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Seca mee mre Tel Arek Tkacz Pp Pearson Students’ Book CONTENTS How do you spell that? The alphabet » Spelling words ‘ond names pp. 4-5 UNIT Family. Fomily ond GRAMMAR Possessive & friends pp. 10-11 Numbers and colours Numbers « Colours + my/your pp. 6-7 EG © to be affirmative ‘© Possessive adjectives my, your his, her pp. 12-13 Inthe classroom in my bag + Classroom objects « Classroom language + afan + Pural no pp. 8-9. Us to be negative VOCABULARY Countries ond nationalities pp. 14-15, Clothes pp. 24-25 Inthe house pp. 38-39 Face and hair pp. 52-53 ‘Action verbs | pp. 66-67 Daily activities pp. 80-81 "© this/ thot / these / those © 100 big / small VOCABULARY Adjectives pp. 26-27 there is / there are affirmative VOCABULARY Prepositions of place pp. 40-41 ‘© have got affirmative ond negative « Regular and iregular pil VOCABULARY Parts of the body pp. 54-55 can aifirmative and negative VOCABULARY Collocations with ‘mate; play and ride pp. 68-69 Present Simple affirmative pp. 82-83 to be questions ond short answers pp. 28-29 * there is /there are negative and questions '* afan, any pp. 42-43 ‘© have gat questions and short ans ‘© Possessive adjectives its, our, YOU pp. 56-57. ‘can questions and short arswers pp. 70-11 ‘Adveibs of frequency VOCABULARY Days of the week pp. 84-85 Wild animals Present Simple negative VOCABULARY Pets pp. 96-97 Present Simple questions ond short answers pp. 98-99 pp. 108-109 ‘© love/ tke dont like / hate + -ing ‘© Object pronouns pp. 110-111 ‘Question words pp. 112-113, Student A activities p.122 Songs and raps p. 123 Student B activities p. 124 CUIL p. 125 2 aan Ran, i eRe Le! Maan Re Introductions i my fomily album | LISTENING My bes friend WORDLIST | GET CULTURE! VOCABULARY Places | WRITING pe Engibh cround the world Me and my best fiend REVISION *# Copitel laters pp. 20-21 pi pv p18 pp. 22-23 Asking for personal | Super backpack! LUSTENING Favourite things | WORDLIST information VOCABULARY My things | WRITING 7.33 Poland s cool! ‘© My fovoutite things REVISION ¢ Punctuation Pp. 34-35 p.30 pal p. 32 pp. 36-37 Having a guest ‘Askoteboarder’s dream! | LISTENING Bedrooms WORDLIST | GET CULTURE! VOCABULARY Household. | WRITING ea Hottest Inia I objects # My bedroom REVISION * Apostrophes pp. 48-49 peas pds p.d6 pp. 50-51 ‘Apologsing ‘A personality quiz LISTENING Cortoon chorocters | WORDLIST VOCABULARY Personality | WRITING Ee Greetings fom Poland cacjectves ¢ My favourite book or cartoon | REVISION character pp. 62-63 «© Poragraphs p.58 p59 p.60 pp. 64-65 Suggestions Sign language LISTENING After-school clubs | WORDLIST | GET CULTURE! WRITING p.75 Kids’ London @ An ad for an after-school club | REVISION © andond but pp. 76-77 p.72 p.73 pi Telling the time ‘A doy with .. Dreamtime | LISTENING Weekend activites | WORDLIST Traveller! waiting p89 Come to Poland! VOCABULARY Months |e My typical weekend REVISION «© before and after pp. 90-91 p.86 p.87 p.88 pp. 92-98 Buying a ticket ‘Amazing animals! LISTENING Interview with o pet | WORDLIST | GET CULTURE! VOCABULARY Money | VOCABULARY Adjectives | SPoP owner Ee es warning REVISION ‘© An emoli cbouto pet pp. 104-105 « Starting ond ending an email p. 100 p.101 p. 102 | pp. 106-107 Talking about the | Teen health LISTENING Interviews cbout | WORDLIST weather VOCABULARY Heathy | @beathy Hestyle py ‘Go mushroorn-picking! VOCABULARY Seasons | Ifestyle WweIring REVISION and weather © My flestyle pp. 118-19 ‘© Checking for grammar pnd ppp. 120-121 Ey: and my hobby is making cupcakes j Hil My nome’s Jen, ZY ''mten years old My hobby is skateboarding. Hove all sports, { really. | I'm Lian. |'m twelve. Hello. My name's Lucas. 'm from Spain but I'm in the UK now. ‘My hobbies are music and Maths, ry Newman, =r Jen and Alex's em and dad! Listen and read. Who is not from the UK? Look at the photos and read. In your notebook, Cometatie tte Stites Robbics, 1 Jen making cupcokes 3 lion of 2 Alex computers ond 4 Wucos 7 concise 3 [EEQGE Stond in a line. Ask and answer. A: Hi, I'm Mario. What's your name? C: My name's Dovid... | Say the alphabet, soy it with me! Hy, JK L, M, NA@RE F is funny as you can see. 7 RS, T, UaaV four more letters and we're free. W, X, Yess. Ply is sleepy, so are we! 5 In your notebook, complete the words with the letters in the box. Say the letters. fine xis V gid 2 bo 3 andwich 5 ion 6 fis |B: I'm |sabella, Hi, I'm isabella. What's your name? i. 6 DEG, 1.05 Listen. Which letters con you hear? 1A E 1 26 J c 3w u yi 4B D P N F J y 5M 6! AE 7 Work in pairs. Say the alphabet. Stop when the teacher tells you. Your partner says what comes next. @ LOOK! LL = double L 8 G) 1.06 Listen to the surnames. ‘Complete the missing letters in your notebook. Check with your partner. 1 NEWMAN 2@Ral 3 0AUE 48008 ON 9 Work in pairs. Ask for your partner's surname. Write it in your notebook. ‘A: What's your surname? B: Brown, A: How do you spell that? B: B-R-O-W-N. o> 10 Have a class spelling competition. 00° jouble Appl Apple. A L Numbers and colours Znam liczby od 1 do 100 i podstawowe kolory. This is Dug. Dug is also Superdug. Ths 5 KA Ka is very clever. Superdug is a superhero. Shes Dug’s best friend 3 Complete the numbers in your notebook. 1 G)1.07 Listen and read. Look at the picture. Fi lone =” beue Who is a superhero? | ri 2 Beit . 2 S 1.08 Listen and repeat. 3 tar 9 in 4 of wr 5 foe We ite a 6 tley 1 one 11 eleven 2 two 12 twelve 4 In your notebook. mete the onswers in words. 3 three 13 thirteen 1 sk 4 four 14 fourteen 2 eighteen - thee = 5 five 15 fifteen 3 two + eleven = 6 six 16 sixteen 4 twenty - nine 7 seven 17 seventeen 5 seventeen - eee = B eight 18 eighteen 6 two + seven 9 nine 19 nineteen 7 five + two 10 ten 20 twenty 8 sixteen - twee = Wa 5 G)1.09 Listen and repeat. 9 Look at Exercise 3. In your notebook, write numbers which are this colour. There are two numbers for one of the colours. OT eat aed red 2 green pink 10 ten 60 sixty grey white black 20 twenty 70 seventy blue purple brown 30 thirty 80 eighty genge velo conor pa aaeety) J Student A: Listen to Student B and guess! 50 fifty 100 ahundred Then swap roles. ‘A; What's your favourite colour? 6 Choose the correct number. Write the answers —_B: Not pink, not brown, not white, not yellow, in your notebook. not green, not red, not blue, not grey, not black, 1 forty 14/40 4 eighty 18/80 e ie ey 2 fifteen 15/50 5 twenty 12/20 ‘ 3 thirteen 13/30 6 sixteen 16/60 11 Look at the picture below. In your notebook, match Tae sentence beginnings 1-8 to endings a-h. 1 Theelephants are a blue. 10 Listen. In your notebook, write 2 The floners are b black and white. the number you hear. 3 The zebras are © red. a ae 8 - e 4 The sky is d grey. b d f if 5 The oranges are e green 6 The lemons are f pink 7 The trees are g orange. TEN Geterrand Teneo: 8 The flamingoes are » h yellow. ae | 12 ESO work in pairs. Look at the picture. Finish the black blue brown green grey Siitences: ieee rink Purple Sted A: Elephants are ... green. A: No! They're grey! Flowers are .. Rate tt el) Umiem nazwaé typowe przedmioty w klasie i rozumiem instrukcje nauczyciela. 1 © 1.12 tisten and repeat. Name the objects in Jen's schoo! bag. book coloured pencil pencil rubber notebook pen pencil case pencil sharpener ruler sandwich scissors @ book, a pencil Z | K ‘an apple, an umbrella 2 In your notebook, write a or an before the words, 1 notebook 5 tuler 2 an apple 6 elephant 3 pencil 7 book 4 egg 8 orange ‘a pencil six pencils cnorange twooranges | a box four boxes asandwich two sandwiches 3 Look at the picture. How many of these objects can you see in Jen's bag? 1 notebook? Three notebooks 2 pencil sharpener 3 rubber? 4 sandwich? 5 coloured penci? 6 pencil cose? 4 G 1.13 tisten ond repent Check the meaning of these words in o dictionary. bin boord cha clock desk 5 Find the objects from the Vocabulary box in your classroom amd point to them. How many are there? LOOK! Ss== | ne percs Sit Sta 8 Rec Wh to page 122 and check. 6 Work in pairs. Guess what these objects are. Then go 1.15 In your notebook, match 1-5 to.a-e. Listen and check. Act out the dialogues in pairs. 1 Can you repeat that, please? 2 Can you help me, Miss? 3 How do we say elefante in English? 4 I'mready! 5 What does amazing mean? «a We soy elephant. b Good, Class, are you ready too? ¢ It means really good. d Yes, Maria. How can | help you? e Yes, Tomas. Giraffe, Giraffe. OK? gg ° Close your books. Work in pairs, eo Listen (to the story). Write (yourname). ° Look (at the photo). Can you help me? g Open your books. ‘Can you repeat (that)? 10 Bea teacher. Tell other students Read (the text), I'm ready. what to do. Use the expressions Sit down. What's kredka in English? in the Speaking box. Stand up. Write your name, lease. 8 Read the expressions in the Speaking box again. Beer Who usually says them: Teacher or Student? LOOK! Can you help me, please? Stand up, please! MC] TTC latg x Iknow} Read these words. What do they mean in Polish? brother dad grandad VOCABULARY Fai ee wy: FAMILy: Possessive adjectives to be negative This is my family album International Friendship Day Capital letters GET CULTU English around the world John 2 G1.16 Listen and repeat. Find the people in Mark's family pyramid on page 10. Use the colours to help you. ‘Vocabulary. ae x mother mum father dad parents grandfather grandad grandmother granny son daughter brother sister 1 father @ grandad 2 grandmother b dad 3 mother © granny d 4 grandfather mum 1b 5 Look at the family pyramid on page 10. Write the names in your notebook. 1 Mark's grandfather John 2 Mark's sister 3 Mark's aunt 4 Mark's brother 5 Mark's cousins 6 Mark's grandmother 7 Mark's uncle 8 Mark's parents 7@aa7 | aunt uncle cousin 3 In your notebook, complete the family words. Use the Vocabulary box to help you. Oe BABE ais Se He She sa fother mother grandmother son sister 4 In your notebook, match 1-4 to a-d. | 6 Look at the family pyramid again. In your notebook, complete the sentences with the names in the box. |] Mark's Julia's Rose's Tom’s Paul's Peter's 1 Peter is Mark’s uncle. 2 Juliais sister. 3 Dovidis son. 4 Annais daughter. 5 John and Agatha ore 6 Lucyis cousin. parents. n. Are the sentences true or false? Listen again and check your answers. 8 Draw your family pyramid in your notebook. Write the names of the people from your family. oO Todby is Sophie's birthclay. She is seventy years old. Sophie: \ kai: Happy birthday, Mum! Here's your present Thank you, my darling. Where's your son? Jason isin Spain with his class. They're on. a schoo trip. Here's a card from him. Oh, i's c lovely card Dad: Hello, sister! 8 Listen and read. Answer the questions. 1 How old is Jen and Alex's granny today? 2 Who is Jason? 2 Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences in your notebook. 1 Granny's name is Sophie. true 2 They are at Jen and Alex's house. 3 There's a present for Granny in the box. 4 Jason is at home. 5 Dad is Aunt Megan's brother. 2 Sophie is Jen and Alex's grandmother. They are at her house, It's aunt Megan! ‘Megan: Hello, Alex! Hold this, pleasel Be carefull It's Granry's birthday cake) Alex: It's OK. I've got it! ‘= Dad: We're ready for the cake! 8) 1.19 Listen and repeat. Find these expressions in the story. How do you say them in Polish? Hold this, please! Be carefull I've got it! TH) Why does Jen and Alex's mum say ‘Oh, no!"? a The cake isa mess. b It's not Granny's cake. ¢ There's o mouse in the box. 5 20 Now listen and check. You He; We You The 6 Find miss 1 Th >| 3 Yc act 5 ‘a ow Chox note! 1 Yo re 2 Lis 3 We 8 Inyo in Bx« 1 You you she he In you my, yc 1 Ale 2 Dac 3 Sof 4 Me 5 Ale: ber cee Longton shetiam | lam ten. I'm ten. “You are ten, You're ten. He/She/ltis ten. He/She/t’sten. We are ten. | We're ten. You are ten. You're ten. “They are ten. inerrant 6 Find the sentences in the story. Write the missing words in your notebook. 1 They are at her house. 21 sohappy!" 3 You — here! 4 ‘It Granny's birthday cake. 5 Jason in Spain’ 6 ‘We ready for the cake!’ 7 Choose the correct answers. Write them in your notebook. 1 You are / is ready. are § Itore/ iso present for you. 2 | is/amhere. 6 Jen and Alex is/are at 3 Weam/are happy! — their Granny's house 8 In your notebook, rewrite sentences 1, 2, 3and 5 in Exercise 7 using short forms of the verb to be. 1 You're ready. LOOK! | > my {t's my birthday. 'm ten! It's your birthday. You're eleven! It's her birthday. She's nine. It's his birthday. He's twelve. you —> your she —> her he —> his 9 In your notebook, complete the sentences with ‘my, your, his or her. 1 Alex: ‘Granny, here's your birthday card!” 2 Dad: ‘it's my birthday. We cre at_—_-house! 3 Sophie: ‘I'm very hoppy! family is her 4 Megan: ‘Jason isin Spain with class! 5 Alex: * birthday coke is in this box, Granny: 4 Jason is / am Jen's cousin. Hammy is my pet hamste 10 @1.21 How old are they? Follow the lines cand complete the sentences in your notebook. Then listen and check. ‘|'m eleven! 10 ‘Alexand| 16 3 Lucas: ‘My brother : W 4 Lian toJen: ‘You, right?” 12 11 In your notebook, complete the text with am, are or is. My name "is Lian and! 2 twelve years old. Alex and | * best friends and classmates. His sister, Jen,‘ tenyears old. We § friends too. 12 Look at Exercise 11. In your notebook, write about you and your friends. My name's... and | 00° 13 Read the poem. Make changes to talk about a friend or a classmate. Tm ten today. Hip, hip, hooray! Let's have a break. And eat my cake! Ola’s eleven today Yot He We You The 3 Dug: Well, my parents aren't superheroes, ee ace eT a Uncle Roberto is a superhero. He's French,| 4 In yo What about your family’ Kit: Roberto? it isn't a French name. Use 27 Dug: Sorry, you're right. Uncle Roberto isn’t French. He's Sponish. Aunt Gigiis French. Kit! You aren't happy in the photo! Dug: No, 'm not! 'm hungry! Dug: Dod's British and Mum is Polish. Kits OK but ... What about you? ... Dug} Superdug: No ideo, Kit! Bye now!) 7 Kit: Bye, Superdug! Be carefull | Look at the cartoon. How many types of 3 Are the sentences true or false? dogs can you see? 1 Uncle Roberto is o superhero. true Aunt Gigi is French 2 @ 1.22 Listen and read. What 2 A es nationality is Uncle Roberto? ae ree 4 Dug is hoppy in the photo. 5 Dug's mums British. Get Grammar! ee ee ero cu 1am not Spanish, I'm not Spar You are not Spanish. You aren't Spanish. He/She/It is not Spanish We are not Spanish. We aren't Spanish. You are not Spanish. You aren't Spanish. They are not Spanish. 4 In your notebook, write negative sentences. Use the long form of the verb to be. 1 Dugis French. Dug is not French. 2 Kitisadog. 3 Dug's parents are superheroes. 4 Dug: ‘lam happy: 5 Kit: ‘You ate in the photo, Dug’ 6 Dugis hungry. 5 Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 4 in your notebook. Use the short form of the verb to be. 1 Dug isn't French. 6 Gy 1.23 Look, listen and repeat. BIS the ux / arith lM italy /italian TGS Spain /sponish ff [France / French mmm Poland /Polish J China / Chinese B® the usA/ American 7 Look at the flags. In your notebook, complete the sentences about Dug's family with is or isn't. Correct the false sentences. 1 jum) Aunt Teresa isn’t Spanish. She is Polish. 2 FB crandad Umberto 3 BE Bicousin tutu French, 4 FH cousinchen British. 5 HES Granny Flossie Chinese. American. He/She/It isn’t Spanish. They aren't Spanish. 8 In your notebook, write sentences about Kits, friends and family. No, I'm not orange and I'm not fot: not from Italy. im from the UK. 2 Spain X the UK 7 4 the USA X China ¥ oO 9 Choose your nationality 9 ond play Three Guesses o game. ° ‘AzYou're Spanish! B: No, l'm not Spanish A:You're British! B: No, I'm not British. A:Yourre Italian! B: Yes, 'm Italian, ° 14) Speaking Potrafie przedstawiac kolegow i kolezanki swoim rodzicorn, Jen: Hi, Mum! Mum: Hi, kids! Jen: Mum, thisis Lucas. He's our new neighbour lucas, this is my mum. Mum: Hello, Lucas. Nice to meet you. Lucas: Nice to meet you too, Mrs Newman, Mum: Jen, your bag! Jon: Sorry, Mum. Let's go, Lucas. Gy 1.24 Listen and read. What's Jen's family name? 2 G 1.28 Listen ond repeat. Mum, this is Lucos. He is my friend/classmate. Lucas, this is my mum. B: Hello, Lucas. Nice to meet you. C: Nice to meet you too. 3 @ 1.26 In your notebook, write the logue in the correct order. Then listen and check. «a Desi: Nice to meet you too, Lisa. b Adam: Lisa, this is Desi. He’s my best friend, ¢ Lisa: Hello, Desi. Nice to meet you d Adam: Desi, this is my cousin, Lisa. 4 In groups of three, act out the dialogue in Exercise 3. » 5 Choose the correct onswers. Write ther notebook. 1 A: Hello, I'm George. B: a Very well, thanks. b F've got it. © Nice to meet you, George. 2. A: Mum, this is Som B: o He's my classmate b Hello, Sam. © Hold this, please 3 A: Kate, this is my sister, Lisa B: a Be corefull b Hi Lisa. Nice to meet you. ¢ She's my friend. o 6 Inyour notebook, write the names of three famous ; people. Then introduce them é to your friends! x + famous pop star ~e + famous film stor + famous sports person Gt Tom, this is my friend, Zac Efro He's a famous film star! Potrafie zrozumieé tekst rodzinnych fotografiach. My family album This is my favourite photo. I'm four and my sister, Isabel, is six! We aren't at home in this photo. We're at my granny's house in London. Granny is Dad's mum. I 1 She's fun! aig OD ———Ee—————Saas ee | 1 @1.27 Read and listen to Alice's blog. Find Alice in photos A, B and C. one word. 1 Isabel is Alice's sister. 2 Alice's mum and aunt are 3 Vincentis | Jackie's dog. 4 Tommy is Isabel's 5 Grannyis —’s mum. 3 Are the sentences true or false? 1 Alice is eleven in Photo C. true 2 They're on holiday in France in Photo A. | 3 Theyare in the park in Photo 8. 1) 4 Tommyis eleven in Photo 8. 5 Photo Ais Alice's favourite. 4 © 1.28 Listen and repeat. athome at school at a party inthe garden inthe park on holiday My cousin Tommy, Isabel and | are in this photo. We're in the park near my house. Fm nine, Tommy's ten and Isabel's 2 Inyour notebook, complete the sentences with — P'm Alice! I'm twelve. : a OL aD Cecmale family album. And this is my family: Mum, Dad, Isabel and I. 1'm eleven and Isabel’s thirteen. We're on holiday in France. My mum and my Aunt Jackie (Mum's sister) are French.Vincent’s in the photo too. He's Aunt Jackie's dog. He's great, 5 Look at the pictures and wrrite the places. @ inthe park 1.29 Listen. In your notebook, match conversations 1-4 to places a-f in Exercise 5. There are two extra places. 1d 7 Work in pairs. Student A: Go to page 122. Student B: Go to page 124. i UF) RUT Ut ea Potratig zrozumieé wypowiedzi ustne 0 najlepszym prayjacielu i napisaé kr 1 Look at the website. What is the radio show about? International . a e ni Day Call Radio 8's International Friendship Day Pee enka Tell us about your best friends! 2 @) 1.20 Listen to the radio show. In your notebook, match callers 1-3 to photos of their best friends A-C. 1 Tom 2 Mario 3 Juan 3 © 1.30 Read the questions. Listen again. In your notebook, write a number or a country. 1 How old is Monica? 17 2 Where is Monica now? 3 How old is Jack? 4 Where are Giorgia and Toni from? 4 Who's your best friend? Tell the class. o Wo t na ten temat. 5 Read Jen's blog and complete the table in your notebook. Gand my y est friend My name's Jen. I'm ten and I'm from the UK. I'm British. My Best fend is my neighbour, Lucas. He’s eleven. Lucas and his family are from Spain. They're Spanish. Nome Age Nationality Country | Me len the UK | my best Spanish (friend ee Use o copitallieter for nomes of people, countries ond nationalities Use c coptiatiiemer fx the pronoun | Gnd ot the Besienine of every sentence. My best emai sect fm from France. Giorgic ond Tenia toicn 6 Find copitet lemens e Sen's blog in Exercise 5. Spee meeeb00k, write about you and your Best fend Fing sess Frdocens Moke rome d your best friend. verne soot ar age, country and rofioneite Mpnee fe :en. I'm from * your best friend. © oraarncane evv*euang eor # LESSON 1.1 Family Rodzina aunt /a:nt/ ciocio brother /’brada/ brat cousin /’kaxan/ kuzyn/kuzynka dad /ded/ tota daughter /‘ds:te/ cétka father /fa:Ba/ ofciec ~~ grandfather / grandad /arend fa:da, ‘graendied/ dziadek grandmother / granny ‘/graen,mada, greni/ babcio mother /'mado/ matka mum /mam/ mama parents /‘pearants/ rodzice sister /‘siste/ siostra son /san/ syn uncle /ankol/ wujek LESSON 1.2 Out of class Be carefull /bi 'keafal/ Bade ostrony! Hold this, please. /havld drs plisz/ Potrzymaj to, prosze. ve got it! /aiv ‘got 1t/ Zajme sie tym, best friend {best 'frend/ najlepszy prayjaciel/najiepsza prayjaciétka: birthday /bsi0der/ urodziny birthday cake /‘bx:0der keik/ tort urodzinowy cake /kerk/ ciasto card /ka:d/ kartka (2 zyczeniomi) class /kla:s/ kloso classmate /'kla:smeit/ kolega/ kolezanka z klasy eat /ist/ jest friend /irend/ prayjaciel/ prayjaciétko: from /from/ od happy /‘heepi/ szczeslivy Happy birthday! /hepi 'bsieder/ Wszystkiago najlepszego 2 okozii urodzin! Let’s have a break. /lets hav a breik/ Zrébmy sobie przerwe. lovely /"Iavli/ uroczy mess /mes/ botagan my darling /mar 'da:in/ méj drogi/ mojo droga present /‘prezant/ prezent school trip /‘sku:l trip/ wycieczka szkolna She is 70 years old. /{i w sevanti jizz '201d/ Ono mo 70 lot. yummy /jami/ smaceny LESSON 1.3 Countries and nationalities Kraje I ncrodowosci American /a'merakon/ comerykariski British /britfy brytyjski China /*tfamna/ Chiny Chinese /tfarnizz/ chi France /fra:ns/ Francja French /frent{/ francuski Italian /ltzelion/ wioski Italy /rtoli/ Wtochy Poland /pavlend/ Polska Polish /‘pauli{/ polski Spain /spein/ Hiszpanio Spanish /speenij/ hiszpariski ‘the UK /d9 ju: ket / Wielka Brytania the USA /0a iu: es 'e1/ Stony Zjednoczone Bye now! /bar nav/ Do zoboczenia! family album /femali albom/ rodzinny album ze zdjgciomi Help! /help/ Pomocy! hungry /hangri/ giodny in the photo /in da fovtau/ na 2djgciu name /neim/ imig No idea. {nav ar'dia/ Nie mam pojecta. Sorry, /'spri/ Preepraszam. superhero /‘supahiarau/ superbohater What about you? vor a\baut jo/ Acoztobq? You're right. racje. LESSON 1.4 Introductions Przedstawianie He is my classmate, /ht 12 mat ‘Kla:smeit/ To méj kolega z klasy. He is my friend. hi wz mat 'frend/ On jest moim przyjacieler. Hello, Lucas. /helav lukas/ Cze8é, Lucas. Lucas, this is my mum. /lukas 1s Is mai mam/ Lucas, to jest moja mame. Mum, this is Lucas. /mam 31s is lukos/ Momo, to jest Lucas. Nice to meet you. /nats ta mit ja/ Milo cig poznaé. Nice to meet you too. /nais t2 mitt ja tw:/ Ciebie takze mito poznat. bag /beg/ plecak, torba famous /'fermas/ stowny film star /film sta:/ gwiazda fitmowo kids /ktdz/ dziecioki Let's go. /lets'gau/ Chodémy. neighbour /neiba/ sqsiod pop star /pop sta:/ gwiazda pop sports person /spxits 'pxsan/ sportowiec LESSON 1.5 Places Miejsca ata party /at a 'parti/ na prryj ‘at home /at ‘houm/ wdomu at school /at 'skutl/ w szkole "inthe garden /in da 'gadn/ wogrodzie in the park /m 0a 'pa'k/ w porku ‘on holiday /on 'holede1/ na wakacjach favourite /'fervarat/ ulubiony great /greit/ Swietnie V'm four. /aim 'f>:/ Mom eztery lata, near /nia/ blisko She's fun! /fiz fan/ Ono jest fajna! too /tw/ tez LESSON 1.6 interesting /‘mtrastry/ interesujacy International Friendship Day ‘“Anta,nerfonal 'frendjtp det/ Migdzynarodowy Dzien Prayja: spell /spel/ literowaé Coy » Revision VOCABULARY 1 Inyour notebook, complete the family words. What seven other family words do you know? lgrandad 2gr ny 3un e 4a t 5m m odd Tco in 8s st r 9b t er 2 Choose the odd one out. Write the answers in your notebook. 1a Chinese b Spain —_c the UK 2atheUSA b Iidlian —_c the UK 3 0 France b Poland —c American 4 Spanish —b British ¢ Chino 5 0 French b the USA ¢ Polish 1 aChinese 3 Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answers. Write them in your notebook. Bo inthe park b at school ¢ inthe garden Coe | at home on holiday ata party ooo a on holiday at home in the garden oo GRAMMAR 4 In your notebook write sentences with possessive “= 1 Luke / eae fs Luke's cake, 2 Granny (bitsy fs 3 Megan/ son Jeson is 4 Dad/ sister Megan is 5 Read and complete Mlorna’s profile with am, are oF is. Write the Gnsmers in your notebook. My name's Maria. ‘am thirteen, from the USA. My best friend * Isabel. Her ily English classmates. two brothers * my friends too. 6 Match sentence Sesimninos 1-5 to endings o-€. Write the amemes in your notebook. 1 Jone’s best your schoolbag. © George is eleven. 3 tsmy = engis her neighbour. 4 Thott iS mmyclass. 5 His cousin © birthday today! le 7 In your moteibec mete negotive sentences. Which sentences tone Sse for you? Tell your partes. 1 Fem fee firme fitter 2 My bese Seems my oot. 3: My brother'smome is Sen 4 Werecttome 5 it's emp aectacion 6 My neighieues ore my classmates. PRONUNCIATION 8 Gy 1.31 Listen and repeat: /v/ or /w//? It's Vicky's brown dog Vincent ‘and Will's white cat Vanda! SS DICTATION 9 G 1.22 Listen to the recording, Write the sentences in your notebook. SPEAKING 10 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Write the answers in your notebook. Then act out the dialogue with two friends [nice this meet this Jamie: Mum, ! is my friend, Dovid. David? is my mum, David: Hello, Mrs Smith.* tomeet you. Mum: Nice to“ you too, Dovid. READING AND WRITING 11 Look at the photo. Where are the people? 12. Read the text. Find Tom in the photo. Hil My name's Emily and this is my favourite photo, This is my family: mum, dad, granny, grandad, my brother and me. We are British. We are from Brighton in the UK. We aren’t on holiday, we are at a party in my grandfather's garden. Grandad is sixty years old in this photo. His name is Tom and he's my dad's father. My brother's name is Jake. He is my best friend! 'm ten in this photo, and he is seven. The birthday cake Is a present for my grandad. We are ready for the cake! We're very happy! 13 Read the text again. Complete the sentences with one word. Write the answers in your notebook. 1 Emily's family is 2 They are ata 3 Emily's Is sixty in this photo. 4 is Emily's best friend 5 Inthis photo, Jake is yeors old. 14 Inyour notebook, write six sentences about yourself and your family. LISTENING 15 G) 1.33 Listen to the recording. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Rose is Jim's sister. 2 Pauls ten years old. 3 The birthday cake is for Alex's mum. 4 Uncle Mark and Alex are at school. 5 Peter is Ana's cousin. 6 Ana is from Spain. Check yourself! — ¥ Potrafie opowiadaé 0 swojej rodzinie. ¥ Potrafie stosowaé czasownik to be w zdaniach twierdzqcych i przeczqcych. ¥ Potrafie rozmawiaé 0 krajach i narodowosciach ¥ Potrafie przedstawiaé kolegow i kolezanki swoim rodzicom. ¥ Potrafie zrozumieé wypowiedzi ustne i pisemne na temat rodziny i przyjaci ¥ Potrafie napisoé krétki tekst 0 swoim najlepszym przyjocielu 1 Look at the map. Name countries 1-3 using the words in the box. Write the answers in your notebook. [theuk the usa Austialio New Zealand | 2 © 1.34 People in the UK, the USA and Australia speak Read, listen and check. language is it? The UK — The capital city of the United Kingdom. or UK is London. The Uk is four different countries: Englane, Woles vA % - Vreland. There are about 65 million Scotland and Norther peopk in the UK and Engl is the official language The USA The USA js short for the United States of America The copital of the USA is Washington, There are 324 million r people in the USA. They speak English but about 37 millon peop ? sp8ak Spanish too. Australia 24 million people live in Australia. Its coptal city 6 COnDen= ares . Sydney Is Its biggest city. Most people speck English in Austialic Hes = ae x { interesting fact: when it’s winter in the UK and the USA, it is summer = Sarat 3 Look at the map and read the text again. Read tasks 1-6 and follow the instructions. 1 Which is the Australian flag? c aan b = Zain 2 Complete the sentence in your notebook. Scotland is in 3 In your notebook, number the countries from | to 3 (very big, big, small number of people) a The UK b The USA ¢ Australia 4 |s this sentence true or false? Christmas is in the summer in Australio. 5 Choose the correct answer. Write it in your notebook. Sydney is in Australia / the USA. 6 Complete the sentence in your notebook. Many people speak Spanish in ® Work in four groups. Prepare a digital presentation about one of these countries. + The Republic of Ireland + New Zealand * The Republic of South Africa + Canada @ Find information about the country. Use these questions to help you. + How many people live in this country? + What is the capital city? What are other big cities? + What language(s) do people speak there? 1.35 Listen. In your notebook, match names 1-4 to sentence endings o-d. Q 1 Erin ais from the USA, 2 Peter b is from Australia, 3 Ollie ¢ is from Leeds. 4 Mary dis from London. @ 1.35 Listen again. Choose the correct ‘answers. Write them in your notebook. 1 Leeds is in England / the USA. 2 Peter speaks English and Italian / Spanish. 3 Ollie's city / country is very big 4 Mary is in London / New York now. 6 Say three facts about the UK, the USA or Australia for your partner to guess the country. A: The capitol city is Canberra B: It's Australia! CANADA + The capital of Canada is ... @ Add a map of the country, its lag and photos of important and/or interes ®@ Share your presentation with the class. My things Werte Cela 1 Find these clothes in the picture. Which are you wearing today? VOCABULARY coot jeans shoes skirt T-shirt tousees Clothes | Adjectives | My things this, thot, these, those | too bigésmall | to bequestions and short answers Super backpack! PEIN MN My favourite things | Punctuation n POLAND ® Poland is cool We 2 ]y1.36 Listen and repeat. Find the clothes in the picture on page 24. boots cap coat dress hoodie jacket Jeans jumper shirt shoes skirt T-shirt top tracksuit trainers trousers 3 @ 1.37 Listen. Which words can you hear? 1 T-shirt / shirt 2 jacket / jumper 3 trainers / trousers 1 T-shirt 4 shoes / skirt 5 cap/coot 6 boots / hoodie |] The T-shirt is blue. The shoes are brown, The jeans are blue. 4 In your notebook, complete the table with the words in the Vocabulary box. is care Ta shoes, jeans, E Sac eewee es 5 Inyour notebook, complete the sentences with is or are. Then look at the picture on page 24. Are the sentences true or false? 1 The tracksuit is block. false 2Thedress yellow. 3 Thetrainers | red. 4 The hoodie grey 5 The boots 6 The trousers green. brown. 6 Look at your clothes and talk to your partner. My jeans are blue, my T-shirt is green andi white and my trainers are red. 7 Choose a student from your class and name his or her clothes. Ask your partner to guess. A: White T-shirt, blue skirt. B: t's Natasha! 8 Adam and Adele ore in the sports centre. ‘Complete the list in your notebook. Are their clothes OK? Write yes or no. ‘Adam: 1 T-shirt, yes 2 jacket, no 3 4 Adele: 5 6 eZ 8 9 Dress Adam and Adele for a party. In your, notebook, write two lists of clothes. Then compare in pairs. Adam: white T-shirt, Adele: pink dies, 10 In your notebook, make lists of clothes you wear at school and at the weekend. te» 26 ; Jen: Bye, Holly’ Hong on, what are these? These aren't my jeans. Tr ‘ong! These are Mum's jeans! Yep, this top is 00 jen, put these clothes away, please, cy : OK, Mum Oh, hil What's up? What? No! ew T-shirt? th your old T-shirts! jad's T-shirts! Tshirt is Mum: Jen, these ore your jeans, They're too i ‘small for me! H Jen: Oops! Sorry, Mum! Mum: And that's my top over there. Jen: Yes, itis. Here you are! 1.39 Listen ond repeat. Find these expressions in the story. How do you say Gy 1.38 Listen. Are the clothes in the right them in Polish? i place? What's up? you ore. Look at the photos and read the sentences. Over there . Whose clothes are they? — 1 Photo 2 The jeans are Jen's / Mum's 2 Photo 3 The jeans are Jen's / Mum's. 3 Photo 3 The top is Jen’s / Mum's 4 Photo 4 The T-shirts are Dad's / Alex's. 5 0 Now listen and check. 1 Mum's ex's new T-shirt? a Mum Jen Tu ane Teeericeaa yes | Thatis Alex's T-shirt That T-shirt is Alex's, This is Jen's top. This top is Jen's. > pF Those are Alex's trainers. | Those trainers are Alex's. ‘These are Jen's trainers. These trainers are Jen's. ss re | 6 Choose the correct answers. Write them in your, notebook. 1 This { These are your trainers. 2 This / These isn't Alex's shirt. 3 This / These shoes aren't Jen's. 4 That / Those T-shirts are Dad's 5 That / Those is my coat. 6 That / Those boots are Mum's, 1 These 7 In your notebook, complete the sentences with this, that, these or those. 1 mem Thatis Alex's cap. 2—> a> care Jen’s trousers. ‘are Dad's jeans. is Mum's top. is Aley’s jacket. big boring cool short small long new old 9 Look at the words in the Vocabulary box. Write the opposites in your notebook. 1 big small These arent my trainers. 10 In pairs, talk about the clothes. Use adjectives in the Vocabulary box and this, that, these or those. A: T-shirt 1 B: This T-shirt is cool! T-shirt 2. A: That I-shirt is boring. Trousers 2. . Her boots are too big! His shirt is too small! 11 What's wrong with her clothes? In your notebook, write sentences with too. 9 1 Her skirt / long Her skirt is too long. 2 Her boots / old 3 Her top / small 12 Play a drawing dictation game. Use adjectives with too. Draw a boy. His T-shirt is too small Eny Potrafie tworzyé pytania z czasownikiem to be oraz odpowiadaé na nie. Kit: Dug! Your suit is too small! Girl: Ave they OK? Superdugt Ye, they oe. Thank you! Ishe a superhero? Yes, he is. He’s Supercug! Two days later... Dug: Is this box for me? Dug: Ready! Am | cool in as Kit: Yes, itis. Whatis it? Kit: No, you aren't, The sut = Seas Dug: Fantastic. You'r Dug: It's my new suit! Hm ... Hang on! aclever cat, Kitt 1 Look at the cartoon. Where does Dug buy his 3 Are the sentences true or false? superhero suits from? 2 Gy 1.42 Listen and read. What size is Dug's new suit? ~ We Corer tl What is it? It's my nev suit. 4 Write questions in your notebook. Who's the question? Write: boy, girl, Dug or Kit. Exercise 4. 1 Superdug: Yes, they are the short answers. 1 Boy: Are youa superhero? Ki No, | 'm not. 2 Kit: |) we best friends? Dug: Yes, we 3 Dug: mynew suit cool? Kit: No, it 4 Kit: Iclever? Dug: Yes, you Superdug your brother? Kit: No, he they your dogs? Girl: Yes, they am | OK? Yes, | am. / No, I'm not. ‘Are you OK? Yes, you are, / No, you are rent Ishe/shert OK? | Yes, 5, heyshert i. Nort hefsheft Are we OK? | Yes, you are. / No, you parent ‘Are you OK? | Yes, we are. / No, we ar Are they OK? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. 1 i ‘Are they OK? girl 5 Look at the cartoon. Answer the questions in 6 Inyour notebook, complete the questions and (ve.tant ) it isn't. & 7 Gy 1.43 Liston to the questions and choose the correct answers. Write them in your notebook. 1 Yes, itis. / No, they aren't 2. Yes, you are. / No, they aren't. 3 Yes, lam. /No, you aren't. 4 Yes, they are. / No, he isn't. 5 Yes, they are. / No, you aren't, 6 Yes, we are. / No, they aren't. 1 Yes, itis. 8 Write questions in your notebook. Then ask the questions and give true answers in pals. 1 you/ten years old? 2 you / happy? 3 we/ friends? 4 Superdug and Kit / cool? 5 you/ clever? 6 1/ a superhero? [At Are you ten years old? B: Yes, I am. //No, I'm not. 9 ] 1.441.485 ° A Somes ies hg Listen and chant A) Speaking Potrafie uzyskiviat i przekazywaé podstawowe informacje. ‘Mr Wood: What's your name? emmy tucos: — Lucas Ortiz. That's O-R-Tel-Z Mr Wood: Good, And how old are you, Lucas? Lucas: — 'meleven years old. Mr Wood: Welcome to the school band. 4 In your notebook complete the dialogues with Gy 1.46 Listen ond read. Where is Lucas from? the questions im the Speaking box. (iy 1.47 Listen and repect. 1A sic? 8: Speaking 2A: 8 What's your name? How old cre you? Where are you from? What's your favourite music/sport/film? Who's your favourite actor/singer/sports person? w, Scotland 3 ©) 1.48 Listen to the dialogues. Choose the correct answers. Write them in your notebook 1 Star Wars. / Superman. 5 In pairs, osk ond onswer 2. Nick Carr, That's C -A-double R. / qe Carl Neal. That's N-E-A-L On 3 Warsaw, Poland. / Paris, France. ‘A: What's your mame? 4 I'mtwebe. /'m thirteen B: My nom. ° 5 Alicia Keys. / Taylor Swift A: Where are you from? B: I'm from Chocolatelond! 1 Superman. oo WEE _ Reading ra) zwyktym plecaki Potrafie z1oi 1 © 1.49 Listen and repeat. In your notebook, 1.50 Read and listen to the article. Why is mateh pictures 1-6 with the words in the the backpack a super backpack? Vocabulary box. 3 Are the sentences true or false? Vocabulary 1 Jamie is from London in the UK. false 2. Super backpack iso jumper too. Dios gorcs conee ear 3 Super backpack is too small for a laptop mobile phone mountain bike skateboard conte 4 Fionais Jamie's pet. 2 3 > 4 Look at the picture in the text and answer the questions. 1 What colour is the super backpack? It's red. == 2. What colour is the mountain bike? e 6 3 Is the jacket red or blue? 8 4 Isthe cat in the pocket big or small? . 5 Work in groups. Invent a supergadget! Draw it in your notebook and present it to the class. 1 games console Its a school bag, It's a skateboard too. ’ Jamie Cooper S ie ‘9% a from Liverpool nv gadget ofthe week: WY ei ie" pack i mie’s super bac PONGRATULATIONS, JAMIEL What's in the picture? Yes, that’s right. It's a red backpack. It's a super backpack! It's very very cool Look again. This super backpack is also a mountain bike. It’s small but it isn’t too small. It's fantastic! And that’s not all Think about it. You're in the park with your friends. You're cold and your jumpers at home. No problem. This super backpack is a big jacket too, What about your other things? Don't worry! Super backpack is just the right size for your laptop computer, your mobile phone, your new games and other favourites. There’s even a pocket for a small pet like my cat Fiona. How cool is that? 6) Listening and Wi t na ten temat. Potratig zrozumieé vypowiedzi ustne o ulubionych rzeczach i napisa 1 Work in pairs. Name the clothes of the people in 5 Read Alex's blog post. What are his favourite the picture. What objects have they got? things? What are my favouritz things? Today my post i about my favourite things. Are these my Gates my computer or my phone? No! My summer one favourite thing is my old Bike mourtsin bike. I love my bike! My new comic Bonk mumber two, It's fantastic! What's number tese? That's easy, My red and white trainers. They're really cool! Write 3 post ama Ge me about your favourite things! Remember SS es=Sunctuction marks! Whot ore your fewsurite things? They're my Bacteact. my phone and my computer. Theyane coo! G 1.51 Look ot the picture again. Listenand —_& Find the. ee match the people in the picture with the names Peectastios marks in Alex’s blog. in the box. There is one extra person. ? fe y= motebook, write about your: [som Monica Janet Ben ncn aie 151 Listen again. Are the sentences true © Find te th Make oie of pour fvourite things. ECO.ZTTORLORD ROTTS ” or false ‘Think of aciectees to describe them. 1 Sam's cap is too small. false 2 Janet is Monico’s sister. Qoan s 3 Janet's skateboard is her favourite thing. — cs 4 Ben's backpack is blue. Guegiedatle . 5 Monica's skirt is too short. Wher. cre my facets things? a My paiee ere tes three favourite thing 4 What are your favourite things? Tell « friend. soy ie ‘My favourite things ore my pink hoodie and my brother's CD player! a Cukeeieiiee (Check your pumctiction ond write the fing version of your text 32 LESSON 2.1 Clothes Ubrania boots /bu:ts/ buty, kozaki cap /kep/ czapka coat /kavt/ plaszcz, kurtka dress /dres/ sukienka hoodie /hodi/ bluza z kapturem jacket /dsekat/ kurtka jeans /dsinz/ déinsy jumper /dgampa/ bluza, sweter shirt /fo:t koszula shoes /furz/ buty skirt /sks:t/ spédnica T-shirt /'ti: foit/ koszulka z krotkim rekawem top /top/ bluzka, koszulka tracksuit /‘treksut/ dres trainers /'tremnez/ trampki, buty sportowe trousers /travzaz/ spodinie at the weekend /at 0a 'witkend/ w weekend LESSON 2.2 Adjectives Przymiotniki big /big/ duzy boring /‘bs:tin/ nucny cool /ku:l/ fojay long /iv/ dtugi new /nju:/ nowy old /ould/ stary short /foit/ krotkl small /sma:1/ maty Out of class Hang on! /hey 'on/ Poczekaj! Here you are. /‘hio jo a:/ Proszg bardzo. Over there. /avva 'bea/ Tom. What's up? /wots sp/ Co stychae? put away {put a'wer/ odtoayé too small /tu: smo:l/ za maly LESSON 2.3 Are you sure? /o: ja p:/ Jestes pewien/pewna? box /boks/ pudetko boy /bo1/ chtopiec clever cat /kleva'ket/ sprytny kot girl /gsil/ dziewczynka (sarz/ rozmiar suit /su:t/ garnitur LESSON 2.4 Asking for personal information Pytanie 0 podstawowe informacje How old are you? /hau auld a: ja/ lle masz lat? What's your favourite film? /wots je fervarit film/ Jaki jest tw6j tulubiony film? : What's your favourite music? wots ja ferarit 'mjuszik/ Jakq ‘muzyke nojbardziej lubisz? What's your favourite sport? /wots ja fervarit 'spa:t/ Joki jest tw6j ulubiony sport? What's your name? /wots ja neim/ Jak masz na imig? Where are you from? /weo a: jo fram/ Skqd jestes? Who's your favourite actor? /huzz je fervartt eekto/ Kto jest ‘twoim ulubionym aktorem? Who's your favourite singer? /iu:z ja fewvant 'siqa/ Kio jest twoim ulubionym piosenkarzern? Who's your favourite sports person? /huz ja fervarit spats \po:san/ Kto jest twoim ulubionym. sportowcom? Good question. /gud kwest{(a)n/ Dobre pytanie. High fivet hat farv/ Przybij pigtkg! rock /rok/ rock school band /sku:l 'bend/ zespét szkolny LESSON 2.5 My things Moje rzeczy backpack /bekpak/ plecak games console /geimz kon,soul/ konsola do gier laptop computer /leptop kam piuite/ laptop mobile phone /mavbail ‘faun/ telefon komérkowy mountain bike /‘mauntan baik/ rower gorski skateboard /‘skettba:d/ deskorolka Congratulations! /ken greetfalesfonz/ Gratulagje! Don't worry! /daont 'wari/ Nie martw sie! fantastic /fen'testik/ fantastyczny favourites /‘fetvrats/ ulubione (rzeczy) gadget /ged3at/ gadzet + How cool is that? /hau Kut! 12 ‘Beet/ Ale to jest fajne! No problem. /nav problam/ Nie ma problemu. pet /pet/ awierzqtko domowe pocket /‘pokat/ kieszen tight size /ratt sazz/ odpowiedni rozmiar That's not ail. /2zts not 's:1/ To nie wszystko. That's right. /dzts 'rait/ Zgadza sie. You're cold. /jo: 'kould/ Zmarzles/Zmarztos. Revision VOCABULARY 1 Look at the pictures. Complete the words in your notebook. In pairs, say eight more clothes words. 1 boots Str line fils 260 Mat bje s 3ju pe 7sh t 4ca Bja ok it 2 Which picture a~c matches sentences 1-2? Describe the extra picture with a friend. a i 1 It’s old but itisn’t boring. It's green. It's cool! 2 It's new. It isn't small and it isn’t big. It's red. 3 Find four objects. Write the answers in your notebook. «We GRAMMAR 4 Look ot the pictures in &xercise 1 again. in pairs, say sentences with too. Maggie's coat & too big. 5 Match sentence beainnings 1-5 to endings a-e. Write the answers in your notebook. 1 These ore my Sourite @ old and boring. 2 Those trousers b her computer gar 3: Those aren't ¢ brown bike 4 That phone is d trainers. 5 This is my oid * © are too long. ld 6 Write questions im your notebook. Answer yes (V) oF no (4). Use short answers. 1 your / bockpeck / bive? [s Your boxtseet Bie? ¥ Yes, itis. 2 those /'your f books? x 3 he/otschoo? 7 4 she/ Rolin? x 5 you/ my best frend? / PRONUNCIATION 7G] vs2 anes ors repeat: /3/ oF /d/? This cool Roo my Srother Dan's. ‘Thot new Gress & my mother Anne's. DICTATION 8 ] 1.53 Geterto me recording. Write the sentences im your actebook. SPEAKING 9 Write questions im your notebook. Then work in poirs Student A: You ore your favourite star. Student B: Ask Stadent A questions 1-5. Then swop roles Cr Cheryl is my new schoo! friend. She's twelve. Her favourite colour is pink. All her clothes are pink. Her pet dog, Rafs, isn’t pink! Ho’s brown and black. Rafs is great! Cheryl's favourite things are her mobile phone and her pink backpack. Cheryl's family is very big, Her sisters are Sarah and Daniela. Her brothers are Rob and Mick. Her dad is a guitarist in a band. ‘Sometimes he’s on TV shows! Her mum's a singet. She's really irs, READING AND WRITING 10 Workin pairs. What can you see in the photo? 11 Read the text. What is the correct title? ‘a Cheryl's new dog. b My new school friend. 12 Read the text again. Answer ‘the questions. 1 How old is Cheryi? 2 What are her favourite things? 3 Is Chery''s family smoll? 4 Who are Rob and Mick? 5 Is Cheryl's mum boring? 6 Where is her grandmother from? 13. Look and read. Which sentences are true? “BARN This is a. dog. This is a skirt. These are shoes. ‘These are skoteboards. This is a party. These are jeans. great! Her granny and grandad are from Spain. They aren't boring, They are-actors. They ate in fims! They are very cool! 14 Inyour notebook, write about your friend. Use these questions to help you. 1 What's his/her name? 2 How ald is he/she? 3 What's his/her favourite colour? 4 What are his/her favourite things? 5 Where is his/her family from? LISTENING 15 G1.50 Listen and answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook. 1 What's the man's surname? 2 What's the boy's name? 3 Whois the boy's best friend? 4 How old is the boy? 5 What's the number of the boy's house? Check yourself! ¥ Potrafig rozmawiaé o ubroniach. ¥ Potratig stosowaé zoimki this, that, these, those. Y Potrafie stosowaé przymiotniki do opisania przedmiotéw. / Potrafie tworzyé pytania z czasownikiem to be oraz odpowiadaé na nie. / Potrafie uzyskiwaé i przekazywae podstawowe informacje o sobie. ¥ Potrafig zrozumieé wypowiedzi ustne i pisemne oniezwryktym plecaku | 0 ulubionych rzeczach. ¥ Potrafig napisaé krotki tekst o swoich ulubionych rzeczach. | oy wa Carlos. Where are you from? G17 took atthe countries in the b rlos? Listen ond repect. re. Where are Monika and Cat 1 Look at the pictu ¢ ata party aathome b atthe airport 1e. Answer the 2 Gy1.56 Listen tothe dialog questions. 1 Is Monika from Holland? 2 ts Carlos from Spain? the Gzech Republic Lithuania Russio Ukraine .s from Exercise 6 the map. Write the yr notebook. 7 Match the countries tothe numbers on ‘onswers in you! ¢ 4 EEE Which T-shirt is the best? 5 Gy 1.56 Listen and repect: Jo] and /auf- 1 Poland and Holland. 2 It's cold in Poland. 3 My holidays in Holland 4 My Polish home. 4 5 These dogs are from Holland 1 What's the capital of Poland? 4 What's the Polish . J, 5 What colour is the Polish fl 8 Look at the pictures and match questions 1-5 to answers a-e. Write the answers in your notebook. @ No, itisn't. It’s the zloty. b It's Warsaw. Cc It's over one thousand years old. d It's white and red e Yes, itis 9 ( 8 Listen to Carlos and Monika. Check your answers. 9 Practise with Carlos and Monika. Close your book and help Carlos answer questions about Poland. money? s it the euro? ® Design a souvenir T-shirt from Poland. * Work on your own. * Think of a cool picture or symbol for the T-shirt. * Think of a short sentence in English to go with the picture. * Draw your T-shirt, paint it or design it on a computer. ® Show your project to the class. ® Make a class display of all the projects In the house N 1. How many of these objects can yx hotos? that! bed chair desk door sofe = Inthe house | Prepositions of ploce | Household objects There 's/ There are — affirmative, questions and negations A skateboarder's dream Seer em ted ‘My bedroom | Apostrophes Houses in the UK BI “J 2.01 Listen and repeat. Find the items from the Vocabulary box in the photos on page 38 aaa Parts of the house bathroom bedroom door floor garage garden kitchen livingroom wall window Inside the house armchair bath bed chair desk fridge sofa table wardrobe 3 Which part of the house are the photos from? Write the answers in your notebook. 3 garage / garden 4 bedroom / living room 5 livingroom / garden 6 floor / wall 1 bedroom 2.02 Where are you? Listen and write in your notebook. 1 In the living room, 5 Complete the words in your notebook. Read the sentences and look at page 38. Are the sentences true or false? 1 bid bed It's in the bathroom. false 26 e It's in the kitchen. 3a r It's in the kitchen. .4w © It's in the bedroom. 5d ok It's in the living room. h It’s in the bathroom. Te r It’s in the kitchen. 6 6 Inyour notebook, correct the false sentences in Exercise 5. 1 The bed is in the bedroom. 7 Look at the photos in Exercise 1. Student A: Name an object inside the house. Student B: Find the object in the photos and say where it is. A: An armchair, B: [t's in the living room! A: Yes, itis. 8 Look at the crazy house below. In your notebook, write what is in each room. Then draw your own crazy house. Make o list of what is there and compare in pairs. The kitchen: a sofa, Jen, where's the orange juice? : I'sinthe fridge. ¢ Where? its in front of you. No, isn't Right there! There's a carton next to the milk ¢ Oh, there itis! seeets under the sofo! Jen: Yuck! Theyre old! ‘Alex: But where's Lion: Hong on! Lian: Is itbehind the sofa? i Alex: No, it isn't but there are two DVDs. | (y Jen: Hey! Those ore my DVDs! @ 2.03 Listen and read. What is Alex Listen ond repect. Find these looking for? expressions in the story. How do a abook bhisphone ¢ aDVD you say them ir: Polish? ¢ 2 Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook. ‘shal Photo 1 Where are the three friends? They're in the kitchen, 4 EEE Where is Alex's phone? Photo 2 Where are they now? Make a guess. Use in, on or under. Photo 3 Are they Alex's DVDs? Photo 4 What's wrong with the sweets? x S Now lsten ond check. 40 Get Grammar! oo c are + | There's (There is) a phone on the sofa. There are two DVDs behind the sofa. There are some sweets under the sofa. 6 In your notebook, complete the sentences with There is or There are. 1 There is afridge. 4 three phones. 2 fourchairs. 5 two windows. 3) abed. 6 asofa. 7 Look at the photos on page 40. Which sentences in Exercise 6 are true? 1 true 8 Look around. Say how many of these there are in your classroom. door window board desk boys girls teacher wall There's one door. There are two windows. 9 G 2.06 Look, listen and repect. next to # “%° under g 10 Look at the photos on page 40. Choose the correct prepositions and write the answers in your notebook. 1 There are two phones under /on the kitchen table. on 2. Alex is behind /in front of the fridge. 3 There is a carton of juice in /next to the fridge. 4 Lian is behind / next to Alex. 5 There are two books under /on the white table. There is a rat under the sofa. 11 Look at the pictures. Complete the descriptions in youir notebook. ‘There's a chair ?next to the desk * a box! the desk.* abag* the door.’ some books® — the bag. some T-shirts 7 the 'There’s a chair *on the bed. abox* — the door. * abag* the box.” ” some books * the desk. * some T-shirts! the bed. 12 Play a drawing dictation game. Po Go to page 124. KIT! HELP! THERE ARE TWO. BAD PEOPLE Dug: KE Sees Sek c member on the house. | Kit: isthe cor in the garage? Dugl I's my granny! Go to 10 Paxton Street! ‘GOOD BOY, coca! SILLY BOY, DUG! Coes? Granny: I'm very some Ds Coco is c'sily Sor Dug: Where are the bad people? ES Granny: There aren't any bad people here, Dug. pores! Bibel Parrot: Help! Kit! Help! Granny: Good boy. Comat 1 Look at the cartoon. How do Kitand 2 @y 2.07 Listen and read Whe = on the phone in Picture 1? Superdug talk when he is in the air? a Kitsgrany Beastie pomot 3 In your notebook, compliet= She sentences with words a) b from the cartoon. 1 Kit’s granny's houses at #2. Paxton . 2 Granny's is Bee fe 3 There are twobig |) ia me garden 4 There aren'tanyBod i Granny's house. 5 There’s only Gronnyons se. RTC fi Ge acs There isn'ta blue car, There aren't any people. Is there a blue car? Yes, there is./ No, there isn't 4 Choose the correct answers. Write them in your notebook. 1 There isn't/ There aren't any people in Granny's garden. 2 There isn't/ There aren't any cats in the story 3 There isn't/ There aren't « bike in Granny's garage. 4 There isn't/ There aren't any dogs in Granny's garden. 5 There isn't/ There aren't a phone in Granny's house. 6 There isn't / There aren't a desk in the living room. 1 There aren't 5 Look at the cartoon on page 42. Which sentences in Exercise 4 are true? 1 true LOOK! There isn't a tree. There aren't any trees. Is there a tree? ‘Ave there any trees? 6 Look at the cartoon ag missing? What is [TV photos table window doors Picture 1 Look behind Dug, There isn't a window! Picture 2 Look at the house. Picture 3 Look behind Granny. Picture 4 Look at the books. Picture 5 Look at the wall behind Coco. Are there any people? Yes, there are. / No, there aren't. 7 Look at the picture. In your notebook, write Kit's questions and Dug’s answers. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs. 1 a small house next to the big house? Kit: /s there a small house next to the big house? Dug: Yes, there is. 2 cars in front of the house? 3 adog under the tree? 4 people in the street? 5 chairs in the garden? 8 Play o memory game. Choose ‘one of the pictures on page 124. ‘Close your book. Your partner ° ‘asks you questions. Then swap o roles. oO A: Picture 1. B: Chairs? A: There are four chairs. 34) Speaking Potrafie zapytaé 0 cos i wyjasnié, gdzie cos sie znajduje. Jen: Thisis yummy! Jen: Hil Here are your books. Lucas: Erm... Jen? There's ketchup on your Lucas: Is your T-shirt OK? Lucas: Thanks, Jen. Please, come in. Teshirt Jen: Not really. But Would you like @ sondwich? |) Jen: Oh, no! Where's the bathroom. Siess= I like cnother Jen: Yes, please. I'm really hungry. | Lucas: It's upstairs, Let me show you sondwich, pleasel 1 2.08 Listen and read. Whose house is it? 4 Choose the comect answers. Write them in your J Jen's b Lion's Lucos’s ee 1 A: Hello, Mania Pleose come in. 2 @ 2.09 Listen and repect. Bi @ Yes plese. b Thank you. 3 ¢ Let me show you. ‘Speaking Z 2. A: Would you ite on ice cream? R B: a Comein b it's downstairs. : Hello, Please, come in. © Yes, pleose B: Thank you. 3. A: Where's the Bathroom? ‘A: Would you like a sandwich? B: a Ph = b It’s upstairs. { B: Yes, please. / No, thank you. ¢ Ws nextto : Where's the bathroom, please? 5 Write diclogues i your notebook. Then act them} B: It's upstairs / downstairs. ‘out in pairs. It's next to the living room. 1 A: Hi/ comeis B: thank Let me show you Hi Please. come in Thank you. 2 A: like / cupcake? B: no/ thank 3 A: anopple? B: yes 3 In your notebook, match 1-3 to a-c. che eee Act out the dialogues in pairs. 1 A: Would you like a biscuit? 2 A: Where's the kitchen, please? 3 A: Where's my jacket, please? ‘another planet. Work in pairs. In your notebook, a B: It’s downstairs, Let me show you. write diokogaestsEngish~ © b B: It’s on the chair, next to the sofo. ‘and in your guest's language. c B: Yes, please. Act them out in class. A: Hello, Xen! Please, come in. 44 B: Nobu micirona, Tomi Leyte Tite) ki Potrafie zrozumieé tekst o wymarzonym domu, 1 G 2.10 Listen and repeat. Then label pictures. 4 Read the text again. Choose the correct answers a-f with the words in the Vocabulary box. Write and write them in your notebook. the answers in your notebook. 1 People skateboard inside the house. yes /1no / no info aP 2 There's a TV in the living room. Taig mene yes / no / no info carpet cushion lamp plant poster 3 There are cushions in the living room. television (TV) yes /no/no info 4 There are three sofas in the living room. yes/no / no info a b e 5 There's a carpet in the bedroom. yes/no / no info Bist s 6 There's a big skateboard practice room. fe yes /1no/ no info 1 yes e f 5 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 What rooms are there in the house? 2 What objects are there in the house? 3 What objects from Exercise 1 are not in the house? 2 Which objects in Exercise 1 are in your cioestOSia UiKers'cre they? Tell Sour parmner 6 Imagine your dream house. In your notebook, write five sentences about it. Tell your partner. 3 ] 2.211 Look, read and listen. What is the text There are... rooms. There’s a... and there are about? in my... there is a small / big a asport b aperson —_¢ ahouse rs his house is a perfect house for skateboarders. There aren't any carpets, plants, pictures or posters on the walls in this house. Why? Think about it! Normally people skateboard in the park or in the garden. In this house people skateboard inside! They skateboard in the living room, in the v | kitchen, in the bedroom and in the bathroom. They °. skateboard on the walls too! Look at the living room. There's a table, some chairs, an armchair and a sofa with some cushions. It looks typical, but people skateboard on the sofa, tables and chairs! There's a big skateboard practice room too. People train with friends and they have competitions there. It’s really cool! It's a skateboarder's dream house. 3.6) Listening and Writing Potrafig zrozumieé wypowiedzi ustne o pokojach i napisaé krétki tekst ne 1 Look at photos A-C. Find these objects in the 4 In pairs, describe one of the photos in Exercise 1 photos. Which is your favourite bedroom? Why? for a partner to guess. [ chair cushions desk plant wardrobe 5 The bedroom in Phote A is Lucas's. Read his blog post about it. What isn’t there in the room? EE My bedroom My bed is next to a green wall. There are two cushions and a toy on my bed. There's a big white desk It's next to the window. There's a chair too. It's black and it’s very cool, There's 2. computer and a lamp on the desk. My room is great! Remember to use enostrophes with contractions. thereis=there"s =rot=isn’t are not = aren't Ws theyoe=they'e thotis = that’s 6 In your notebook edd apostrophes to these sentences. 1 There isnt.c desk im my bedroom. 2 Theres c plore. 3 Its under the bec 2.12 Listen. Match speakers 1-2 to 4 Thor Gee bedrooms A-C. There is one extra photo. Write the answers in your notebook. 7 bedroom. Se yee eotebook, write about your 3 G2.12 inyour notebook, complete the sentences with a preposition of place. @® Find ideas Then listen again and check Moke o lst of abjects in your bedroom. Speaker 1 Write where they ore 1 My bed is next to the window. 2 My school things are the desk 3 There's an orange chair my desk. 4 There are orange cushions the bed. Speaker 2 There's / Theresatc 5 Myclothes are the wardrobe. There ore / There ores oxy 6 There are two beds | my bedroom. 7 The beds are the wardrobe, 8 There aren't any posters the walls. « We ei check and write Check the apesiaphies ond write the final version of your text ur LESSON 3.1 Parts of the house Czeéci domu bathroom /‘ba‘Orum/ tozienko bedroom /‘bedru:m/ sypiainia door /di/ drewi floor /fls:/ podioga garage /‘gerid3/ garaz garden /'gadn/ ogréd kitehen /kit{in/ kuchnia living room /nviy ruim/ pokéj dzienny, salon wall /wo:l/ Sciana window /windav/ okna Inside the house Wennqtrz domu ‘armchair /‘a:mtfeo/ fotel bath /ba:0/ wanna bed /bed/ t62ko chair /tJea/ krzesto desk /lesk/ biurko fridge /fnds/ lodowke sofa /'savfa/ sofa, kanapa table /‘teibal/ stot wardrobe /'waidraub/ szafa household /‘havshauld/ gospodarstwo domowe inside /n'said/ wewngtra nothing /‘na@in/ nic object /ab'dsekt/ preedmiot part /pa:t/ czesé place /plets/ migjsce LESSON 3.2 ‘Out of class Right there! /ratt Dea/ Dokladnie ta There it is! /deo 1t 2/ Tu jest! Wait! /wert/ Poczekaj! Yuk! /jak/ Ful! Przyimki miejsco behind /bi'hamd/ za in m/w in front of /in frant av/ przed next to /‘nekst ta/ obok fon /on/ na under /'ando/ pod board /boid/ tablica book /buk/ ksigzka boy /ba1/ chtopiec carton /‘kaitn/ karton, pudetko girl /gx/ dziewczynka kitehen table /litfin ‘texbal/ stét kuchenny milk /milk/ mleko orange juice /prands dsu:s/ sok pomarariczowy phone /foun/ telefon sweets /switts/ stodyeze wrong /ron/ zly, niepoprawny LESSON 3.3 bad /beed/ zty be sorry /bi: ‘sori/ byé (komus) przykro ‘cupcake /'kapketk/ babeczka, ciastko Help! /help/ Pomocy! naughty /no:ti/ niegrzecany only /‘svnli/ tylko parrot /'perat/ papuga silly /sili/ niemadry, gtupi street /strist/ ulico tree /tri/ drzewo LESSON 3.4 Having a guest Przyimowanie goici Hello. Please, come in. /hel2v pliz. kam in/ CzeSé! Prosz@, wejdé ‘Thank you. /eznk jo/ Dzigkuje. Would you like a ...? /wod jo lark 2/ Czy miatby5/miotabyé ochote na...? Yes, please./No, thank you. ‘Hes plizz, nav Genk ja/ Tok, poprosze./Nie, dziekuje. Where’s the ..., please? /weaz da, pliz/ Gdzie jest... It's upstairs. /It’s downstairs. ‘tz ap'stear, its davn'stesz/ No gérze./Na dole. It’s next to the To jest obok.. Let me show you. /let mi fav jo/ Pozwil, de ci pokoze. apple /‘epal/ jabiko come in /kam m/ wejse ice cream /ais kri:m/ lody ketchup /‘ketfap/ keczup No problem. /nav ‘problam/ Nie ma problemu. Ata nekst ta 80/ sandwich /senwids/ kanapka show /[ov/ pokazaé yummy /jami/ smaczne LESSON 3.5 Objects in the house Przedmicty wdomu carpet /karprt/ dywan cushion /‘kufan/ poduszka cozdobna lamp /lemp/ lampa plant /plzent/ roslina doniczkowa poster /‘pauste/ plokat television (TV) /telovigan/ telewizor classroom /‘kla:s-rum/ Klas ‘competition /kompa'tifan/ konkurs dream /drism/ sen dream house /Ari wymarzony dom normally /‘no:mali/ normalnie perfect /'psifikt/ perfekeyiny person /'pxsan/ osoba practice room /‘prektis rum/ pomieszezenie do treningu really /riali/ naprawde skateboard /‘skeithaid/ jezdzié no deskoroice, deskorolka skateboarder /skeit bo:da/ deskorolkarz train /trem/ trenowaé typical /‘uptkal/ typowy ‘havs/

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