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Volume and Cellular Content of Normal Pleural Fluid in

Humans Examined by Pleural Lavage

Respiratory Division and Departments of Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, and Anaesthesiology, Academic Hospital Academisch Ziekenhuis Vrÿe
Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

Currently, no reliable data are available on the volume or on the line in a group of healthy Japanese soldiers. In about 30% of
cellular content of pleural fluid in normal humans. In analogy with cases, some liquid was retrieved after a period of rest, and in
bronchoalveolar lavage (a technique enabling retrieval of small about 70% of cases some liquid was retrieved after exercise.
volumes of epithelial lining fluid from the lung), we developed a Usually, only a few drops of foam were collected, but in a few
pleural lavage (PL) technique consisting of injection and retrieval (probably abnormal) cases, up to 20 ml of fluid was collected.
of 150 ml of saline into the right pleural space, performed during In this study, Yamada found a total white cell count of 4,500
a thoracoscopic sympathicolysis procedure in otherwise healthy cells/␮l (range: 1,700 to 6,200 cells/␮l). A differential cell
subjects suffering from essential hyperhidrosis. With urea used as
count showed 3% mesothelial cells, 53.7% cells “similar to
an endogenous marker of dilution, measured mean right-sided
monocytes,” 10.2% lymphocytes, and 3.6% granulocytes, but
pleural fluid volume was 8.4 ⫾ 4.3 ml. In a subgroup of subjects,
also 29.5% “deteriorated cells of difficult classification.” Hence,
we confirmed that right- and left-sided pleural fluid volumes were
similar. Expressed per kilogram of body mass, total pleural fluid
because of the obvious technical difficulty in retrieving non-
volume in normal, nonsmoking humans is 0.26 ⫾ 0.1 ml/kg. Total traumatically the few milliliters of fluid present, the composi-
cell count in the PL fluid of nonsmoking normal subjects yielded a tion of normal pleural fluid remains one of the few last secrets
median of 91 ⫻ 103 white blood cells (WBC) per milliliter of lavage of human body fluid composition.
fluid (interquartile range [IR] ⫽ 124 ⫻ 103 cells/ml). Taking into In our clinical practice, we weekly perform thoracoscopic
account a measured dilution factor of 18.86, the total WBC count interventions for the treatment of severe essential hyperhidro-
in the original pleural fluid was 1,716 ⫻ 103 cells/ml. Differential sis in otherwise healthy subjects (6), thus having access to nor-
cell counts yielded a predominance of macrophages (median: 75%; mal pleural spaces through a minimally invasive technique. In
IR: 16%) and lymphocytes (median: 23%; IR: 18%). Mesothelial analogy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) (7), which allows
cells (median: 1%; IR: 2%), neutrophils (median: 0%; IR: 1%), and retrieval and examination of the few milliliters of epithelial
eosinophils (median: 0%; IR: 0%) were only marginally present. lining fluid in the examined lung, we designed a new tech-
There were no significant differences between males and females nique, pleural lavage (PL), enabling retrieval and analysis of
or between right- and left-sided pleural fluid in total and differen- the few milliliters of pleural fluid present in normal humans.
tial cell counts. In contrast, in smokers a small but statistically sig- The purpose of the present study was to use PL to: (1) mea-
nificant increase in pleural fluid neutrophils (median: 1%; IR: 2%; sure the volume of pleural fluid present in the pleural space of
p ⬍ 0.015) was observed. In conclusion, PL performed during tho- normal humans; and (2) determine the total and differential
racoscopy for sympathicolysis allowed for the first time determina- cell contents of this normal pleural fluid.
tion of the volume and of the total and differential cell contents of
the pleural fluid present in normal human pleura.
In normal humans, a small amount of pleural fluid is present Study Population
(1, 2). The exact volume of this fluid is unknown. Careful mea- After having successfully performed a feasibility study in four patients,
surements in rabbits and dogs have yielded volumes of pleural we performed PL in 34 consecutive patients referred for thoracoscopic
fluid of 0.1 to 0.3 ml/kg (2–4), and a similar volume is thought treatment of severe essential hyperhidrosis. These patients included 21
to be present in normal humans (1). nonsmokers (nine male and 12 female), aged 25.4 ⫾ 8.0 yr (mean ⫾
Normal pleural fluid, at least in laboratory animals such as SD) (range: 17 to 45 yr), and 13 smokers (five male and eight female),
rabbits and dogs (3, 4), contains a significant number of cells. aged 26.5 ⫾ 8.7 yr (range: 18 to 50 yr). Total and differential counts
Total cell counts vary from 1,500 to 2,450/␮l, with a high vari- were compared in the nonsmoking (n ⫽ 21) and smoking (n ⫽ 15) sub-
ance observed in differential cell counts of 9% to 70% me- jects. Among the nonsmoking subjects, cell counts were compared in
male (n ⫽ 9) and female (n ⫽ 12) subjects. In five subjects, PL was per-
sothelial cells, 28% to 70% macrophages, 2% to 11% lympho-
formed bilaterally for within-subject right–left pleural fluid comparison.
cytes, and 0% to 2% polymorphonuclear leukocytes (3, 4). In a subgroup of 16 nonsmoking subjects (five male and 11 fe-
No reliable data are available on the cellular content of male), values of right pleural fluid volume (Vpv) were determined
pleural fluid in normal humans. The only study addressing this with a modified urea dilution method. In five of these subjects, se-
issue was that of Yamada (5), published in 1933, who punc- quential right- and left-sided Vpv determinations were also performed
tured the 9th or 10th intercostal space on the dorsal axillary for within-subject comparisons.
The subjects had no history of prior pulmonary or pleural disease,
and a detailed history and physical examination, chest radiography,
(Received in original form October 13, 1999 and in revised form April 3, 2000) and complete pulmonary function testing confirmed that all subjects
Supported by a Werkings-en ontwikkelingskrediet grant from the Academic Hos-
were in perfect health except for the presence of invalidating essential
pital AZ-VUB. hyperhidrosis at the palmar (100%) and/or axillary (40%) level. In-
formed consent was obtained from every patient, and the study was
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Marc Noppen,
M.D., Ph.D., Respiratory Division, Academic Hospital Academisch Ziekenhuis
approved by our local ethics committee.
Vrÿe Universiteit Brussel, 101 Laarbeeklaan, B-1090 Brussels, Belgium. E-mail: PL Technique
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 162. pp 1023–1026, 2000 PL was performed during the thoracoscopic sympathicolysis proce-
Internet address: dure. All procedures were performed under strict aseptic conditions

in a fully equipped operating theater. After intramuscular premedica- microliters of a 1:75 dilution of the goat antimouse IgG ⫹ IgM re-
tion with midazolam (0.1 mg/kg) and glycopyrolate (0.2 mg), patients agent was added and left for 30 min at RT. After being rinsed with
were anesthetized with propofol, alfentanil, and atracurium. Patients PBS, the preparations were postfixed with buffered formol-acetone
were in the supine, 30-degree trunk-up position. Intubation was per- for 2 min at RT. After rinsing with distilled water (thrice for 5 min
formed with a single-lumen Hi-Lo jet endotracheal tube (Mallinckrodt, each), silver enhancement was performed for 30 min at 26⬚ C. The
Northampton, UK), and ventilation and oxygenation were assured by preparations were then rinsed again, were air dried, and were coun-
use of an AMS 1000 high-frequency jet ventilator (Acutronic, Jona, terstained with May–Grünwald–Giemsa stain and mounted in DPX
Switzerland). Mountant (BDH, Montreal, Canada).
A right-sided pneumothorax was created by blunt puncture of the The labeled preparations were then examined with a Dialux 22 EB
parietal pleura at the 2nd intercostal space with a Küss or Boutin nee- brightfield microscope (Leitz, Wetzlaar, Germany). The cells were
dle and insufflation of ⵑ 250 ml of ambient air. The puncture site was identified by their morphology. Four hundred cells were examined,
bluntly enlarged to ⵑ 10 mm, and a 7-mm trocar was gently intro- and the percentage of positive cells was determined.
duced into the pleural cavity. After quick inspection with a thoraco-
scope (Richard Wolf, Knittlingen, Germany), a second 5-mm trocar Volume Analysis
was gently and bluntly introduced 3 to 4 cm laterally from the first tro- In a subgroup of 16 nonsmoking patients (five male and 11 female;
car. A nontraumatic 14-gauge polyvinyl chloride catheter (Medico- age 24.1 ⫾ 6.5 yr; range 17 to 37 yr), volume analysis of the pleural
plast, Jillingen, Germany) was introduced via the second trocar and fluid present in the right hemithorax was performed. In five of these
positioned under direct thoracoscopic control in the lowest portion of patients, volume measurements were made in the right and left
the lateroposterior costophrenic angle. hemithorax.
A volume of 150 ml of prewarmed, sterile saline was injected, and In analogy with the estimation method of volume of epithelial lin-
was immediately and gently aspirated (minimal dwell time). The aspi- ing fluid recovered by BAL with urea used as an endogenous marker
rated fluid was collected in a sterile jar and immediately transported of dilution (11), the subsequently described methodology was de-
on ice to the laboratory for processing. signed.
After the PL procedure, sympathicolysis was performed as de- Measurement of the effective volume of pleural fluid present in a
scribed elsewhere (6). In the subjects in whom PL was performed bi- hemithorax was based on the assumption that the urea concentrations
laterally for within-subject comparison, the same procedure as de- in plasma and in normal pleural fluid are equal (since urea diffuses
scribed earlier was performed on the left hemithorax, after termination freely throughout the body, including passage through alveolar mem-
of the right-sided intervention. branes [12] and probably also through pleural membranes [13]), on
the principle of conservation of mass, and on the assumption that af-
PL Fluid Processing ter induction of a pneumothorax, most of the pleural fluid present
would drain by gravity to the lowest portion of the pleural space (3).
Cellular analysis. The PL fluid was processed in a manner similar to
Starting from the original situation of VPV in milliliters of pleural
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) (except for mucus filtration)
fluid present, the total amount of urea (MU) present in this fluid can
(8). After measurement of the total volume of PL fluid, a drop of the
be expressed as MU ⫽ CPV ⫻ VPV (1), where CPV equals the concen-
well-mixed fluid was introduced into a Bürker chamber for total cell
tration of urea in the original pleural fluid (in mg/ml). After pleural
counting. Red and white blood cells were counted separately.
lavage with 150 ml of saline, the conservation of mass principle states
The PL fluid was then centrifuged (3 min at 1,000 ⫻ g). Ten millili-
that MU ⫽ (150 ⫹ VPV) ⫻ CPL, where CPL is the measured concentra-
ters of supernatant fluid were removed and frozen at ⫺80⬚ C for later
tion of urea (in mg/ml) in the retrieved PL fluid.
solute analysis. The cell pellet was washed twice with 1 ml of phos-
Therefore, CPV ⫻ VPV ⫽ (150 ⫹ VPV) ⫻ CPL. Hence, VPV ⫽ (150 ⫻
phate-buffered saline (PBS)–1% albumin. Thereafter, the cells were
CPL)/(CPV ⫺ CPL). Since it is assumed that CPV equals Cplasma (where
resuspended in PBS–5% albumin until a suspension of approximately
Cplasma is the concentration of urea in plasma) (12): VPV ⫽ (150 ⫻
106 cells/ml was obtained. Cytospins were then made with a cytocen-
CPL)/(Cplasma ⫺ CPL). To minimize the possible effects of urea influx
trifuge (Cytospin-3; Shandon Scientific Limited, Astmoor, UK). The
into the pleural space during the lavage procedure, the dwell time of
cytospin preparations were air-dried and one slide was stained with
the lavage fluid was kept to a minimum (a few seconds to 1 min) (14).
May–Grünwald–Giemsa and the other slides were frozen at ⫺20⬚ C.
Cplasma was measured on the day of PL with an endpoint urease
Differential counts were made on the May–Grünwald–Giemsa-
method and a Vitros 950 analyzer (Johnson & Johnson Clinical Diag-
stained slide by counting 500 cells by light microscopy (⫻1,150). Mac-
nostics Inc., Rochester MA), using dedicated dry chemistry reagents.
rophages, mesothelial cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and lym-
To determine the (low) concentrations of urea in the retrieved PL
phocytes were differentiated.
fluid (CPL), a modified kinetic enzymatic method, including urease and
Immunophenotyping of the cells was performed with monoclonal
glutamate dehydrogenase (Unimate 5 Urea; Hoffmann-La Roche, Ba-
antibodies and immunogold–silver staining (9). Air-dried cytocentri-
sel, Switzerland) and adapted to a Cobas Mora S analyzer (Hoffmann-
fuge preparations were incubated with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)
La Roche), was used. The sensitivity of the method, originally de-
obtained from Becton-Dickinson Immunocytometry (Mountain
signed for the measurement of urea concentrations in serum, plasma,
View, CA) and directed against leukocyte cell-surface antigens. Sur-
or urine, was improved by increasing the sample volume fraction from
face antigens studied were CD3 (Leu4), CD4 (Leu3a), CD8 (Leu2a),
0.01 to 0.16. All samples were measured in a single analytical run.
and CD19 (Leu12); mouse IgG1 and CD45 (Hle-1) were used as
Within-run coefficients of variation (n ⫽ 8) ranged from 4.7% to
negative and positive controls. Only the CD4⫹ to CD8⫹ cell ratio is
8.8% for urea concentrations between 1.1 mg/dl and 0.4 mg.dl. The
reported here. Colloidal gold-labeled goat antimouse IgG ⫹ IgM
limit of detection was 0.024 mg/dl. The VPV in one hemithorax is ex-
antibodies were purchased from Amersham–Pharmacia–Biotech (Roo-
pressed per kilogram of body mass.
sendaal, The Netherlands). Light microscopy-grade reagens with 5-mm
gold particles were used. Silver enhancement was performed with the
silver enhancing kit (British Biocell International, Cardiff, UK), fol- Statistical Analysis
lowing the recommendations of the manufacturer. Cellular data are expressed as medians and interquartile ranges (IRs)
Details of the immunogold–silver staining procedure performed because of the apparent nonnormal distribution of the results. Com-
on the cytocentrifuge preparations are summarized elsewhere (10). In parisons between data for smokers and nonsmokers were made with
short, air-dried preparations were fixed for 30 s at room temperature chi-square analysis for sex and the Mann–Whitney U test for cell
(RT) with phosphate-buffered 9.25% formol and 45% acetone, pH counts (15). Comparisons of data for males and females were made
6.6. The preparations were rinsed in PBS and then incubated in the with the Mann–Whitney U test. Within-subject right–left paired com-
horizontal position for 10 min in a humidified chamber with 25 ␮l of parisons were made with Wilcoxon’s signed ranks test. Volume data
0.01 M PBS containing 5% nonfat dry milk. Following this, 25 ␮l of are expressed as mean ⫾ SD because of the apparent normal distribu-
the appropriate dilution of mAb was added and the mixture was left tion of data. Within-subject paired comparisons of right- and left
for 30 min at RT. The preparation was rinsed with PBS to remove the hemithorax pleural fluid volumes were made with a paired t test. Sig-
excess reagent, and was incubated with PBS–milk–mAb. Twenty-five nificance was accepted at p ⬍ 0.05.
Noppen, De Waele, Li, et al.: Normal Pleural Fluid Analysis 1025

RESULTS pressed per kilogram of body weight, the right-sided Vpv was
0.13 ⫾ 0.06 ml/kg (range: 0.06 to 0.25 ml/kg).
All PL procedures were uneventful and prolonged the thora-
In five subjects, measured values of Vpv in the right and
coscopy procedure by only 3 to 5 min. The recovered volume
left hemithorax were not significantly different (p ⫽ 0.6), at
of fluid was 141.2 ⫾ 10 ml (mean ⫾ SD) (94% of the injected
12.6 ⫾ 5.3 ml (range: 3.9 to 17.9 ml) and 11.8 ⫾ 6.8 ml (range:
volume). Postoperative chest radiographs never showed visi-
2.8 to 18.3 ml), respectively.
ble residual fluid. In all subjects, the macroscopic appearance
Therefore, the total (right ⫹ left) Vpv calculated for the
was that of clear fluid, and there was no macroscopically visi-
whole nonsmoking study population and expressed per kilo-
ble contamination with blood.
gram of body weight, averaged 0.26 ⫾ 0.1 ml/kg.
Results of Cellular Analysis
Results of total (red and white blood cells) and differential cell
counts in nonsmokers and smokers are summarized in Table 1. This is the first report of measurement of the actual volume
There were no significant differences in cell counts for non- and total and differential cell contents of the pleural fluid
smokers and smokers, except for neutrophils, which were present in normal subjects, done through a minimally invasive,
present in slightly but significantly higher numbers in the smok- atraumatic thoracoscopic PL technique performed on other-
ing group (median: 1% versus 0%; IR: 1% to 3% versus 0% to wise healthy hyperhydrosis patients.
1%; p ⫽ 0.015, Mann–Whitney U test). Within the smoking Using urea as an endogenous dilution marker, we deter-
group, cigarette consumption was 11.4 ⫾ 14.1 pack-years. There mined the Vpv of normal humans to be 0.26 ⫾ 0.1 (mean ⫾
was no correlation between pack-years smoked and PL neutro- SD) ml/kg body mass. This corresponds quite well with the an-
phil content. (Spearman’s rank correlation, p ⬎ 0.05). imal-derived proposed volume of 0.3 ml/kg body weight (2).
Within-subject right–left comparison showed no significant Urea has been used in the past to estimate the volume of epi-
differences in total or differential cell counts between the right thelial lining fluid recovered by BAL, on the assumptions that
and left pleural cavities (data not shown). Within the non- the concentrations of urea in plasma and epithelial lining fluid
smoking group, total and differential cell counts of the male are similar and constant across time (i.e., no movement of
and female subjects were also compared. There were no sig- urea occurs between the vascular and air space compartments
nificant sex differences (data not shown). during lavage [11]). In the specific context of BAL, this tech-
nique, in which urea is used as an endogenous marker, has
Results of Analysis of Vpv been largely abandoned because enough urea may enter the
In all cases studied, plasma and PL fluid urea concentrations air spaces during the BAL procedure to significantly alter the
could be measured. The right CPL was 1.16 ⫾ 0.41 mg/dl calculated values of dilution, hence leading to more than a
(range: 0.51 to 2.12 mg/dl). threefold overestimation of actual epithelial lining fluid vol-
Cplasma was 23.07 ⫾ 4.47 mg/dl (range: 16 to 31 mg/dl). umes (14). This is mainly due to the relatively long dwell time
Hence, the original Vpv in the right pleural cavity was 8.4 ⫾ of the BAL solution (2 min or more) and the often increased
4.3 ml (range: 3.7 to 17.8 ml). PL with an instilled volume of permeability of the barrier separating the plasma and air
150 ml of saline therefore represents a dilution factor of (150 ⫹ spaces in pathologic states (16). However, in the context of the
8.4): 8.4 ⫽ 18.86. PL technique, urea may be an accurate endogenous marker of
Hence, the median total WBC count of 91 ⫻ 103 cells/ml in dilution because: (1) dwell time is kept to a minimum (i.e., a
the diluted PL fluid corresponds to a total WBC count of 91 ⫻ few seconds to 1 min maximum, hence minimizing urea flux
18.86 ⫽ 1,716 ⫻ 103 WBC/ml in the original pleural fluid. Ex- across the membranes during the procedure; and (2) measure-


M/F Ratio (⫻ 103/ml ) (⫻ 103/ml ) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) CD4⫹/CD8⫹

Nonsmokers (n ⫽ 21) 9/12

Median 36 91 0 0 23 1 75 0.75
Minimum 6 38 0 0 15 0 58 0.18
Maximum 1,070 297 3 1 38 7 92 2.7
Geometric mean 41 115 — — 24 — 73 0.77
Interquartile range 20–47 74–198 0–1 0–0 18–36 0–2 64–80 0.6–1
Smokers (n ⫽ 13) 5/8
Median 78 147 1 0 20 1 75 0.72
Minimum 1 53 0 0 11 0 60 0.4
Maximum 481 443 14 1 40 10 86 1.5
Geometric mean 58 161 — — 19 — 73 0.76
Interquartile range 19–180 117–224 1–3 0–0 12–28 0–2 69–81 0.4–1.4
Difference (p value) 0.6 0.37 0.1 0.015 0.52 0.18 0.8 0.87 0.81
Aggregate sample (n ⫽ 34) 14/20
Median 38.5 125 1 0 23 1 75 0.74
Minimum 1 38 0 0 11 0 58 0.18
Maximum 1,070 443 14 1 40 10 92 2.7
Geometric mean 46.5 130.6 — — 22 — 73 0.77
Interquartile range 19–121 83–214 0–2 0–0 16–31 0–2 64–81 0.47–1.36

Definition of abbreviations: EO ⫽ eosinophils; L ⫽ lymphocytes; MC ⫽ mesothelial cells; M/F ⫽ male/female; M␾ ⫽ macrophages; N ⫽

neutrophils; RBC ⫽ total red blood cell count; WBC ⫽ total white blood cell count.

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