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INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer in each of the following
questions. Mark only one answer on each item by a putting a
circle corresponding to the letter of your choice.

1. It is that line of activity developed to ensure timely,

accurate, and effective provision of public information and
implementation of public relations policy within the operational
A. police operations B. media operations
C. press operations D. media guidelines

2. He must be conscious to avoid giving any one particular

media representative “extra” information as this can alienate
the others and cause potentially serious problems.
A. community relations officer
B. intelligence officer
C. press relations officer
D. public information officer

3. The should be allowed access to a site near the physical

objective only after their safety is assured and investigations
are completed as well as any injured persons evacuated from the
physical objectives.
A. by-standers B. public
C. media D. victim

4. __________ between the government and the media is an

important element in any strategy to prevent terrorists’ causes
and strategies from prevailing and to preserve democracy.
A. communication B. liaisons
C. linkages D. networking

5. It should be made to the media during crisis situation.

Providing them with up-to-date information through press
releases is a key way to keep them informed and prevent them
from trying to get the story in any other way they can.
A. regular briefings B. debriefings
C. conference D. press conference

6. __________ based on trust can be difficult and can take

time, but the results can be worth the effort. In a nutshell,
the principles to successfully negotiate with hostage takers can
help specialists navigate crisis situations successfully and
even prepare for potential crisis,
A. establishing a relationship
B. establishing a rapport
C. establishing a goodwill
D. establishing a coordination
7. They are personnel of the crisis management team who are
responsible for managing the communication system during
incident operations, and are concerned with public affairs and
visual communication.
A. intelligence specialist B. communication specialist
C. crisis specialists D. media specialists

8. This refers to the use of a device that actively boosts or

amplifies a signal so that the output signal is functioning, and
is of greater strength than, the input signal.
A. use of megaphone B. use of telephone
C. use of public address D. voice amplification

9. This is the person who has an idea, thought, or message he

wishes to give to another or to a group of persons; usually he
is the originator of the message.
A. transmitter B. receiver
C. sender D. all of these

10. In crisis situation, this involves personal conversation of

people of different principles and ideals for purpose of having
consensus on the issues and problems that both parties want to
A. conversation B. face-to-face
C. telephone calls D. interview

11. It is violence for effect, not primarily, and sometimes not

at all for the physical effect of the actual target, but rather
for its dramatic impact on an audience.
A. terrorism B. violence
C. terror D. crime

12. The contemporary terrorists, as it has been called have

been influenced by some of the following influential factors,
A. mass-media B. communication
C. potential for violence D. political ideology

13. __________ among terrorists’ organizations in the form of

leadership, group memberships, and activities are the key
elements of success and can only be maintained through covert
organization, leadership, and support.
A. secrecy B. clandestine
C. discipline D. covert

14. The terrorists are grouped into three separate and distinct
groups. They are as follows, EXCEPT:
A. national terrorists
B. transnational terrorists
C. international terrorists
D. local terrorists

15. Terrorist groups today do not operate in isolation and

ignorance of one another, and __________ provide enormous
benefits for those who have paid membership fees to existing
international terrorists.
A. transnational networks B. international networks
C. foreign networks D. local networks
16. It is a new form of terrorism from men and women who, for
the sake of a shared ideology and a common faith in worldwide
revolution, rather than money, are ready to cross frontiers to
pursue their causes.
A. ideological mercenaries B. anarchist groups

C. pathological groups D. nationalistic groups

17. The common strategy of the terrorists is to __________ that

will draw the attention of people, the government, and the
world, to their plight or to the groups they represent.
A. commit acts of terror B. commit acts of violence
C. commit acts of crime D. commit acts of attacks

18. In the different phases of terrorist incident, it is

considered as the most unnerving phase for the terrorists since
they have no absolute control over the consequences of their
criminal activities or atrocities.
A. pre-incident phase B. climax phase
C. initiation phase D. post-incident phase

19. It is the tactic common to most terrorists is bombing. Of

all the terrorists incidents recorded over the last several
decades, approximately 70% were attributable to these
terrorists’ acts of violence.
A. bombing B. arsons
C. ambush D. assassination

20. It is the smallest and most radical of the Islamic

separatist groups operating in the southern Philippines. Some
ASG members have studied or worked in the Middle East and
developed ties to mujahedeen while fighting and training in
A. Abu Sayaff Group B. New Peoples’ Army
C. Local Dissidents D. Secessionists Group

21. It is a complicated crisis intervention process that

comprises a system of interrelated conditions, activities, and
behaviors needed to resolve highly volatile terrorists.
A. terrorists dealings B. terrorist consideration
C. terrorists negotiation D. terrorists bargaining

22. He is a member of the crisis management team who is

assigned to directly communicate with the terrorists
A. coach B. primary negotiator
C. chronographer D. secondary negotiator

23. The intelligence offices are assigned to coordinate the

collection, gathering, analyzing, recording, disseminating and
keeping of all information coming from all sources of the three
major categories, EXCEPT:
A. the terrorists B. the hostages
C. the target location D. the victims

24. The argument against negotiating with terrorists is simple,

i.e., __________ must never give up to violence, and terrorists
must never be rewarded for using it.
A. democracies B. societies
C. communities D. government
25. Consensus must be reached that the requirements for an
efficient __________ should go beyond passive defense to
consider means of active prevention, preemption, and
A. anti-terrorists tactics

B. anti-terrorists’ strategies
C. anti-terrorists approach
D. anti-terrorists measures

26. His role in the crisis management team is important as he

insulates the negotiator from spur-of-the-moment recommendations
of the ground commander or other ill-timed interferences into
the negotiations.
A. sender B. courier
C. chronographer D. messenger

27. This stage in terrorists’ negotiation represents behavior

on the part of the negotiating participants whose purpose is to
inquire, to listen, and to offer feedback on the situation.
A. information-gathering stage
B. problem solving stage
C. introductory stage
D. decision and commitment stage

28. In terrorists’ negotiation, this represents a condition

whereby there is management of police resources, and restricting
the responses and behaviors of persons at the target location.
A. anxiety B. control
C. time D. communication

29. The following qualifications must be considered in the

selection of negotiator, EXCEPT:
A. someone who speaks a foreign language
B. knowledgeable in psycho-kinesics
C. knowledgeable about various religions
D. someone who is intelligent and brave

30. The successful strategies in combating terrorism require

the police authorities to face some hard questions and to come
up with clear-cut answers, and the questions involve the
following, EXCEPT:
A. determination and the capacity to act
B. intelligence capability
C. doctrine under which force would-be employed
D. public’s attitude toward this challenge

31. It is consisting of work to be performed in order to

predetermine a course of action, and this also includes devising
viable options in effectively dealing with hostage situation.
A. controlling B. planning
C. leading D. organizing

32. It is consisting of work to be performed in order to assess

and regulate work in progress and which needs to be finished,
and this also involves issuance of orders as the need arises in
a given situation.
A. controlling B. directing
C. all of these D. leading
33. In modern police operational terminology, is the directing
and controlling of human and material resources by the police
authorities, including all the participants in a crisis,
A. managing barricaded person’s incident
B. managing terrorist incidents

C. managing kidnapping
D. managing hostage situation

34. It is defined as a systematic process of preparing a set of

decisions for action, directed in achieving goals and objectives
relatively to hostage situation.
A. operational procedures B. operational orders
C. plan of action D. procedural plan

35. It is the exact location of the event or place where the

barricaded person or hostage situation is occurring, and i t may
be a structure, a vehicle or no structure or vehicle involved.
A. place of engagement B. physical objective
C. none of these D. crime scene

36. It is consisting of work to be performed in order to

stimulate people to take effective actions, and it is also the
process of influencing the works of participants in crisis.
A. directing B. leading
C. controlling D. all of these

37. Its purpose is to control ingress and egress in coming in

and out of the physical objective by the people involved. This
also prevents the escape of the suspects.
A. inner perimeter B. outer perimeter
C. physical security D. cordon the area

38. It is the roadmap used to maintain an operation’s sense of

direction; however, it is one of the most overlooked phases of
operation during terrorist incidents.
A. think thank team B. debriefing
C. informational briefing D. none of these

39. These are designed to allow for an uninhibited flow of

information among members of a “think-tank” team, purposely to
interpret a series of events and issues or a series of options
pertaining to the possible peaceful resolution of the crisis.
A. debriefing B. brainstorming sessions
C. briefing D. all of these

40. It is consisting of work to be performed in order to

arrange and relate wok so that it can be accomplished
effectively, and it also requires choosing the right persons who
will accomplish the tasks.
A. coordinating B. staffing
C. reporting D. organizing

41. It is a systematic process of starting work on a task of

negotiating and dealing with hostage-takers wherein the primary
considerations are the arrangement of terms and conditions
between the police authorities and the suspects.
A. negotiation approaches B. operational procedures
C. operational orders D. terrorists negotiation
42. They are usually above-average in intelligence and because
of this, the negotiator should be careful about attempting to
trick or lie to them, and the best approach to this kind of
hostage taker is to accept their beliefs as being true for them.
A. manic-depressive B. paranoid schizophrenic

C. inadequate personality D. anti-social personality

43. It is also a model of rational choice. Negotiators are

viewed as rational decision makers with known alternatives who
make choices that are guided by their calculation of which
option will maximize their ends or gains, frequently described
as “payoffs.”
A. behavioral approach B. basic plan of action
C. strategic approach D. operational procedures

44. It is the first element involves in principled negotiation,

and one of the rule is to separate them from the problem and this
means finding a way for solving a problem without getting
distracted by personal elements.
A. citizens B. people
C. constituents D. public

45. These are inherent part of any hostage situation. These

inherent factors are compounded in today’s social and political
climate due to the constant scrutiny of law enforcement
techniques and tactics.
A. stress and tension B. fear and ambivalence
C. anxiety and confusion D. all of these

46. These are the standard policies designed to give guidance

and direction to police personnel regardless of the types of
functions to be performed or police operations to be conducted.
A. operational order B. negotiation approaches
C. operational procedures D. operational plan

47. It is done by opening fire with everyone else following

A. panic firing B. indiscriminate firing
C. accidental fire D. all of these

48. When a crisis situation arises out of man-made emergencies,

it shall be the operational body that shall primarily act on the
crisis situation.
A. local government unit B. peace and order council
C. local chief executives D. crisis management team

49. When a crisis results from aircraft hijacking, disturbances

in civil aviation or terrorism that has national significance,
it shall principally deal with the crisis situation.
A. National Actions Committee on Anti-Hijacking and Anti-
Terrorism (NACAHT)
B. Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
C. Philippine National Polices (PNP)
D. National Peace and Order Council (NPOC)

50. It shall be strictly observed and respected at all times.

A. right to remain silent B. human rights
C. writ of amparar D. bill of rights
51. They refers to the member of the police service, usually
the patrol officers expected to be the first persons to go to a
very serious accident or to an extremely dangerous and
unexpected situation that must be dealt with quickly.
A. patrol officers B. patrol supervisors

C. first responders D. intelligence officers

52. These are the questions looking for the essential elements
of information helping the first responders’ to provide useful
and complete data and facts.
A. six interrogatives B. six cardinal police
C. 1H and 5Ws D. 5Ws and 1H

53. This includes the names and addresses of the suspects,

victims, and witnesses, and the recognition, collection,
preservation and transportation of potential physical evidences
for examination at the crime laboratory.
A. documentation B. recording
C. information D. reporting

54. Filling-up the __________ is simply made by putting a check

mark on the box provided under the YES or NO answer in the list
of actions taken by the patrol officers, with some blank spaces
provided requiring some pertinent information.
A. first responder’s report form
B. barricade matrix form
C. police disposition form
D. incident report form

55. They are not expected to diagnose the individual, nor are
they expected to distinguish between the many variations of
psychoses and neuroses.
A. line officers B. operations officers
C. patrol officers D. intelligence officers

56. This refers to the statement on the different activities,

numerous events and the sequence of elapsed time in harmony with
the chronological operational undertakings to be made by the
Crisis Management Team (CMT) and the police negotiators,
A. barricade matrix B. informational briefing
C. first responders action D. operational order

57. It should likewise be understood that it is probably the

most dangerous in a hostage situation incident, and the actions
taken during these preliminary stages will ultimately affect
subsequent events.
A. patrol officers arrival
B. first thirty minutes
C. initial action at the scene
D. first responders’ action

58. It can likewise give all the participants in a crisis

situation with the opportunities that will favor most the
outcome of the hostage negotiation, provided that the CMT and
the police negotiator are always on the top of the crisis
A. elapsed hours B. elapsed minutes
C. elapsed time D. elapsed days
59. These are considered as useful reference for the CMT, as
well as to the police negotiator in making the necessary
decision and determining the courses of action to be instituted
in dealing with barricaded person or hostage situation incident,

A. activities B. elapsed time
c. events D. action

60. Maintaining this by the elapsed of time between the police

and the individual in crisis allows the latter to vent negative
emotions, establish a relationship of trust with police
negotiators, find alternatives to the situation, and minimize
the time available to brood over problems.
A. constant communication channel
B. immediate response of patrol officers
C. negotiation approaches to suspects
D. constant dialogue with terrorists

61. It is the expert handling of a crisis or emergency to

reduce or eliminate danger or damage, or the like, especially on
the part of the government.
A. disaster management B. crisis management
C. security hazard D. emergency management

62. This strategy focuses on saving human lives, and the police
negotiator acts as a therapist and his team accepts that his
presence alone is not enough to influence the situation.
A. contain and negotiate B. cordon the area
C. control and probe D. constant communication

63. This includes immediate assault, sniper fire, chemical

agents, and contain and negotiate.
A. alternatives to intervention
B. alternatives to dialogue
C. alternatives to negotiation
D. alternatives to barricade matrix

64. It is either the use of lethal or non-lethal weapons in

tactical situations, most especially those involving assault
against suspects in barricaded or hostage situations.
A. selective firepower B. use of chemical agent
C. selective weapon D. use of firearms

65. Its main objective is to identify the physical objective or

the exact location where the hostage situation is taking place -
it may be in a structure, in a motor vehicle or no structure at
A. negotiate B. locate
C. described D. isolate

66. From sociological viewpoint, these are the persistent

inability to adapt oneself to the ordinary environment. It is
the individual’s loss of power to regulate his actions and
conduct according to the rules of the society.
A. emotional disorders
B. physical disorders
C. psychological disorders
D. mental disorders
67. From the view of human adjustment, a __________ is one who
behaves according to the norms and standards of society.
A. normal individual B. normal person
C. normal people D. all of these

68. An individual can be called __________ when he fails to
meet the characteristics of a normal person.
A. abnormal B. neurotic
C. none of these D. psychotic

69. Generally, symptoms cannot be sharply classified because

some of that are in combination with others. Following are some
of the symptoms of mental disorders, EXCEPT:
A. physical B. mental
C. psychological D. emotional

70. The several types of mental disorder are as follows,

A. psychosomatic illness B. psychoneurosis
C. psychoses D. neuroses

71. It is a false or erroneous belief in something which is not

a fact. A person suffering from this kind of mental illness is
not always insane.
A. illusion B. delusion
C. compulsion D. hallucination

72. These are thoughts and impulses which continually occur in

the person’s mind despite attempts to keep them out.
A. delusion B. fugue
C. obsession D. melancholia

73. Is a state of excitement accompanied by exaltation or a

feeling of well-being which is out of harmony surrounding the
patient’s circumstances, and the mind is hyperactive, with
flights of fancy which may amount to incoherence.
A. mania B. phobia
C. somnambulism D. mesmerism

74. This refers to the feeling of miserable thought that a

calamitous incident occurred in his life, something has gone
wrong with his bodily functions and prefers to b e quiet and in
A. confusion B. depression
C. delirium D. anxiety

75. A state of arrested or incomplete development of mind which

includes abnormality of intelligence and is of such a nature of
degree that the patient is incapable of living an independent
life or of guarding himself against serious exploitation, or
will be incapable when of age to do so.
A. sub-normality B. severe abnormality
C. all of these D. none of these

76. The alternative condition of mania and melancholia is known

as manic-depressive psychosis, also called__________.
A. folie circulaire B. lucid interval
C. psychoses D. neuroses
77. Although it is not included in the manifestations of mental
disorders, it is an act wherein a person is compelled to perform
some action against his free will, and with duress as a result
of external factors.
A. impulsion B. hallucination

C. compulsion D. gustatory

78. This kind of person is usually depressed, is out of touch

of reality, is suffering from psychosis, is mentally deranged or
is insane; and he may consider himself unworthy to live.
A. all of these B. anti-social personality
C. manic-depressive D. inadequate personality

79. Although the mental defect is not as severe as compared

with other mental deficiencies, this kind of person cannot
manage his own affairs. The mental age may be compared to a
normal child from 3 to 7 years old and the I. Q. is 21 to 40.
A. feeble minded B. imbecile
C. morally defective D. idiot

80. It is a mental disease resembling paranoia, but is also

characterized by autistic behavior, hallucinations and a gradual
deterioration of the personality.
A. sociopath B. psychopath
C. deviant personality D. paranoid-schizophrenic

81. It is the voluntary or involuntary attitude a person adopts

in order to fit society’s idea of right or wrong. It is partly
determined by heredity and environment, and is modified through
A. human behavior B. attitude
C. character D. conduct

82. In some of the viewpoints in the study of human behavior,

this emphasizes human actions in relation to events taking place
inside the body, especially the brain and the central nervous
A. biological B. neurological
C. cognitive D. psychoanalytical

83. This refers to any behavioral response or reflex exhibited

by people due to their genetic endowment or the process of
natural selection.
A. inherited behavior B. learned behavior
C. role-modeling behavior D. human behavior

84. It is the dimension that dictates conditioned ability and

the principal factor in anti-social behavior, and represents the
central nervous system’s tendency that determines need for
stimulation and excitement.
A. ambiverts B. introversion
C. extoversion D. psychotics

85. These characterize many criminals, especially habitual

offenders, leading some theorists to conclude that these
deviations cause human to become criminals.
A. emotional conflict B. personality deviations
C. all of these D. none of these
86. It is a branch of psychiatry which employs a particular
personality theory and a specific treatment method, usually an
individual case study.
A. psychiatry B. psychonalysis
C. psychologist D. psychodynamic

87. Conflicts in human behavior are classified as follows,
A. physical conflicts B. social conflicts
C. economic conflicts D. mental conflicts

88. This acknowledges that individuals have physiological

mechanisms that permit them to behave aggressively, and this
differs from others in that the latter emphasizes performance
and reinforcement, whereas this theory emphasizes that behavior
may be accomplished by using other people as models.
A. behavior theory B. personality theory
C. cognitive theory D. learning theory

89. It is another theory that has been used to explain human

behavior is cognitive development. This approach is based on the
belief that the way in which people organized their thoughts
about rules and laws results in either criminal or non-criminal
A. behavior theory B. personality theory
C. cognitive development D. learning theory

90. It is characterized by cold cruelty, social insensitivity,

disregard for danger, troublesome behavior, dislike of others,
and an attraction toward the unusual.
A. sociolocism B. neuroticism
C. mentalism D. psychoticism

91. There are three important factors affect human behavior,

and this factor consists of the conditions and factors that
surround and influence an individual which can cause certain
behavior patterns.
A. learning B. heredity
C. environment D. none of these

92. This involves cognitive adaptation that enhances the human

being’s ability to cope with changes in the environment and to
manipulate the environment in ways which improve survival.
A. learned behavior B. operant behavior
C. all of these D. none of these

93. It is characterized by cold cruelty, social insensitivity,

disregard for danger, troublesome behavior, dislike of others,
and an attraction toward the unusual.
A. extravetism B. neuroticm
C. fetism D. psychoticism

94. It is based on the belief that it is not the unconscious

that is important but, rather, it can be observed and
manipulated. It is assumed that neurotic symptoms and some
deviant acts are acquired.
A. behavior theory B. personality theory
C. cognitive theory D. learning theory
95. This reflects an innate biological predisposition to react
physiologically to stressful or upsetting events, and react
intensely much longer to stress and are generally moody, touchy,
sensitive to lights, and anxious or nervous.
A. neuroticism B. environmentalism

C. hereditism D. psychoticism

96. It is a behavior which does not adhere to widely-accepted

social or cultural norms or a form of extreme deviant behavior
which violates the cultural norm which states that it is
unacceptable to kill another human being, and it is also the
realm of undesirable behavior or characteristics. Deviance
implies negativity of some sort.
A. abnormal behavior B. deviant behavior
C. criminal behavior D. delinquent behavior

97. This can include a wide range of deviant behaviors such as

explosive temper, tantrums, physical aggression, fighting,
threats or attempts to hurt others, including homicidal
thoughts, use of weapons, cruelty toward animals, fire setting,
intentional destruction of property, vandalism and insensitivity
to other person’s rights and interests.
A. violent behavior B. criminal behavior
C. unaccepted behavior D. illegal behavior

98. It is defined as conditions that involve disruptions or

breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity or perception, and are
thought to be primarily caused by psychological trauma.
A. environmental disorder B. mental disorders
C. dissociative disorders D. physical disorders

99. This develops when personality traits became inflexible and

thus maladaptive, and involves odd or eccentric behavior,
dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior, or fearful of anxious
behavior - usually anti-social personality disorders.
A. personality disorders B. attitude problem
C. character disorder D. traits disorder

100. It is that branch of psychology that studies unusual

patterns of behavior, emotion and thoughts which may or may not
be understood as precipitating a mental disorder.
A. abnormal psychology B. criminal psychology
C. abnormal psychiatry D. criminal psychiatry


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