the outcomes; outcomes; not
outcomes; learning Complete, well- complete; not
Complete, outcomes; organized, relevant organized, not
well- Complete, to the learning relevant
organized, well- outcome
highly relevant organized,
to the learning very relevant
outcome to the
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a day Submitted two(2)
before the the deadline after the deadline days or more after
deadline the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7- Below
Grad 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.2 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
e 5 5
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

LINK Theory to Practice

Choose the correct answer from the options given.
1. When we say school curriculum it refers only to the k to 12 curriculum.
A. This statement is true.
B. This statement is not true.
C. This statement is half true.
D. This statement is silly.
2. A professional teacher should process the following skills to address the need for a curriculum
EXCEPT one. Which one is NOT?
A. Knower of the curriculum
B. Believer of the curriculum
C. Implementer of the curriculum
D. Writer of the curriculum.
3. The influence of multimedia, peers, community tradition, advancement in technology, though
not deliberately taught in the lesson, will influence the curriculum. This is referred to as
A. written curriculum
B. recommended curriculum
C. Implemented curriculum
D. hidden curriculum
4. Which two components of the lesson plan (as a miniscule curriculum) should be aligned?
I. Outcomes and Assessment
II. Assessment and Teaching Methods
III. Outcomes and Teaching Methods
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I, II, and III

5. What is the most important reason why there should be constructive alignment of the
components of the curriculum?
A. For ease of corresponding by the school principal.
B. To assure that each component contributes to the attainment of the learning outcomes.
C. As a required template when starting to write a lesson plan.
D. As a model of other lesson plans written and published.

FIELD LEARNING Utilizing Teaching-Learning

1 11

“Fundamental Digital Skills for 21st Century Teachers”

ACTIVITY 11.1 Visiting the Learning Resource Center
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area:
To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work through these steps:
1. Visit a school’s Learning Resource Center. Look around and see what resources and facilities
are available inside.

2. Act the Learning Resource Center in-charge about how some equipment or facilities are used.

3. Make an inventory of its available resources and classify them according to their
characteristics and functions.

As you visit and observe the Learning Resource Center, use the observation guide provide. Ask
the assistance of the center staff courteously.
An Observation Guide for a
Read the following statements carefully before you observe.
1. Go around the learning Resource Teacher.
2. Find out what Learning resource are present.
3. Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they are classified. Are
they free from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for easy access?
4. Read the guidelines/procedures for borrowing of materials. Are these
guidelines/procedures posted are available for the users to refer to?
5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. Take of the center (if

After you are through with your observation, classify the resources available that you
believe are most useful. Use the activity form provided for you.

Name of Center Observed:

Date of Observation:
Name of Observer:
List of Available Learning Resources
Available Learning Characteristics and Unique Teaching Approaches where
Resources Capabilities the Resource is Most Useful
(Enumerate in bullet form)
1. Print Resources the books age was The books are used mainly
Textbooks appropriate to use by all the for the class discussion,
•Workbooks students and it is relatively research purposes of the
• references books new. students for their reports, and
• magazines answering their activities.
• journals
2. Audio Resources • Audio devices Useful in playing music, Film
• Film • records voice sound for educational purposes,
• television program • play music listening to news, and playing
• Speaker recorded audio event
• audio recording
• online resources
3. Non-electronic Visual the non-electronic visual The globe, map and chart
Resources resources like globes, maps, used in their history class as
• Maps (Globe) and charts are still in good an instructional material
• Chart condition
• Blackboard
4. ICT Resources all of their computers was The computers are used for
• Computer new and in at good condition, hands on computer laboratory
• LCD projector as well as their printer and activities and student
• Printer LCD projector. research, printer is used for
printing the research of the
students and teacher, while
the LCD projector was for
their slideshows
Impression about the LRC:

The LRC Room is clean and comfortable to Use some of the computers arrange accordingly
because they have a large place or the space is big.

Name and Signature of Observer:

Jovilyn E. Bacuñata
Name and Signature of the Learning Resource Center In-charge:

ICT Competency Standards for teachers (CHED Teacher Education Programs (2017):

Are the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their functions and
 Yes

Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the teachers? Why?
Why not?
 YES, because the procedures and instructions are easy to understand

What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?

 : The place where the Learning Resource Center locate

What are its weaknesses?

 : For me, student cannot use the computer because lock of Skills and information how to

What suggestions can you make?

 Since the students have their own classroom, I suggest that they take turns in using the
learning resource center. Probably, they can do it by grade levels. So as avoid using it as
an extension English Classroom, I also suggest that the teachers take turns in monitoring
the learning resources center. It should be conducive to learning so I am hoping that
classes would not be conducted there.

1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resource Center caught your Internet the most? Why?
 The smart tv is newly installed in the learning resource center. The screen is big enough
for the students, and it can be connected to the computer. I believe that they are very
convenient for the teachers. Creation of visual aids can be minimized since
supplementary clips are available online

2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate?

 Except for the smart tv, I believe that I am already confident in using all other learning
materials available in the learning resource center. I usually bring my laptop for my
second year classes when I introduced them new activity examples dance to supplement
the topic.

3. Which one do you feel you need to learn more about?

 I believe smart tv is an emerging trend in technology and education. The learning
environment can become interactive in a way that the students are encouraged to
participate in classroom discussions. It attracts the attention of the students making both
teaching and learning effective.


Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area:
To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes. I will work my way through these steps:
Observe a class for three meetings. Video-tape, if allowed. Step 2. Describe how technology was
integrated in the lessons and how the students were involved. Step 3. Use the Technology
Integration Matrix to analyze the technology integration done by the teacher. Step 4. Reflect on
what you have learned.
As you observe the class, use the observation sheets provided for you to document your
Classroom Observation Guide
Read the following questions and Instructions carefully before you observed.
1. What is the lesson about?
Answer: The lesson is all about “ steps in writing an Academic Format Letter “
2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?
Answer: The resource teacher uses: Laptop, projector, and Blackboard in her teaching.
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning resources.
Answer: The teacher uses the learning resources in presenting the basic concepts of her report, in
giving an assessment to her students and as the main visual aid in the whole class.
4. Closely observe the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of learning resources. Listen to
their verbal responses. What do their responses indicate? Do their responses show attentiveness,
eagerness, and understanding?
Answer: The learners tend so say wow on the technology used by resource teacher in her class
discussion and it is very obvious that it really caught their attention for it is seen in their eyes that
they are very eager in listening to their teacher.
5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning and are they showing their interest in
the lesson and in the materials? Are they looking towards the direction of the teacher and the
materials? Do their actions show attentiveness, eagerness, and understanding?
Answer: It is clearly seen in the face and reaction of the students that they were amazed at the
technology their teacher used, which is the laptop and projector, for most of them tend to listen
and focus their attention on their teacher and on the projected power point presentation on the
Date of Observation:
Subject: Topic:
Grade/Year Level:


Teaching Aids used Strengths Weaknesses Appropriateness of

(Enumerate in bullet the Teaching Aids
form) used
   
   
   
   
   
   
   

Used the technology Integration form to analyze the class you observed. Refer to the Technology
Integration Matrix on p. 123, In which level of technology integration do you think the teacher
you observed operated? Why?
 Based on the technology integration matrix provided by the book, the resource teacher
attained the following levels: entry, adoption, infusion, and transformation. For all the
resource teacher used the technology, which are the laptop and projector from the very
beginning of her class starting from prayer and presentation of objectives, afterwards, she
let the students to manipulate and operate the technology alone to explain some part of
the lesson and instead of just merely receiving information from the technology, the
resource teacher let the students to discuss the topic by themselves and to raise questions
to their classmates which eventually, when the classmate asked didn’t answer the
question correctly, she manage to answer it. After that the resource teacher let the
students to use the technology, which is a laptop, to make their own “Academic Format
Letter” in Microsoft Office Word” to be passed on their next meeting.

Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what is the characteristic of the learning
environment in the class that you observed? Point your observations that you justify your
 The following are the characteristics of the following of the environment in the class that
I had observed
 • Active: The resource teacher in the class that I had observed let her students to operate
and set up the projector and the laptop before they start a during her discussion of the
 • Collaborative: The resource teacher of the class that I had observed grouped her
students into five members each to present specific topics using the technology she
prepared, the laptop and projector.
 • Constructive: The technology; laptop and projector served as the main teaching aids of
the resource teacher that I had observed, therefore it serves as the resource of information
in which the students construct their understanding.
 • Authentic: The resource teacher that I had observed asked the students to create their
own ' Academic Format “using laptop in Microsoft Office Word.
 • Goal Directed: the resource teacher that we had observed asked her students to prepare
a power point presentation for the next students to report in front of the class

Overall, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why not? Give your suggestions?
 Overall, I must say that the resource teacher executes to learning resources well and
effectively for the students tend to collaborate and cooperative in her discussion and they
tend to focus their attention on the projected power point presentation projected on the
board. My only suggestion is that next time, it is more advisable to use animation on the
text that needs to get emphasized and also, use more images if possible.
1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you do
differently if you would teach the same lesson to the same group of students?
 If I will be put in the place of the resource teacher and will teach the same topic to the
same group of students. I will be using the same technology she used, which are laptop
and projector, for the students seems to focus more on what I am going to say if there is a
projected presentation of the topic that I will discuss. Maybe the only different thing that
I will do compared to the resource teacher is that I will use “Problem-Solving Method
“for I want my students to discover for themselves how to do or write an academic
Format Letter, and also, I will use Differentiated Instruction Method” for the students to
focus on one part of the letter format the group leader will explain their part in front of
the class. And for the Evaluation. I will ask my students to write an academic Format
Letter to the principal of our school on them propose program, projects for the
improvement of our own alma mater.


Activity 11.3 Exploring Education 4.0
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area:
Explore Education 4.0 through three steps:
1. Observe a class and take note of the topic being presented.
2. Surf the net to find sites that provide support materials and/or interactive program (web
quests/games) on the topic: Try to ask Siri, Alexa;
3. List and describe at least 5 open-source sites/interactive programs; from open-source
4. Evaluate the materials or programs;
5. Reflect on your FS experience.
Class Observation Guide
Read the following statement carefully before you observe.
1. What is the lesson about? What are the teacher’s objectives?
 The lesson is all about the skilled related components.
2. Note the important concepts that the teacher is emphasizing.
 The teacher is emphasizing the skills related components, she is describing, explaining
and shows a video about the importance of each components.

3. Note the skills that the teacher is developing in the learners.

 The skills that the teacher is developing in the learners are the flexibility, performance
and the cooperation of students. Teacher explain and shows a video for helps a student
to understand it well, this skill related components has an important role to the
discussion of the teacher.

Analyzing the information, you got from observing the class, surf the interest to select
electronic resource, including QERs, social networking sites, and apps with virtual or augmented
reality that will be useful in teaching the same lesson. Evaluate the resources you found, using
the set of criteria discussed in the Revisit the Learning Essentials part of this Episode. Use the
form below to note your analysis and evaluation.
Electronic Resources Evaluation Form
Grade/Year Level
Subject Matter/Topic
(Based on the class you
Lesson Objective/Learning
Name Describe the Put a Descri
and electronic check be how
type of resource if the you
Electro (Include Resour can use
nic author/publis ce it if
Resour hed/ source) satisfie you
ce s the were to
criterio teach
n. in the
Accur Appropri Clear Compl Motivati Organiz
ate ate ete ng ed
1. Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate electronic resources for the
class? What made it easy? Difficult?
 My experience in surfing in the internet for appropriate electronic resources are made
some difficulties for me to find and choose Reliable information and resource.

2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did you consider?
Explain. Which of the new trends in Education 4.0 would you like to explore more for your work
as a teacher? why?

3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have, and what skills would you
continue to work on to be better at utilizing education 4.0 resources?


Activity 11.4 Professional Development Through MOOCS
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps.
Step 1: Review the seven domains of PPST and identify competencies I like to develop more.
Step 2: Visit sites of MOOC provides and explore the courses offered that are relevant to PPST
domains I want to work on.
Step 3: Reflect on how I can continue developing my skills through MOOCS.

1. Get a copy of the PPST and go over the competencies.
2. On the second column, write the competencies you like to work on.
3. Search for MOOCs in the internet which are relevant to the competencies you identified. You
may try these sites:




4. Indicate the MOOC provider. You might need to create an account in the different MOOC
providers to explore their MOOCs.
PPST Domain Competencies I want MOOCs related to MOOC Provider
to work on the competency/ies
(Include a short
1. Content
Knowledge and
2. The learning I want to work on to Effective Classroom COURSERA
Environment have a good learning Interactions,
environment for my Supporting Young’s
students to learn Children’s
effectively. development
provides conducive
learning environment.
3. Diversity of I want to work on to Moralities of COURSERA
Learners have fairness and everyday life
wide understanding explores the
for my future psychological
students. function of our moral
4. Curriculum and
5. Assessing and
6. Community
Linkages and
7. Personal Growth
and Professional

From among the MOOCs you explored, pick at least three which you believe are the most
appropriate for you. Describe the MOOCs below.
1. MOOC Title:
Objectives of the MOOC:

Content Outline:

Why did you pick this MOOC?

2. MOOC Title:
Objectives of the MOOC:

Content Outline:

Why did you pick this MOOC?

3. MOOC Title:
Objectives of the MOOC:

Content Outline:

Why did you pick this MOOC?

1. How can MOOCs help you in your future career as a professional teacher and as a lifelong
 As a future teacher, MOOCs helps me to realized that technology has a big part on our
lives and at the time in our learning. Through MOOCs we can explore more new things
that can help us in our teaching-learning process. It helps me to enhance my computer
skills on exploring online learning through MOOCs. As a lifelong learner, MOOCs helps
me to give opportunity to have quality education. It also helps to become prepared for my
future profession. I will use it in my daily life of teaching for my students to have higher
2. What did you learn from the way the providers use technology to teach in the MOOCs?
 One of the learning that I gained from the way the providers used technology to teach in
the MOOCs was technology provides an opportunity for many people to have a good
condition. The MOOCs or the Massive Open Online Courses are taught through the
digital platform, requiring the student a computer and internet connection. I have an
online course. The technology used was beyond what a teacher said. I learned my mistake
right there and then, it taught me how to get the correct answers.
3. How will you prepare yourself for MOOCs, as a learner, and as a teacher who may someday
teach a MOOC?
 MOOCs had been gaining traction in the distance learning field for quite sometimes now.
There are millions of courses available in the market in platforms like Coursera. Learners
can easily sign up and learn by following the online lessons.

LINK Theory to Practice

Direction: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.
1. Mrs. Inton is evaluating a website for her literature class. She is making sure that factual
pieces of information found on the site are well-documented, and pictures and diagrams are
properly labeled. She is also checking that there are no misspelled words nor grammar errors.
Which criterion is the focusing on?
A. Appropriateness
B. Clarity
C. Motivation
D. Accuracy
2. Miss Castro I evaluating an early literacy app for her kindergarten. She is making sure the app
is uncluttered in appearance, is arranged in some order of difficulty, and that icons represent
what they were intended to represent. Which criterion is the focusing on?
A. Organization
B. Accuracy
C. Motivation
D. Appropriateness
3. Miss Tanada is evaluating an app for her Grade 8 science class. She is finding out whether the
app taps the skills found in the Grade 8 students to ensure that this app will help meet her
objectives. She wants to make sure it is not too easy nor too difficult for her students. Which
criterion is the focusing on?
A. Organization
B. Accuracy
C. Currency
D. Appropriateness
4. A science teacher uses a power point presentation to show the classification in kingdom
Animalia. The teacher then teachers them how to use a software in making graphic organizers.
Students then use this to create their own graphic organizers to classify animals. This shows
technology integration which is _________ .
A. entry-constructive
B. adoption-constructive
C. infusion-constructive
D. transformation-constructive
5. Teacher A demonstrates how to work with a math app that provides practice in adding mixed
fractions. The students then work independently with the app to provide them sufficient practice
in adding mixed fractions. This shows technology integration which is ________.
A. entry-active
B. adoption-active
C. infusion-active
D. transformation-active
6. A Grade 7 Social Studies teacher gave a project where her class in Manila will work together
with other Grade 7 classes in their school campuses in Visayas and Mindanao. They will create
posters and a video clip to communicate a message about peace. They will use social media to
spread their peace campaign. This project involves technology integration which is _______.
A. entry-active
B. adoption-constructive
C. transformation-constructive
D. adaptation-collaborative
7. All are responsibilities of the learning Resource/ Audio-visual/Educational Technology Center
of a school EXCEPT____________.
A. make available technology equipment for the use of teachers and students
B. conduct training for teachers on how to use technology tools
C. work with teachers in producing instructional materials
D. accomplish the students’ technology project for them
8. The learning Resource/ audio-visual/educational technology center regularly provides the
teachers a list of websites, apps and instructional materials available in the city which are
relevant to the different subjects they teach. This fulfills which function?
A. Recreational reading center
B. A link to other community resources
C. Laboratory of learning
D. Center of resources
9. The learning Resource/audio-visual/educational technology center sponsors a seminar-
workshop for teachers and administration on the use of the latest presenter applications. This
fulfills which function?
A. Center of resources
B. Agent of teaching
C. Coordinating agency
D. Recreational reading center
10. MOOCs are considered massive because_______.
A. they need a big amount of computer storage to be avail of a course
B. they can accommodate a big number of learners
C. they can only be provided by big universities
D. they were designed and created by a big group of experts
11. MOOCs are open because__________.
A. all courses are offered for free
B. courses can be accessed by anyone anywhere as long as they are connected to the
C. openness to ideas is a strict requirement
D. one can avail of them only during the opening of a semester
12. MOOCs are considered as a course because_________.
A. they have a guide or a syllabus that indicates content, objectives, activities, and
B. they are always given by a fully-recognized university in the world
C. they are a requirement for a Bachelor’s degree
D. they are graded

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

1. Include here pictures/illustration of the materials used by the teacher. Put your
comments/annotations about what you observed.
2. Visit or other teacher resource websites. Print useful instructional
materials (worksheets, visual aids, flashcards, rubrics, etc.) and include them here. Indicate how
they might be useful considering your major or area of specialization.
3. Visit
Explore and enjoy the fantastic education tools. Try them out. Describe what you
discovered and share how these tools can be helpful to you, as a teacher
4. Visit This a treasure box for you. Explore and share what you learned.
5. Paste an article about an example of technology gadget/materials that you want to learn more
about. How can this gadgets/material be useful in instruction/teaching?

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your work Task Field Study 1. Episode 11 – Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources
and ICT
Learning Outcomes:
 Identify and classify learning resource materials in the multi-media center;
 Show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching-learning process (PPST
 Show skills in the evaluation, selection, development, and use of a variety learning
resources, Including ICT to address learning goals (PPST 4,5,1);
 Analyze the level of technology Integration in the classroom
 Demonstrate motivation to utilize: CT for professional development goals based on the
(PPST 7,5,1)
Name of FS Student: Date Submitted:
Year and Section: Course:
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs
Episode 4 Satisfactory 2 Improvement
3 1
Accomplished All One (1) to Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation observation two (2) observation observations/ tasks
Sheet questions/tasks observation questions/tasks not not answered/
completely questions/ answered/ accomplished.
answered/ accomplished accomplished.
accomplished. .
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered were answered observation
completely; answered completely; answers questions were not
answers are completely; are not clearly answered; answers
with depth and answers are connected to not connected to
are thoroughly clearly theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on connected to three (3) four (4)
theories; theories; grammatical/spellin grammatical/spellin
grammar and grammar and g errors. g errors.
spelling are spelling are
free from free from
error. errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; lacks depth; shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
supported by supported by supported by what supported by what
what were what were were observed and were observed and
observed and observed and analyzed analyzed
analyzed analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on on in the context of on in the context of
the context of in the context the learning the learning
the learning of the outcomes; outcomes; not
outcomes; learning Complete, well- complete; not
Complete, outcomes; organized, relevant organized, not
well- Complete, to the learning relevant
organized, well- outcome
highly relevant organized,
to the learning very relevant
outcome to the
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
before the the deadline after the deadline days or more after
deadline the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7- Below
Grad 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.2 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
e 5 5
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

FIELD Learning Assessment FOR Learning

STUDY Episode and
Assessment AS Learning
(Formative Assessment)
1 12


Activity 12.1 Observing Assessment FOR Learning Practices (Formative Assessment)
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
1. Observe what Teacher does or listen to what Teacher says to find if the students understood
the lesson while teaching-learning is in progress.
What Teacher Said Tally Total
After her discussion, she will
ask some questions to the
students if the students listen
to her discussion and also she
give a quiz to the students.
What Teacher Did Tally Total

He guides those students that

cannot understand the lesson
and teach it again and again
to get it.

2. Did the teacher ask the class “Did you understand”? If she did, what was the class’ response?
 my assign teacher always asking after her discussion if her students understand to her
lessons. And the students always said yes they understand the lesson of their teacher and
after the teacher ask each one of the students about what the teacher said, so she know
who listening her discussion.

3. Did the students make the teacher feel or sense they did not understand the lesson or a part of
the lesson? How?
 Yes, the students asking the part of the lesson if he/she did not understand some part of
the lessons.
4. If they did, how did the teacher respond?
 She asks the students what part of the lessons they don’t understand, and after the teacher
she repeat again the topic where they don’t understand.

5. Were the students given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification? How was this done?
 The students given the opportunity to ask a questions after the discussion of the teacher.
6. If she found out that her/his lesson was not clearly understood, what did teacher do? Did you
observe any of these activities? Please check.
_____ Peer tutoring (Tutors were assigned by teacher to teach one or two classmates
_____ Each-one-teach-one (Students paired with one another
/ Teacher gave a module for more exercises for lesson mastery
_____ Teacher did re-learning
Others, please specify there are teacher that will explain the concept again.
7. If she engaged himself/herself in re-teaching, how did she do it? Did he/she use the same
teaching strategy? Describe.
 If the teacher engages in re-teaching, he/she will use another teaching strategy that will
make sure that the student will easily understand. In a way that the teacher will let the
students to do the task outside of the classroom for them to explore new things as their
experiences rather than student staying the classroom and listening only. ____

8. While re-teaching by himself/herself and/or with other students-turned tutors, did teacher
check on students’ progress?
If yes, How?
 Yes, as for me, the teacher checked the progression of his/her students in a way that the
teacher does an evaluation to monitor the learning of the students it is the effective way in
assessing the needs of the students.

1. Why should a teacher find our if students understand the lesson while teaching is in progress?
It is not better to do a once-and-for-all assessment at the completion of the entire lesson?

2. Why is not enough for a teacher to ask “Did you understand, class?” When he/she intends in
check on learner’s progress?
 Because learners progress is not just measure through question and answer. Of course,
the learners will not say that they do not understand because they are afraid to be
reprimanded or they just don’t want to prolong the agony of staying in the class longer.
The teacher can check the progress through a test/quiz, performance activity, project
making, and many more. Through these tools, the teacher will be able to tract and
determine the least learned skills. There should always data that will support on how to
assess the learners progress. This way, the teacher will be able to find an intervention to
help the learner understand the subject much better.
3. Should teacher record results of formative assessment for grading purpose? Why? Or why
 Yes, for this reason, I believe that the teacher should periodically score and grade their
formative assessment. Personally, I think that it is okay to score and grade formative
assessments. Remember, students are motivated in one to do well. So getting a good
grade or score does not motivate them to try any harder to do better. Some students.
however, are extrinsically motivated. They need that external motivation of getting a
good grades or score to try hard and do their best. For this reason, I believe that the
teacher should periodically score and grade their formative assessments. We must do all
that we can, to teach, reach and motivate all of our students.
4. Based on your observations, what formative assessment practice worked?
 Based on my observation, Diagnostic test is the type of formative assessment that works
to help students to improve their learnings this is happen before or during the instruction
where in it helps to identify the strength and areas of improvement for the students and
not counted as a grade.
5. For formative assessment, why is peer tutoring in class sometimes seen to be more effective
than teacher himself/herself doing the re-teaching or tutoring?
 Peer tutoring appears to be more effective when the approach supplements or enhance
normal teaching, rather than replace it. This suggest that peer tutoring is most effectively
used to consolidate learning, rather than to introduce new material.
6. Could an unreasonable number of failures at the end of the term/grading period be attributed
to the non-application of formative assessment? Why? Why not?
 Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect on this and write your
reflections. Should you record results of formative assessment? Why or why not
 1. My Accomplished Observation Sheet
 2. My Analysis
 3. My Reflection
 4. Snapshots of peer tutoring or other activities that show formative assessment in

 Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect on ths and write your
 Should you record results of formative assessment? Why? Why not?

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

1. My Accomplished Observation Sheet
2. My Analysis
3. My Reflection
4. Snapshots of peer tutoring or other activities that show formative assessment in practice

Activity 12.2 Observing Assessment AS Learning Practices (Self-Assessment)

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
Observe a class and find out practices that reflect assessment as learning. Record your
Teacher My observation
1. Did teacher provide opportunities for the Based on my observation Yes, because
learners to monitor and reflect on their own teacher give quiz or activities to know if the
learning? student learns the lesson or not.
2. What are proofs that students were engaged
in self-reflection, self-monitoring and self- Teacher give an activity that they will
adjustment? measure the learning of the student like
portfolio it gives some documentation of their
activities and quiz to put it in and monitor
their progress the whole semester.
3. Did students record and report their own Yes, but not all student does the same because
learning? we know that some student not comfortable to
video their self.
4. Did teacher create criteria with the students yes, to monitor the learning and the progress
for tasks to be completed or skill to learned? of the learners in whole semester.

1. If the student is at the heart of all assessment, then all assessment should support student
learning. Do you agree? Why or why not?
 Yes, for the reason that assessment process itself helps the learners develop their critical
thinking and analysis skills. Those skills will help to enhance their ability to learn, adopt
and grow in future classroom as well as in career and life sittings. _
2. Does assessment as learning have the same ultimate purpose as assessment for learning?
 No, assessment for learning and assessment as learning has different purpose in teaching-
learning process. I way that AFL is used for received feedback on students learning and
this cannot be counted for a grade but this will of assessment as learning is used to
manage own learning of the students although it also ungraded but it aims to evaluated
your own learning and this involve with self-assessment
The primary purpose of assessment is not to measure but to further learning. Reflect on
your personal experiences of assessment in school. Were you given opportunities for self-
assessment? If yes, what was its impact on your learning?

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

1. My Accomplish Observation Sheet
2. My Analysis
3. My Reflection

LINK Theory to Practice

1. The primary purpose of assessment is to ensure learning. Which assessment are referred to?
I. Assessment as learning
II. Assessment for learning
III. Assessment of learning
A. I, II, and III
B. I and III
C. I and II
D. II and III
2. Research shows that when students help develop questions for an assessment, and have a
deeper understanding of what they are expected to learn before take the assessment, they take a
greater responsibility of their own learning. What assessment is referred to?
A. Assessment as learning
B. Assessment of learning
C. Assessment for learning
D. Assessment in learning
3. DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 states, “Assessment is a process that is used to keep track of
learners’ progress in relation to learning standards., to promote self-reflection and personal
accountability among students about their own learning.
Which assessments are referred to by the DepEd memo?
I. Assessment as learning
II. Assessment for learning
III. Assessment of learning
A. I only
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. I, II and III
4. You check for understanding in the midst of your lesson. In what form is of assessment are
you engaged?
A. Assessment as learning
B. Assessment for learning
C. Assessment of learning
D. Assessment of and for learning
5. Assessment FOR learning is ongoing assessment that allows teachers to monitor students on a
day-to-day basis and modify their teaching based on what the students to be successful this
statement TRUE?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Somewhat
D. TRUE except the clause after and
6. It develops and supports students’ metacognitive skills. Which is refereed to?
A. Assessment as learning
B. Assessment of learning
C. Assessment for learning
D. Assessment in learning
7. Which form of assessment is crucial in helping students become lifelong learners?
A. Assessment of learning
B. Assessment for learning
C. Assessment as learning
D. Assessment in learning
8. Which is characterized by students reflecting on their own learning and making adjustments so
that they achieve deeper understanding?
A. Assessment of learning
B. Assessment for learning
C. Assessment as learning
D. Assessment in learning
9. Which practices are reputed for assessment as learning to be effective?
I. Discuss the learning outcomes with the students
II. Create criteria with the students for the various tasks that need to be computed and/or
skills that need to be learned or mastered.
III. Provide feedback to students as they learn and ask them guiding questions to help
them monitor their own learning.
IV. Help them set goals to extend or support their learning as needed in order to meet or
fully meet the expectations.
V. Provide reference points and examples for the learning outcomes.
A. I, II and III
B. I, III, IV and V
C. III, IV and V
D. I, II, III, IV and V
10. In which type of assessment are students expected to go beyond completing the tasks
assigned to them by their teacher and so students move from the passive learners to active
owners of their own learning?
A. Assessment as learning
B. Assessment for learning
C. Assessment of learning
D. Assessment in learning
11. Which assessment is linked to tasting the soup while in the process of cooking the soup?
A. Assessment of learning
B. Assessment for learning
C. Assessment in learning
D. Assessment as learning
Activity 13.1 Aligning Assessment Task with the Learning Outcomes
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
 Observe at least 3 classes – 1 Physical or Biological Science or Math, English, Filipino, 1
Social Science or Literature/Panitikan, EsP and I P E / Computer / EPP/ TLE.
Subjects Learning Assessment Is the assessment If not aligned,
Outcome/s Task (How did tool/ task aligned improve on it.
teacher assess to the learning
the Learning outcome/s?
P.E/EPP/TLE To dance Tango Written quiz- No Performance
enumerate the test- Let students
steps of tango in dance tango.

Subject Learning Assessment Is the If not aligned,

Outcome/s Task (How did assessment tool/ improve on it.
teacher assess task aligned to
the Learning the learning
outcome/s? outcome/s?
Social Science.

1. Are all the assessment tasks aligned to the learning outcome?
 Yes, all the assessment task aligned to the learning outcomes, the teaching methods and
the assessment are aligned to achieve the learning outcomes. Aligning the assessment
with the learning outcomes means that the students know how their achievement will be

2. What are possible consequences if teacher’s assessment tasks are not aligned to learning
outcome/s? Does this affect assessment results? How?
 If assessment is with learning objectives or instructional strategies, it can undermine both
student motivation and learning. In consistency between criteria and assessment leads to
frustration and lack of engagement.

3. Why should assessment tasks be aligned to the learning outcomes?

 It is important that assessment must be connected to the intended learning outcomes. It
means that students know how their achievements will be measured. Building alignment
between assessment and learning outcomes also allows you to develop and communicate
the pathway for student’s learning progression. It enables you to explain what knowledge
and skills were expected on entry to the course and the knowledge and skills that will be
developed throughout the course.

 Reflect on past assessment you have been through. Were they all aligned with what your
teacher taught (with learning outcomes?
Answer: Yes, I believe that the teacher constructed assessment that aligned as well as connected
with the learning outcomes they have. All the assessment and the lesson that they discussed are
all aligned and connected with each other.

 How did this affect your performance? As a future teacher, what lesson do you learn from
this past experience and from this observation?
Answer: It affects in my performance of improvements and learnings because it gives me
an idea to create the good and effective assessment that will aligned in the learning
outcomes. And as a future teacher, I have learned a lot through my experience from this
observation. There’s a lot of ideas and strategies that comes in my mind during my
observation, that I tell to myself I will apply my learnings in the field of teaching to be an
effective teacher in the future.

LINK Theory to Practice

1. Here is a learning outcome: Describe a person by the use of a metaphor
Here is the test item: Describe a classmate or teacher by way of a metaphor.
Is the test item aligned to the learning outcome?
A. No
B. Somewhat
C. Yes
D. Yes, if teacher is not included
2. Learning outcome: Conduct an investigation to prove that plants can manufacture their own
Test item: Can plants manufacture their own food? Explain your answer.
Is the test item aligned to the learning outcome?
A. No
B. Somewhat
C. Yes
D. Yes, if explain your answer is dropped
3. Learning outcome: Demonstrate the inductive method of teaching
Test: Outline the steps of the inductive method of teaching.
Is the test item aligned to the learning outcome?
A. No
B. Somewhat
C. Yes
D. Yes, if teacher is not included
4. Which assessment task is aligned to this learning outcome: Compute the mean if the scores are
50, 50, 50, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 43, 42, 41, 40.
A. What is a mean?
B. Is mean a measure variability?
C. What is the mean of 50, 50, 50, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 43, 42, 41, 40
D. Is mean the same as average?
5. Learning Outcome: To observe subject-verb agreement as one speaks.
Test: Give the correct form of the verb.
1. Dogs (howl).
2. A cat (meow).
3. Birds (fly).
Is the test aligned to the learning outcome?
A. No
B. Somewhat
C. Yes
D. Yes, there are 3 items on subject-verb agreement
6. Here is a lesson objective/ intended learning outcome: “illustrate the law of supply and
demand with your original concrete examples”. For, content validity, which test item is aligned?
A. Define the law of supply and demand and illustrate it with an example.
B. Illustrate the law of supply and demand with a drawing.
C. Illustrate the law of supply and demand with a concrete, original example.
D. Explain the law of supply and demand and illustrate it with a diagram.
7. Teacher B wrote this learning outcome: “To interpret a given quotation.” For content validity
which should she ask?
A. Interpret Nietzsche’s statement: “He who has a why to live for can bear with almost
any how.”
B. Do you believe in Nietzsche’s statement “He who has a why to live for can bear with
almost any how.”?
C. What is true in Nietzsche’s statement “He who has a why to live for can bear with
almost any how.”?
D. Nietzsche was an atheist. Do you believe that he can give this statement “He who has
a why to live for can bear with almost any how.”?
8. After teaching them the process of experiencing, Teacher J wanted his students to be able set
up an experiment to find an answer to a scientific problem. Which will he ask his students to do?
A. Set up and experiment to find our if aerial plants can also live on land.
B. Can aerial plants also live on land? Research on experiments already conducted.
Present your finding in class.
C. Observe if aerial plants can survive when planted in soil. Note your observations and
present them in class.
D. Research on the answers to this scientific problem: Can aerial plans survive when
transformed in soil?
9. Here is an intended learning outcome of a Health teacher. “Identify skill-related fitness and
activities suitable for the individual”. Does her test item measure this particular outcome and
therefore has content validity?
1. Identify the components of Physical Fitness under the skill-related activities.
A. body composition
B. agility
C. flexibility
D. organic vigor
A. Yes, very much.
B. Yes because it asks something about skill-related activities
C. No
D. No, the options have nothing to do with skill-related activities

ACTIVITY 13.2 Observing the use of Traditional Assessment Tooth

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
 Observe classes and pay particular attention to the assessment tool used by the teacher.
 With teacher’s permission, secure a copy of the assessment tool.
Direction: Put a check (/) on the test which teacher used. From your teacher’s test items, give a
Types of Traditional Put a Learning Sample test Comments (is the
Assessment Tool/ check Outcomes item of assessment tool
Paper- and Pencil Test (/) Assessment Resource constructed in
here Teacher accordance with
established guidelines?)
Explain your answer.
Selected Response Type
1. Alternative response
2. Matching type

3. Multiple Choice

4. Others

Types of Traditional Put a Learning Sample test Comments (is the

Assessment Tool/ check Outcomes item of assessment tool
Paper- and Pencil Test (/) Assessment Resource constructed in
here Teacher accordance with
established guidelines?)
Explain your answer.
Constructed- Response
1. Completion

2. Short answer type

3. Problem solving

4. Essay-restricted

5. Essay not-restricted

6. Others

1. Which assessment tools/tasks were most commonly used by teacher? Which ones were rarely
used? Why were they rarely used?
 One of the assessment tools/task that most commonly used by the teacher is the multiple
choice. As I observed to my resource teacher she often used a multiple choice test every
quiz and during examination for them on how much they understand about the given
subject and also help children to concentrate in this single test. While the assessment task
that are rarely to used is the true or false and the matching type for the reason that this
kind of test is not effectively enough for the students to use their critical-thinking skills.
2. Based on your answers found in the Tables above in which type of assessment tools and tasks
were the Resource Teachers most skilled in test construction? Least skilled?
 As I observed my resource teacher is most skilled in constructing a multiple choice test
because this type of test is commonly applied in item placement to the TOS. Least skilled
in creating a true or false and test essay test.
3. Can an essay or other written requirements, even if it is a written paper-and-pencil tests, be
considered an authentic form of assessment? Explain your answer.
 :No, as for me, essay and other form of written paper and pencil task are type of
traditional assessment and cannot be considered as an authentic for the reason that
authentic assessment allows the learners to perform or create a product that is meaningful
for them. Based on a real world task or application in real world setting or environments.
Although paper and pencil test can be effective when assessing listening and reading skill
such as speaking and writing.

How good are you at constructing traditional assessment tools? Which do you find most difficult
to construct? Any lesson/s learned?
Answer: For me, I can’t say that I am good enough in constructing the assessment tools. Since, it
is my first time doing it through this observation. I find that the most difficult to construct is the
summative assessment where it will evaluate the learning, knowledge of the students this kind of
assessment include a higher thinking order of the learners and used a standardized test.

LINK Theory to Practice

Here is the learning outcome of this Activity: Critique traditional tools and tasks for learning in
the context of established guidelines on test construction.
1. Which assessment task is aligned to the learning outcome given above?
A. True-False test- An assessment task must be aligned to the learning outcome.
B. column 1 presents the learning outcomes, column 2 has the assessment tasks,
Determine alignment of assessment with learning outcome.
C. Here are 5 test items. Evaluate them on the basis of established guidelines in test
D. Is an essay more reliable than a multiple-choice test?
2. What’s WRONG with this TRUE-FALSE test item?
Filipinos are sociable but lazy.
A. Opinionated
B. Not fit for a T-F test
C. Very short
D. Sweeping
3. Is this test item in accordance with rules on test construction?
Write everything you learned from this course.
A. No
B. Yes
C. Somewhat
D. No, opinionated
4. In a matching type of test, which should be found in the first column?
A. Options
B. Premises
C. Distracters
D. Jokers
5. In a multiple-choice type of test, one option among 4 was not chosen by any examinee.
What is TRUE of that option?
A. Implausible
B. Realistic
C. Plausible
D. Unattractive
6. The students were at a loss as to what answer to give in a completion type of test since there
were so many blanks. Which is TRUE of the test item?
A. Too complex
B. Unattractive
C. Over mutilated
D. Implausible
ACTIVITY 13.3 Observing the use of non-traditional Assessment Tools and scoring
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
 Observe classes in at least 3 different subjects and pay particular attention to the
assessment tool used by the teacher.
 With teacher’s permission, secure a copy of the assessment tool.
 Study the assessment tool them accomplish Observation Sheet.
 Did your Resource Teacher explain the rubric to the students?
 Which type of rubric did the Resource Teacher use-analytic or holistic?
Authentic Learning Sample of How a product/ Comment/s (Is
Assessment/ Outcome Product/ performance was the scoring
Non-Traditional/ Assessed Performance assessed rubric
Alternative Assessed constructed
Describe how according to
One example of the product/ standards?
a product performance was
assessed. (Put a assessed. Which
photo of the was used
product/ analytic rubric or
documented holistic rubric?
performance in INCLUDE THE
My Teaching RUBRIC IN MY
Artifacts. TEACHING
1. Product-

2. Performance-

1. Between analytic and holistic rubrics which one was more used? Why do you think that type
of rubric was used more?
 For me, Analytic rubric is more used than Holistic rubric for the reason that analytic
rubric is more reliable that holistic rubrics in this analytic rubric they check the key
content, rather than providing a holistic evaluation. It also provides student with at least
rating score and it is easier to use since it is made up level of scales and descriptor which
is make it easier to rate/score performance.

2. Based on your answers in # 1, what can you say about the scoring rubrics made and used by
the Resource Teacher’s?
 I can say that it is a good strategy that the resources teacher used an analytic rubric since
this rubric it provides useful feedback on areas of strength and weakness of the learners
and the criteria can reflect the importance of the work of students to evaluate the
knowledge and learning of students.
3. Will it make a difference in assessment of student work if teacher would rate the product or
performance without scoring rubrics? Explain.
 No, the teacher as well as the learners will have a difficulty for an effective teaching-
learning process if there is no rubric when scoring the performance and the works of the
students. It causes a problem to the students for the reason that if there were no rubrics
students cannot identify the necessary data or create plan to solve.
4. If you were to improve on one scoring rubric used, which one and how?
 : If I were improving one scoring rubrics, I will choose the holistic rubrics. I will
improve the criteria of holistic rubric for the reason that it does not provide a score on
each individual criterion unlike the general rubric: task-specific rubric and analytic rubric
that provided score in each criterion. In holistic rubric will not be sufficient and helpful
enough in guiding the learners in improving their performance. To improve this rubrics, I
will put add a scoring rubric in each criterion to identifies the strength and area of
improvement based on the criterion.

5. Can an essay or other written requirements, even if it is a written paper-and-pencil test, be

considered an authentic from of assessment? Explain your answer.

 : No, as for me, essay and other form of written paper- and- pencil task are type of the
traditional assessment and cannot be considered as an authentic for the reason that
authentic assessment allows the learners to perform or create a product that is meaningful
for the based on real world task or application in real world setting or environment.
Although paper and pencil test can be effective when assessing listening and reading
comprehension skills, there are not appropriate assessment methods for performance skill
such as speaking and writing.
6. Can rubrics help make students to become self-directed or independent learners? Do rubrics
contribute to assessment AS learning (self-assessment?) What if there were no rubrics in
 Yes, rubric has a very helpful to the students it also focusses the effort and self-
assessment as well as allows students to understand what mastery of the content being
studied. If there were no rubrics it will cause the big difficulties in improving their
weaknesses. Students cannot create a plan for their work to be presented.

Does the Scoring Rubric in this FS Book 1 help you come up with better output?

Are authentic assessment tools and tasks new? Reflect on your experiences of tests for all the
years as a student.
 Yes, authentic assessment tools/task is a new type of assessment since it started in the
new curriculum where it is not the same before. In this authentic assessment resemble
with reality that the student is able to experience in the work place. As my experience, as
a student before in senior high school, we conducted a work immersion for us to
accomplished the FBS specialization. As expected that we need to do the task that
assigned to us. While the task that assigned in me is doing a skirting and served a food to
the visitors into the celebration party. As I experience that kind of assessment helps me a
lot like I learned new things and discovers other things that I didn’t experience before. I
realized also that the very effective test to be asked to the students is the authentic
assessment for them to experience new things. Unlike before that the teacher only used a
traditional assessment and everything is based on the paper and pencil test.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

 Accomplished Observation Sheet
 Observations
 Reflection
 A photo of a product assessed and a documented performance test
 Samples of scoring rubrics used by Resource Teachers- one rubric to assess a particular
product and another rubric to assess a particular performance together with your
comment/s and improved version/s, if necessary.

LINK Theory to Practice

1. To pinpoint which part of the lesson needs more explanation, which scoring rubric can help?
I. Analytic
II. Holistic
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II only
D. No need for rubric
2. I want to know how skilled the students have become in research report. Which assessment
task will be valid?
A. Make students defend research report before a panel.
B. Make students write the research report.
C. Group the students for research report writing.
D. Make students conduct an action research.
3. I want to get a global view of a student’s performance. Which rubric is most fit?
A. Analytic
B. Itemized
C. Holistic
D. Analytic and holistic
4. Which can prove that students are now capable of sewing after a 200-hour course?
A. Presentation of a product they have sewer
B. Operation of the sewing machine
C. Drawing a pattern for a set of pajamas
D. Labeling the parts of a sewing machine
5. Which is the most reliable way of determining whether or not the student can now dance
A. Performance test
B. Oral test
C. Written test on steps of tango
D. Written test illustrating the steps

ACTIVITY 13.4 Scrutinizing the Types and Parts of a Portfolio

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
1. Ask your Resource Teacher for samples of portfolio, if any. If there are, select one best
portfolio from what you examined.
2. If none, research for a sample portfolio and include them in My learning Artifacts.
3. Based on the sample portfolio given by your Resource Teacher/ researched by you,
accomplish Observation Sheet #
4. Put a check in the right column.
What a Portfolio Includes
Elements of a Portfolio Present? Missing?
1. Clear objectives-The yes
objectives of the
lesson/course are clear which
serve as bases for selection
2. Explicit guidelines for yes
selection-What, when, where,
how are products/
documented performance
3. Comprehensible criteria- yes
the criteria against which the
portfolio is graded must be
understood by the learners
4. Selective significant yes
pieces- The portfolio includes
only the selected significant
5. Students reflection- There yes
is evidence that students
reflected on their learning.
6. Evidence of student yes
participation in selection of
content of portfolio- There is
proof that students took part
in the selection of the content
of the portfolio.

1. With OBE in mind, which should be the basis for the selection of pieces of evidence to show
that what the student was supposed to learn was learned?

2. Scrutinize the elements of this portfolio. Based on the parts, under which type of portfolio
does this fall?

Elements of a _______ Portfolio (which type of Portfolio?)
1. Cover Letter- “About the Author” and “What My Portfolio Shows About My Progress as a
2. Table of contents with numbered pages
3. Entries-both core (required items) and optional items (chosen by students).
4. Dates on all entries to facilitate proof of growth over time.
5. Drafts of aural/oral and written products and revised revisions, i.e. (first drafts and
corrected/revised versions)
6. Student’s Reflections

3. Where and when does the teacher make use of each of the 3 types of portfolio?

Have portfolio made the learning assessment process more inconvenient? Is the effort exerted on
portfolio assessment commensurate to the improvement of learning and development of learner’s
metacognitive process that result from the use of portfolio?

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

 Sample/s of Improved Written Tests both selected-response type and supply type.
 Sample/s of product and performance assessed
 Sample/s of a rubric
 Sample/s of students’ reflection on his/her portfolio

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 13 – Assessment of Learning (Summative
Learning Outcomes – determine the alignment of assessment tools and tasks with intended
learning outcomes;
 Critique traditional and authentic assessment tools and tasks for learning in the context of
established on test construction;
 Evaluate non-traditional assessment tools including scoring rubrics;
 Evaluate a sample portfolio;
 Distinguish among the 3 types of portfolio;
 Conduct assessment questions to HOTS learning Bloom’s Taxonomy as revised by
Anderson and Krathwohl and Kendall’s and Marzano’s Taxonomy;
 Explain the function of a table of Specifications;
 Distinguish among types of learner’s portfolios and the
 Examine different types of rubrics used and relate them to assessment of student learning;
 Compute students grade based on DepEd’s grading policy;
 State the reason(s) why grades must be important tom parents; and
 Describe what must be done to make grade reporting meaningful.
Name of FS Student: Date Submitted:
Year and Section: Course:
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs
Episode 4 Satisfactory 2 Improvement
3 1
Accomplished All One (1) to Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation observation two (2) observation observations/ tasks
Sheet questions/tasks observation questions/tasks not not answered/
completely questions/ answered/ accomplished.
answered/ accomplished accomplished.
accomplished. .
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered were answered observation
completely; answered completely; answers questions were not
answers are completely; are not clearly answered; answers
with depth and answers are connected to not connected to
are thoroughly clearly theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on connected to three (3) four (4)
theories; theories; grammatical/spellin grammatical/spellin
grammar and grammar and g errors. g errors.
spelling are spelling are
free from free from
error. errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; lacks depth; shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
supported by supported by supported by what supported by what
what were what were were observed and were observed and
observed and observed and analyzed analyzed
analyzed analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on on in the context of on in the context of
the context of in the context the learning the learning
the learning of the outcomes; outcomes; not
outcomes; learning Complete, well- complete; not
Complete, outcomes; organized, relevant organized, not
well- Complete, to the learning relevant
organized, well- outcome
highly relevant organized,
to the learning very relevant
outcome to the
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a day Submitted two(2)
before the the deadline after the deadline days or more after
deadline the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7- Below
Grad 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.2 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
e 5 5
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

LINK Theory to Practice

1. A portfolio is synonymous to a folder of files. Is this CORRECT?
A. No
B. Somewhat
C. Yes
D. Sometimes
2. Which is an essential part of a portfolio?
A. Student’s reflection on his portfolio
B. Display portfolio for everyone to see student development
C. Artistic design to show student’s artistic talent
D. Student’s self-rating
3. I need to prove that I have fully developed the skill at writing a research report. Which type of
portfolio is MOST APPROPRIATE?
A. Showcase portfolio
B. Assessment portfolio
C. Development portfolio
D. Process portfolio
4. Which portfolio can prove that an improvement has taken place in the way students pronounce
A. Showcase portfolio
B. Development portfolio
C. Assessment portfolio
D. Process portfolio
5. I want to know if my students can now focus the microscope properly. With which portfolio
am I concerns?
A. Showcase portfolio
B. Development portfolio
C. Assessment portfolio
D. Process portfolio

ACTIVITY 13.5 Determining the level of Teacher’s Questions

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
1. Observe a teacher in the classroom.
2. Note his/her questions both oral and written.
3. Score him/her according to the level of questions that he/she asks from remembering to
creating and metacognition and self-system thinking. You may also refer to written tests for
examples of questions in the various levels.
4. Make tally, then get the total. Use Table 1 and Table 2 separately.
Table 1. Number of Questions per level
Cognitive Rank Cognitive Processes Rank Tally of Total
Processes (Bloom (and Kendall and Assessment
as revised by Marzano) Tasks/Questions
Anderson and
Self-system Thinking 6

Metacognition 5

Creating 6-

Evaluating 5

Analyzing/ An 4 3 /

Applying 3 4

Understanding/ 2 2 /

Remembering/ 1-Lowest 1 ////- Example 4

Table 2. Examples of Assessment Questions/ Assessment Tasks

Tally and Total Tally and Total Examples of Rank
Score of Score of Assessment Based
Cognitive Rank Cognitive Rank Tasks/Questions on Use
Process (Bloom Processes (and Given by Resource
as revised by Kendall and Teacher
Anderson and Marzano)
Self-Teaching 6- Highest e.g. Teacher asked
Thinking students:
Why is the lesson
important to you?

Metacognition 5
Example: 6-Highest
Creating =1

Evaluating -1 5

Analyzing/ An 4 Analysis 3

Applying =111 3 Knowledge 4


Understanding 2 Comprehension 2

Remembering 1 Retrieval = 111 1- Lowest

=1111 1

Rank Rank

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Study 1, Episode 13 – Assessment of Learning (Summative
Learning Outcomes
 determine the alignment of assessment tools and tasks

Name of FS Student: Date Submitted:

Year and Section: Course:
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs
Episode 4 Satisfactory 2 Improvement
3 1
Accomplished All One (1) to Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation observation two (2) observation observations/ tasks
Sheet questions/tasks observation questions/tasks not not answered/
completely questions/ answered/ accomplished.
answered/ accomplished accomplished.
accomplished. .
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered were answered observation
completely; answered completely; answers questions were not
answers are completely; are not clearly answered; answers
with depth and answers are connected to not connected to
are thoroughly clearly theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on connected to three (3) four (4)
theories; theories; grammatical/spellin grammatical/spellin
grammar and grammar and g errors. g errors.
spelling are spelling are
free from free from
error. errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; lacks depth; shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
supported by supported by supported by what supported by what
what were what were were observed and were observed and
observed and observed and analyzed analyzed
analyzed analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on on in the context of on in the context of
the context of in the context the learning the learning
the learning of the outcomes; outcomes; not
outcomes; learning Complete, well- complete; not
Complete, outcomes; organized, relevant organized, not
well- Complete, to the learning relevant
organized, well- outcome
highly relevant organized,
to the learning very relevant
outcome to the
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a day Submitted two(2)
before the the deadline after the deadline days or more after
deadline the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7- Below
Grad 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.2 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
e 5 5
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

LINK Theory to Practice

1. “Is my thinking CORRECT?” asks a student to himself.
In which level of cognitive process is he?
A. Self-system
B. Analysis
C. Metacognition
D. Application
2. Formulate a 5-item imperfect matching type of test, is a test item in the level of which
cognitive process?
A. Creating
B. Analyzing
C. Self-system thinking
D. Evaluating
3. Which one demonstrates self-system thinking?
A. Ask the question “What has this lesson to do with me?
B. Critic your thinking process.
C. Come up with a solution to the given problem.
D. Relate your present lesson to past lessons.
4. Paraphrase the first stanza of Rizal’s “My Last Farewell” calls for__________ .
A. Analyzing
B. understanding
C. evaluating
D. applying
5. How would you rate student’s ability to reason out logically is a question to test student’s
ability to _______.
A. Engage in metacognition
B. Analyze
C. do self-system thinking
D. Evaluate

Activity 13.6 Analyzing a Table of Specifications

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
REVISIT the Learning Essentials
 A Table of Specification (TOS) is a two-way chart which describes the topics to be
covered by a test and the number of items or points which will be associated with each
 Sometimes the types of items are described in terms of cognitive level as well
1. Study the sample of Table of Specifications on Assessment.
Learning No. Cognitive Total
Outcome of level
Rem Un Ap An Ev Cr







1. What parts must a TOS contain to ensure test content validity?
 Topic, No. of items and the no. of hours are the important part of the TOS
2. Why is there a need for number of items per cognitive level?
 It is important to assigned a number of items per cognitive level to ensure that the test
measure the content and thinking skills that the test intends to measure.
3. With OBE in mind, is it correct to put learning outcome not topic in the first column? Why or
why not?
 Yes, for the reason that it helps to the students to focus on what is important and it also
considered and inclusive teaching practice as they can help clarify expectation for all
students where the learning outcomes a big role in acquiring expectation.
4. Can a teacher have a test with content validity even without making a TOS?
 No, If a teacher issue a test without consulting the table of specification there would be
conflict on whether the content validity is covered for the specific subjects and class. This
also reflect the identification of standard achievement measurements. It also ensures that
a fair representative sample of question will appear on the test. Therefore, it is essential to
refer to standardize pre-conceptualized program which was conducted prior to instruction
and before a test id written.
5. Complete the given TOS.

Read this conversation and reflect on teacher’s assessment practices. Write your reflections here.

Student A: Saan Naaman pinulot ni Teacher ang kaniyang tanong? Ni-isang tanong sa
tinuro, wala ! (Where did Teacher get her test? Not one of what she taught came out!)
Student B: Oo nga! Nakakainis! (You are right! How annoying!”)

Did you have a similar experience? Reflect on it. Will the required used of Table of
Specifications as guide in test construction solve the problem of misaligned tests?

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

 Accomplished Observation Sheet
 Analysis
 Reflection
 Completed Sample TOS

LINK Theory to Practice

1. In Teacher R’s Table of Specification (TOS), 60 percent of the 1st grading test items are
applying questions based on Bloom’s taxonomy. A review of her test shows that 50% are
remembering items, 20% are analyzing questions and 30% are applying questions.
A. No
B. No, her analyzing questions is supposed to be 60%
C. Yes
D. Yes, her applying questions are also analyzing questions, too.
2. What is a function of a TOS?
A. content validity of a test
B. predictive validity of a test
C. reasonable length of a test
D. predictive validity of a test
3. A TOS ensures alignment of test with learning outcomes. Is the statement TRUE?
A. Very true
B. Sometimes true
C. False
D. Sometimes true, sometimes false
4. In a TOS, the number of hours spent on a learning outcome determines the number of test
items to be asked. Is this CORRECT?
A. No
B. Yes,
C. Not always
D. Depends on the level of the questions asked
5. The following are found in a TOS EXCEPT________.
A. Teaching-learning activities
B. Number of hours devoted to a topic
C. Cognitive level of test item
D. Number of the items
“It’s just not fair, I studied everything we discussed in class about the Philippines and the
things she made a big deal about, like comparing the Philippines
And to think all she asked was “What’s the capital of Singapore?
What does the conversation imply about the kind of test they took?
A. Lacks content validity
B. Has content validity
C. Lacks reliability
D. Lacks construct validity

ACTIVITY 13.7 Computing Student’s Grades based on DepEd Grading System

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
A. Sample Student’s Report Card
1. Secure a sample of a Student’s Report Card from your Resource Teacher.
2. Study a sample of an unused Student’s Report Card. Observe its contents.
3. Ask permission from your Resource Teacher for an interview with him/her and with a group
student regarding the new grading system.
B. Interview of Resource Teacher
1. What are the new features of the latest grading system? What things are you required to do
with this new grading system which you were not asked before?

2. Which do you prefer- the old or the new grading system? Why?
Based on my research teacher that I interviewed, she likes to prefer the new grading
system than old grading system for the reason that this new grading system are mostly
effective in students learning development where it focuses in performance task of
C. Interview of 5 students
1. What do you like in the new grading system?
 To know the average of my grades.
2. Do you have problems with the new grading system. If there is, What?
 No,
3. Does the new grading system give you a better picture of your performance? Why or why not?
 Yes, because it provides directly my average grade.
4. Which do you prefer- the old or the new grading system? Why?
 New, because it is easy to compute grades.

D. Review of DepEd Order #8, s. 2015

Read DepEd Order #8, s. 2015. You may refer to appendix A.
Based on DepEd Order #8, s. 2015, answer the following:
1. What are the bases for grading?
The Basis of the grading system in school nowadays, all grades will be based on the
weighted raw score of the learner’s summative assessment. The minimum grade needed
to pass a specific learning area is 60, which is transmuted to 75 in the report card. The
lowest mark than can appear on the report card and 60 for quarterly grades and final
2. How do you compute grades per quarter for Grades 1 to 10 and Grades 11 to 12. Give an
3. How do you compute grades at the end of the school year?
Firstly, add up all the total score for each component, then convert the sum for each
component to percentage score. Divided the total raw score by the highest possible score,
then multiply the quotient by 100% and lastly, Convert the percentage score to weighted

4. What descriptors and grading scale are used in reporting progress of learners?
The teacher is using the rubrics where the criteria is the basis to be graded the
performance of the students.
5. What are the bases for learners’ promotion and retention at the end of the school year?
The basis of learner’s promotion and retention are the final grade of 75 or higher in all
learning areas is required to be promoted to the next grade level and the requirements and
decision also where the teacher should decide if the student are pass or failed based on
the grade.
6. What is the report on Learners’ observation values?
Learners must be listened so that they can observe their mistake and correct them same as
the value.
E. Grade Computation
Show sample computations of a grade:
 In a subject of your choice from Grades 1 to 6 (if you are a future elementary teacher)
 In your specialization if you are a high school teacher)
 Show the percentage contributions of written work, performance tasks and quarterly
assessment. Then give the descriptor. Refer to DepEd Order #8, s. 2015.

Analyze data and information gathered from the interview and from your review of an unused
Student’s Report Card and the DepEd grading system.
1. Do teachers and students like the new grading system? Why or why not?
 Yes, for the reason that they can see clearly the result of their efforts and it is focuses for
their performance task where in it is now good for the students because a student-
centered type of teaching.
2. What are the good points of the new grading system according to teachers? According to
 The good points of this new grading system it was based on the students’ performance.
The students also can have a self-study and they can manage their time in between of
studying on other works.
3. What are teachers challenged to do by this new grading system?
 Teachers was challenged because of the way grades was inputted. They use an online
Microsoft excel in computing grade it is new adjustment for them because it has a big
difference unlike before that they used a class record to input the grade of students. _
4. Do you favor the distribution of percentage of written work, performance tasks and quarterly
 Yes, I am also in favor about the distribution of percentage of written works,
performance task and quarterly assessment because the Anderson’s and Krathwol’s
cognitive domains was the revised domains of bloom. In their cognitive process
dimension, the remember level was the retrieve and recall.
5. Did you like the experience of computing grades? Why or why not?
 Yes, because it is really interesting and also a very challenging to learn for a reason that
is now type of grading system and uses online Microsoft excel that is new for me.

In an era where the emphasis is self-directed learning and demonstration of
competencies- knowledge, skills and values learned (outcomes-based education) – do grades
really matter?
Yes, as for me, it was really matter throughout come based education helps students
really expected that if their work was an efficiently, they expected a higher grade they
will receive. They believe that every works needs a corresponding recognition and

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 13 – Assessment of Learning (Summative
Learning Outcomes – determine the alignment of assessment tools and tasks with intended
learning outcomes;
 Critique traditional and authentic assessment tools and tasks for learning in the context of
established on test construction;
 Evaluate non-traditional assessment tools including scoring rubrics;
 Evaluate a sample portfolio;
 Distinguish among the 3 types of portfolio;
 Conduct assessment questions to HOTS learning Bloom’s Taxonomy as revised by
Anderson and Krathwohl and Kendall’s and Marzano’s Taxonomy;
 Explain the function of a table of Specifications;
 Distinguish among types of learner’s portfolios and the
 Examine different types of rubrics used and relate them to assessment of student learning;
 Compute students grade based on DepEd’s grading policy;
 State the reason(s) why grades must be important tom parents; and
 Describe what must be done to make grade reporting meaningful.
Name of FS Student: Bacuñata, Jovilyn E. Date Submitted:
Year and Section: 4A Course: Bachelor of Culture and the Arts Education
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs
Episode 4 Satisfactory 2 Improvement
3 1
Accomplished All One (1) to Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation observation two (2) observation observations/ tasks
Sheet questions/tasks observation questions/tasks not not answered/
completely questions/ answered/ accomplished.
answered/ accomplished accomplished.
accomplished. .
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered were answered observation
completely; answered completely; answers questions were not
answers are completely; are not clearly answered; answers
with depth and answers are connected to not connected to
are thoroughly clearly theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on connected to three (3) four (4)
theories; theories; grammatical/spellin grammatical/spellin
grammar and grammar and g errors. g errors.
spelling are spelling are
free from free from
error. errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; lacks depth; shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
supported by supported by supported by what supported by what
what were what were were observed and were observed and
observed and observed and analyzed analyzed
analyzed analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on on in the context of on in the context of
the context of in the context the learning the learning
the learning of the outcomes; outcomes; not
outcomes; learning Complete, well- complete; not
Complete, outcomes; organized, relevant organized, not
well- Complete, to the learning relevant
organized, well- outcome
highly relevant organized,
to the learning very relevant
outcome to the
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a day Submitted two(2)
before the the deadline after the deadline days or more after
deadline the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7- Below
Grad 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.2 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
e 5 5
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

LINK Theory to Practice

1. Which is the percentage contribution of quarterly assessment to the grade of the student from
Grades 1 to 10?
A. 15%
b. 20%
C. 25%
D. 30%
2. Does quarterly assessment have the same percentage weights for all the subjects, for all the
tracks in Grades 11-12?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Yes, only for the academic track
D. It depends on schools.
3. Which is the percentage contribution of written work to the grade of the Grade 1-10 student in
science and Math?
A. 50%
B. 20%
C. 40%
D. 30%
4. In MAPEH and TLE, which contribute/s heaviest to the student grade?
A. Performance tasks
B. Written work
C. Quarterly assessment
D. Quarterly assessment and performance tasks
5. Based on percentage contribution to the grade, what can be inferred from the DepEd’s
emphasis on learning and assessment?
A. The emphasis depends on the grade level of the subjects.
B. All components are being emphasized.
C. The emphasis for all Grades 1-10 subjects is on performance tasks.
D. The emphasis is on quarterly assessment.
6. A student gets a numerical grade of 80. What is his descriptor for his level of proficiency?
A. Satisfactory
B. Fairly Satisfactory
C. Very Satisfactory
D. Did not meet expectations
7. I get a grade of 90. What is its descriptor?
A. Very satisfactory
B. Beginning
C. Advance
D. Outstanding
8. Which is described as “did not meet expectations”?
A. Below 75%
B. Below 76%
C. Below 74%
D. Below 72%
9. If a student failed to meet standards, which descriptor applies?
A. Developing
B. Beginning
C. Poor
D. Did not meet expectations
10. How is the final grade per subject for Grades 11 and 12 obtained?
A. Get the average of the grades for the 2 Quarters
B. Get the average of the grades for the 4 Quarters
C. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 2 semesters
D. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 4 Quarters.
11. Which is/are TRUE of MAPEH when it comes to grade computation?
I. The quarterly grade is the average of the quarterly grades in the four areas- Music,
Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH)
II. Individual grades are given to each area (MAPEH)
III. There is one grade for Music and Arts, PE and Health because they are related.
A. I
B.I and II
C.I and III
D.II only
12. Which is TRUE of Kindergarten grades?
A. Grades are computed like the grades in Grade 1
B. There are numerical grades with descriptions
C. There are no numerical grades
D. Remarks like Passed and Failed are used
13. At the end of the school year which is/are TRUE of grades?
I. The General Average is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by the total
number of learning areas.
II. Each learning area has equal weight in computing for the General Average
III. The Final Grade per learning area and the General Average are reported as whole
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I, II and III
14. Who is retained in the same grade level for Grade 1 to 10? Any students who did not meet
expectations ______________.
A. in three or more learning areas
B. in 2 learning areas
C. in four learning areas
D. as shown in the general average
15. What happens when a student in Grade 1 to 10 did not meet expectations in two learning
A. Retained in the same grade level
B. Promoted to the next grade level after passing remedial classes for learning areas with
failing mark
C. Promoted in the next grade level but has back subjects in the lower grade level
D. Is not accepted for enrollment in the school

Activity 13.8 Reporting Students’ Performance

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

Proceedings in a Card Distribution Day
1. Observe how cards are distributed on Card Distribution Day. Describe how cards are

Answer: During the portfolio day the card is also distributed at the same day for the parents be
aware all the performance of the children.
2. Describe how the Resource Teachers communicated learners’ assessment results and grades o
Answer: The teachers is talking with the parents specially those who have failing or no grades in
a specific subject. Consultation is being done during the meeting.

3. Did parents raise questions or concerns? If yes, what their questions/ concerns?
Answer: Yes, parents always ask to the teacher and the common question that ask the parents to
teacher is their child behaving during the class? What is the purpose of the assignment?
4. How did the Resource Teacher handle their questions and concerns? What answers did he/she
Answer: The teacher is very careful in handling the question and concern of the parents in a way
that she/he explain it to the parents clearly and understandable. If there is a problem with the
child she talks and ask to parents to find out something that can affect the child behavior. In that
way, teacher is really doing her best to help the parents. Instead, the parents will not be mad to
their child bad behavior the teacher convinced the parents to talk calmly and encourage the child
to behave in the class.

Interview with Resource Teacher

1. How do you give feedback to your students regarding their performance? When do you give
Answer: As I interviewed my resource teacher, she stated that when she gives feedback to her
students when they are reciting during discussion if their answer is correct or incorrect to
motivate them, she giving feedback by saying very good, excellent and etc. whenever. They

2. How do you report students’ performance to parents? Does the school have a regular way of
reporting grades to parents?
Answer: The teacher stated the she’s reporting the grades of her students through parents and
teacher meeting conference. It is held every end of the year.
3. What problems on grade reporting did you encounter with parents? How did you address
Answer: One of the problem that she encountered is when there is a parents that is questioning
the low grades of the children, she handed it calmly, the teacher let them saw exam grades,
performance grades and most importantly is the attendance. So, they will know why the student
got a low grade.

Interview with Students

1. Do you see the meaning of your grades in the School Report Card?
Answer: Based on the students that I interviewed, they stated that their report card has long been
the standard of communication between school and home. These reports are meant to show the
students’ progress in the classroom, and display the grade that the students has earned in each
2. Does knowing your grade motivate you to work harder?
Answer: Yes, as a student the grade are the most common external and extrinsic motivation
through which we can have leverage learning. They believe that the grades can act as incentives
to make students work hard and learn more, and harder the grading system is, the better the result
Interview with Parents
1. Does your child’s Report Card give you a clear picture of how your child is performing?
answer: Yes, and for me the Report Card of my child is excellent because I know she is study
hard every day.

2. If you were asked what else should be found in the Report Card, which one? Why?
Answer: The Grades and the ranking of grades

3. Do you find the Card Distribution Day important? Why or why not?
answer: Yes, to monitor my child learning and progress in school.
4. Any suggestion on how to make Card Distribution more meaningful?
answer: Just to congratulate your students I think that's the good thing to do to boost their
1. What were the most common issues raised on students’ performance?
Answer: Not participating the performance exactly and always absent when the presentation will
be healed .

2. Based on your observations and findings, what practices must be

a) Maintained and
b) Improved to make grades and reporting meaningful?

1. Grades are often a source of misunderstanding. How should I do reporting so that it will result
to effective learning?
Answer: Give them advice to do well nextime and be serious in learning
EVALUATE Performance Task
Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 13 – Assessment of Learning (Summative
Learning Outcomes – determine the alignment of assessment tools and tasks with intended
learning outcomes;
 Critique traditional and authentic assessment tools and tasks for learning in the context of
established on test construction;
 Evaluate non-traditional assessment tools including scoring rubrics;
 Evaluate a sample portfolio;
 Distinguish among the 3 types of portfolio;
 Conduct assessment questions to HOTS learning Bloom’s Taxonomy as revised by
Anderson and Krathwohl and Kendall’s and Marzano’s Taxonomy;
 Explain the function of a table of Specifications;
 Distinguish among types of learner’s portfolios and the
 Examine different types of rubrics used and relate them to assessment of student learning;
 Compute students grade based on DepEd’s grading policy;
 State the reason(s) why grades must be important tom parents; and
 Describe what must be done to make grade reporting meaningful.
Name of FS Student: Date Submitted:
Year and Section: Course:
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs
Episode 4 Satisfactory 2 Improvement
3 1
Accomplished All One (1) to Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation observation two (2) observation observations/ tasks
Sheet questions/tasks observation questions/tasks not not answered/
completely questions/ answered/ accomplished.
answered/ accomplished accomplished.
accomplished. .
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered were answered observation
completely; answered completely; answers questions were not
answers are completely; are not clearly answered; answers
with depth and answers are connected to not connected to
are thoroughly clearly theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on connected to three (3) four (4)
theories; theories; grammatical/spellin grammatical/spellin
grammar and grammar and g errors. g errors.
spelling are spelling are
free from free from
error. errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; lacks depth; shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
supported by supported by supported by what supported by what
what were what were were observed and were observed and
observed and observed and analyzed analyzed
analyzed analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on on in the context of on in the context of
the context of in the context the learning the learning
the learning of the outcomes; outcomes; not
outcomes; learning Complete, well- complete; not
Complete, outcomes; organized, relevant organized, not
well- Complete, to the learning relevant
organized, well- outcome
highly relevant organized,
to the learning very relevant
outcome to the
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a day Submitted two(2)
before the the deadline after the deadline days or more after
deadline the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7- Below
Grad 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.2 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
e 5 5
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

LINK Theory to Practice

1. Why must grades be reported to parents?
I. Promote ongoing formative feedback to students
II. Ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment
III. Promote, to parents and students, credible and useful feedback
A. I only
B. I and III
C. II only
D. I, II and III
2. What must be done to make grade reporting meaningful?
I. The grading system must be clear to all concerned.
II. The standards and competencies are known and understood by all.
III. The grading system must be numerical.
A. I and II
B. II only
C. I, II and III
D. III only
3. To make grade reporting meaningful, which must be done?
A. Announce names of students who need to help
B. Rank the Report Cards from highest to lowest then distribute the same according to
C. Explain how the grades were computed
D. Console parents whose children are non-performing by telling them that nobody fails
4. What is an essential step in reporting grades to parents?
I. Explain that grades give a picture of students’ performance
II. Explain that grades compare students’ performance against the established standards.
III. Explain that grades compare students’ performance against other students’
A. I and II
B. II only
C. I, II and III
D. III only
5. What does criterion-referenced grading mean?
A. Grading on the curve
B. Grading against standards
C. Comparing grades with average grade
D. Interpreting grades based on Mean
6. What must be done to make grades meaningful?
A. Interpret grades against standards.
B. Compute grades accurately
C. Compare individual grades against mean
D. Compare grades of boys and girls.

FIELD LEARNING Knowing the Quality Teacher

The Teacher as a PERSON and as a


Activity 14.1 Teacher Personal Qualities: A View from My Lenses
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
1. Secure a permit to observe a teacher.
2. Review the list of the Personal Qualities given above
3. Follow the code given whether you will observe by seeing only or you will observe
and interview the teacher to gather information.
4. Write down in the column of data results the description of the personal qualities that
you have found out. If the personal quality is not observed by you or is not revealed in your
interview, write not observed or not manifested.
Personal Qualities Observe (O) Data Results
Interview (I) I have found out that
a. Dignified Observe The teacher respects everyone during classes
regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religion,
social standing age and etc.
b. Healthy Observe The is well-dressed and that she appeared very
healthy to all of us.
c. Spiritual Observe Not observed.

d. Knowledgeable Observe The teacher has a good knowledge to share their

class, because of that she tends to have better
communication in class. With this trait, it will
help to the students to interact with her more
effectively and thus the learning process become
a good with others.
e. Humble Observe Not observed.

f. Determined Observe The teacher is determined to teach her students

Interview to take all the risk to help her students learn and
g. Cooperative Observe The teacher cooperates her students during
Interview classes and the teacher act as a good teacher to
her students.

Activity 2 will focus on the Professional Competencies of the Teacher. You change your
sample Teacher in Activity 1 with another teacher or you can still observe the same teacher. In
case you will not change your teacher to be observed the same teacher will be your sample for
both Activity 1 and Activity 2. Aside from direct observation, you will also do a Survey in
Activity 2.

Did you learn from your observation of the teacher? Now let us analyze the information
that you have gathered.
Answer the following questions.
1. In Activity 1, what do you consider as the 3 most outstanding significant personal qualities of
the teacher you choose as your case? Why do you consider these as outstanding?
a. Acting as a role model
The teacher act as a role model to demonstrate confidence, don’t be afraid and the teacher
their commitment to teach their students.
b. Clear communication
Because it is complex and teachable practice essential for successful officers and leaders
for having communication with her students.
c. Good teachers have Patience
The teacher has patience to concern their students, willingness and knowledge for the
subject being taught. If these characteristics are lacking, a teacher cannot be an effective

2. Which of these qualities do you have? Do you think you can fit as a good teacher someday?
_______ why? Describe yourself.
No, it won’t fit me as a good teacher someday because I don’t know how to act as a good
teacher act in front of the students.


Good teachers are role models, whether in school, at home or in the community. From the
teacher that you had from elementary to college, did the personal qualities that they possess, help
you learn better as a student?
Identify one personal characteristics of your model teacher that has made a great Impact
in your life as a learner. Reflect and describe how this quality influenced you.
Being kind, caring, and obedient person. This is the great impact in my life as a learner.
Because if one of your teachers is very kind to you and will give you advice and others
that will benefit yourself as a good teacher someday. That is what we will not forget until
we are old.

Activity 14.2 Is the Teacher a Professional Teacher?

Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:


1. Secure a permit to observe and conduct a survey.
2. Request the following information from the teacher:
a. Name
b. LET License No
c. Evidence of Professional Growth (Masters or Doctorate, Seminars attended, etc.)
3. Request a co-teacher or the head (only one of the 2) to answer the checklist/rating scale about
your sample teacher.
4. Answer the same survey instrument yourself.
5. Compare the answer of the co-teacher or that of the head with your answers on the survey. In
what items do you have the same answer?
6. Show the results in a summary table.
Competencies of the Professional Teacher: A Spiral Case
Dear Ma’am/Sir,
I am a future teacher and I would like to know the characteristics of a professional
teacher. I will be very glad if you could answer the survey from about your co-
I will keep in confidence your identity, however, please allow me to use the data in my
This is a requirement in our course, Field Study 1.

Thank you very much.

BEED/BSed Student

Name of the Teacher:

PRC License No: Grade level Taught:
Answer the following statements based on your OBSERVATION of the teacher. Check Yes or
No or Doubtful.
Does the teacher
exhibit the
competence of a
Professional Competence professional
Check your
answer below
1. Practices the Code of Ethics for Professional Yes No Doubtful
2. Teachers the subject matter very well with ✓
3. Keeps self-updated with educational trends, ✓
policies and curricula
4. Uses varied teaching methods that facilitate ✓
learning with skill and ease
5. Engages the parents and other stakeholders to ✓
cooperate as partners in educating the children
6. Teachers with compassion based on the ✓
knowledge and understanding of the
characteristics and needs of diverse learners
7. Prepares curriculum plans, implements these ✓
with innovation in every lesson
8. Designs or selects and utilizes appropriate ✓
assessment strategies and tools for lessons taught
9. Makes classroom atmosphere physically ✓
(arrangement) and psychologically (friendly,
inclusive) safe and secure for learning
10. Serves willingly beyond teaching work by ✓
participating in other extra-curricular activities
when needed

Name of Signature of the Teacher Informant (Peer)

Name and signature of the Supervisor Informant (Head)

Your Name and Signature (Pre-Service Student)

Did you learn from your observation and interview on Teacher’s professional
Now let us analyze the data.
Answer the following questions
1. In Activity 2, do you consider the Teacher as a Professional Teacher? In what competencies is
the teacher Strong? ______ Weak? _______ Doubtful? _______ Why?

2. Did your answers to the survey from coincidence with the answers of the co-teacher or head of
the teacher you observed?

Now, it is time to reflect on Activity 2.
Complete the following sentences as your reflections from the results of Activity 2.
1. As a future teacher, the results imply that I should help student’s self-esteem and confidence,
as well as helping inspire her career aspirations and attitudes toward the schools.
2. If all the teachers teaching today possess the professional characteristics and competencies as
the teacher/ teachers observed then learners will be excited

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Show here the artifacts of this Episode.
1. Short narrative about the teacher with a description of the personal qualities and professional
characteristics that you have observed. You may request a picture from the teacher.
My Teacher, My Hero

(Picture of the teacher observed)

Narrative (about the personal and professional characteristics of the teacher)

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 14 – The Teacher as a PERSON and as a
Learning Outcomes; Describe the personal qualities and competencies of effective classroom
teachers, Enumerate the professional characteristics of participating teachers observed as based
on the professional standards and code of ethics for the profession.

Name of FS Student: Date Submitted:

Year and Section: Course:
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs
Episode 4 Satisfactory 2 Improvement
3 1
Accomplished All One (1) to Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation observation two (2) observation observations/ tasks
Sheet questions/tasks observation questions/tasks not not answered/
completely questions/ answered/ accomplished.
answered/ accomplished accomplished.
accomplished. .
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered were answered observation
completely; answered completely; answers questions were not
answers are completely; are not clearly answered; answers
with depth and answers are connected to not connected to
are thoroughly clearly theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grounded on connected to three (3) four (4)
theories; theories; grammatical/spellin grammatical/spellin
grammar and grammar and g errors. g errors.
spelling are spelling are
free from free from
error. errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; lacks depth; shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
supported by supported by supported by what supported by what
what were what were were observed and were observed and
observed and observed and analyzed analyzed
analyzed analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on on in the context of on in the context of
the context of in the context the learning the learning
the learning of the outcomes; outcomes; not
outcomes; learning Complete, well- complete; not
Complete, outcomes; organized, relevant organized, not
well- Complete, to the learning relevant
organized, well- outcome
highly relevant organized,
to the learning very relevant
outcome to the
Submission Submitted Submitted on Submitted a day Submitted two(2)
before the the deadline after the deadline days or more after
deadline the deadline
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7- Below
Grad 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.2 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
e 5 5
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

LINK Theory to Practice

Based on Episode 1, choose the correct answer for each item.
1. Any teacher currently teaching is called a professional because he or she _______.
I. is a license teacher
II. has personal qualities appropriate to be a teacher
III. possesses the characteristics given in A, B, C.
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III
2. Which of the following is a quality that is unbecoming of teacher?
A. Patience and understanding
B. Humble and open minded
C. Aggressive and dominating
D. Dignified and accommodating
3. Which statement is TRUE about the spirituality of the teacher?
I. Goes to church everyday
II. Gives contribution to church activities
III. Behaves according to the beliefs, mores and tradition of the community
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III
4. What could be the best practice of a professional teacher?
A. Burns midnight candle every night writing a lesson plan
B. Utilizes knowledge of the learners’ characteristics while teaching
C. Expects equal performance of learners in lessons taught
D. Masters one teaching method and uses it all the time
5. The saying goes, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” How is this directly related to
A. There are many teachers bet few are qualified
B. There are many professionals who shift to teaching
C. Teaching is a very lucrative job
D. The teachers assigned in the senior high school are the chosen teachers.

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