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It is defined as the function of management concerned with

promoting and enhancing the development of work
effectiveness and advancement of the rank and file of the
police organization.

a. Management
b. Personnel Management
c. Leadership
d. Police Administration
It is defined as the function of management concerned with
promoting and enhancing the development of work
effectiveness and advancement of the rank and file of the
police organization.

a. Management
b. Personnel Management
c. Leadership
d. Police Administration
 Management | the process of routine decision-making and
directing and facilitating the work maintenance of the internal order.
of people organized in formal  Police Administration | the
groups in order to achieve cooperative human effort to
objectives. Judicious or wise use of achieve the purpose of criminal
resources | manpower, material, justice system.
money, equipment, supplies and o the process involved in ensuring
time. strict compliance, proper
 Administration | an organizational obedience of laws and related
process concerned with the statutes.
implementation of objectives and o It focuses on the policing process or
plans and internal operating how law enforcement agencies are
efficiency. Connotes bureaucratic organized and managed in order to
structure and behavior, relative achieve the goals of law
enforcement in the most effective,
efficient and productive manner.
o Study of process involving Criminal
Justice System.
It refers to a group of trained personnel in the field of public
safety administration engaged in the achievement of goals
and objectives that promote the maintenance of peace and
order, protection of life and property, enforcement of the laws
and prevention of crimes.

a. Police Administration
b. Police Organization
c. Organization
d. Administration
It refers to a group of trained personnel in the field of
public safety administration engaged in the achievement of
goals and objectives that promote the maintenance of peace
and order, protection of life and property, enforcement of the
laws and prevention of crimes.

a. Police Administration
b. Police Organization
c. Organization
d. Administration
Organization | It is a form of human association or group of
people for the attainment of goal or objective

Police organization | a group of trained personnel in the

field of public safety administration engaged in the
achievement of goals and objectives that promotes the
maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and
property, enforcement of the laws and the prevention of
What should be undertaken by a security officer before he can
prepare a comprehensive security program for his industrial

a. Security Conference
b. Security Survey
c. Security Check
d. Security Education
What should be undertaken by a security officer before he
can prepare a comprehensive security program for his
industrial plan?

a. Security Conference
b. Security Survey
c. Security Check
d. Security Education

Security Education | It refers to means and ways that

personnel and employees making them security conscious.
In cutting a roof to ventilate, the firefighter should avoid

a. Cutting a very large hole

b. Cutting several small holes
c. Cutting roof boards near the beams
d. Making openings near the fire
In cutting a roof to ventilate, the firefighter should avoid

a. Cutting a very large hole

b. Cutting several small holes
c. Cutting roof boards near the beams
d. Making openings near the fire
It is a part of the management process, and this refers to the
act of overseeing people or in police organization, it is also
the process of overseeing subordinates and line officers.

a. Leadership
b. Management
c. All of these
d. Supervision
It is a part of the management process, and this refers to the
act of overseeing people or in police organization, it is also
the process of overseeing subordinates and line officers.

a. Leadership
b. Management
c. All of these
d. Supervision
A Peace and Order Council is organized in every
city/municipality by virtue of?

a. Executive Order 386

b. Executive Order 1012
c. Executive Order 309
d. Presidential Degree 118
A Peace and Order Council is organized in every
city/municipality by virtue of?

a. Executive Order 386 | National Crime Information System

b. Executive Order 1012 | Operational Framework
c. Executive Order 309
d. Presidential Degree 118 | presidential commission on culture and arts
One way of extending the power of observation to get
information from persons within the vicinity. In police work,
this is called?

a. Data gathering
b. Interrogation
c. Field Inquiry
d. Interview
One way of extending the power of observation to get
information from persons within the vicinity. In police
work, this is called?

a. Data gathering
b. Interrogation
c. Field Inquiry
d. Interview
Which of the following is the most ideally suited in evacuation
and search-and-rescue duties?

a. Motorcycle
b. Helicopter
c. Patrol Car
d. Bicycle
Which of the following is the most ideally suited in
evacuation and search-and-rescue duties?

a. Motorcycle
b. Helicopter
c. Patrol Car
d. Bicycle | mobility and stealth
A person, thing or situation which possesses a high potential
for criminal attack or for creating a clamor for police service is
considered as?

a. Patrol hazards
b. Patrol effort
c. Police discretion
d. None of these
A person, thing or situation which possesses a high potential
for criminal attack or for creating a clamor for police
service is considered as?

a. Patrol hazards
b. Patrol effort
c. Police discretion
d. None of these
These procedures relate to the assignment and method of
performance of police task away from headquarters.

a. Field procedures
b. Staff procedure
c. Headquarters procedures
d. System procedures
These procedures relate to the assignment and method of
performance of police task away from headquarters.

a. Field procedures
b. Staff procedure
c. Headquarters procedures
d. System procedures
Field Procedures | This is intended to be used in all situations
of all kinds, which shall be outlined to guide officers and
men in the field.

Headquarters’ Procedure | To be included in these

procedures are the duties of the dispatcher, jailer, matron,
and other personnel concerned, which may be reflected in
the duty manual. It also involves coordinated action on activity
of several offices.

Special Operating Procedure | Certain special operations

also necessitate the preparation of procedures as guides.
Protective lighting, perimeter barriers and ___________ systems
are known in industrial security as physical security.

a. Relieving
b. Reporting
c. Accounting
d. Guarding
Protective lighting, perimeter barriers and ___________ systems
are known in industrial security as physical security.

a. Relieving
b. Reporting
c. Accounting
d. Guarding

Reporting | The making of detailed account of activities,

work progress, investigations and unusual in order to keep
everyone informed or what is going on.
Those who are charge with actual fulfillments of agency’s
mission are _______ personnel.

a. Staff
b. Management
c. Supervision
d. Line
Those who are charge with actual fulfillments of agency’s
mission are _______ personnel.

a. Staff
b. Management | directing and facilitating
c. Supervision | overseeing
d. Line
When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge that the
investigator is conducting surveillance on him, the latter is?

a. Cut out
b. Burnt out
c. Sold out
d. Get out
When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge that the
investigator is conducting surveillance on him, the latter is?

a. Cut out
b. Burnt out
c. Sold out
d. Get out
Police Inspector Juan Dela Crus is the Chief of Police of a
municipality. He wants his subordinates be drawn closer to the
people in the different barangays. He should adopt which of
the following projects?

a. COPS on the Block

b. Oplan Bakal
c. Oplan Sandugo
d. Olpan Pagbabago
Police Inspector Juan Dela Crus is the Chief of Police of a
municipality. He wants his subordinates be drawn closer to
the people in the different barangays. He should adopt
which of the following projects?

a. COPS on the Block

b. Oplan Bakal
c. Oplan Sandugo
d. Olpan Pagbabago
The provincial governors shall choose the provincial director
from a list of ____ eligible recommended by the PNP Director,
preferable from the same province, city, or municipality.

a. 6
b. 5
c. 3
d. 4
The provincial governors shall choose the provincial
director from a list of ____ eligible recommended by the PNP
Director, preferable from the same province, city, or

a. 6
b. 5
c. 3
d. 4
What form of intelligence is involved when information is
obtained of the person against whom the information or
document may be used, or the information is clandestinely

a. Covert
b. Active
c. Overt
d. Underground
What form of intelligence is involved when information is
obtained of the person against whom the information or
document may be used, or the information is clandestinely

a. Covert
b. Active
c. Overt | open
d. Underground
Which of the following is the most important characteristics of
a good operational plan?

a. Only one officer is reasonable for his execution.

b. Need for on-the-operation modification and
amplification is minimized.
c. Present objectives and allocation of resources but not
the methodology.
d. All the details of the plans are properly identified and
evaluated and such details are known by the
Which of the following is the most important characteristics
of a good operational plan?

a. Only one officer is reasonable for his execution.

b. Need for on-the-operation modification and
amplification is minimized.
c. Present objectives and allocation of resources but not
the methodology.
d. All the details of the plans are properly identified
and evaluated and such details are known by the
Bicycle patrol has the combined advantage of ____________
since they can be operated very quietly and without attracting

a. Reduced speed and greater area of coverage

b. Mobility and wide area coverage
c. Shorter time travel
d. Mobility and stealth
Bicycle patrol has the combined advantage of ____________
since they can be operated very quietly and without attracting

a. Reduced speed and greater area of coverage

b. Mobility and wide area coverage
c. Shorter time travel
d. Mobility and stealth
The term used for the object at surveillance is subject while
the investigator conducting the surveillance is?

a. Rabbit
b. Decoy
c. Surveillant
d. Target
The term used for the object at surveillance is subject while
the investigator conducting the surveillance is?

a. Rabbit | target
b. Decoy
c. Surveillant
d. Target | rabbit
It is the weakest link int the security chain.

a. Managers
b. Personnel
c. Barriers
d. Inspections
It is the weakest link int the security chain.

a. Managers
b. Personnel
c. Barriers
d. Inspections
Which of the following is considered as the most important
factor in formulating an effective patrol strategy?

a. Training of station commander

b. Adequacy of resources of police station
c. Rank of the patrol commander
d. Salary rates of police personnel
Which of the following is considered as the most important
factor in formulating an effective patrol strategy?

a. Training of station commander

b. Adequacy of resources of police station
c. Rank of the patrol commander
d. Salary rates of police personnel
Who among the following have summary disciplinary powers
over errant police members?

a. District Director
b. Chief of Police
c. Provincial Director
d. Chief, PNP
Who among the following have summary disciplinary
powers over errant police members?

a. District Director
b. Chief of Police
c. Provincial Director
d. Chief, PNP
You are the Patrol Supervisor for morning shift, you don’t have
enough men to cover all the patrol beats. Which of the
following will you implement?

a. Assign roving patrol with no foot patrol

b. Assign mobile patrol only in strategic place
c. Maintain your patrolmen in the station and just wait for
calls for police assistance
d. Assign foot patrol in congested and busy patrol beats
but assign a roving mobile patrol cover beats which are
not covered by foot patrol
You are the Patrol Supervisor for morning shift, you don’t
have enough men to cover all the patrol beats. Which of
the following will you implement?

a. Assign roving patrol with no foot patrol

b. Assign mobile patrol only in strategic place
c. Maintain your patrolmen in the station and just wait for
calls for police assistance
d. Assign foot patrol in congested and busy patrol
beats but assign a roving mobile patrol cover beats
which are not covered by foot patrol
It is the importance of the firm or installation in relation to
national security.

a. Relative necessity
b. Relative vulnerability
c. Relative security
d. Relative critically
It is the importance of the firm or installation in relation to
national security.

a. Relative necessity
b. Relative vulnerability
c. Relative security
d. Relative critically

Relative Vulnerability | the susceptibility of a plant or

establishment to damage, loss, or destruction of operation
due to various hazards.
He exercises the power to revoke, for cause, licenses issued to
the security guards.

a. Chief PNP
b. Secretary, DILG
c. Undersecretary for Peace and Order
d. Chairman, Napolcom
He exercises the power to revoke, for cause, licenses
issued to the security guards.

a. Chief PNP
b. Secretary, DILG
c. Undersecretary for Peace and Order
d. Chairman, Napolcom
In counter intelligence, surveillance is categorized according
to intensity and sensitivity. When there is intermittent
observation, varying in occasion, then this surveillance is

a. Loose
b. Open
c. Discreet
d. Close
In counter intelligence, surveillance is categorized according
to intensity and sensitivity. When there is intermittent
observation, varying in occasion, then this surveillance is

a. Loose
b. Open
c. Discreet
d. Close
Forms of Shadowing|Tailing

 Loose Tail | employed where a general impression of the

subject's habits and associates is required.
 Rough Shadowing | employed without special
precautions, subject maybe aware of the surveillance,
employed also when the subject is a material witness and
must be protected from harm or other undesirable
 Close Tail | extreme precautions are taken against losing
the subject is employed where constant surveillance is
The amount and nature of demands of the police service are
not the same on all 3 shifts. It is therefore necessary to make
available maximum manpower at the time the police service is
of greatest demand. This is organization by?

a. Clientele
b. Time
c. Purpose
d. Process

The amount and nature of demands of the police service

are not the same on all 3 shifts. It is therefore necessary to
make available maximum manpower at the time the police
service is of greatest demand. This is organization by?

a. Clientele
b. Time
c. Purpose
d. Process
It is the product resulting from the collection, evaluation,
analysis, integration and interpretation of criminal activity and
which is immediately or potentially significant to police

a. Investigation
b. Information
c. Data
d. Intelligence

It is the product resulting from the collection, evaluation,

analysis, integration and interpretation of criminal activity
and which is immediately or potentially significant to police

a. Investigation | inquiry
b. Information | raw data
c. Data | raw information
d. Intelligence
Police officer must develop the _________ of recording the facts
as they are learned and as the evidence is obtained.
a. Obligation
b. Habit
c. Perspective
d. Duty

Police officer must develop the _________ of recording the

facts as they are learned and as the evidence is obtained.
a. Obligation
b. Habit
c. Perspective
d. Duty
In the Civil Service System, merit and fitness are the primary
consideration in the ___________.
a. Two-party system
b. Promotional system
c. Evaluation system
d. Tools system

In the Civil Service System, merit and fitness are the primary
consideration in the ___________.
a. Two-party system
b. Promotional system
c. Evaluation system
d. Tools system
Which of these statements is correct?
a. Conduction is heat transfer through combustion
b. Conduction is heat transfer through solid materials
c. Conduction is heat transfer through air motion
d. Conduction is heat transfer through electromagnetic

Which of these statements is correct?

a. Conduction is heat transfer through combustion
b. Conduction is heat transfer through solid materials
c. Conduction is heat transfer through air motion
d. Conduction is heat transfer through electromagnetic
Convection | heat transfer by Radiation | radiated heat moves in
convection is chiefly responsible for the waves and rays much like sunlight or x-
spread of fire in structures. Convection rays. Radiated heat energy travels at
entails the transfer of heat via the same speed as does visible light:
circulating medium, usually air or a 186,000 miles per second. It is primarily
liquid. A Superheated gas the evolved responsible for the exposure hazards
from a fire are lighter than air and that develop and exist during a fire.
consequently rise. As they travel The heat waves travel in direct or
through and collect in the upper straight line from their source until
reaches of the structure, they can and they strike an object. The heat that
do initiate additional damage. collects on the surface of the object or
building in the path of the heat waves
is subsequently absorbed into its mass)
through conduction.
It is natural and man-made structure or physical device which
is capable of restricting, determining or delaying illegal access
to an installation.

a. Fence
b. Barrier
c. Wall
d. Hazard
It is natural and man-made structure or physical device which
is capable of restricting, determining or delaying illegal
access to an installation.

a. Fence
b. Barrier
c. Wall
d. Hazard
Barriers | any line of boundary and  Animal barriers | usually guard dog.
separation, natural or artificial, places, or ex. trained German shepherds used as
serving as limitation or obstruction. guards, goose, and turkeys can also be
Anything that bars, keep out, obstruct included.
progress, or prevents encroachment or  Energy barriers | usually electrical or
intrusion. electronics devices used to provide
assistance to guard personnel. ex.
 Structural barriers | features protective lightnings, anti-intrusion
constructed by man regardless of their devices.
original intent that tends to delay the  Full view fence | it is designed primarily
intruder. ex. walls, ceilings, locks, safe, to prevent physical access between two
windows. areas. Constructed in such a way that
 Human barriers | guards, charges of visual access is permitted through
quarters, office personnel, shop workers the fence.
etc. who stand between the intruder
and the matter to be protected.
It provides means and ways by which all persons and
employees are trained to make them security conscious and

a. Security check
b. Security investigation
c. Security education
d. Security promotion
It provides means and ways by which all persons and
employees are trained to make them security conscious
and disciplined.

a. Security check
b. Security investigation
c. Security education
d. Security promotion

Personnel Security Investigation | preclude assignment to

sensitive position for those who are security risks.
Which of the following is considered the oldest type of alarm?

a. Audio detection
b. Bill trap
c. Metallic foil
d. Photo electric
Which of the following is considered the oldest type of

a. Audio detection
b. Bill trap
c. Metallic foil | horn
d. Photo electric
It is considered as the oldest type of patrol.

a. Horse
b. Automobile
c. Motorcycle
d. Foot
It is considered as the oldest type of patrol.

a. Horse
b. Automobile
c. Motorcycle
d. Foot
Foot Patrol | police patrol that takes officer out of cars and
puts them in walking beat to strengthen ties with the
Which kind of patrol would you use in a situation like a bomb
a. Foot
b. Canine
c. Bicycle
d. Decoy

Which kind of patrol would you use in a situation like a

bomb threat?
a. Foot
b. Canine
c. Bicycle
d. Decoy
Pedro is a thief who is eye in the handbag of Maria. PO1
Santos Reyes is standing a few meters thief Maria. The thief’s
desire to steal is diminished by the presence of the police
officer, by the __________ for successful theft is.

a. Ambition
b. Intention
c. Feeling
d. Opportunity

Pedro is a thief who is eye in the handbag of Maria. PO1

Santos Reyes is standing a few meters thief Maria. The thief’s
desire to steal is diminished by the presence of the police
officer, by the __________ for successful theft is.

a. Ambition
b. Intention
c. Feeling
d. Opportunity
It is the expulsion of illegal settlers.
a. Demolition
b. Eviction
c. Excavation
d. Relocation
It is the expulsion of illegal settlers.

a. Demolition
b. Eviction
c. Excavation
d. Relocation
A crew which is assigned to a mobile car usually consist of

a. A driver and intelligence agent

b. A driver and traffic man
c. A driver and a recorder
d. A driver, recorder and supervisor
A crew which is assigned to a mobile car usually consist of

a. A driver and intelligence agent

b. A driver and traffic man
c. A driver and a recorder
d. A driver, recorder and supervisor
While marching in Asia, he investigated all the letters and
detection of the malcontents whether the legitimate cause
was exposed. He also devised the 1 st “letter sorting” and
opening to obtain information.

a. Alexander “The Great”

b. Frederick “The Great”
c. Genghis Khan
d. Hannibal
While marching in Asia, he investigated all the letters and
detection of the malcontents whether the legitimate cause
was exposed. He also devised the 1st “letter sorting” and
opening to obtain information.

a. Alexander “The Great”

b. Frederick “The Great” | father of organized military espionage
c. Genghis Khan | mongol empire
d. Hannibal
He is known as the Father of Military Espionage.

a. Akbar
b. Genghis Khan
c. Alexander “The Great”
d. Frederick “The Great”
He is known as the Father of Military Espionage.

a. Akbar
b. Genghis Khan
c. Alexander “The Great”
d. Frederick “The Great”
In intelligence, what is meant by C.B.I.?

a. Complete Background Investigation

b. Complete Background Investigator
c. Complete Back Draft Investigation
d. Complete Background Investigators
In intelligence, what is meant by C.B.I.?

a. Complete Background Investigation

b. Complete Background Investigator
c. Complete Back Draft Investigation
d. Complete Background Investigators
Complete Background Investigation | Consist of the
investigation of the background of a person particularly all
the circumstances of his personal life.
Uniformed personnel of the Department shall be entitled a
_______ of ten percent (10%) of their basic monthly salaries for
every five (5) years of service, which shall be reckoned from
the date of the personnel’s original appointment in the AFP, or
appointment in the police, fire, jail or other allied services to
the integration of the PC and the INP.

a. Hazard pay
b. Longevity pay
c. Retirement pay
d. Separation pay

Uniformed personnel of the Department shall be entitled a

_______ of ten percent (10%) of their basic monthly salaries
for every five (5) years of service, which shall be reckoned
from the date of the personnel’s original appointment in the
AFP, or appointment in the police, fire, jail or other allied
services to the integration of the PC and the INP.

a. Hazard pay
b. Longevity pay
c. Retirement pay
d. Separation pay

RA 6975 | Department of the Interior and Local Government

Section 71 | Longevity Pay and integration of the PC and the INP:
Allowances | Uniformed personnel Provided, That the totality of such
of the Department shall be entitled longevity pay shall not exceed fifty
to a longevity pay of ten percent percent (50%) of the basic pay.
(10%) of their basic monthly They shall also continue to enjoy
salaries for every five (5) years of the subsistence allowance, quarters
service, which shall be reckoned allowance, clothing allowance cost
from the date of the personnel's of living allowance, hazard pay, and
original appointment in the AFP, or all other allowances as provided by
appointment in the police, fire jail existing laws.
or other allied services to the
It is the lowest rank in Singapore Police Force.
a. Constable
b. Lance Corporal
c. Patrolman
d. Private
It is the lowest rank in Singapore Police Force.

a. Constable
b. Lance Corporal
c. Patrolman
d. Private

Commissioner of Police | highest rank in Singapore Police Force

It is the simplest and perhaps the oldest type, often referred
to as individual/military or departmental type of organization.

a. Functional
b. Line
c. Staff
d. Managerial
It is the simplest and perhaps the oldest type, often referred
to as individual/military or departmental type of organization.

a. Functional
b. Line
c. Staff
d. Managerial
Kinds of Organizational Structures
1. Line 2. Functional
 the oldest and simplest kind  rarely found in its pure form
 AKA | military | defined by its clear chain of  structure according to functions and
command from the highest to the lowest and specialized units
vice versa  depicts staff functions of the organization
 depicts the line functions of the organization  responsibilities are divided among
 orders or commands must come from the authorities who are all accountable to the
higher level of authority before it can be authority above
carried out 3. Line and Staff
 involves few departments  a combination of the line and functional kind
 combines the flow of information from the
line structure with the staff departments that
service, advise, and support them
 generally, more formal in nature and has
many departments
It is a type of organizational structure rarely found in its pure
form, except in a large organization at its top level. Authority
is limited to a particular activity over which is the head is in

a. Functional
b. Line
c. Supervisory
d. Managerial
It is a type of organizational structure rarely found in its
pure form, except in a large organization at its top level.
Authority is limited to a particular activity over which is the
head is in control.

a. Functional
b. Line
c. Supervisory
d. Managerial
Kinds of Organizational Structures
1. Line
 the oldest and simplest kind
 AKA | military | defined by its clear chain of 2. Functional
command from the highest to the lowest and  rarely found in its pure form
vice versa  structure according to functions and
 depicts the line functions of the organization specialized units
 orders or commands must come from the  depicts staff functions of the organization
higher level of authority before it can be  responsibilities are divided among
carried out authorities who are all accountable to the
 involves few departments authority above
3. Line and Staff
 a combination of the line and functional kind
 combines the flow of information from the  generally, more formal in nature and has
line structure with the staff departments that many departments
service, advise, and support them

Police Chief Supt. Juan Dela Cruz is the only one who
supervises all of the 500 police officers in his provincial station.
What is the principle being used in the situation?

a. Span of Control
b. Chain of Command
c. Unity of Command
d. Unity of Direction
Police Chief Supt. Juan Dela Cruz is the only one who
supervises all of the 500 police officers in his provincial
station. What is the principle being used in the situation?

a. Span of Control
b. Chain of Command
c. Unity of Command
d. Unity of Direction
Elements of Police Organization
 Span of Control | the maximum  Education and skill of the
number of subordinates that a employees
superior can effectively supervise.
o Factors affecting the span of  Unity of Command | dictates that there
control should only be one man commanding
 Leadership qualities of the the unit to ensure uniformity in the
supervisors execution of orders.
 Nature of the job and work  Delegation of Authority | conferring of
conditions an amount of authority by a superior
 Complexity of task position to a lower-level position.
 Hierarchy of Authority | the obedience upward through the
relationship between superiors and department.
o serves as the framework for the
flow of authority downward and

 Hierarchy | represents the formal  areas of police specialization include

relationship among superiors and undercover works, crime scene
subordinates in any given organization operations, legal advising, computer
 Specialization | the assignment of work, SWAT operations and others
particular personnel to particular tasks o Specialization of People |
o Specialization of Jobs | Areas of Specialists
Specialization  the designation of particular persons
 the designation of certain activities as having expertise in a specific area
or tasks as ones that must be of work
performed in a highly. technological,
scientific or precise manner
 signifies the adaptation of an
individual to the requirements
through extensive training
 Chain of Command | the arrangement of
officers from top to bottom on the basis
of rank or position and authority.
 Command Responsibility | dictates that
immediate commanders shall be
responsible for the effective supervision
and control.
It is the rank symbol of Superintendent.

a. Chevron
b. Insignia
c. Leaf
d. Sun
It is the rank symbol of Superintendent | ☀☀

a. Chevron | ^
b. Insignia
c. Leaf | ♤
d. Sun
Who is the 1st Chief of Philippine National Police?

a. Cezar Nazareno
b. Raul Imperial
c. Umberto Rodriguez
d. Ricardo Sarmiento II
Who is the 1st Chief of Philippine National Police?

a. Cezar Nazareno
b. Raul Imperial
c. Umberto Rodriguez
d. Ricardo Sarmiento II
It is a unit used for searching and detecting bombs.
a. Crime laboratory
b. K-9
c. SAF
It is a unit used for searching and detecting bombs.

a. Crime laboratory
b. K-9
c. SAF
Where will you file a case against a Senior Superintendent
who committed crime punishable by 6 years imprisonment?

a. MTC
b. RTC
c. Sandiganbayan
d. Office of the City Prosecutor
Where will you file a case against a Senior Superintendent
who committed crime punishable by 6 years imprisonment?

a. MTC
b. RTC
c. Sandiganbayan
d. Office of the City Prosecutor
Where will you file a case against a Chief Superintendent who
committed crime punishable by 6 years imprisonment?

a. MTC
b. RTC
c. Sandiganbayan
d. Office of the City Prosecutor
Where will you file a case against a Chief Superintendent
who committed crime punishable by 6 years imprisonment?

a. MTC
b. RTC
c. Sandiganbayan
d. Office of the City Prosecutor
It is the direction in one-on-one basis.

a. Supervision
b. Administration
c. Span of Control
d. Command Responsibility
It is the direction in one-on-one basis.

a. Supervision
b. Administration
c. Span of Control
d. Command Responsibility
It shall include the act of providing or rendering services to watch
an establishment whether public or private building.
Compound/area or property, to conduct access control/denial in
any whether physically, manually or scientifically by electronic
monitoring systems, for the purpose of securing such areas, to
maintain peace and order within such areas, to conduct private
security training, and/or to conduct investigation

a. Private Detective
b. Private Duty
c. Private Profession
d. Private Security

It shall include the act of providing or rendering services to watch

an establishment whether public or private building.
Compound/area or property, to conduct access control/denial in
any whether physically, manually or scientifically by electronic
monitoring systems, for the purpose of securing such areas, to
maintain peace and order within such areas, to conduct private
security training, and/or to conduct investigation

a. Private Detective
b. Private Duty
c. Private Profession
d. Private Security
What is the minimum number of security guards required on
the company guard force in order to secure a regular license
to operate?

a. One hundred
b. Three hundred
c. Thirty
d. Two hundred
What is the minimum number of security guards required on
the company guard force in order to secure a regular license
to operate?

a. One hundred
b. Three hundred
c. Thirty
d. Two hundred
What lock requires manipulation of parts according to
predetermined combination code of numbers?

a. Card-operated lock
b. Combination lock
c. Electromagnetic lock
d. None of these
What lock requires manipulation of parts according to
predetermined combination code of numbers?

a. Card-operated lock
b. Combination lock
c. Electromagnetic lock
d. None of these
A special key capable of opening series of locks is known as

a. Change key
b. Peterman
c. Master key
d. Key control
A special key capable of opening series of locks is known as

a. Change key | single lock

b. Peterman | one who picks lock
c. Master key
d. Key control | management of keys
C/Supt Santos forecasted in detail the result of his officially
recognized program of operations based on the highest
reasonable expectations of operating efficiency, which is a tool
of coordinating operating and financial factors. What function
of management did C/Supt Santos do?

a. Budgeting
b. Organizing
c. Planning
d. Staffing
C/Supt Santos forecasted in detail the result of his officially
recognized program of operations based on the highest
reasonable expectations of operating efficiency, which is a tool
of coordinating operating and financial factors. What
function of management did C/Supt Santos do?

a. Budgeting
b. Organizing
c. Planning
d. Staffing
In civil service system, which of the following is the primary
consideration for appointment and promotion?

a. Bond
b. Friendship
c. Merit
d. Seniority
In civil service system, which of the following is the primary
consideration for appointment and promotion?

a. Bond
b. Friendship
c. Merit
d. Seniority
Under the law, the NAPOLCOM shall establish a system of
promotion for uniformed and non-uniformed members of the
PNP which shall be based on:

1. Merit | which include length of service in the present

rank and qualification
2. Seniority
3. Availability of vacant position

Such position shall be gender fair | women in the PNP shall

enjoy equal opportunity for promotion as that of men
Cardo used an equipment or tool to listen and record
discreetly in the conversation between Alden and Yaya Dub.
This is known as?

a. Bugging
b. Liquidating
c. Researching
d. Stalking
Cardo used an equipment or tool to listen and record
discreetly in the conversation between Alden and Yaya Dub.
This is known as?

a. Bugging
b. Liquidating
c. Researching
d. Stalking
It is a form of investigation in which the investigator assumes
a different and unofficial identity to gather information about
the identity and activity of the subject.

a. Convoy
b. Decoy
c. Reconnaissance
d. Roping
It is a form of investigation in which the investigator assumes
a different and unofficial identity to gather information
about the identity and activity of the subject.

a. Convoy | accomplice
b. Decoy | support
c. Reconnaissance | casing on military
d. Roping
Under the modern concept, police is considered as an organ

a. Crime busting
b. Crime prevention
c. Crime reduction
d. Crime suppression
Under the modern concept, police is considered as an organ

a. Crime busting
b. Crime prevention
c. Crime reduction
d. Crime suppression
If crime prevention is the 1st line of defense, which among the
following is considered as the 2nd line of defense?

a. Apprehension
b. Conviction
c. Crime Suppression
d. Prosecution
If crime prevention is the 1st line of defense, which among the
following is considered as the 2nd line of defense?

a. Apprehension | capture
b. Conviction
c. Crime Suppression | stop
d. Prosecution
The following are considered formal pillars in the American
Justice System, except?

a. Law Enforcement
b. Prosecution
c. Court
d. Correction
The following are considered formal pillars in the American
Justice System, except?

a. Law Enforcement
b. Prosecution
c. Court
d. Correction
What is the codename for the incident that occurred during a
police operation, which took place on Sunday, January 25,
2015 at Tukanalipao, Mamasapano, Maguindanao by Special
Action Force (SAF) of the Philippine National Police (PNP)
against the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) and
the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

a. Oplan Cyclops
b. Oplan Exodus
c. Oplan Gambi
d. Oplan Storm
What is the codename for the incident that occurred during a
police operation, which took place on Sunday, January 25,
2015 at Tukanalipao, Mamasapano, Maguindanao by
Special Action Force (SAF) of the Philippine National Police
(PNP) against the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF)
and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

a. Oplan Cyclops
b. Oplan Exodus
c. Oplan Gambi
d. Oplan Storm
Who wrote the famous book in intelligence entitled “Art of

a. August Vollmer
b. Orlando Wilfield Wilson
c. Robert Peel
d. Sun Tzu
Who wrote the famous book in intelligence entitled “Art of

a. August Vollmer
b. Orlando Wilfield Wilson
c. Robert Peel
d. Sun Tzu
The geographical subdivision of a large city or province
designated for patrol purposes, usually with its own police
station refers to?

a. Area
b. District
c. Sector
d. Territory
The geographical subdivision of a large city or province
designated for patrol purposes, usually with its own police
station refers to?

a. Area
b. District
c. Sector
d. Territory
Territorial Units
 Post | a fixed point to which an officer is assigned for duty.
 Route | length of streets designated for patrol purposes. “line beat.”
 Beat | assigned for patrol purposes, whether foot or motorized.
 Sector | An area containing two or more beats, routes, or posts.
 District | geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes,
usually with its own station.
 Area | section or territorial division of a large city each comprised of
designated districts
Functional Units in a Police Organization

 Bureau | largest organic functional unit within a large

 Division | primary subdivision of a bureau.
 Section | functional unit within a particular division that is
necessary for specialization.
 Units | functional group within a section where further
specialization is needed.
The end product resulting from the collection, evaluation,
analysis, integration and interpretation of all available
information regarding the activities of criminals and other law
violators refers to?

a. Intelligence
b. Military Intelligence
c. Police Intelligence
d. Information
The end product resulting from the collection, evaluation,
analysis, integration and interpretation of all available
information regarding the activities of criminals and other
law violators refers to?

a. Intelligence
b. Military Intelligence
c. Police Intelligence
d. Information
The great spy of Napoleon Bonaparte who was also dubbed
as “Napoleon’s Eye”, who had very great contribution on
Napoleon’s Victory in battle was?

a. Karl Schulmeister
b. Alfred Redl
c. Wilhelm Stieber
d. None of them
The great spy of Napoleon Bonaparte who was also dubbed
as “Napoleon’s Eye”, who had very great contribution on
Napoleon’s Victory in battle was?

a. Karl Schulmeister
b. Alfred Redl | Homosexual, 500,000 agents died
c. Wilhelm Stieber | God Father of Secret Service
d. None of them
The observation of a person’s movement is specifically termed

a. Tailing or Shadowing
b. Stakeout
c. Casing
d. Elicitation
The observation of a person’s movement is specifically
termed as?

a. Tailing or Shadowing
b. Stakeout
c. Casing
d. Elicitation
The surveillance through the use of electronic gadgets is
classified as?

a. Technical
b. Automatic
c. Mechanical
d. High-tech
The surveillance through the use of electronic gadgets is
classified as?

a. Technical
b. Automatic
c. Mechanical
d. High-tech
The process of obtaining information through direct
communication, whereby the subjects is unaware of the
specific purpose of the conversation is?

a. Elicitation
b. Approach
c. Probe
d. Dialogue
The process of obtaining information through direct
communication, whereby the subjects is unaware of the
specific purpose of the conversation is?

a. Elicitation
b. Approach
c. Probe
d. Dialogue
What is the system of natural or man-made barriers placed
between the potential intruder and the object, person and
matter being protected?

a. Communication security
b. Document security
c. Physical security
d. Personal security
What is the system of natural or man-made barriers placed
between the potential intruder and the object, person and
matter being protected?

a. Communication security
b. Document security
c. Physical security
d. Personal security
What is the basic load of ammunition of security guard?

a. 25
b. 30
c. 50
d. 15
What is the basic load of ammunition of security guard?

a. 25
b. 30
c. 50
d. 15
Who is the highest police official in the city and municipal
police station?

a. Mayor
c. NAPOLCOM officer
d. Chief of Police
Who is the highest police official in the city and municipal
police station?

a. Mayor
c. NAPOLCOM officer
d. Chief of Police
Police personnel may be effectively distributed according to
any of the following classifications except?

a. By time
b. By function
c. By area
d. By sex
Police personnel may be effectively distributed according to
any of the following classifications except?

a. By time
b. By function
c. By area
d. By sex
It is the premier educational institution for the police, fire and
jail personnel.

a. Philippine Military Academy

b. Development Academy of the Philippines
c. Philippine College of Criminology
d. Philippine Public Safety College
It is the premier educational institution for the police, fire
and jail personnel.

a. Philippine Military Academy

b. Development Academy of the Philippines
c. Philippine College of Criminology
d. Philippine Public Safety College
Dogs have an acute sense of ________ thus, utilization in
tracking down lost persons or illegal drugs.

a. Smell
b. Hearing
c. Eating
d. Drinking
Dogs have an acute sense of ________ thus, utilization in
tracking down lost persons or illegal drugs.

a. Smell
b. Hearing
c. Eating
d. Drinking
All of the following are members of the People’s Law
Enforcement Board (PLEB), except?

a. Three (3) members chosen by the Peace and Order

Council from among the respected members of the
b. Any barangay Captain of the city/municipality concerned
chosen by the association of the Barangay Captains.
c. Any member of the Sangguniang
d. A bar member chosen by the Integrated bar of the

All of the following are members of the People’s Law

Enforcement Board (PLEB), except?

a. Three (3) members chosen by the Peace and Order

Council from among the respected members of the
b. Any barangay Captain of the city/municipality concerned
chosen by the association of the Barangay Captains.
c. Any member of the Sangguniang
d. A bar member chosen by the Integrated bar of the
It is constitutionally and legally mandated to administer and
control the Philippine National Police.
b. DND
d. DFA

It is constitutionally and legally mandated to administer and

control the Philippine National Police.
b. DND
d. DFA
When we say that commander is directly responsible for any
act or omission of his subordinates in relation to the
performance of their official duties, we are referring to?

a. Chain of Command
b. Delegation of Responsibility
c. Command Responsibility
d. Span of Control
When we say that commander is directly responsible for any
act or omission of his subordinates in relation to the
performance of their official duties, we are referring to?

a. Chain of Command | top to bottom

b. Delegation of Responsibility
c. Command Responsibility
d. Span of Control | ability a man
One of the following exercise control and supervision over the
PNP units during elections.

a. NBI
b. Ombudsman
One of the following exercise control and supervision over the
PNP units during elections.

a. NBI
b. Ombudsman
Among the following, he is known as the father of Modern
Policing System.

a. William Norman
b. Sir Robert Peel
c. King Henry III
d. John Westminster
Among the following, he is known as the father of Modern
Policing System.

a. William Norman
b. Sir Robert Peel
c. King Henry III
d. John Westminster
How many deputies do the PNP has?

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
How many deputies do the PNP has?

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
What is the principle which states that subordinates should be
under the control of only one superior?

a. Principle of Chain of Command

b. Principle of Unity of Command
c. Span of Control Principle
d. Principle of Objectivity
What is the principle which states that subordinates should be
under the control of only one superior?

a. Principle of Chain of Command | arrangement

b. Principle of Unity of Command
c. Span of Control Principle | ability of one man
d. Principle of Objectivity
This is Robert Peel’s theory of police service wherein the
policemen are considered as servants of the community.

a. Continental
b. English
c. French
d. Home Rule
This is Robert Peel’s theory of police service wherein the
policemen are considered as servants of the community.

a. Continental | servants of the state

b. English
c. French
d. Home Rule
What is the equivalent rank of SPO3 in the military?

a. Sergeant
b. Staff Sergeant
c. Technical Sergeant
d. Master Sergeant
What is the equivalent rank of SPO3 in the military?

a. Sergeant | SPO1
b. Staff Sergeant | SPO2
c. Technical Sergeant
d. Master Sergeant | SPO4
What is the equivalent rank of Brigadier General in the PNP?

a. Chief Superintendent
b. Director
c. Deputy Director General
d. Director General
What is the equivalent rank of Brigadier General in the PNP?

a. Chief Superintendent
b. Director | MAJGEN
c. Deputy Director General | LTGEN
d. Director General | GEN
What is considered as the country’s “Blue Army”?

a. SAF
b. Military
c. Private Security
d. Government Security
What is considered as the country’s “Blue Army”?

a. SAF
b. Military
c. Private Security
d. Government Security
Industrial management must establish lines of physical
defense. Which of the following is considered as the 1 st line of

a. Door
b. Cabinet
c. Guard
d. Wall
Industrial management must establish lines of physical
defense. Which of the following is considered as the 1st line of

a. Door
b. Cabinet
c. Guard
d. Wall
The requirements for initial appointment in the PNP shall be
waived in what order?
a. Age, height, education, weight
b. Height, age, education, weight
c. Age, height, weight, education
d. Any order

The requirements for initial appointment in the PNP shall be

waived in what order?
a. Age, height, education, weight
b. Height, age, education, weight
c. Age, height, weight, education
d. Any order
He was the 1st Filipino Chief of the Philippine Constabulary, to
whom the national headquarters of the PNP was named?
a. Antonio Torres
b. Henry Allen
c. Rafael Crame
d. Emilio Aguinaldo

He was the 1st Filipino Chief of the Philippine Constabulary,

to whom the national headquarters of the PNP was named?

a. Antonio Torres | 1st PNP Chief

b. Henry Allen | 1st American PC Chief
c. Rafael Crame
d. Emilio Aguinaldo | Senator
This is a statement of how the organization will look line in the
future. It is a picture of what the PNP organization wants to

a. Police vision
b. Goal
c. Police mission
d. Objective
This is a statement of how the organization will look line in the
future. It is a picture of what the PNP organization wants to

a. Police vision
b. Goal
c. Police mission
d. Objective
The organized schedule or sequence of methodical activities
intended to attain a goal or objective refers to?

a. Plan
b. Planning
c. Operational plan
d. Operational planning
The organized schedule or sequence of methodical activities
intended to attain a goal or objective refers to?

a. Plan
b. Planning
c. Operational plan
d. Operational planning
The problem-oriented approach in planning is also known as?

a. Synoptic planning
b. Incremental planning
c. Radical planning
d. Transactive planning
The problem-oriented approach in planning is also known

a. Synoptic planning
b. Incremental planning | long range
c. Radical planning | collective
d. Transactive planning | face-to-face
It is the protection resulting from the application of various
measures, which prevents or delays the enemy.

a. Alarm
b. Barrier
c. Cabinet
d. Door
It is the protection resulting from the application of various
measures, which prevents or delays the enemy.

a. Alarm
b. Barrier
c. Cabinet
d. Door
What is the 1st thing the dispatcher needs to do if he receives
a call?

a. Call the superior officer

b. Immediately proceed to the crime scene
c. Record the incident
d. Summon assistance
What is the 1st thing the dispatcher needs to do if he receives
a call?

a. Call the superior officer

b. Immediately proceed to the crime scene
c. Record the incident
d. Summon assistance
This is considered the oldest type of patrol.

a. Automobile
b. Bicycle
c. Foot
d. Horse
This is considered the oldest type of patrol.

a. Automobile
b. Bicycle
c. Foot
d. Horse
This approach in planning is carried out through face-to-face
interaction with the people who are to be affected by the plan.
This includes field surveys and interpersonal dialogues.

a. Incremental planning
b. Transactive planning
c. Synoptic planning
d. Advocacy planning
This approach in planning is carried out through face-to-face
interaction with the people who are to be affected by the
plan. This includes field surveys and interpersonal dialogues.

a. Incremental planning
b. Transactive planning
c. Synoptic planning
d. Advocacy planning
The type of plan that is developed in anticipation of a future
problem refers to?

a. Board external policy plan

b. Radical plan
c. Proactive plan
d. Problem oriented plan
The type of plan that is developed in anticipation of a future
problem refers to?

a. Board external policy plan

b. Radical plan
c. Proactive plan
d. Problem oriented plan
The process of measuring the performance of PNP members
refers to?

a. Appraisal
b. Assessment
c. Promotion
d. Appointment
The process of measuring the performance of PNP
members refers to?

a. Appraisal
b. Assessment
c. Promotion
d. Appointment
Based on Section 27 of RA No. 6975, the prescribed manning
level of police to population ration in the PNP is?

a. 1:1000
b. 1:750
c. 1:500
d. 1:800
Based on Section 27 of RA No. 6975, the prescribed manning
level of police to population ration in the PNP is?

a. 1:1000 | minimum
b. 1:750
c. 1:500
d. 1:800
The award given to a PNP who distinguished himself but dies
before the granting of the award is?

a. Police medal of valor

b. Police service medal
c. Police medal of merit
d. Posthumous award
The award given to a PNP who distinguished himself but dies
before the granting of the award is?

a. Police medal of valor

b. Police service medal
c. Police medal of merit
d. Posthumous award
Agent Cardo recorded the conversation of Alden and Yaya
Dub while having a dinner in a restaurant. What did Agent
Cardo do?

a. Attaching
b. Bugging
c. Jerking
d. Sounding
Agent Cardo recorded the conversation of Alden and Yaya
Dub while having a dinner in a restaurant. What did Agent
Cardo do?

a. Attaching
b. Bugging
c. Jerking
d. Sounding
Doubled as secret police force; controlling the populace within
the country and outside the USSR, conducting espionage,
spreading “disinformation”, and attempting to destabilize
foreign governments.

a. CIA
b. KGB
Doubled as secret police force; controlling the populace within
the country and outside the USSR, conducting espionage,
spreading “disinformation”, and attempting to destabilize
foreign governments.

a. CIA
b. KGB
It is the agency created under the US National Security Act of
1947, which was the central intelligence group established
during the time of President Harry Truman in January 1946.

a. CIA
b. KGB
It is the agency created under the US National Security Act of
1947, which was the central intelligence group established
during the time of President Harry Truman in January 1946.

a. CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)

b. KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti)
c. MOSSAD (HaMossad leModiʿin uleTafkidim
d. NICA (National Intelligence Coordinating Agency)
It refers to the product of a process, which starts form
collection of information, its evaluation, analysis, integration
and interpretation to arrive at a theory or conclusion.

a. Instrumentation
b. Intelligence
c. Investigation
d. Interrogation
It refers to the product of a process, which starts form
collection of information, its evaluation, analysis, integration
and interpretation to arrive at a theory or conclusion.

a. Instrumentation
b. Intelligence
c. Investigation
d. Interrogation
What principle of intelligence states that protection is
achieved by the measures which intelligence takes to protect
and preserve the integrity of its activities?

a. Communication
b. Flexibility
c. Security
d. Usefulness
What principle of intelligence states that protection is
achieved by the measures which intelligence takes to protect
and preserve the integrity of its activities?

a. Communication
b. Flexibility
c. Security
d. Usefulness
What principle of intelligence states that intelligence adequate
to their needs must be relayed to all the decision maker in
manner that they will understand and form that will permit its
most effective use?

a. Communication
b. Flexibility
c. Security
d. Usefulness
What principle of intelligence states that intelligence adequate
to their needs must be relayed to all the decision maker in
manner that they will understand and form that will permit
its most effective use?

a. Communication
b. Flexibility
c. Security
d. Usefulness
Its objective is to safeguard information against espionage,
protect installation and materials from sabotage, and guard
against personnel engaging in subversive activities. It is
concerned with the early detection of disaffected or dissident
groups of individual, which constitute a threat to national

a. Counter
b. Departmental
c. Line
d. Strategic

Its objective is to safeguard information against espionage,

protect installation and materials from sabotage, and guard
against personnel engaging in subversive activities. It is
concerned with the early detection of disaffected or dissident
groups of individual, which constitute a threat to national

a. Counter
b. Departmental
c. Line
d. Strategic

It refers to any processed information coming from covert and
overt sources that affect police operation. It is also the
intelligence required by the commander to provide for
planning and conduct tactical and administrative, operation in
counter insurgency. It also deals with the knowledge of
People/Population, Weather, Enemy and Terrain.

a. Counter
b. Departmental
c. Line
d. Strategic

It refers to any processed information coming from covert and

overt sources that affect police operation. It is also the
intelligence required by the commander to provide for
planning and conduct tactical and administrative, operation
in counter insurgency. It also deals with the knowledge of
People/Population, Weather, Enemy and Terrain.

a. Counter
b. Departmental
c. Line
d. Strategic

It is the product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis,
integration and interpretation of all available information which
concern one or more aspects of the criminal environment, which are
immediately or potentially significant to police planning. It concerns
one or more aspects of police operation, which are potentially to
police planning and operations.

a. Counter intelligence
b. Departmental intelligence
c. Police intelligence
d. Strategic intelligence

It is the product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis,

integration and interpretation of all available information which
concern one or more aspects of the criminal environment, which
are immediately or potentially significant to police planning. It
concerns one or more aspects of police operation, which are
potentially to police planning and operations.

a. Counter intelligence
b. Departmental intelligence
c. Police intelligence
d. Strategic intelligence

It is the surveillance of a building, place or area to determine
its suitability for intelligence use or its vulnerability in
operation. It is also known as reconnaissance.

a. Casing
b. Convoy
c. Decoy
d. Disguise
It is the surveillance of a building, place or area to determine
its suitability for intelligence use or its vulnerability in
operation. It is also known as reconnaissance.

a. Casing
b. Convoy
c. Decoy
d. Disguise
It refers to the method in foot surveillance wherein the
surveillant follows the subject for a while, cease from tailing
and follow again where the subjects usually pass.

a. Casing
b. Convoy
c. Decoy
d. Leapfrog
It refers to the method in foot surveillance wherein the
surveillant follows the subject for a while, cease from tailing
and follow again where the subjects usually pass.

a. Casing
b. Convoy
c. Decoy
d. Leapfrog
What is the number one factor to be considered in the
selection of informers?

a. Access
b. Experience
c. Educational Background
d. Strategic Investigation
What is the number one factor to be considered in the
selection of informers?

a. Access
b. Experience
c. Educational Background
d. Strategic Investigation
Which of the following is considered the top reason why
informer is providing essential information to investigator?

a. Patriotism
b. Renumeration
c. Prestige
d. Vengeance
Which of the following is considered the top reason why
informer is providing essential information to investigator?

a. Patriotism
b. Renumeration | paid with money for service
c. Prestige
d. Vengeance
It is the operational objective of a clandestine organization is
discreetly penetrating the enemy’s border security/defensive
or organization with the objective of accomplishing an
assigned mission. It is the insertion of action agent inside the
target organization.

a. Detection
b. Elicitation
c. Infiltration
d. Instrumentation
It is the operational objective of a clandestine organization is
discreetly penetrating the enemy’s border security/defensive or
organization with the objective of accomplishing an assigned
mission. It is the insertion of action agent inside the target

a. Detection
b. Elicitation
c. Infiltration
d. Instrumentation
It is the recruitment of action agent inside the target

a. Detection
b. Elicitation
c. Infiltration
d. Penetration
It is the recruitment of action agent inside the target

a. Detection
b. Elicitation
c. Infiltration
d. Penetration
It is one of the good qualities of an intelligence agent by
dealing with other people effectively without offending them.
a. Enthusiasm
b. Integrity
c. Network
d. Tactfulness
It is one of the good qualities of an intelligence agent by
dealing with other people effectively without offending

a. Enthusiasm
b. Integrity
c. Network
d. Tactfulness
It is one of the good qualities of an intelligence agent by
being versatile or talented to adapt and be on the top of
different situations that he would encounter in his quest for
truth and justice.

a. Endowed
b. Liberal
c. Non-Partisan
d. Timeliness
It is one of the good qualities of an intelligence agent by
being versatile or talented to adapt and be on the top of
different situations that he would encounter in his quest for
truth and justice.

a. Endowed
b. Liberal
c. Non-Partisan
d. Timeliness
It is one of the good qualities of an Intelligence Agent by
having incomparable courage to face several tremendous
obstacles along his way. He should have a moral fortitude to
tell the truth no matter who will be hurt.

a. Guts
b. Integrity
c. Network
d. Tactfulness
It is one of the good qualities of an Intelligence Agent by
having incomparable courage to face several tremendous
obstacles along his way. He should have a moral fortitude to
tell the truth no matter who will be hurt.

a. Guts
b. Integrity
c. Network
d. Tactfulness
It is one of the good qualities of an intelligence Agent by
being able to go down to the level of the lower strata, minor,
squatters or even the level of the elite, noble or professional.

a. Acting ability
b. Integrity
c. Network
d. Tactfulness
It is one of the good qualities of an intelligence Agent by
being able to go down to the level of the lower strata, minor,
squatters or even the level of the elite, noble or professional.

a. Acting ability
b. Integrity
c. Network
d. Tactfulness
It is a place, building, enclosed mobile, or an apartment, where
the police undercover men meet his action agent for
debriefing or reporting purposes.

a. Clandestine laboratory
b. Den or drive
c. Hide out
d. Safe house
It is a place, building, enclosed mobile, or an apartment, where
the police undercover men meet his action agent for
debriefing or reporting purposes.

a. Clandestine laboratory
b. Den or drive
c. Hide out
d. Safe house
What agency was created under the US National Security Act
of 1947? It was the central intelligence group established
during the time of President Harry Truman in January 1946.

a. CIA
b. FBI
What agency was created under the US National Security Act
of 1947? It was the central intelligence group established
during the time of President Harry Truman in January 1946.

a. CIA
b. FBI
What is the compilation of photographs of suspected
offenders in accordance with the crimes they allegedly

a. Cartographic Sketch
b. Malefactor’s Photograph
c. Criminal Album
d. Rogue’s Gallery
What is the compilation of photographs of suspected
offenders in accordance with the crimes they allegedly

a. Cartographic Sketch
b. Malefactor’s Photograph
c. Criminal Album
d. Rogue’s Gallery
It refers to means by which an individual, group or
organization hide the true nature of its acts or existence from
the observer.

a. Alibi
b. Excuse
c. Cover
d. Justification
It refers to means by which an individual, group or
organization hide the true nature of its acts or existence
from the observer.

a. Alibi
b. Excuse
c. Cover
d. Justification
What is the operational objective of a clandestine organization
discreetly penetrating the enemy’s border security/defensive
perimeter or organization with the objective of accomplishing
an assigned mission?

a. Compensation
b. Operation
c. Infiltration
d. Sublimation

What is the operational objective of a clandestine organization

discreetly penetrating the enemy’s border security/defensive
perimeter or organization with the objective of accomplishing
an assigned mission?

a. Compensation
b. Operation
c. Infiltration
d. Sublimation
Which of the following is considered as the lowest category of
information for security purposes?

a. Classified
b. Restricted
c. Confidential
d. Secret
Which of the following is considered as the lowest category
of information for security purposes?

a. Classified
b. Restricted
c. Confidential
d. Secret
It refers to the principle whereby access to classified matters
may only be given to those people to whom it is necessary for
the fulfillment of their duties.

a. Esprit D’ Corps
b. Need to know basis
c. Omerta
d. Rank has its own privilege
It refers to the principle whereby access to classified matters
may only be given to those people to whom it is necessary
for the fulfillment of their duties.

a. Esprit D’ Corps
b. Need to know basis
c. Omerta
d. Rank has its own privilege
It refers to a secret collection of raw information

a. Covert
b. Hovert
c. Overt
d. Kovert
It refers to a secret collection of raw information

a. Covert
b. Hovert
c. Overt
d. Kovert
It is a check made on an individual usually seeking
employment through subject records in the police files,
educational institutions, places, or residence or former

a. Background Investigation
b. Counter Investigation
c. Employment Investigation
d. Strategic Investigation
It is a check made on an individual usually seeking
employment through subject records in the police files,
educational institutions, places, or residence or former

a. Background Investigation
b. Counter Investigation
c. Employment Investigation
d. Strategic Investigation
Who was known as the Father of Organized Military

a. Alexander the Great

b. Genghis Khan the Great
c. Frederick the Great
d. Jericho the Great
Who was known as the Father of Organized Military

a. Alexander the Great | letter sorting

b. Genghis Khan the Great | Great Mongol
c. Frederick the Great
d. Jericho the Great
Who was a philistine agent that used her charm to obtain
information from her subject?

a. Cleopatra
b. Delilah
c. Juliet
d. Magdalene
Who was a philistine agent that used her charm to obtain
information from her subject?

a. Cleopatra
b. Delilah
c. Juliet
d. Magdalene
Which of the following is the Intelligence Service in Israel?

a. KGB
Which of the following is the Intelligence Service in Israel?

a. KGB
What is a method of collecting information through
interception of telephone conversation?
a. Bugging
b. Espionaging
c. Eavesdropping
d. Wiretapping

What is a method of collecting information through

interception of telephone conversation?
a. Bugging
b. Espionaging
c. Eavesdropping
d. Wiretapping
It refers to the placing of a hidden microphone to the target
to collect information?
a. Bugging
b. Espionage
c. Eaves dropping
d. Wiretapping

It refers to the placing of a hidden microphone to the target

to collect information?
a. Bugging
b. Espionage
c. Eaves dropping
d. Wiretapping
Which of the following special laws penalized wiretapping the
private, conversation to other people?
a. RA 4200
b. RA 7438
c. RA 5975
d. RA 9165

Which of the following special laws penalized wiretapping

the private, conversation to other people?
a. RA 4200
b. RA 7438 | Philippine Constitution of 1978
c. RA 5975 | Riverside Marketing
d. RA 9165 | PDEA
Who is the person who provides information for reward, price
or compensation?
a. Asset
b. Spy
c. Informer
d. Whistle Blower

Who is the person who provides information for reward,

price or compensation?
a. Asset
b. Spy
c. Informer
d. Whistle Blower
It refers to the observation of places and activities with the use
of gadgets, electronic gears, and special hardware.
a. Counter Intelligence
b. Police Intelligence
c. Technical intelligence
d. Wiretapping Investigation

It refers to the observation of places and activities with the

use of gadgets, electronic gears, and special hardware.
a. Counter Intelligence
b. Police Intelligence
c. Technical intelligence
d. Wiretapping Investigation
What is the art and science of making, devising, inventing or
protecting codes and cipher?
a. Caligraph
b. Photograph
c. Cryptograph
d. Polygraph

What is the art and science of making, devising, inventing or

protecting codes and cipher?
a. Caligraph
b. Photograph
c. Cryptograph
d. Polygraph
He was known as the Great Mongol, who used intelligence to
conquer China. He instructed his generals to send out spies
and used prisoners as source of information.

a. Confucius
b. Julius Caesar
c. Genghis Khan
d. Mao Tse Tung
He was known as the Great Mongol, who used intelligence to
conquer China. He instructed his generals to send out spies
and used prisoners as source of information.

a. Confucius
b. Julius Caesar
c. Genghis Khan
d. Mao Tse Tung
What type of intelligence refers to information, which
primarily is long range in nature with little practical immediate
operational value?

a. Counter
b. Military
c. Line
d. Strategic
What type of intelligence refers to information, which
primarily is long range in nature with little practical
immediate operational value?

a. Counter
b. Military
c. Line
d. Strategic
What is defined as the disguised or secret observation of
places, persons or events for the purpose of obtaining
information concerning the identities or activities of the target
or the subjects?

a. Intelligence
b. Surveillance
c. Investigation
d. Undercover
What is defined as the disguised or secret observation of
places, persons or events for the purpose of obtaining
information concerning the identities or activities of the target
or the subjects?

a. Intelligence
b. Surveillance
c. Investigation
d. Undercover
What is the intelligence service of Russia?
a. KGB
What is the intelligence service of Russia?

a. KGB
Who is the Chinese Philosopher who said, “If you know your
enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a
hundred battles”, “If you know neither yourself but not the
enemy, for every victory, you will suffer a defeat”, “If you know
yourself nor your enemy, you are a fool who will meet defeat
in every battle”?

a. Shakeshi
b. Shing Ha
c. Shi Hong
d. Sun Tsu

Who is the Chinese Philosopher who said, “If you know your
enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a
hundred battles”, “If you know neither yourself but not the
enemy, for every victory, you will suffer a defeat”, “If you know
yourself nor your enemy, you are a fool who will meet defeat
in every battle”?

a. Shakeshi
b. Shing Ha
c. Shi Hong
d. Sun Tsu

What is the general system used to evaluate information?

a. Accuracy Scale
b. Admiralty Scale
c. General Scale
d. Reliability Scale
What is the general system used to evaluate information?

a. Accuracy Scale
b. Admiralty Scale
c. General Scale
d. Reliability Scale
It is the gathering if information without divulging the identity
of the person asking the questions and without arousing
suspicion of the source.

a. Elicitation
b. Interrogation
c. Espionage
d. Investigation
It is the gathering if information without divulging the identity
of the person asking the questions and without arousing
suspicion of the source.

a. Elicitation
b. Interrogation
c. Espionage
d. Investigation
It refers to an investigation technique in which the investigator
conceals his true identity and adopts an assumed role to
accomplish an investigation mission.

a. Detective
b. Surveillance
c. Shadowing
d. Undercover
It refers to an investigation technique in which the
investigator conceals his true identity and adopts an
assumed role to accomplish an investigation mission.

a. Detective
b. Surveillance
c. Shadowing
d. Undercover
It refers to information and material that the unauthorized
disclosure of which would cause exceptionally grave damage
to the nation, politically, economically or from a security

a. Confidential
b. Secret
c. Restricted
d. Top Secret
It refers to information and material that the unauthorized
disclosure of which would cause exceptionally grave damage
to the nation, politically, economically or from a security

a. Confidential
b. Secret
c. Restricted
d. Top Secret
Optional retirement in the PNP is allowed, provided that the
applicant has faithfully served the country and the people for
a minimum of how many years?

a. 10
b. 20
c. 15
d. 25
Optional retirement in the PNP is allowed, provided that the
applicant has faithfully served the country and the people for
a minimum of how many years?

a. 10
b. 20
c. 15
d. 25
What theory of police service wherein the policeman are
considered as a servant of the community? This is practiced in
countries where the governmental structure is decentralized
like in the United States of America, England and Philippines.

a. Continental
b. Instrumental
c. Home Rule
d. Spartan
What theory of police service wherein the policeman are
considered as a servant of the community? This is practiced
in countries where the governmental structure is decentralized
like in the United States of America, England and Philippines.

a. Continental
b. Instrumental
c. Home Rule
d. Spartan
It is the ability of a person to manage, control and supervise a
group of individuals.

a. Chain of Command
b. Span of Control
c. Command Responsibility
d. Unity of Command
It is the ability of a person to manage, control and
supervise a group of individuals.

a. Chain of Command
b. Span of Control
c. Command Responsibility
d. Unity of Command
What is the formal administrative disciplinary appellate
machinery of the National Police Commission?

a. Disciplinary Appellate Board

b. Internal Affairs Service
c. People’s Law Enforcement Board
d. Sandigan Bayan
What is the formal administrative disciplinary appellate
machinery of the National Police Commission?

a. Disciplinary Appellate Board

b. Internal Affairs Service
c. People’s Law Enforcement Board
d. Sandigan Bayan
Who is the highest-ranking official in the Internal Affairs
Service of the Philippine National Police?

a. Commander General
b. Inspector General
c. Director General
d. Major General
Who is the highest-ranking official in the Internal Affairs
Service of the Philippine National Police?

a. Commander General
b. Inspector General
c. Director General
d. Major General
What is known as the multiple filing of complaints against an
erring office of the PNP?

a. Forum Shopping
b. Indefinite Filing Power
c. Fruit of Poisonous Tree
d. Unlimited Jurisdiction
What is known as the multiple filing of complaints against
an erring office of the PNP?

a. Forum Shopping
b. Indefinite Filing Power
c. Fruit of Poisonous Tree
d. Unlimited Jurisdiction
Who is the disciplinary authority that has jurisdiction over
offenses, which carry with them administrative penalties of
withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof,
for a period exceeding 30 days or dismissal?

a. Chief of Police
c. Mayor
d. Station Commander
Who is the disciplinary authority that has jurisdiction over
offenses, which carry with them administrative penalties of
withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof,
for a period exceeding 30 days or dismissal?

a. Chief of Police | 15
b. PLEB | 30+
c. Mayor | 15-30
d. Station Commander
What unit should be established on all police stations
throughout the country to administer and attend to cases
involving crimes against chastity, sexual harassment, abuse
committed against women and children and other similar

a. Anti-Harassment Unit
b. Gender Sensitivity Section
c. Social Women Group
d. Women’s Desk
What unit should be established on all police stations
throughout the country to administer and attend to cases
involving crimes against chastity, sexual harassment, abuse
committed against women and children and other similar

a. Anti-Harassment Unit
b. Gender Sensitivity Section
c. Social Women Group
d. Women’s Desk
It refers to the utilization of units or elements of the PNP for
purposes of protection of lives and properties, enforcement of laws,
maintenance of peace and order, prevention of crimes, arrest of
criminal offenders and bringing of offenders to justice, and ensuring
public safety, particularly in the suppression of disorders, riots,
lawlessness, violence, rebellious and seditious conspiracy,
insurgency, subversion or other related activities.

a. Administration
b. Operation
c. Employment
d. Surveillance

It refers to the utilization of units or elements of the PNP for

purposes of protection of lives and properties, enforcement of laws,
maintenance of peace and order, prevention of crimes, arrest of
criminal offenders and bringing of offenders to justice, and ensuring
public safety, particularly in the suppression of disorders, riots,
lawlessness, violence, rebellious and seditious conspiracy,
insurgency, subversion or other related activities.

a. Administration
b. Operation
c. Employment
d. Surveillance
It is defined as the process of developing methods or
procedure or an arrangement or intended to facilitate the
accomplishment of a definite objective. It is also process of
deciding in advance what is to done and how is to be done?

a. Administration
b. Organization
c. Operation
d. Plan

It is defined as the process of developing methods or

procedure or an arrangement or intended to facilitate the
accomplishment of a definite objective. It is also process of
deciding in advance what is to done and how is to be done?

a. Administration
b. Organization
c. Operation
d. Plan
The following are Operational Support Units of the PNP

a. Anti-Cyber Crime Group

b. Intelligence Group
c. Legal Service
d. Police Community Relation Group
The following are Operational Support Units of the PNP

a. Anti-Cyber Crime Group

b. Intelligence Group
c. Legal Service
d. Police Community Relation Group
Highly qualified police applicants such as engineers, nurses
and graduates of forensic sciences can enter the police service
as officers through?

a. Regular Promotion
b. Comptrollership
c. Lateral Entry
d. Attrition
Highly qualified police applicants such as engineers, nurses
and graduates of forensic sciences can enter the police service
as officers through?

a. Regular Promotion
b. Comptrollership
c. Lateral Entry
d. Attrition
Below are the mandatory requirements for promotional

a. Educational attainment
b. PLEB clearance
c. PRC Board License
d. Training Course
Below are the mandatory requirements for promotional

a. Educational attainment
b. PLEB clearance
c. PRC Board License
d. Training Course
What is the training for PNP applicants?

a. Field Training Course

b. Initial Training Course
c. Junior Leadership Training Course
d. Public Safety Basic Recruit Course
What is the training for PNP applicants?

a. Field Training Course

b. Initial Training Course
c. Junior Leadership Training Course
d. Public Safety Basic Recruit Course
Who administers the entrance and promotional examination
for PNP applicants?
a. Civil Service Commission
b. National Police Commission
c. National Defense College
d. Philippine Public Safety College

Who administers the entrance and promotional examination

for PNP applicants?
a. Civil Service Commission
b. National Police Commission
c. National Defense College
d. Philippine Public Safety College
To be qualified for Provincial Director, a candidate should be a
Master’s Degree in the following fields, except?
a. Criminology
b. National Defense
c. Law Enforcement
d. Public Law

To be qualified for Provincial Director, a candidate should be a

Master’s Degree in the following fields, except?

a. Criminology
b. National Defense
c. Law Enforcement
d. Public Law
What of the following is considered as the highest training
course in the PNP?
a. Master of Science in Criminology
b. Master in Public Safety Administration
c. Master in Public Administration
d. Master in Security and Correctional Administration

What of the following is considered as the highest training

course in the PNP?
a. Master of Science in Criminology
b. Master in Public Safety Administration
c. Master in Public Administration
d. Master in Security and Correctional Administration
For the purposes of Attrition System in the PNP, the Provincial
Director has a maximum of how many years in the said

a. 4
b. 9
c. 6
d. 12
For the purposes of Attrition System in the PNP, the
Provincial Director has a maximum of how many years in the
said position?

a. 4
b. 9
c. 6
d. 12
Police officer will be retired or separated in the service if he
has not been promoted for continuous period of how many

a. 4
b. 8
c. 6
d. 10
Police officer will be retired or separated in the service if he
has not been promoted for continuous period of how many

a. 4
b. 8
c. 6
d. 10
This shall provide security for the government officials, visiting
dignitaries and private individuals authorized to be given
protection by the government.

a. Mobile Strike Force

b. Special Force
c. Police Security and Protection Group
d. Special Weapons and Tactics
This shall provide security for the government officials,
visiting dignitaries and private individuals authorized to be
given protection by the government.

a. Mobile Strike Force

b. Special Force
c. Police Security and Protection Group
d. Special Weapons and Tactics
Who shall undertake the monitoring, investigation and
prosecution of all crimes involving economic sabotage, and
other crimes of such magnitude and extent as to indicate their
commission by highly professional criminal syndicates and

a. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group

b. Police Intelligence Group
c. Special Action Force
d. Special Weapon and Tactics
Who shall undertake the monitoring, investigation and
prosecution of all crimes involving economic sabotage, and
other crimes of such magnitude and extent as to indicate their
commission by highly professional criminal syndicates and

a. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group

b. Police Intelligence Group
c. Special Action Force
d. Special Weapon and Tactics
It shall enforce all laws relative to the protection of the
citizenry against dangerous and other prohibited drugs and

a. Police Intelligence Group

b. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
c. Special Action Force
d. Special Weapons and Tactics
It shall enforce all laws relative to the protection of the
citizenry against dangerous and other prohibited drugs and

a. Police Intelligence Group

b. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
c. Special Action Force
d. Special Weapons and Tactics
Which among the following functions as the mobile strike
force or reaction unit to augment regional, provincial,
municipal and city police forces for civil disturbance control,
counterinsurgency, hostage-taking, rescue operations, and
other special operations?

A. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group

B. Police Intelligence Group
C. Special Action Force
D. Special Weapon and Tactics
Which among the following functions as the mobile strike
force or reaction unit to augment regional, provincial,
municipal and city police forces for civil disturbance control,
counterinsurgency, hostage-taking, rescue operations, and
other special operations?

A. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group

B. Police Intelligence Group
C. Special Action Force
D. Special Weapon and Tactics
In coordination with airport authorities, who shall secure all
the country’s airports against offensive and terrorist act,
supervise over all agencies involved in airport security
operation, and enforce all laws and regulations relative to air
travel protection and safety?

a. Aviation Security Group

b. Explosive Ordinance Division
c. Maritime Command
d. Special Weapons and Tactics
In coordination with airport authorities, who shall secure all
the country’s airports against offensive and terrorist act,
supervise over all agencies involved in airport security
operation, and enforce all laws and regulations relative to air
travel protection and safety?

a. Aviation Security Group

b. Explosive Ordinance Division
c. Maritime Command
d. Special Weapons and Tactics
Who implements plans and program, which promote
community and citizen’s participation in the maintenance of
peace and order and public safety?

a. Crisis Management Team

b. Police Community Relation Group
c. Civil Security Group
d. Police Security Group
Who implements plans and program, which promote
community and citizen’s participation in the maintenance
of peace and order and public safety?

a. Crisis Management Team

b. Police Community Relation Group
c. Civil Security Group
d. Police Security Group
What is the minimum height requirement for PNP male

a. At least 1.57 cm
b. At least 1.65 cm
c. At least 1.62 cm
d. At least 1.75 cm
What is the minimum height requirement for PNP male

a. At least 1.57 cm | female

b. At least 1.65 cm
c. At least 1.62 cm
d. At least 1.75 cm
What is the age bracket for PNP applicants?

a. 18-27 years old

b. 21-30 years old
c. 20-35 years old
d. 25-30 years old
What is the age bracket for PNP applicants?

a. 18-27 years old

b. 21-30 years old
c. 20-35 years old | age waiver
d. 25-30 years old
The following are the Administrative Units of the PNP except.
a. Finance Service
b. Anti-Kidnapping Group
c. Communications and Electronic Service
d. Logistics Support Service
The following are the Administrative Units of the PNP except.

a. Finance Service
b. Anti-Kidnapping Group
c. Communications and Electronic Service
d. Logistics Support Service
Who composes the PLEB?

a. Any member of the sangguniang panlunsod/bayan chosen by his

respective sanggunian.
b. Any barangay chairman of the city or municipal concerned chosen
by the association of barangay chairmen.
c. Three (3) other members who are removeable only for cause to be
chosen by the local peace and order council from among the
respected members of the community known for their probity and
integrity, one of whom must be a woman and the other must be a
lawyer, or in his absence, a college graduate, or the principal of the
central elementary school in the locality.
d. All of the foregoing.

Who composes the PLEB?

a. Any member of the sangguniang panlunsod/bayan chosen by his

respective sanggunian.
b. Any barangay chairman of the city or municipal concerned chosen
by the association of barangay chairmen.
c. Three (3) other members who are removeable only for cause to be
chosen by the local peace and order council from among the
respected members of the community known for their probity and
integrity, one of whom must be a woman and the other must be a
lawyer, or in his absence, a college graduate, or the principal of the
central elementary school in the locality.
d. All of the foregoing.
How many days from the time the case has been filed, should
the PLEB decide on it?
a. Within 10 days
b. Within 30 days
c. Within 15 days
d. Within 60 days

How many days from the time the case has been filed, should
the PLEB decide on it?
a. Within 10 days
b. Within 30 days
c. Within 15 days
d. Within 60 days
Decisions from the PLEB involving demotion or dismissal from
the service are appealable to?
a. Court of Appeals
b. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)

Decisions from the PLEB involving demotion or dismissal

from the service are appealable to?
a. Court of Appeals
b. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
A body created pursuant to RA 6975 to handle, investigate
and decide citizen’s complaint against erring officers and
members of the PNP.

a. Ombudsman
b. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
c. Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC)
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
A body created pursuant to RA 6975 to handle, investigate
and decide citizen’s complaint against erring officers and
members of the PNP.

a. Ombudsman
b. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
c. Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC)
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
Which among the following cases shall be considered as good
for summary dismissal?

a. When the charge is serious and the evidence of guilt is

b. When the respondent is a recidivist or has been
repeatedly charged and there are reasonable grounds
to believe that he is guilty of the charges.
c. When the respondent is guilty of a serious offense
involving conduct unbecoming a police officer.
d. All of the foregoing.
Which among the following cases shall be considered as good
for summary dismissal?

a. When the charge is serious and the evidence of guilt is

b. When the respondent is a recidivist or has been
repeatedly charged and there are reasonable grounds
to believe that he is guilty of the charges.
c. When the respondent is guilty of a serious offense
involving conduct unbecoming a police officer.
d. All of the foregoing.
Which among the following has summary dismissal power
over the PNP members?
a. Regional Directors
b. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
c. PNP Chief
d. All of the foregoing

Which among the following has summary dismissal power

over the PNP members?
a. Regional Directors
b. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
c. PNP Chief
d. All of the foregoing
It refers to an act or omission not involving moral turpitude
but affecting the internal discipline of the PNP.

a. Grave offense
b. Criminal offense
c. Minor offense
d. Breach of Internal Discipline
It refers to an act or omission not involving moral turpitude
but affecting the internal discipline of the PNP.

a. Grave offense
b. Criminal offense
c. Minor offense
d. Breach of Internal Discipline
Disciplinary authority for breach of internal discipline who may
impose the administrative punishment of forfeiture of salary
or suspension, demotion, or dismissal, or any combination
thereof, for a period exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days.

a. Chief of Police equivalent supervisors

b. Regional Directors or equivalent supervisors
c. Provincial Directors or equivalent supervisors
d. Chief of PNP or equivalent supervisors
Disciplinary authority for breach of internal discipline who may
impose the administrative punishment of forfeiture of salary
or suspension, demotion, or dismissal, or any combination
thereof, for a period exceeding one hundred eighty (180)

a. Chief of Police equivalent supervisors

b. Regional Directors or equivalent supervisors
c. Provincial Directors or equivalent supervisors
d. Chief of PNP or equivalent supervisors
Disciplinary authority for breach of internal discipline who may
impose the administrative punishment of forfeiture of salary
or suspension, demotion, or dismissal, or any combination
thereof, for a period exceeding sixty (60) days.

a. Chief of Police equivalent supervisors

b. Regional Directors or equivalent supervisors
c. Provincial Directors or equivalent supervisors
d. Chief of PNP or equivalent supervisors
Disciplinary authority for breach of internal discipline who may
impose the administrative punishment of forfeiture of salary
or suspension, demotion, or dismissal, or any combination
thereof, for a period exceeding sixty (60) days.

a. Chief of Police equivalent supervisors (15)

b. Regional Directors or equivalent supervisors (60)
c. Provincial Directors or equivalent supervisors (30)
d. Chief of PNP or equivalent supervisors (180)
Disciplinary authority where the offense is punishable by
withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof,
for a period of not less than sixteen (16) days but not
exceeding thirty (30) days.

a. Chief of Police
b. People’s Law Enforcement Board
c. City or Municipal Mayors
d. National Police Commission
Disciplinary authority where the offense is punishable by
withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof,
for a period of not less than sixteen (16) days but not
exceeding thirty (30) days.

a. Chief of Police (1-15)

b. People’s Law Enforcement Board (30 up)
c. City or Municipal Mayors (16-30)
d. National Police Commission
It is defined as the function of management concerned with
promoting and enhancing the development of work
effectiveness and advancement of the rank and file of the
police organization.

a. Management
b. Personnel Management
c. Leadership
d. Police Administration
It is defined as the function of management concerned with
promoting and enhancing the development of work
effectiveness and advancement of the rank and file of the
police organization.

a. Management
b. Personnel Management
c. Leadership
d. Police Administration
What is the maximum tenure of a Police Regional Director?

a. 4 years
b. 5 years
c. 6 years
d. 9 years
What is the maximum tenure of a Police Regional Director?

a. 4 years (PNP Chief, Deputa/o, Director of the Staff

b. 5 years
c. 6 years (Regional Director)
d. 9 years (Provincial and City Director)
It is the minimum educational attainment for promotion in the

b. Master’s Degree
d. BS Degree
It is the minimum educational attainment for promotion in
the PNP.

a. MNSA (Master in Public Safety Administration, Sen.

b. Master’s Degree
c. OSEC (Officer Senior Executive Course, Supt.)
d. BS Degree
This are processes of working out in broad outline the things
that need to be done and the methods for doing them to
accomplish the purpose set for enterprise.

a. Organizing
b. Directing
c. Planning
d. Controlling

This are processes of working out in broad outline the things

that need to be done and the methods for doing them to
accomplish the purpose set for enterprise.

a. Organizing
b. Directing
c. Planning
d. Controlling

This is the establishment of formal structure of authority

through which work subdivisions are arranged, and
coordinated for the defined objectives of the police

a. Organizing
b. Staffing
c. Coordinating
d. Budgeting

This is the establishment of formal structure of authority

through which work subdivisions are arranged, and
coordinated for the defined objectives of the police

a. Organizing
b. Staffing
c. Coordinating
d. Budgeting

This principle was initially adopted from psychologists which

refers to the number of person where one individual can
supervise effectively.

a. Unity of Command
b. Span of Control
c. Division of Work
d. Span of Attention

This principle was initially adopted from psychologists which

refers to the number of person where one individual can
supervise effectively.

a. Unity of Command
b. Span of Control
c. Division of Work
d. Span of Attention

The effective supervisor will recognize the difference between

giving subordinates a desire to produce well because of high
job satisfaction.

a. Motivating employees
b. Motivating personnel
c. Motivating resources
d. Motivating subordinates

The effective supervisor will recognize the difference between

giving subordinates a desire to produce well because of
high job satisfaction.

a. Motivating employees
b. Motivating personnel
c. Motivating resources
d. Motivating subordinates

Another term for police lineup.

a. Shadowing
b. Identity parade
c. Police line
d. Tailing

Another term for police lineup.

a. Shadowing
b. Identity parade
c. Police line
d. Tailing

Undercover investigation is also known as?

a. Shadowing
b. Clandestine investigation
c. Roping
d. Tailing
Undercover investigation is also known as?

a. Shadowing
b. Clandestine investigation
c. Roping
d. Tailing
This principle relates to the process of committing an activity
to another’s care, and it is closely related to the principle of
span of control in that even though the span of attention is
excessive, the harm it can be reduced by the delegation of
much detail to subordinates.

a. Committing work
b. Exception principle
c. Complete staff work
d. Delegation of work

This principle relates to the process of committing an activity

to another’s care, and it is closely related to the principle of
span of control in that even though the span of attention is
excessive, the harm it can be reduced by the delegation of
much detail to subordinates.

a. Committing work
b. Exception principle
c. Complete staff work
d. Delegation of work

What do you call the list of visitors that has limited access
during Malacañang visit?

a. Access list
b. White list
c. Black list
d. Red list

What do you call the list of visitors that has limited access
during Malacañang visit?

a. Access list
b. White list
c. Black list
d. Red list

This principle requires that the person to whom work has been
assigned through the delegation process has to complete it to
such an extent that the only thing left to be done by the
person who delegated it is to approve it.
a. Delegation of work
b. Personnel development
c. Completed staff work
d. Division of work

This principle requires that the person to whom work has

been assigned through the delegation process has to
complete it to such an extent that the only thing left to be
done by the person who delegated it is to approve it.
a. Delegation of work
b. Personnel development
c. Completed staff work
d. Division of work

It has demonstrated the superiority of specific and challenging

goals as motivating forces, and it is always desirable,
participation is probably preferable on top assigning goals
when you expect resistance to accepting more difficult
a. Objectives
b. Goal Setting
c. Purpose
d. Mind setting

It has demonstrated the superiority of specific and challenging

goals as motivating forces, and it is always desirable,
participation is probably preferable on top assigning goals
when you expect resistance to accepting more difficult
a. Objectives
b. Goal Setting
c. Purpose
d. Mind setting

The PNP has a program which ensures the deployment of

policemen in busy and crime prone area. This is called?

a. Patrol Deployment Program

b. Roving Patrol Program
c. Patrol and Visibility Program
d. Police Visibility Program

The PNP has a program which ensures the deployment of

policemen in busy and crime prone area. This is called?

a. Patrol Deployment Program

b. Roving Patrol Program
c. Patrol and Visibility Program
d. Police Visibility Program

Two American ____________ were killed when the Abu Sayyaf

launched a grenade attack in Zamboanga City (April 4, 1991)
a. Tourists
b. Evangelists
c. Soldiers
d. Businessmen

Two American ____________ were killed when the Abu Sayyaf

launched a grenade attack in Zamboanga City (April 4, 1991)
a. Tourists
b. Evangelists
c. Soldiers
d. Businessmen

The integration of economics and societies all over the world.

It involves technological, economic, political, and cultural
exchanges made possible largely by advances in
communication, transportation and infrastructure.

a. Globalization
b. Global Countries
c. Global Market
d. Global Economy

The integration of economics and societies all over the

world. It involves technological, economic, political, and
cultural exchanges made possible largely by advances in
communication, transportation and infrastructure.

a. Globalization
b. Global Countries
c. Global Market
d. Global Economy
The Chief Magistrate of the Hooghly District in India, first used
fingerprints o contracts with the natives. He is also known as
Father of Chiroscopy.

a. JCA Mayer
b. Herman Welcker
c. John Evangelist Purkinje
d. Sir William James Herschel
The Chief Magistrate of the Hooghly District in India, first used
fingerprints o contracts with the natives. He is also known as
Father of Chiroscopy. (Palms of the hand)

a. JCA Mayer
b. Herman Welcker
c. John Evangelist Purkinje
d. Sir William James Herschel
What is considered as utmost used of photography in police

a. For identification
b. For preservation
c. For record purpose
d. For court presentation
What is considered as utmost used of photography in police

a. For identification
b. For preservation
c. For record purpose
d. For court presentation
What do you call a case being tried and held in the court

a. Administrative case
b. Civil case
c. Criminal case
d. Kangaroo case
What do you call a case being tried and held in the court

a. Administrative case
b. Civil case
c. Criminal case
d. Kangaroo case
Canine unit is an example of what type of barrier?

a. Structural Barriers
b. Human Barriers
c. Animal Barrier
d. Energy Barrier
Canine unit is an example of what type of barrier?

a. Structural Barriers
b. Human Barriers
c. Animal Barrier
d. Energy Barrier
A Private Security Agency who is applying for regular license
to operate must possess at least 70 licensed firearms and a
minimum of?

a. 100 Guards
b. 150 Guards
c. 200 Guards
d. 1000 Guards
A Private Security Agency who is applying for regular license
to operate must possess at least 70 licensed firearms and a
minimum of?

a. 100 Guards
b. 150 Guards
c. 200 Guards
d. 1000 Guards
It is the heart of any police records system. It is the basis for
an analysis of offenses and the method by which they are

a. Case record
b. Criminal record
c. Incident report
d. Accident report
It is the heart of any police records system. It is the basis for
an analysis of offenses and the method by which they are

a. Case record
b. Criminal record
c. Incident report
d. Accident report
The NAPOLCOM is attached to the DILG for?

a. Administrative control
b. Operational supervision
c. Administration and control
d. Policy and program coordination
The NAPOLCOM is attached to the DILG for?

a. Administrative control
b. Operational supervision
c. Administration and control
d. Policy and program coordination
An appeal filed with the NAPOLCOM Regional Appellate
Board shall be decided within ________ days from receipt of the
motion to appeal.

a. Fifty (50)
b. Thirty (30)
c. Twenty (20)
d. Sixty (60)
An appeal filed with the NAPOLCOM Regional Appellate
Board shall be decided within ________ days from receipt of
the motion to appeal.

a. Fifty (50)
b. Thirty (30)
c. Twenty (20)
d. Sixty (60)
It is the formal process of choosing the organizational, mission
and overall objective for both the short and long term as well
as the divisional and individual objectives based on the
organizational objectives.

a. Planning
b. Directing
c. Organizing
d. Managerial decision-making

It is the formal process of choosing the organizational,

mission and overall objective for both the short and long term
as well as the divisional and individual objectives based on the
organizational objectives.

a. Planning
b. Directing
c. Organizing
d. Managerial decision-making

How is the crew complement of mobile patrol division

organized into shifts for each tour of duty?

a. Daily four shifts assignment

b. Daily three shifts assignment
c. One shift daily
d. Daily five shifts
How is the crew complement of mobile patrol division
organized into shifts for each tour of duty?

a. Daily four shifts assignment

b. Daily three shifts assignment
c. One shift daily
d. Daily five shifts
What is referred to as the total number of police officers
assigned to patrol duties?

a. Effective strength
b. Actual strength
c. Mandatory strength
d. Authorized strength
What is referred to as the total number of police officers
assigned to patrol duties?

a. Effective strength
b. Actual strength
c. Mandatory strength
d. Authorized strength
Who among the following is known as the earlier version of
mounted riflemen in his history of the Philippines Police

a. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

b. Frankpledge Force
c. Guardia Civil
d. Guardrilleros
Who among the following is known as the earlier version of
mounted riflemen in his history of the Philippines Police

a. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

b. Frankpledge Force
c. Guardia Civil
d. Guardrilleros

What agency of the Philippine government was founded last

July 18, 1901, which was responsible for policing the entire

a. Integrated National Police

b. Insular Police Force
c. Metropolitan Police Force
d. Philippine National Police

What agency of the Philippine government was founded last

July 18, 1901, which was responsible for policing the entire
a. Integrated National Police
b. Insular Police Force
c. Metropolitan Police Force
d. Philippine National Police

Who is the disciplinary authority that has jurisdiction over

offense, which carry with them administrative penalties of
withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof,
for a period of sixteen (16) days to (30) days?

a. Chief, PNP
b. City/Municipal Mayor
c. NAPOLCOM Commissioner
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board
Who is the disciplinary authority that has jurisdiction over
offense, which carry with them administrative penalties of
withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof,
for a period of sixteen (16) days to (30) days?

a. Chief, PNP
b. City/Municipal Mayor
c. NAPOLCOM Commissioner
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board
Who shall serve as Chairperson of the National Police

a. AFP Chief of Staff

b. PNP Director General
c. DILG Secretary
d. Vice President
Who shall serve as Chairperson of the National Police

a. AFP Chief of Staff

b. PNP Director General
c. DILG Secretary
d. Vice President
How long is the term of office for the fulltime Commissioners
of the NAPOLCOM?

a. 3 years
b. 5 years
c. 4 years
d. 6 years
How long is the term of office for the fulltime
Commissioners of the NAPOLCOM?

a. 3 years
b. 5 years
c. 4 years
d. 6 years
This was created last February 12, 1852, to partially relieve the
Spanish Peninsula Troops of their work in policing the towns.

a. Carabineros
b. Guardrilleros
c. Guardia Civil
d. Philippine Constabulary
This was created last February 12, 1852, to partially relieve the
Spanish Peninsula Troops of their work in policing the towns.

a. Carabineros
b. Guardrilleros
c. Guardia Civil
d. Philippine Constabulary
Who among the following is the ex officio member of the

a. AFP Chief of Staff

b. PNP Chief
c. NBI Director
d. PNPA Superintendent
Who among the following is the ex officio member of the

a. AFP Chief of Staff

b. PNP Chief
c. NBI Director
d. PNPA Superintendent
What is known as The Police Act of 1996 which purpose is “to
achieve and attain a higher degree of efficiency in the
Organization, Administration and Operation of local police
agencies, and to place the local police service on a
professional level”?

a. RA 4868
b. RA 7438
c. RA 6975
d. RA 8551
What is known as The Police Act of 1996 which purpose is
“to achieve and attain a higher degree of efficiency in the
Organization, Administration and Operation of local police
agencies, and to place the local police service on a
professional level”?

a. RA 4868
b. RA 7438 (rights of person under arrest)
c. RA 6975 (DILG)
d. RA 8551 (PNP Reform and Reorganization)
Who supervises and controls the training and operations of
security agencies and issues licenses to operate security
agencies, and to security guards and private detective, or the
practice of their profession?

a. Civil Security Group

b. Philippine Society for Industrial Security
c. Police Security Group
d. Presidential Security Group
Who supervises and controls the training and operations of
security agencies and issues licenses to operate security
agencies, and to security guards and private detective, or the
practice of their profession?

a. Civil Security Group

b. Philippine Society for Industrial Security
c. Police Security Group
d. Presidential Security Group
How many regular commissioners composed the

a. 3
b. 5
c. 4
d. 6
How many regular commissioners composed the

a. 3
b. 5
c. 4
d. 6
Who examines and audits and thereafter establishers
standards for such purposes on a continuing basis, the
performance, activities and facilities of all police agencies
throughout the country?

a. Crime Prevention and Coordination

b. Inspection, Monitoring and Investigation
c. Logistics and Finance
d. Personnel and Administrative
Who examines and audits and thereafter establishers
standards for such purposes on a continuing basis, the
performance, activities and facilities of all police agencies
throughout the country?

a. Crime Prevention and Coordination

b. Inspection, Monitoring and Investigation
c. Logistics and Finance
d. Personnel and Administrative
What is the title of Republic Act 8551?

a. DILG Act of 1990

b. National Defense Act of 1901
c. PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998
d. Police Act of 1966
What is the title of Republic Act 8551?

a. DILG Act of 1990

b. National Defense Act of 1901
c. PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998
d. Police Act of 1966
It administers the entrance and promotional examinations for

a. Crime Prevention and Coordination

b. Inspection, Monitoring and Investigation
c. Logistics and Finance
d. Personnel and Administrative
It administers the entrance and promotional examinations for

a. Crime Prevention and Coordination

b. Inspection, Monitoring and Investigation
c. Logistics and Finance
d. Personnel and Administrative
Who among the following has the authority for summary

a. PNP Chief
b. Provincial Director
c. District Head
d. Station Commander
Who among the following has the authority for summary

a. PNP Chief
b. Provincial Director
c. District Head
d. Station Commander
It is the disciplinary authority that has the power to impose
the penalty of demotion in rank.

a. Chief of Police
b. Provincial Director
c. City/Municipal Mayor
It is the disciplinary authority that has the power to impose
the penalty of demotion in rank.

a. Chief of Police
b. Provincial Director
c. City/Municipal Mayor
Which of the following units provides scientific and technical
investigative aid and support to PNP and other government
investigative agencies?

a. Crime Laboratory
b. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group
c. Special Action Force
d. Special Weapons and Tactics
Which of the following units provides scientific and technical
investigative aid and support to PNP and other government
investigative agencies?

a. Crime Laboratory
b. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group
c. Special Action Force
d. Special Weapons and Tactics
Which is responsible for the design, implementation and
maintenance of a database system for the PNP?

a. Aviation Security
b. Criminal Investigation
c. Explosive Ordinance
d. Information Technology
Which is responsible for the design, implementation and
maintenance of a database system for the PNP?

a. Aviation Security
b. Criminal Investigation
c. Explosive Ordinance
d. Information Technology
Who among the following shall perform all police functions
over Philippine territorial waters and rivers?

a. Aviation Security
b. Special Action Force
c. Maritime Police
d. Information Technology
Who among the following shall perform all police functions
over Philippine territorial waters and rivers?

a. Aviation Security
b. Special Action Force
c. Maritime Police
d. Information Technology
The task of providing competent men to do the job and
choosing the right men for the job. It involves good selection
and processing of reliable and well-trained personnel.

a. Budgeting
b. Reporting
c. Controlling
d. Staffing
The task of providing competent men to do the job and
choosing the right men for the job. It involves good
selection and processing of reliable and well-trained

a. Budgeting
b. Reporting
c. Controlling
d. Staffing

This principle requires that every employee should be under

the direct supervision of but one manager. Thus, each
employee should be accountable directly to only one manager
in normal operations.

a. Unity of Command
b. Chain of Command
c. Scalar Chain
d. Esprit de Corps

This principle requires that every employee should be under

the direct supervision of but one manager. Thus, each
employee should be accountable directly to only one manager
in normal operations.

a. Unity of Command
b. Chain of Command
c. Scalar Chain
d. Esprit de Corps

The forecasting in detail of the results of an officially

recognized program of operations based on the highest
reasonable expectations of operating efficiency.

a. Budgeting
b. Reporting
c. Controlling
d. Staffing

The forecasting in detail of the results of an officially

recognized program of operations based on the highest
reasonable expectations of operating efficiency.

a. Budgeting
b. Reporting
c. Controlling
d. Staffing

This was an ancient method of apprehending a criminal whereby a complainant goes to

the middle of village and shout or blow his horn to call the village to assemble and run
to the direction of the culprit, who when caught is meted with punishment without
giving gin the opportunity to defend himself. This system was eventually changed in a
much later date, wherein once an offender was caught, he is brought before a royal
judge, but again he cannot defend himself since the only facts permitted to be
presented and given weight by the said judge were his actual capture at the crime scene
of his possession of stolen items. This method slowly developed over a period of years.
The idea of letting the punishment fit the crime later came into consideration and the
trial by ordeal was done to determine the guilt or innocence of the suspect. The modern
version of this method today is what we call “citizen’s arrest”.

a. Bow Runners
b. Hue and Cry
c. Citizen’s Arrest
d. Trial by Ordeal

This was an ancient method of apprehending a criminal whereby a complainant goes to

the middle of village and shout or blow his horn to call the village to assemble and run
to the direction of the culprit, who when caught is meted with punishment without
giving gin the opportunity to defend himself. This system was eventually changed in a
much later date, wherein once an offender was caught, he is brought before a royal
judge, but again he cannot defend himself since the only facts permitted to be
presented and given weight by the said judge were his actual capture at the crime scene
of his possession of stolen items. This method slowly developed over a period of years.
The idea of letting the punishment fit the crime later came into consideration and the
trial by ordeal was done to determine the guilt or innocence of the suspect. The modern
version of this method today is what we call “citizen’s arrest”.

a. Bow Runners
b. Hue and Cry
c. Citizen’s Arrest
d. Trial by Ordeal

All regional appointment of commissioned officers

commenced with the rank of ______.

a. Senior Police Officer

b. Police Inspector
c. Police Officer 3
d. Police Senior Inspector

All regional appointment of commissioned officers

commenced with the rank of ______.

a. Senior Police Officer

b. Police Inspector
c. Police Officer 3
d. Police Senior Inspector

The provincial governor shall choose the provincial director

from a list of ________ eligible recommended by the PNP
regional director.
a. Six
b. Three
c. Five
d. Four
The provincial governor shall choose the provincial director
from a list of ________ eligible recommended by the PNP
regional director.

a. Six
b. Three
c. Five
d. Four
This type of leader is highly authoritative, makes decisions
without allowing subordinates to participate, and they are
often to feel that they are not part of the team because they
are not allowed a voice in the decision-making process.

a. Autocratic leader
b. Free-rain leader
c. Democratic leader
d. None of these
This type of leader is highly authoritative, makes decisions
without allowing subordinates to participate, and they are
often to feel that they are not part of the team because they
are not allowed a voice in the decision-making process.

a. Autocratic leader
b. Free-rain leader
c. Democratic leader
d. None of these
PO1 to SPO4 shall be appointed by the regional director for
regional personnel and by the PNP Chief for national
headquarters’ personnel and attested by the

a. Commission of Appointment
b. Civil Service Commission
c. National Police Commission
d. Professional Regulation Commission
PO1 to SPO4 shall be appointed by the regional director for
regional personnel and by the PNP Chief for national
headquarters’ personnel and attested by the

a. Commission of Appointment
b. Civil Service Commission
c. National Police Commission
d. Professional Regulation Commission
The one who exercises the power to revoke, for cause, licenses
issued to security guards.

a. Chief PNP
b. Undersecretary for Peace and Order
c. Secretary, DILG
d. Chairman, NAPOLCOM
The one who exercises the power to revoke, for cause, licenses
issued to security guards.

a. Chief PNP
b. Undersecretary for Peace and Order
c. Secretary, DILG
d. Chairman, NAPOLCOM
What is the rank of the PNPA cadet?

a. Police Inspector
b. Higher than SPO4 and Inspector
c. Between SPO4 and Inspector
d. Both B and C
What is the rank of the PNPA cadet?

a. Police Inspector
b. Higher than SPO4 and Inspector
c. Between SPO4 and Inspector
d. Both B and C
They are exempted to undergo the PNP Field Training
Program, taking into consideration that their four-year course
indicates academic subjects on core police function such as
patrol, traffic and criminal investigation, and on-the-job
training in urban and rural areas.

a. Graduates of PCCR
b. Graduates of PNPA
c. Holders of Master’s Degree
d. Any Criminology Graduate
They are exempted to undergo the PNP Field Training
Program, taking into consideration that their four-year course
indicates academic subjects on core police function such as
patrol, traffic and criminal investigation, and on-the-job
training in urban and rural areas.

a. Graduates of PCCR
b. Graduates of PNPA
c. Holders of Master’s Degree
d. Any Criminology Graduate
PAT Kiara Takahashi is a recipient of the PNP Medal of Valor.
What kind of promotion will he receive?

a. Regular promotion
b. Special promotion
c. Posthumous Promotion
d. Temporary Promotion
PAT Kiara Takahashi is a recipient of the PNP Medal of Valor.
What kind of promotion will he receive?

a. Regular promotion
b. Special promotion
c. Posthumous Promotion
d. Temporary Promotion
The following are the appropriate eligibilities for Police Officer
1, except?

a. Honor Graduates pursuant to P.D. 907

b. Licensed Criminologists pursuant to R.A. 6506
c. Bar and PRC Board Passers pursuant to R.A. 1080
d. Holder of a Master’s Degree pursuant to R.A. 1080
The following are the appropriate eligibilities for Police Officer
1, except?

a. Honor Graduates pursuant to P.D. 907

b. Licensed Criminologists pursuant to R.A. 6506
c. Bar and PRC Board Passers pursuant to R.A. 1080
d. Holder of a Master’s Degree pursuant to R.A. 1080
A doctrine that imposes commensurate accountability to
these who are vested with leadership and management
functions which purpose is to the erring PNP members.

a. Command Responsibility
b. Unity of Command
c. Chain of Command
d. Delegation of Authority
A doctrine that imposes commensurate accountability to
these who are vested with leadership and management
functions which purpose is to the erring PNP members.

a. Command Responsibility
b. Unity of Command
c. Chain of Command
d. Delegation of Authority
The approach of listing leadership qualities which is often
termed, _____________, assumes certain traits or characteristics
will tend to lead to effective leadership.

a. Trait theory
b. None of these
c. Latent theory
d. Social theory
The approach of listing leadership qualities which is often
termed, _____________, assumes certain traits or characteristics
will tend to lead to effective leadership.

a. Trait theory
b. None of these
c. Latent theory
d. Social theory
Shield in the PNP Badge symbolizes.

a. Education
b. Core Values
c. Protection
d. Integrity
Shield in the PNP Badge symbolizes.

a. Education
b. Core Values
c. Protection
d. Integrity
The National Headquarters of the PNP is based in?

a. Camp Castañeda
b. Camp Olivas
c. Camp Vicente Lim
d. Camp Crame
The National Headquarters of the PNP is based in?

a. Camp Castañeda
b. Camp Olivas
c. Camp Vicente Lim
d. Camp Crame
This denotes any training intended to produce a specific
character or pattern of behavior, especially training that
produce moral, physical, or mental development in a
particular direction.

a. Esprit de corps
b. All of these
c. Morale
d. Discipline
This denotes any training intended to produce a specific
character or pattern of behavior, especially training that
produce moral, physical, or mental development in a
particular direction.

a. Esprit de corps
b. All of these
c. Morale
d. Discipline

What is the status of the members of the PNP?

a. National Government employees

b. City government employees
c. Private employees
d. Provincial government employees
What is the status of the members of the PNP?

a. National Government employees

b. City government employees
c. Private employees
d. Provincial government employees
How many percent of basic monthly salary is added as
longevity pay to PNP personnel for every 5 years of service
which is reckoned from the date of his appointment?

a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 20%

How many percent of basic monthly salary is added as

longevity pay to PNP personnel for every 5 years of service
which is reckoned from the date of his appointment?

a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 20%

Aside from the Longevity pay, which shall not exceed 50% of
the basic pay, what are the other allowances given to PNP

a. Subsistence allowance and hazard pay

b. Quarter’s, clothing and laundry allowances
c. Cost of living allowance and other allowances
d. All of the forgoing

Aside from the Longevity pay, which shall not exceed 50% of
the basic pay, what are the other allowances given to PNP

a. Subsistence allowance and hazard pay

b. Quarter’s, clothing and laundry allowances
c. Cost of living allowance and other allowances
d. All of the forgoing

It refers to any impairment of the body which renders PNP

members indefinitely incapable of substantially performing
the mandated duties and functions of his positions.
a. Total permanent physical disability
b. Total permanent emotional disability
c. Total permanent career disability
d. Total permanent psychological disability

It refers to any impairment of the body which renders PNP

members indefinitely incapable of substantially performing
the mandated duties and functions of his positions.
a. Total permanent physical disability
b. Total permanent emotional disability
c. Total permanent career disability
d. Total permanent psychological disability

Who is the most important officer in the police organization?

a. Investigator
b. Patrol officer
c. Traffic officer
d. The Chief of Police

Who is the most important officer in the police organization?

a. Investigator
b. Patrol officer
c. Traffic officer
d. The Chief of Police

A police strategy which aims to directly involve members of

the community in the maintenance of peace and order by
police officers.
a. Integrated Police System
b. Comparative Police System
c. Police Visibility
d. Community Oriented Policing System

A police strategy which aims to directly involve members of

the community in the maintenance of peace and order by
police officers.
a. Integrated Police System
b. Comparative Police System
c. Police Visibility
d. Community Oriented Policing System (COPS on the

A PNP member who is permanently and totally disabled as a

result of injuries suffered or sickness contracted during the
performance of his duty as duly certified by the NAPOLCOM,
upon finding and certification by the appropriate medical
officer, that the extent of the disability or sickness renders
such member unfit or unable to further perform the duties of
his position is entitled to?

a. One (1) year salary

b. Lifetime pension equivalent to 80% of his last salary
c. a&b
d. no benefits
A PNP member who is permanently and totally disabled as a
result of injuries suffered or sickness contracted during the
performance of his duty as duly certified by the NAPOLCOM,
upon finding and certification by the appropriate medical
officer, that the extent of the disability or sickness renders
such member unfit or unable to further perform the duties of
his position is entitled to?

a. One (1) year salary

b. Lifetime pension equivalent to 80% of his last salary
c. a & b
d. no benefits

This term refers to the period when a police officer is actively

engaged in the performance of his duty.

a. Off duty
b. Off limits
c. On call
d. On duty
This term refers to the period when a police officer is actively
engaged in the performance of his duty.

a. Off duty
b. Off limits
c. On call
d. On duty
In the history of our police force, who was the first Director
General of the Philippine National Police (PNP)?

a. Gen. Cesar Nazareno

b. Gen. Raul Imperial
c. Gen. Umberto Rodriquez
d. Gen. Recaredo Sarmiento
In the history of our police force, who was the first Director
General of the Philippine National Police (PNP)?

a. Gen. Cesar Nazareno

b. Gen. Raul Imperial
c. Gen. Umberto Rodriquez
d. Gen. Recaredo Sarmiento
It refers to services rendered as personnel of the PNP.

a. Government service
b. Active service
c. Private service
d. Self-service
It refers to services rendered as personnel of the PNP.

a. Government service
b. Active service
c. Private service
d. Self-service
It refers to means and ways that personnel and employees
making them security conscious.

a. Security Promotion
b. Security Education
c. Security Investigation
d. Security Seminar
It refers to means and ways that personnel and employees
making them security conscious.

a. Security Promotion
b. Security Education
c. Security Investigation
d. Security Seminar
The separation of PNP personnel from the service by reason of
reaching the age of retirement, or upon completion of certain
number of years in active service.

a. Separation
b. Retirement
c. Termination
d. Dismissal
The separation of PNP personnel from the service by reason of
reaching the age of retirement, or upon completion of certain
number of years in active service.

a. Separation
b. Retirement
c. Termination
d. Dismissal
Separation of PNP members from the PNP upon reaching the
age of retirement which is 56.

a. Compulsory or mandatory retirement

b. Optional retirement
c. Retirement
d. Dismissal
Separation of PNP members from the PNP upon reaching the
age of retirement which is 56.

a. Compulsory or mandatory retirement

b. Optional retirement
c. Retirement
d. Dismissal
The NAPOLCOM may allow retention in the service for an
unextendible period of one (1) year to PNP officials whose
rank is?

a. Police Chief Superintendent

b. Police Director
c. Police Deputy Director General
d. All of the Foregoing
The NAPOLCOM may allow retention in the service for an
unextendible period of one (1) year to PNP officials whose
rank is?

a. Police Chief Superintendent

b. Police Director
c. Police Deputy Director General
d. All of the Foregoing
If access is limited only to unauthorized personnel, this
particular place is referred to as?

a. Compromise area
b. Restricted area
c. Danger area
d. Exclusive area
If access is limited only to unauthorized personnel, this
particular place is referred to as?

a. Compromise area
b. Restricted area
c. Danger area
d. Exclusive area
Separation from the PNP, upon request of the concerned PNP
member and with the approval of the NAPOLCOM, upon
accumulation of at least 20 years of satisfactory active service.

a. Compulsory or mandatory retirement

b. Optional retirement
c. Retirement
d. Dismissal
Separation from the PNP, upon request of the concerned PNP
member and with the approval of the NAPOLCOM, upon
accumulation of at least 20 years of satisfactory active

a. Compulsory or mandatory retirement

b. Optional retirement
c. Retirement
d. Dismissal

Upon retirement, a PNP member is entitled to one (1) salary

grade higher than the permanent grade last held for purposes
of retirement pay. Provided, that he has served for at least?

a. 1 year of active service in the permanent grade

b. 1 year of active service in the temporary grade
c. 2 years of active service
d. 10 years of active service

Upon retirement, a PNP member is entitled to one (1) salary

grade higher than the permanent grade last held for purposes
of retirement pay. Provided, that he has served for at least?

a. 1 year of active service in the permanent grade

b. 1 year of active service in the temporary grade
c. 2 years of active service
d. 10 years of active service

A PNP member who has availed optional retirement upon

accumulating 20 years of active service is entitled to?

a. 10% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired

b. 30% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired
c. 50% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired
d. 90% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired

A PNP member who has availed optional retirement upon

accumulating 20 years of active service is entitled to?
a. 10% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired
b. 30% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired
c. 50% of the base pay and longevity pay of the
retired grade
d. 90% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired
How many percent is added for every year of active service
rendered beyond 20 years?

a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 3%
d. 2.5%
How many percent is added for every year of active service
rendered beyond 20 years?

a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 3%
d. 2.5%
A PNP member who has rendered over 36 years of active
service and is compulsory retired upon reaching the age of 56
is entitled to?

a. 10% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired

b. 30% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired
c. 50% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired
d. 90% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired

A PNP member who has rendered over 36 years of active

service and is compulsory retired upon reaching the age of 56
is entitled to?

a. 10% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired

b. 30% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired
c. 50% of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired
d. 90% of the base pay and longevity pay of the
retired grade
It is the susceptibility of a plant or establishment to damage,
loss or disruption of operations due to various hazards.

a. Risk analysis
b. Risk assessment
c. Relative vulnerability
d. Relative criticality
It is the susceptibility of a plant or establishment to damage,
loss or disruption of operations due to various hazards.

a. Risk analysis
b. Risk assessment
c. Relative vulnerability
d. Relative criticality
It refers to the importance of the establishment with reference
to the national economy and security.

a. Risk analysis
b. Risk assessment
c. Relative vulnerability
d. Relative criticality
It refers to the importance of the establishment with reference
to the national economy and security.

a. Risk analysis
b. Risk assessment
c. Relative vulnerability
d. Relative criticality
A retired PNP personnel have the option to receive in advance
and in lump sum his retirement pay for the first?

a. 5 years
b. 10 years
c. 15 years
d. 20 years
A retired PNP personnel have the option to receive in advance
and in lump sum his retirement pay for the first?

a. 5 years
b. 10 years
c. 15 years
d. 20 years
The association of all licensed security agencies operators.

The association of all licensed security agencies operators.

b. PADPAO (Philippine Association of Detective and
Protective Agency Operators)
The decisions are made on the basis of majority rule, and this
approach is rarely used in private organization because it
tends to polarize voting participants into “winners” and
“losers” on any given question.

a. Free-rain approach
b. Autocratic approach
c. Democratic approach
d. None of these
The decisions are made on the basis of majority rule, and this
approach is rarely used in private organization because it
tends to polarize voting participants into “winners” and
“losers” on any given question.

a. Free-rain approach
b. Autocratic approach
c. Democratic approach
d. None of these
A sequence of activities to reach a point or to attain that
which is desired.

a. Tactic
b. Procedure
c. Policy
d. Guidelines
A sequence of activities to reach a point or to attain that
which is desired.

a. Tactic
b. Procedure
c. Policy
d. Guidelines
It is a specific design, method, or course of action to attain a
particular objective in accordance with strategy.

a. Tactic
b. Procedure
c. Policy
d. Guidelines
It is a specific design, method, or course of action to attain a
particular objective in accordance with strategy.

a. Tactic
b. Procedure
c. Policy
d. Guidelines
It is a broad design, method, a plan to attain a stated goal or

a. Police Planning
b. Planning
c. Strategy
d. Plan
It is a broad design, method, a plan to attain a stated goal or

a. Police Planning
b. Planning
c. Strategy
d. Plan
The retirement pay of PNP members is subject to adjustments
based on the prevailing scale of base pay of PNP members in
the active service. This statement is?

a. True
b. False
c. Tralse
d. No Idea
The retirement pay of PNP members is subject to adjustments
based on the prevailing scale of base pay of PNP members in
the active service. This statement is?

a. True
b. False
c. Tralse
d. No Idea
Any PNP member shall retire to the next higher rank for
purposes of?

a. Separation pay
b. Talent fee
c. Retirement pay
d. All of the forgoing
Any PNP member shall retire to the next higher rank for
purposes of?

a. Separation pay
b. Talent fee
c. Retirement pay
d. All of the forgoing
What is the age of compulsory retirement in the PNP?

a. 50
b. 56
c. 60
d. 65
What is the age of compulsory retirement in the PNP?

a. 50
b. 56
c. 60
d. 65
A process of preparing for change and copping uncertainty,
formulating future causes of action, the process of
determining the problem of the organization coming up with
proposed resolution and finding best solution.

a. Police Planning
b. Planning
c. Strategy
d. Plan
A process of preparing for change and copping uncertainty,
formulating future causes of action, the process of
determining the problem of the organization coming up with
proposed resolution and finding best solution.

a. Police Planning
b. Planning
c. Strategy
d. Plan
What is considered as the highest medal in the PNP?

a. Medalya ng Kagitingan
b. Medalya ng Katapangan
c. Madalya ng Katangitanging Gawa
d. Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting
What is considered as the highest medal in the PNP?

a. Medalya ng Kagitingan (Valor)

b. Medalya ng Katapangan (Bravery)
c. Madalya ng Katangitanging Gawa (Outsanding)
d. Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting (Wounded Personnel)
This pertains to any tangible granted to an individual in
recognition of acts of gallantry or heroism, meritorious service
or skill and proficiency.

a. Trophy
b. Ribbon
c. Medal
d. Award
This pertains to any tangible granted to an individual in
recognition of acts of gallantry or heroism, meritorious service
or skill and proficiency.

a. Trophy
b. Ribbon
c. Medal
d. Award
It refers to the distinctive physical device of metal and ribbon,
which constitutes the tangible evidence of an award.

a. Decorations
b. Trophy
c. Medal
d. Award
It refers to the distinctive physical device of metal and
ribbon, which constitutes the tangible evidence of an award.

a. Decorations
b. Trophy
c. Medal
d. Award
Medalya ng Kagitingan or PNP Medal of Valor shall be
awarded only by the?

a. Chief PNP
b. President of the Philippines
c. Chief PNP, Regional Directors, and Directors of National
Support Units.
d. DILG Secretary
Medalya ng Kagitingan or PNP Medal of Valor shall be
awarded only by the?

a. Chief PNP
b. President of the Philippines
c. Chief PNP, Regional Directors, and Directors of National
Support Units.
d. DILG Secretary
It is probably the best-known theory of motivation, and it is
hypothesized that within every human being there exists a
hierarchy of five basic needs.

a. All of these
b. Hierarchy of needs theory
c. Theory X and Theory Y
d. Motivation Hygiene theory
It is probably the best-known theory of motivation, and it is
hypothesized that within every human being there exists a
hierarchy of five basic needs.

a. All of these
b. Hierarchy of needs theory
c. Theory X and Theory Y
d. Motivation Hygiene theory
It is the heart of any police records system. It is the basis for
an analysis of offenses and the methods by which they are

a. Case record
b. Incident record
c. Criminal record
d. Accident report
It is the heart of any police records system. It is the basis for
an analysis of offenses and the methods by which they are

a. Case record
b. Incident record
c. Criminal record
d. Accident report
This shall be made out in full on each person’s arrested and
should be prepared at the time a prisoner is booked, and
information regarding the offender.

a. Booking record
b. Arrest record
c. Criminal record
d. Wanted record
This shall be made out in full on each person’s arrested and
should be prepared at the time a prisoner is booked, and
information regarding the offender.

a. Booking record
b. Arrest record
c. Criminal record
d. Wanted record
It refers to the retirement or separation of PNP uniformed
personnel from police service die to the attainment of
maximum tenure in a position, non-promotion, demotion in
position or rank, relief, or other means of attrition pursuant to
RA 8551 and NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2008-

a. Attrition
b. Dismissal
c. Termination
d. Separation

It refers to the retirement or separation of PNP uniformed

personnel from police service die to the attainment of
maximum tenure in a position, non-promotion, demotion in
position or rank, relief, or other means of attrition pursuant to
RA 8551 and NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2008-
a. Attrition
b. Dismissal
c. Termination
d. Separation

It refers to the maximum cumulative period for a PNP member

to hold a particular position level.

a. Attrition by relief
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank
c. Maximum tenure in position
d. Attrition by non-promotion

It refers to the maximum cumulative period for a PNP

member to hold a particular position level.

a. Attrition by relief
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank
c. Maximum tenure in position
d. Attrition by non-promotion

A PNP uniformed personnel who has been relieved from his

position for just cause and has not been given an assignment
within two (2) years after his relief shall be separated or

a. Attrition by relief
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank
c. Maximum tenure in position
d. Attrition by non-promotion
A PNP uniformed personnel who has been relieved from his
position for just cause and has not been given an assignment
within two (2) years after his relief shall be separated or

a. Attrition by relief
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank
c. Maximum tenure in position
d. Attrition by non-promotion
A PNP uniformed or civilian personnel who is relieved and
assigned to a position lower than what is established for his
grade in the PNP staffing pattern and was not assigned to a
position commensurate to his grade within eighteen (18)
months after his demotion in position or rank shall be
separated or retired.

a. Attrition by relief
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank
c. Maximum tenure in position
d. Attrition by non-promotion

A PNP uniformed or civilian personnel who is relieved and

assigned to a position lower than what is established for his
grade in the PNP staffing pattern and was not assigned to a
position commensurate to his grade within eighteen (18)
months after his demotion in position or rank shall be
separated or retired.

a. Attrition by relief
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank
c. Maximum tenure in position
d. Attrition by non-promotion

It refers to the designation of PNP personnel to a position

lower that what is established for his rank or grade in the PNP
staffing pattern.

a. Relief
b. Demotion in position or rank
c. Separation
d. Non-promotion

It refers to the designation of PNP personnel to a position

lower that what is established for his rank or grade in the PNP
staffing pattern.

a. Relief
b. Demotion in position or rank
c. Separation
d. Non-promotion

It refers to non-advancement to the nest higher rank or

position beyond the maximum prescribed period.

a. Relief
b. Demotion in position or rank
c. Separation
d. Non-promotion

It refers to non-advancement to the nest higher rank or

position beyond the maximum prescribed period.

a. Relief
b. Demotion in position or rank
c. Separation
d. Non-promotion
A PNP uniformed personnel who have not been promoted for
a continuous period of ten (10) years shall be separated or

a. Attrition by relief
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank
c. Maximum tenure in position
d. Attrition by non-promotion
A PNP uniformed personnel who have not been promoted for
a continuous period of ten (10) years shall be separated or

a. Attrition by relief
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank
c. Maximum tenure in position
d. Attrition by non-promotion
A PNP uniformed personnel with at least five (5) years of accumulated active
service shall be separated or retired based on, inefficiency based on poor
performance during the last two (2) successive annual rating periods, inefficiency
based on poor performance for three (3) cumulative annual rating periods, physical
and/or mental incapacity to perform police functions and duties, failure to finish
the required career courses except for justifiable reasons, refusal to take the
periodical PHP physical fitness test for four (4) consecutive periodic tests due to
health reasons, failure to pass the periodical PNP physical fitness test for two (2)
cumulative periodic tests; or non-compliance with the minimum qualification
standards for the permanency of appointment.

a. Attrition by relief
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank
c. Attrition by other means
d. Attrition by non-promotion

A PNP uniformed personnel with at least five (5) years of accumulated active
service shall be separated or retired based on, inefficiency based on poor
performance during the last two (2) successive annual rating periods, inefficiency
based on poor performance for three (3) cumulative annual rating periods, physical
and/or mental incapacity to perform police functions and duties, failure to finish
the required career courses except for justifiable reasons, refusal to take the
periodical PHP physical fitness test for four (4) consecutive periodic tests due to
health reasons, failure to pass the periodical PNP physical fitness test for two (2)
cumulative periodic tests; or non-compliance with the minimum qualification
standards for the permanency of appointment.

a. Attrition by relief
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank
c. Attrition by other means
d. Attrition by non-promotion

It refers to the inability of a PNP member to perform his duties

and responsibilities due to physical defects as a result of
disease or injury as may be determined by the PNP Medical
Screening Committee.
a. Physical incapacity
b. Mental incapacity
c. Psychological incapacity
d. Emotional incapacity

It refers to the inability of a PNP member to perform his duties

and responsibilities due to physical defects as a result of
disease or injury as may be determined by the PNP Medical
Screening Committee.
a. Physical incapacity
b. Mental incapacity
c. Psychological incapacity
d. Emotional incapacity

It refers to the method of evaluating the physical condition of

PNP members in terms of stamina, strength, speed and agility.

a. Individual Performance Evaluation

b. Medical and Mental Tests
c. Psychological and Emotional Tests
d. Physical Fitness Test

It refers to the method of evaluating the physical condition

of PNP members in terms of stamina, strength, speed and
a. Individual Performance Evaluation
b. Medical and Mental Tests
c. Psychological and Emotional Tests
d. Physical Fitness Test

What is the term of office of the Chief PNP?

a. 4 years
b. 2 years
c. 6 years
d. 9 years

What is the term of office of the Chief PNP?

a. 4 years
b. 2 years
c. 6 years
d. 9 years

Can the term of office of the Chief PNP be extended? In what

circumstances and who may extend it?
a. No, there’s no such law that provides for the extension of
the term of office of the Chief PNP
b. Yes, by the President of the Philippines, in times of war or
national emergency declared by congress and the executive
c. Yes, by the Secretary of the DILG, in times of war or national
emergency declared by congress and the executive
d. Yes, either by the Secretary of the DILG or the President of
the Philippines, in times of war or national emergency
declared by the congress

Can the term of office of the Chief PNP be extended? In what

circumstances and who may extend it?
a. No, there’s no such law that provides for the extension of
the term of office of the Chief PNP
b. Yes, by the President of the Philippines, in times of war or
national emergency declared by congress and the executive
c. Yes, by the Secretary of the DILG, in times of war or national
emergency declared by congress and the executive
d. Yes, either by the Secretary of the DILG or the President of
the Philippines, in times of war or national emergency
declared by the congress
How many years may the President of the Philippines extent
the term of office of the Chief PNP in times of war or national
emergency declared by congress and the executives itself?

a. 6 months to 1 year depending on the gravity of the

b. 2 years depending on the gravity of the situation
c. 3 years depending on the gravity of the situation
d. 4 years depending on the gravity of the situation
How many years may the President of the Philippines extent
the term of office of the Chief PNP in times of war or national
emergency declared by congress and the executives itself?

a. 6 months to 1 year depending on the gravity of the

b. 2 years depending on the gravity of the situation
c. 3 years depending on the gravity of the situation
d. 4 years depending on the gravity of the situation
What do you call the list of visitors that has limited access
during Malacañang visit?

a. Access list
b. White list
c. Black list
d. Red list
What do you call the list of visitors that has limited access
during Malacañang visit?

a. Access list
b. White list
c. Black list
d. Red list
It pertains to any complaint initiated by a private citizen or his
duly authorized representative on account of an injury,
damage or disturbance sustained due to an irregular or illegal
act committed by a member of the PNP.

a. Criminal complaint
b. Civil complaint
c. Citizen’s complaint
d. Breach of internal Discipline

It pertains to any complaint initiated by a private citizen or his

duly authorized representative on account of an injury,
damage or disturbance sustained due to an irregular or illegal
act committed by a member of the PNP.

a. Criminal complaint
b. Civil complaint
c. Citizen’s complaint
d. Breach of internal Discipline

Is a mode of filing of criminal complaint before the

prosecutor’s office against the arrested suspect?

a. Regular filing
b. Inquest filing
c. Preliminary investigation
d. Inquest proper
Is a mode of filing of criminal complaint before the
prosecutor’s office against the arrested suspect?

a. Regular filing
b. Inquest filing
c. Preliminary investigation
d. Inquest proper
In most cases, it is preferably –

a. To lose the subject than to alert him

b. To alert the subject than to lose him
c. To alert the subject and apprehend him
d. Apprehend the subject before losing him
In most cases, it is preferably –

a. To lose the subject than to alert him

b. To alert the subject than to lose him
c. To alert the subject and apprehend him
d. Apprehend the subject before losing him
A metallic container used for the safekeeping of documents or
small items in an office or installation.

a. File room
b. Vault
c. File cabinet
d. Safe
A metallic container used for the safekeeping of documents
or small items in an office or installation.

a. File room
b. Vault
c. File cabinet
d. Safe
It is installed as part of the building which holds up to 10,000
cubic meters of essential items. At least 12 ft. in height with
enough ventilation and fire proof of at least one hour.

a. Protective cabinet
b. File room
c. Vault
d. Safe
It is installed as part of the building which holds up to 10,000
cubic meters of essential items. At least 12 ft. in height with
enough ventilation and fire proof of at least one hour.

a. Protective cabinet
b. File room
c. Vault
d. Safe
A heavily constructed fire and burglar resistant container
usually a part of the building structure used to keep and
protect cash, document and negotiable instruments.

a. Basket
b. Vault
c. Steel cabinet
d. Concrete coffin
A heavily constructed fire and burglar resistant container
usually a part of the building structure used to keep and
protect cash, document and negotiable instruments.

a. Basket
b. Vault
c. Steel cabinet
d. Concrete coffin
A private security agency who is applying for regular license to
operate must possess at least 70 licensed firearms and a
minimum of?

a. 100 guards
b. 150 guards
c. 200 guards
d. 1,000 guards
A private security agency who is applying for regular license to
operate must possess at least 70 licensed firearms and a
minimum of?

a. 100 guards
b. 150 guards
c. 200 guards
d. 1,000 guards
How many days, from the time the case has been filed, should
the PLEB decide on it?

a. Within 10 days
b. Within 15 days
c. Within 30 days
d. Within 60 days
How many days, from the time the case has been filed, should
the PLEB decide on it?

a. Within 10 days
b. Within 15 days
c. Within 30 days
d. Within 60 days
Decisions from the PLEB involving demotion or dismissal from
the service are appealable to?

a. Court of Appeals
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board
Decisions from the PLEB involving demotion or dismissal from
the service are appealable to?

a. Court of Appeals
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board
It is an independent unit of the PNP tasked to improve the
image of the police force through assessment, analysis and
evaluation of the character and behavior of the PNP

a. Legal Affairs Service

b. Discipline, Law and Order Section
c. Internal Affairs Service

It is an independent unit of the PNP tasked to improve the

image of the police force through assessment, analysis and
evaluation of the character and behavior of the PNP

a. Legal Affairs Service

b. Discipline, Law and Order Section
c. Internal Affairs Service

In which of the following cases may the IAS conduct automatic


a. Incidents where police personnel discharge a firearm

b. Incidents where death, serious physical injury, or any violation
of human rights occurred in the conduct of police operation, or
incidents where a suspect in the custody of the police was
seriously injured
c. Incidents where evidence was compromised, tampered with,
obliterated or lost while in the custody of the police personnel,
or incidents where the established rules of engagement have
been violated
d. All of the foregoing

In which of the following cases may the IAS conduct automatic


a. Incidents where police personnel discharge a firearm

b. Incidents where death, serious physical injury, or any violation
of human rights occurred in the conduct of police operation, or
incidents where a suspect in the custody of the police was
seriously injured
c. Incidents where evidence was compromised, tampered with,
obliterated or lost while in the custody of the police personnel,
or incidents where the established rules of engagement have
been violated
d. All of the foregoing
Personnel of the IAS, in addition to the allowances authorized
under the existing laws are granted occupational specialty pay
which does not exceed?

a. 10% of their basic salary

b. 25% of their basic salary
c. 50% of their basic salary
d. 90% of their basic salary
Personnel of the IAS, in addition to the allowances
authorized under the existing laws are granted occupational
specialty pay which does not exceed?

a. 10% of their basic salary

b. 25% of their basic salary
c. 50% of their basic salary
d. 90% of their basic salary
Decisions rendered by the National IAS may be appealed to?

a. Court of Appeals
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
d. Ombudsman
Decisions rendered by the National IAS may be appealed to?

a. Court of Appeals
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
d. Ombudsman
Decisions rendered by the Area Office of IAS may be appealed

a. Court of Appeals
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
d. National IAS office
Decisions rendered by the Area Office of IAS may be
appealed to?

a. Court of Appeals
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
d. National IAS office
Decisions rendered by the Provincial IAS should be forwarded
to the area IAS office for review?

a. Within 10 working days

b. Within 15 working days
c. Within 30 working days
d. Within 60 working days
Decisions rendered by the Provincial IAS should be forwarded
to the area IAS office for review?

a. Within 10 working days

b. Within 15 working days
c. Within 30 working days
d. Within 60 working days
It is ground for summary dismissal of a PNP member.

a. Continuous AWOL for 30 days

b. Continuous AWOL for 60 days
c. Continuous AWOL for 15 days
d. Continuous AWOL for 180 days
It is ground for summary dismissal of a PNP member.

a. Continuous AWOL for 30 days

b. Continuous AWOL for 60 days
c. Continuous AWOL for 15 days
d. Continuous AWOL for 180 days
Formal administrative disciplinary appellate machineries of the
NAPOLCOM which are tasked to hear cases on appeal from
the different disciplinary authorities.

a. Court of Appeals
b. Sandiganbayan
c. Disciplinary Appellate Board
d. Ombudsman
Formal administrative disciplinary appellate machineries of
the NAPOLCOM which are tasked to hear cases on appeal
from the different disciplinary authorities.

a. Court of Appeals
b. Sandiganbayan
c. Disciplinary Appellate Board
d. Ombudsman
It decides cases on appeal from decisions rendered by the
Chief PNP and the National IAS.

a. Court of Appeals
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. National Appellate Board
d. Ombudsman
It decides cases on appeal from decisions rendered by the
Chief PNP and the National IAS.

a. Court of Appeals
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. National Appellate Board
d. Ombudsman
It decides cases on appeal from decisions rendered by the
Regional Director, Provincial Director, Chief of Police, the city
municipal mayors, and the PLEB.

a. Court of Appeals
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. National Appellate Board
d. Ombudsman
It decides cases on appeal from decisions rendered by the
Regional Director, Provincial Director, Chief of Police, the city
municipal mayors, and the PLEB.

a. Court of Appeals
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. National Appellate Board
d. Ombudsman
Disciplinary authority where the offense is punishable by
withholding of privileges, restriction to specific limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof,
for a period exceeding thirty (30) days or dismissal.

a. Chief of Police
b. City or Municipal Mayors
c. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
d. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
Disciplinary authority where the offense is punishable by
withholding of privileges, restriction to specific limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof,
for a period exceeding thirty (30) days or dismissal.

a. Chief of Police
b. City or Municipal Mayors
c. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
d. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
Disciplinary authority where the offense is punishable by
withholding of privileges, restriction to specific limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof,
for a period exceeding 15 days or dismissal.

a. Chief of Police
b. City or Municipal Mayors
c. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
d. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
Disciplinary authority where the offense is punishable by
withholding of privileges, restriction to specific limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof,
for a period exceeding 15 days or dismissal.

a. Chief of Police
b. City or Municipal Mayors
c. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
d. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
It refers to any offense committed by a member of the PNP
involving and affecting order and discipline within the police

a. Criminal complaint
b. Civil complaint
c. Citizen’s complaint
d. Breach of Internal Discipline
It refers to any offense committed by a member of the PNP
involving and affecting order and discipline within the police

a. Criminal complaint
b. Civil complaint
c. Citizen’s complaint
d. Breach of Internal Discipline
It refers to an act or omission not involving moral turpitude
but affecting the internal discipline of the PNP.

a. Grave offense
b. Minor offense
c. Criminal offense
d. Breach of Internal Discipline
It refers to an act or omission not involving moral turpitude
but affecting the internal discipline of the PNP.

a. Grave offense
b. Minor offense
c. Criminal offense
d. Breach of Internal Discipline
It refers to offenses where the maximum penalty is dismissal
from the service.

a. Criminal complaint
b. Summary dismissal case
c. Citizen’s complaint
d. Breach of Internal Discipline
It refers to offenses where the maximum penalty is dismissal
from the service.

a. Criminal complaint
b. Summary dismissal case
c. Citizen’s complaint
d. Breach of Internal Discipline
Who among the following has summary dismissal power over
the PNP members?

a. Regional Directors
b. PNP Chief
c. National Police Commission
d. All of the foregoing
Who among the following has summary dismissal power over
the PNP members?

a. Regional Directors
b. PNP Chief
c. National Police Commission
d. All of the foregoing
Which among the following cases shall be considered as
ground for summary dismissal?

a. When the charge is serious and the evidence of guilt is

b. When the respondent is a recidivist or has been
repeatedly charged and there are reasonable grounds
to believe that he is guilty of the charges
c. When the respondent is guilty of a serious offense
involving conduct unbecoming a police officer
d. All of the foregoing
Which among the following cases shall be considered as
ground for summary dismissal?

a. When the charge is serious and the evidence of guilt is

b. When the respondent is a recidivist or has been
repeatedly charged and there are reasonable grounds
to believe that he is guilty of the charges
c. When the respondent is guilty of a serious offense
involving conduct unbecoming a police officer
d. All of the foregoing
A body created pursuant to RA 6975 to handle, investigate
and decide citizen’s complaint against erring officers and
members of the PNP.

a. Ombudsman
b. Philippine Public Safety College
c. National Police Commission
d. People Law Enforcement Board
A body created pursuant to RA 6975 to handle, investigate
and decide citizen’s complaint against erring officers and
members of the PNP.

a. Ombudsman
b. Philippine Public Safety College
c. National Police Commission
d. People Law Enforcement Board
This was a body of rural police by the Royal Decree of 18
January 1836, this decree provided that 5% of the able-bodied
male inhabitants of each province were to be enlisted in this
police organization for three years.

a. Guardrilleros
b. Guardia Civil
c. Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad Publica
d. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica
This was a body of rural police by the Royal Decree of 18
January 1836, this decree provided that 5% of the able-
bodied male inhabitants of each province were to be enlisted
in this police organization for three years.

a. Guardrilleros
b. Guardia Civil
c. Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad Publica
d. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica
This was created by a Royal Decree issued by the Crown on 12
February 1852 to partially relieve the Spanish Peninsular
troops of their work in policing towns, it consisted of a body
of Filipino policemen organized originally in each of the
provincial capitals of the central provinces of Luzon under the
Alcalde Mayor.

a. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

b. Cuadrilleros
c. Guardia Civil
d. Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad
This was created by a Royal Decree issued by the Crown on 12
February 1852 to partially relieve the Spanish Peninsular
troops of their work in policing towns, it consisted of a body
of Filipino policemen organized originally in each of the
provincial capitals of the central provinces of Luzon under the
Alcalde Mayor.

a. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

b. Cuadrilleros
c. Guardia Civil
d. Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad

This was organized in 1712 for the purpose of carrying

outlaws of the Spanish government. They were with carbines
as its name indicates. It was earlier version of mounted
riflemen in the history of the Philippine police system.

a. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

b. Cuadrilleros
c. Guardia Civil
d. Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad

This was organized in 1712 for the purpose of carrying

outlaws of the Spanish government. They were with carbines
as its name indicates. It was earlier version of mounted
riflemen in the history of the Philippine police system.

a. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

b. Cuadrilleros
c. Guardia Civil
d. Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad

An act passed on July 18, 1901 that provides for the

organization and government of an Insular Constabulary.

a. Organic Act 157

b. Organic Act 175
c. Organic Act 183
d. Organic Act 765
An act passed on July 18, 1901 that provides for the
organization and government of an Insular Constabulary.

a. Organic Act 157 (Bureau of Investigation)

b. Organic Act 175 (Philippine Constabulary)
c. Organic Act 183 (Manila Metropolitan Police Force)
d. Organic Act 765 (Integrated National Police)
An act passed on January 09, 1901 creating the Metropolitan
Police Force in Manila.

a. Organic Act 157

b. Organic Act 175
c. Organic Act 183
d. Organic Act 765
An act passed on January 09, 1901 creating the Metropolitan
Police Force in Manila.

a. Organic Act 157 (Bureau of Investigation)

b. Organic Act 175 (Philippine Constabulary)
c. Organic Act 183 (Manila Metropolitan Police Force)
d. Organic Act 765 (Integrated National Police)
Who was the 1st Chief of the Philippine Constabulary?

a. Sir Robert Peel

b. General Howard Taft
c. Brigadier General Rafael Crame
d. Lt. Col. Henry T. Allen
Who was the 1st Chief of the Philippine Constabulary?

a. Sir Robert Peel

b. General Howard Taft
c. Brigadier General Rafael Crame
d. Lt. Col. Henry T. Allen
He was the 1st Chief of the Philippine Constabulary when the
Constabulary, after 16 years of existence, was placed under
the Filipino leadership.

a. Col. Antonio P. Torres

b. Gen. Fidel V. Ramos
c. Brigadier General Rafael C. Crame
d. PDG Cesar P. Nazareno
He was the 1st Chief of the Philippine Constabulary when the
Constabulary, after 16 years of existence, was placed under
the Filipino leadership.

a. Col. Antonio P. Torres

b. Gen. Fidel V. Ramos
c. Brigadier General Rafael C. Crame
d. PDG Cesar P. Nazareno
The 1st Chief of the Manila Police Department after its creation
pursuant to Organic Act 183 on July 31, 1901.

a. Col. George Curry

b. General Howard Taft
c. Brigadier General Rafael C. Crame
d. Lt. Col. Henry T. Allen
The 1st Chief of the Manila Police Department after its
creation pursuant to Organic Act 183 on July 31, 1901.

a. Col. George Curry

b. General Howard Taft
c. Brigadier General Rafael C. Crame
d. Lt. Col. Henry T. Allen
The 1st Filipino Chief of the Manila Police Department when it
was taken-over by Filipinos.

a. Col. George Curry

b. Col. Antonio P. Torres
c. Brigadier General Rafael C. Crame
d. Lt. Col. Henry T. Allen
The 1st Filipino Chief of the Manila Police Department when it
was taken-over by Filipinos.

a. Col. George Curry

b. Col. Antonio P. Torres
c. Brigadier General Rafael C. Crame
d. Lt. Col. Henry T. Allen
This law is otherwise known as the Police Professionalization Act of
1966. This law was passed an approves by Congress with end in view of
professionalizing police services which serves as the Code of all local
police departments in the country. This is the same law that created the
Police Commission which was later renamed as the National Police
Commission as a supervisory agency to oversee the training and
professionalization of the local police forces under the office of the
a. Republic Act 6975
b. Republic Act 4864
c. Republic Act 8551
d. Republic Act 9708

This law is otherwise known as the Police Professionalization Act of

1966. This law was passed an approves by Congress with end in view of
professionalizing police services which serves as the Code of all local
police departments in the country. This is the same law that created the
Police Commission which was later renamed as the National Police
Commission as a supervisory agency to oversee the training and
professionalization of the local police forces under the office of the

a. Republic Act 6975 (DILG)

b. Republic Act 4864
c. Republic Act 8551 (PNP reform & reorg)
d. Republic Act 9708 (5 years reglementary period)

This law is otherwise known as the Integration Act of 1975.

This law created the PC/INP – the Philippine Constabulary as
the nucleus and the Integrated Local Police as components,
under the Ministry of National Defense. This is the same law
that provided for the transfer of the National Police
Commission from the office of the President to the Ministry of
National Defense.

a. Republic Act 6975

b. Presidential Decree 482
c. Presidential Decree 421
d. Presidential Decree 765

This law is otherwise known as the Integration Act of 1975.

This law created the PC/INP – the Philippine Constabulary as
the nucleus and the Integrated Local Police as components,
under the Ministry of National Defense. This is the same law
that provided for the transfer of the National Police
Commission from the office of the President to the Ministry of
National Defense.

a. Republic Act 6975

b. Presidential Decree 482 (Integration in Provinces)
c. Presidential Decree 421 (Integration in Manila Area)
d. Presidential Decree 765

What article and specific section of the 1987 Philippine

Constitution that provides for the establishment and
maintenance of one police force which shall be national in
scope but civilian in character that shall be administratively
controlled and operationally supervised by the National Police

a. Art. III, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution

b. Art. VI, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
c. Art. XVI, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
d. Art. XVII, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
What article and specific section of the 1987 Philippine
Constitution that provides for the establishment and
maintenance of one police force which shall be national in
scope but civilian in character that shall be administratively
controlled and operationally supervised by the National Police

a. Art. III, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution

b. Art. VI, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
c. Art. XVI, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
d. Art. XVII, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
An Act enacted on August 12, 2009, extending for 5 years the
reglementary period for complying with the minimum
educational qualification for appointment to the PNP and
adjusting the promotion system.

a. Republic Act 6975

b. Republic Act 4864
c. Republic Act 8551
d. Republic Act 9708
An Act enacted on August 12, 2009, extending for 5 years the
reglementary period for complying with the minimum
educational qualification for appointment to the PNP and
adjusting the promotion system.

a. Republic Act 6975 (DILG)

b. Republic Act 4864 (Police Professionalization Act)
c. Republic Act 8551 (PNP reform & reorg)
d. Republic Act 9708 (5 years reglementary period)
Under RA 6975, who shall be automatically appointed as the
ex-officio Chairman of the NAPOLCOM?

a. The secretary of the Department of Justice

b. The secretary of National Defense
c. The Chief of the Philippine National Police
d. The secretary of the Department of the Interior and
Local Government
Under RA 6975, who shall be automatically appointed as the
ex-officio Chairman of the NAPOLCOM?

a. The secretary of the Department of Justice

b. The secretary of National Defense
c. The Chief of the Philippine National Police
d. The secretary of the Department of the Interior and
Local Government
Who shall be automatically appointed as the ex-officio
member of the NAPOLCOM?

a. The secretary of the Department of Justice

b. The secretary of National Defense
c. The Chief of the Philippine National Police
d. The secretary of the Department of the Interior and
Local Government
Who shall be automatically appointed as the ex-officio
member of the NAPOLCOM?

a. The secretary of the Department of Justice

b. The secretary of National Defense
c. The Chief of the Philippine National Police
d. The secretary of the Department of the Interior and
Local Government
The following are the powers and functions of the DILG,

a. Provide assistance towards legislation regarding law

enforcement and public safety
b. Exercise administrative control and operational
supervision over the PNP
c. Organize, train and equip primarily for the performance
of police functions
d. Establish and prescribe rules regulations and other
issuances implementing laws on public order and safety

The following are the powers and functions of the DILG,


a. Provide assistance towards legislation regarding law

enforcement and public safety
b. Exercise administrative control and operational
supervision over the PNP
c. Organize, train and equip primarily for the performance
of police functions
d. Establish and prescribe rules regulations and other
issuances implementing laws on public order and safety

This is in charge of the external security of our country as

provided for under RA 6975.

a. Philippine National Police

b. Armed Forces of the Philippines
c. Philippine Coast Guard
d. National Bureau of Investigation

This is in charge of the external security of our country as

provided for under RA 6975.

a. Philippine National Police

b. Armed Forces of the Philippines
c. Philippine Coast Guard
d. National Bureau of Investigation

It decides cases on appeal from decisions rendered by the

PNP Chief.
a. National Appellate Board
b. Regional Appellate Board
c. Court of Appeals
d. Kangaroo Court

It decides cases on appeal from decisions rendered by the

PNP Chief.
a. National Appellate Board
b. Regional Appellate Board
c. Court of Appeals
d. Kangaroo Court

It refers to the primary law enforcement agency in the

a. Philippine National Police
b. National Bureau of Investigation
c. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
d. Armed Forces of the Philippines

It refers to the primary law enforcement agency in the

a. Philippine National Police
b. National Bureau of Investigation
c. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
d. Armed Forces of the Philippines

The largest organic functional unit within a large department;

comprised of several divisions.
a. Sectors
b. Section
c. Unit
d. Bureau

The largest organic functional unit within a large department;

comprised of several divisions.
a. Sectors
b. Section
c. Unit
d. Bureau

A primary subdivision of a bureau.

a. Sector
b. Unit
c. Division
d. Section

A primary subdivision of a bureau.

a. Sector
b. Unit
c. Division
d. Section

A primary subdivision of a bureau with a department wide

responsibility for providing a specific specialized function.
a. Sector
b. Unit
c. Division
d. Section

A primary subdivision of a bureau with a department wide

responsibility for providing a specific specialized function.
a. Sector
b. Unit
c. Division
d. Section

Functional group within a section or the smallest functional

group within an organization.
a. Division
b. Unit
c. Sector
d. Post

Functional group within a section or the smallest functional

group within an organization.
a. Division
b. Unit
c. Sector
d. Post

A fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for

a. Post
b. Unit
c. Beat
d. Sector

A fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for

a. Post
b. Unit
c. Beat
d. Sector

A length of streets designated for patrol purpose, also called

line beat.
a. Section
b. Beat
c. Post
d. Route

A length of streets designated for patrol purpose, also called

line beat.
a. Section
b. Beat
c. Post
d. Route

An area designed for patrol purposes whether foot or

a. Beat
b. Route
c. Area
d. District

An area designed for patrol purposes whether foot or

a. Beat
b. Route
c. Area
d. District

An area containing two or more beat, route or post.

a. Area
b. Route
c. Sector
d. District

An area containing two or more beat, route or post.

a. Area
b. Route
c. Sector
d. District

A geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes,

usually with its own station.
a. Area
b. District
c. Subdivision
d. Sector

A geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes,

usually with its own station.
a. Area
b. District
c. Subdivision
d. Sector

A section or territorial division of a large city each comprised

of designated districts.
a. Area
b. Section
c. District
d. Subdivision

A section or territorial division of a large city each comprised

of designated districts.
a. Area
b. Section
c. District
d. Subdivision

Greek word which means government of the city.

a. Politeia
b. Polis
c. Politia
d. Polit

Greek word which means government of the city.

a. Politeia
b. Polis
c. Politia
d. Polit
Policemen are regarded as servants of the community, who
rely for the efficiency of their functions upon the express
needs of the people.

a. Continental Theory
b. Continental Drift Theory
c. Home Rule Theory
d. Community Base Theory
Policemen are regarded as servants of the community, who
rely for the efficiency of their functions upon the express
needs of the people.

a. Continental Theory
b. Continental Drift Theory
c. Home Rule Theory
d. Community Base Theory
Policemen are regarded as state or servants of the higher
authorities. The people have no share or have little
participation with the duties nor connection with the police

a. Continental Drift Theory

b. Continental Theory
c. Home Rule Theory
d. Modern Concept
Policemen are regarded as state or servants of the higher
authorities. The people have no share or have little
participation with the duties nor connection with the police

a. Continental Drift Theory

b. Continental Theory
c. Home Rule Theory
d. Modern Concept
The amount and nature of the demands of the police service
are not the same on all three (3) shifts. It is therefore
necessary to make available maximum manpower at the time
the police service is of greatest demand. This is organization

a. Clientele
b. Purpose
c. Time
d. Process

The amount and nature of the demands of the police service

are not the same on all three (3) shifts. It is therefore
necessary to make available maximum manpower at the time
the police service is of greatest demand. This is organization

a. Clientele
b. Purpose
c. Time
d. Process

What should be conducted in order to determine whether a

case falls under the jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court?

a. Inquest proceeding
b. Preliminary investigation
c. Preliminary conference
d. Search and Seizure

What should be conducted in order to determine whether a

case falls under the jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court?

a. Inquest proceeding
b. Preliminary investigation
c. Preliminary conference
d. Search and Seizure

This consist of photographic records of known criminals and

describe the procedure how criminals commit crime.

a. Modus operandi file

b. Operation file
c. Method of operation file
d. Criminal file

This consist of photographic records of known criminals and

describe the procedure how criminals commit crime.
a. Modus operandi file
b. Operation file
c. Method of operation file
d. Criminal file

There are how many staff directorate in the Philippine

National Police?
a. 8
b. 10
c. 12
d. 14

There are how many staff directorate in the Philippine

National Police?
a. 8
b. 10
c. 12
d. 14

The second highest ranking officer in the PNP.

a. Deputy Director General for Operation
b. Chief of the Directorial Staff
c. NCR Director
d. None of the above

The second highest ranking officer in the PNP.

a. Deputy Director General for Operation
b. Chief of the Directorial Staff
c. NCR Director
d. None of the above

What is the rank of the PNP Chief of the Directorial Staff?

a. 3 Star General
b. 2 Star General
c. 1 Star General
d. None of the above

What is the rank of the PNP Chief of the Directorial Staff?

a. 3 Star General
b. 2 Star General
c. 1 Star General
d. None of the above

This theory of Police service is followed by the PNP.

a. Continental Theory
b. Home Rule Theory
c. Modern Rule Theory
d. None of the above

This theory of Police service is followed by the PNP.

a. Continental Theory
b. Home Rule Theory
c. Modern Rule Theory
d. None of the above
This concept of police service says that punishment is the sole
instrument of crime control, throwing more people to jail
rather than keeping them out of jail.

a. Old Concept
b. Modern Concept
c. Community Concept
d. None of the Above
This concept of police service says that punishment is the sole
instrument of crime control, throwing more people to jail
rather than keeping them out of jail.

a. Old Concept
b. Modern Concept
c. Community Concept
d. None of the Above
This concept of police service says that the yardstick of
efficiency of police is the absence of crime.

a. Old Concept
b. Modern Concept
c. Community Concept
d. None of the above
This concept of police service says that the yardstick of
efficiency of police is the absence of crime.

a. Old Concept
b. Modern Concept
c. Community Concept
d. None of the above
It is the simplest type of organizational structure, channels of
authority and responsibility extends in a direct line from top to
bottom within the structure.

a. Line Organization
b. Functional Organization
c. Line Staff Organization
d. None of the above
It is the simplest type of organizational structure, channels of
authority and responsibility extends in a direct line from top to
bottom within the structure.

a. Line Organization
b. Functional Organization
c. Line Staff Organization
d. None of the above
This type of organizational structure is found in almost all
police organization today.

a. Line Organization
b. Functional Organization
c. Line Staff Organization
d. None of the Above
This type of organizational structure is found in almost all
police organization today.

a. Line Organization
b. Functional Organization
c. Line Staff Organization
d. None of the Above
An organization is effective if it enables the individual to
contribute to the organization’s objective.

a. Principle of Unity of Objective

b. Principle of Organizational efficiency
c. Scalar Principle
d. Unity of Command
An organization is effective if it enables the individual to
contribute to the organization’s objective.

a. Principle of Unity of Objective

b. Principle of Organizational efficiency
c. Scalar Principle
d. Unity of Command
Organization is effective if it is structured in such a way to aid
the accomplishment of the organization's objective with a
minimum cost.

a. Principle of Unity of Objective

b. Principle of Organizational efficiency
c. Scalar Principle
d. Unity of Command
Organization is effective if it is structured in such a way to aid
the accomplishment of the organization's objective with a
minimum cost.

a. Principle of Unity of Objective

b. Principle of Organizational efficiency
c. Scalar Principle
d. Unity of Command
The vertical hierarchy of an organization which defines an
unbroken chain of units from top to bottom describing
explicitly the flow of authority.

a. Principle of Unity of Objective

b. Principle of Organizational efficiency
c. Scalar Principle
d. Unity of Command
The vertical hierarchy of an organization which defines an
unbroken chain of units from top to bottom describing
explicitly the flow of authority.

a. Principle of Unity of Objective

b. Principle of Organizational efficiency
c. Scalar Principle
d. Unity of Command
A subordinate should only follow the command of one

a. Unity of command
b. Span of control
c. Delegation of authority
d. Principle of balance
A subordinate should only follow the command of one

a. Unity of command
b. Span of control
c. Delegation of authority
d. Principle of balance
The control of superior should not be more than what he can
effectively direct.

a. Unity of command
b. Span of control
c. Delegation of authority
d. Principle of balance
The control of superior should not be more than what he can
effectively direct.

a. Unity of command
b. Span of control
c. Delegation of authority
d. Principle of balance
The assignment of authority and responsibility to another

a. Unity of command
b. Span of control
c. Delegation of authority
d. Principle of balance
The assignment of authority and responsibility to another

a. Unity of command
b. Span of control
c. Delegation of authority
d. Principle of balance
Refers to the division of work according to type, place, time
and specialization.

a. Functional Principle
b. Line and Staff principle
c. Principle of balance
d. Principle of delegation result
Refers to the division of work according to type, place, time
and specialization.

a. Functional Principle
b. Line and Staff principle
c. Principle of balance
d. Principle of delegation result
This law organized the Manila Police department.

a. Act 183
b. RA 8551
c. EO 1012
d. EO 1040
This law organized the Manila Police department.

a. Act 183
b. RA 8551 (PNP reform & reorg)
c. EO 1012 (improve INP)
d. EO 1040 (transfer National Police Commission to
Considered as the father of modern policing system.

a. Sir Robert Peel

b. August Vollmer
c. Edgar Hoover
d. Henry Armstrong
Considered as the father of modern policing system.

a. Sir Robert Peel

b. August Vollmer
c. Edgar Hoover
d. Henry Armstrong
In the principles of law enforcement enunciated by Sir Robert
Peel, the basic mission of the police is?

a. Prevention of crime
b. Enforcement of the law
c. Maintenance of peace and order
d. None of the above
In the principles of law enforcement enunciated by Sir Robert
Peel, the basic mission of the police is?

a. Prevention of crime
b. Enforcement of the law
c. Maintenance of peace and order
d. None of the above
One of the features of this act is that no freeman shall be
taken or imprisoned except by the judgment of his peer.

a. Magna Carta
b. Statute of 1295
c. Legies Henry
d. None of the above
One of the features of this act is that no freeman shall be
taken or imprisoned except by the judgment of his peer.

a. Magna Carta
b. Statute of 1295
c. Legies Henry
d. None of the above
The closing of gates of London during sun down. This mark
the beginning of the curfew hours.

a. Statute of 1295
b. Statute of 1775
c. Statute of 1827
d. Statute of 1834
The closing of gates of London during sun down. This mark
the beginning of the curfew hours.

a. Statute of 1295
b. Statute of 1775
c. Statute of 1827
d. Statute of 1834
Shire means?

a. Ruler
b. District
c. Police
d. Judge
Shire means?

a. Ruler
b. District
c. Police
d. Judge
Reeve means?

a. Ruler
b. District
c. Police
d. Judge
Reeve means?

a. Ruler
b. District
c. Police
d. Judge
One of the advantages of this patrol is that the patrolman
knows the area and people in his beat.

a. Bicycle Patrol
b. Horse Patrol
c. Motorized Patrol
d. Foot Patrol
One of the advantages of this patrol is that the patrolman
knows the area and people in his beat.

a. Bicycle Patrol
b. Horse Patrol
c. Motorized Patrol
d. Foot Patrol

Backbone of the police service in the community.

a. Police Intelligence
b. Police Investigation
c. Police Patrol
d. None of the above

Backbone of the police service in the community.

a. Police Intelligence
b. Police Investigation
c. Police Patrol
d. None of the above

One of the following types of police patrol is currently not

used in the Philippines.
a. Mobile Patrol
b. Foot Patrol
c. Animal Patrol
d. Aircraft Patrol

One of the following types of police patrol is currently not

used in the Philippines.
a. Mobile Patrol
b. Foot Patrol
c. Animal Patrol
d. Aircraft Patrol

It is the largest segment of a police station.

a. Police Patrol
b. Police Investigation
c. Police Intelligence
d. None of the Above

It is the largest segment of a police station.

a. Police Patrol
b. Police Investigation
c. Police Intelligence
d. None of the Above

From the time of the receipt of the call by the police

dispatcher to the arrival of the mobile patrol at the scene.
a. Response Time
b. Preparation Time
c. Speed Time
d. None of the Above

From the time of the receipt of the call by the police

dispatcher to the arrival of the mobile patrol at the scene.

a. Response Time
b. Preparation Time
c. Speed Time
d. None of the Above

One of the advantages of this kind of patrol is stealth silence

for movement.

a. Foot Patrol
b. Bicycle Patrol
c. Mobile Patrol
d. Horse Patrol

One of the advantages of this kind of patrol is stealth silence

for movement.

a. Foot Patrol
b. Bicycle Patrol
c. Mobile Patrol
d. Horse Patrol

An electronic equipment that has helped the police in its

record, storage, and location system.
a. Walkie Talkie
b. Vault
c. File Room
d. Computer

An electronic equipment that has helped the police in its

record, storage, and location system.
a. Walkie Talkie
b. Vault
c. File Room
d. Computer

Established the 1st English police department, the London

metropolitan police in 1829.
a. O.W Wilson
b. Sir Robert Peel
c. Henry Fielding
d. None of the Above

Established the 1st English police department, the London

metropolitan police in 1829.
a. O.W Wilson
b. Sir Robert Peel
c. Henry Fielding
d. None of the Above

He laid the foundation for the first modern police force. he

was appointed magistrate in Westminster in 1748.
a. Henry Fielding
b. Sir Robert Peel
c. O.W. Wilson
d. None of the Above

He laid the foundation for the first modern police force. he

was appointed magistrate in Westminster in 1748.
a. Henry Fielding
b. Sir Robert Peel
c. O.W. Wilson
d. None of the Above

Required all men in a given town to serve on the night watch.

a. Hue and Cry
b. Shires
c. Parish constable
d. Watch and Ward

Required all men in a given town to serve on the night watch.

a. Hue and Cry
b. Shires
c. Parish constable
d. Watch and Ward

He was responsible for organizing and supervising the watch

a. Shire-reeve
b. Shire
c. Magistrate
d. Parish Constable

He was responsible for organizing and supervising the watch

a. Shire-reeve
b. Shire
c. Magistrate
d. Parish Constable

A system of apprehending criminals whereby a complainant

goes in the middle of the street and shout at the top of his
voice calling all males to assemble and indicates the
whereabouts of the culprit.

a. Royal Judge
b. Magistrates
c. Watchmen
d. Hue and Cry
A system of apprehending criminals whereby a complainant
goes in the middle of the street and shout at the top of his
voice calling all males to assemble and indicates the
whereabouts of the culprit.

a. Royal Judge
b. Magistrates
c. Watchmen
d. Hue and Cry
Suspects were required to place their hands in boiling water.
When not hurt, he will be acquitted, if not he is guilty of the

a. Hue and Cry

b. Shire
c. Trial by Ordeal
d. None of the Above
Suspects were required to place their hands in boiling water.
When not hurt, he will be acquitted, if not he is guilty of the

a. Hue and Cry

b. Shire
c. Trial by Ordeal
d. None of the Above
An Anglo-Saxon period of policing system where the residents
themselves were required to preserve the peace and order
and protect life and properties of the people.

a. Hue and Cry

b. Royal Judge
c. Trial by ordeal
d. Tun policing system
An Anglo-Saxon period of policing system where the
residents themselves were required to preserve the peace and
order and protect life and properties of the people.

a. Hue and Cry

b. Royal Judge
c. Trial by ordeal
d. Tun policing system
This law established the Napolcom under the office of the
President. It is also known as the Police Act of 1966.

a. R.A. 6975
b. C.A. 181
c. R.A. 4864
d. R.A. 4668
This law established the Napolcom under the office of the
President. It is also known as the Police Act of 1966.

a. R.A. 6975
b. C.A. 181
c. R.A. 4864
d. R.A. 4668
All personnel of the police department who have taken oath.

a. Duty officer
b. Subordinate officer
c. Sworn officer
d. Commanding officer
All personnel of the police department who have taken oath.

a. Duty officer
b. Subordinate officer
c. Sworn officer
d. Commanding officer
The Japanese Military Police.

a. Kempetai
b. Sepuko
c. Arigato
d. Kimchi
The Japanese Military Police.

a. Kempetai
b. Sepuko
c. Arigato
d. Kimchi
The Manila Police Department was formally organized on this

a. July 31, 1901

b. July 31. 1902
c. August 1, 1901
d. August 1, 1902
The Manila Police Department was formally organized on this

a. July 31, 1901

b. July 31. 1902
c. August 1, 1901
d. August 1, 1902
The PC (Philippine Constabulary) was organized as the first
insular police force on this date.

a. July 31, 1901

b. July 31, 1902
c. August 1, 1901
d. August 1, 1902
The PC (Philippine Constabulary) was organized as the first
insular police force on this date.

a. July 31, 1901

b. July 31, 1902
c. August 1, 1901
d. August 1, 1902
The First Chief of the PC (Philippine Constabulary).

a. Ronald John Hay

b. Henry Allen
c. George Cury
d. John Burnham
The First Chief of the PC (Philippine Constabulary).

a. Ronald John Hay

b. Henry Allen
c. George Cury
d. John Burnham
The First chief of police of Manila.

a. Henry Allen
b. George Curry
c. Howard Taft
d. Tomas Clark
The First chief of police of Manila.

a. Henry Allen
b. George Curry
c. Howard Taft
d. Tomas Clark
First Filipino chief of MPD appointed by Roxas?

a. Col. Antonio torres

b. Howard Taft
c. Lamberto Javalera
d. George Curry
First Filipino chief of MPD appointed by Roxas?

a. Col. Antonio Torres

b. Howard Taft
c. Lamberto Javalera
d. George Curry
The determination in advance of how the objectives of the
organization will be attained.

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Directing
d. Controlling
The determination in advance of how the objectives of the
organization will be attained.

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Directing
d. Controlling
It involves the overseeing and supervising of the human
resources and the various activities in an organization to
achieve through cooperative efforts the predetermined goals
or objectives of the organization.

a. Supervision
b. Organizing
c. Directing
d. Controlling
It involves the overseeing and supervising of the human
resources and the various activities in an organization to
achieve through cooperative efforts the predetermined goals
or objectives of the organization.

a. Supervision
b. Organizing
c. Directing
d. Controlling
It involves the checking or evaluation and measurement of
work performance and comparing it with planned goals or
objectives of the organization, and making the necessary
corrective actions so that work is accomplished as planned.

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Directing
d. Controlling
It involves the checking or evaluation and measurement of
work performance and comparing it with planned goals or
objectives of the organization, and making the necessary
corrective actions so that work is accomplished as planned.

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Directing
d. Controlling
The task of providing competent men to do the job and
choosing the right men for the right job-involves good
selection and processing of reliable and well-trained

a. Staffing
b. Reporting
c. Budgeting
d. Controlling
The task of providing competent men to do the job and
choosing the right men for the right job-involves good
selection and processing of reliable and well-trained

a. Staffing
b. Reporting
c. Budgeting
d. Controlling

The making of detailed account of activities, work progress,

investigations and unusual in order to keep everyone
informed or what is going on.

a. Staffing
b. Reporting
c. Budgeting
d. Controlling

The making of detailed account of activities, work progress,

investigations and unusual in order to keep everyone
informed or what is going on.

a. Staffing
b. Reporting
c. Budgeting
d. Controlling

The forecasting in detail of the results of an officially

recognized program of operations based on the highest
reasonable expectations of operating efficiency.

a. Staffing
b. Reporting
c. Budgeting
d. Controlling

The forecasting in detail of the results of an officially

recognized program of operations based on the highest
reasonable expectations of operating efficiency.

a. Staffing
b. Reporting
c. Budgeting
d. Controlling

This is intended to be used in all situations of all kinds, which

shall be outlined to guide officers and men in the field.

a. Field Procedure
b. Headquarters’ Procedure
c. Special Operating Procedure
d. None of the Above
This is intended to be used in all situations of all kinds, which
shall be outlined to guide officers and men in the field.

a. Field Procedure
b. Headquarters’ Procedure
c. Special Operating Procedure
d. None of the Above
To be included in these procedures are the duties of the
dispatcher, jailer, matron, and other personnel concerned,
which may be reflected in the duty manual. It also involves
coordinated action on activity of several offices.

a. Field Procedure
b. Headquarters’ Procedure
c. Special Operating Procedure
d. None of the Above
To be included in these procedures are the duties of the
dispatcher, jailer, matron, and other personnel concerned,
which may be reflected in the duty manual. It also involves
coordinated action on activity of several offices.

a. Field Procedure
b. Headquarters’ Procedure
c. Special Operating Procedure
d. None of the Above
A general statement of intention and typically with a time

a. Goal
b. Objective
c. Plan
d. Strategy
A general statement of intention and typically with a time

a. Goal
b. Objective
c. Plan
d. Strategy
Specific commitment to achieve a measurable result within a
specific period of time.

a. Goal
b. Objective
c. Plan
d. Strategy
Specific commitment to achieve a measurable result within a
specific period of time.

a. Goal
b. Objective
c. Plan
d. Strategy
An organize schedule or sequence by methodical activities
intended to attain a goal and objectives for the
accomplishment of mission or assignment.

a. Goal
b. Objective
c. Plan
d. Strategy
An organize schedule or sequence by methodical activities
intended to attain a goal and objectives for the
accomplishment of mission or assignment.

a. Goal
b. Objective
c. Plan
d. Strategy
A process of preparing for change and copping uncertainty
formulating future causes of action, the process of
determining the problem of the organization coming up with
proposed resolution and finding best solution.

a. Police Planning
b. Planning
c. Strategy
d. Plan
A process of preparing for change and copping uncertainty
formulating future causes of action, the process of
determining the problem of the organization coming up with
proposed resolution and finding best solution.

a. Police Planning
b. Planning
c. Strategy
d. Plan
It is a broad design, method, a plan to attain a stated goal or

a. Police Planning
b. Planning
c. Strategy
d. Plan
It is a broad design, method, a plan to attain a stated goal or

a. Police Planning
b. Planning
c. Strategy
d. Plan
It is a specific design, method, or course of action to attain a
particular objective in accordance with strategy.

a. Tactic
b. Procedure
c. Policy
d. Guidelines
It is a specific design, method, or course of action to attain a
particular objective in accordance with strategy.

a. Tactic
b. Procedure
c. Policy
d. Guidelines
A sequence of activities to reach a point or to attain that
which is desired.

a. Tactic
b. Procedure
c. Policy
d. Guidelines
A sequence of activities to reach a point or to attain that
which is desired.

a. Tactic
b. Procedure
c. Policy
d. Guidelines
A product of prudence or wisdom in the management of
human affairs.

a. Tactic
b. Procedure
c. Policy
d. Guidelines
A product of prudence or wisdom in the management of
human affairs.

a. Tactic
b. Procedure
c. Policy
d. Guidelines
A rule of action for the rank and file to show them and they
are expected to obtain the desired effect.

a. Tactic
b. Procedure
c. Policy
d. Guidelines
A rule of action for the rank and file to show them and they
are expected to obtain the desired effect.

a. Tactic
b. Procedure
c. Policy
d. Guidelines
It relates to plans which are strategic or long range in
application, it determines the organizations original goals and

a. Strategic plan
b. Intermediate plan
c. Operational plan
d. None of the Above
It relates to plans which are strategic or long range in
application, it determines the organizations original goals and

a. Strategic plan
b. Intermediate plan
c. Operational plan
d. None of the Above
It relates to plans which determine quantity and quality efforts
and accomplishment. It refers to the process of determining
the contribution on efforts that can make or provide with
allocated resources.

a. Strategic plan
b. Intermediate plan
c. Operational plan
d. None of the Above

It relates to plans which determine quantity and quality

efforts and accomplishment. It refers to the process of
determining the contribution on efforts that can make or
provide with allocated resources.

a. Strategic plan
b. Intermediate plan
c. Operational plan
d. None of the Above

It defines the fundamental principle governing the rules of

conduct, attitude, behavior and ethical norm of the PNP.

a. Fundamental Doctrine
b. Operational Doctrine
c. Complimentary Doctrine
d. Ethical Doctrine
It defines the fundamental principle governing the rules of
conduct, attitude, behavior and ethical norm of the PNP.

a. Fundamental Doctrine
b. Operational Doctrine
c. Complimentary Doctrine
d. Ethical Doctrine
The right to exercise, decide and command by virtue of rank
and position.

a. Authority
b. Doctrine
c. Discipline
d. None of the Above
The right to exercise, decide and command by virtue of rank
and position.

a. Authority
b. Doctrine
c. Discipline
d. None of the Above
It is imposed by command or self-restraint to insure
supportive behavior.

a. Authority
b. Doctrine
c. Discipline
d. None of the Above
It is imposed by command or self-restraint to insure
supportive behavior.

a. Authority
b. Doctrine
c. Discipline
d. None of the Above
Forecasting future events and determining the most effective
future activities for the company.

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Commanding
d. Coordinating
Forecasting future events and determining the most
effective future activities for the company.

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Commanding
d. Coordinating
Consist of the ways in which the organizational structure is
established and how the authority and responsibility are given
to managers a tasked called delegation.

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Commanding
d. Coordinating

Consist of the ways in which the organizational structure is

established and how the authority and responsibility are given
to managers a tasked called delegation.

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Commanding
d. Coordinating

It is a manager's duty to observe and report deviations from

plans and objectives, and to make initiatives to correct
potential deviations.

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Controlling
d. Coordinating

It is a manager's duty to observe and report deviations from

plans and objectives, and to make initiatives to correct
potential deviations.

a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Controlling
d. Coordinating

Knowledge of a possible or actual enemy or area of

operations acquired by the collection, evaluation and
interpretation of military information.

a. Combat intelligence
b. Police Intelligence
c. Military Intelligence
d. Counter intelligence

Knowledge of a possible or actual enemy or area of

operations acquired by the collection, evaluation and
interpretation of military information.

a. Combat intelligence
b. Police Intelligence
c. Military Intelligence
d. Counter intelligence

Knowledge of the enemy, weather and the terrain that is used

in the planning and conduct of tactical operations.

a. Combat intelligence
b. Police intelligence
c. Military Intelligence
d. Counter-intelligence
Knowledge of the enemy, weather and the terrain that is used
in the planning and conduct of tactical operations.

a. Combat intelligence
b. Police intelligence
c. Military Intelligence
d. Counter-intelligence
Activity pertains to all security control measures designed to
ensure the safeguarding of information against espionage,
personnel against subversion and installations or material
against sabotage.

a. Combat intelligence
b. Police intelligence
c. Military intelligence
d. Counter intelligence
Activity pertains to all security control measures designed to
ensure the safeguarding of information against espionage,
personnel against subversion and installations or material
against sabotage.

a. Combat intelligence
b. Police intelligence
c. Military intelligence
d. Counter intelligence

When the source of the information comes from a police

intelligence officer of long experience and extensive
background, the evaluation of reliability of information is

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

When the source of the information comes from a police

intelligence officer of long experience and extensive
background, the evaluation of reliability of information is

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

When there is no adequate basis estimating the reliability of

an information, the evaluation of the reliability of the
information is labeled.

a. A
b. F
c. E
d. D

When there is no adequate basis estimating the reliability of

an information, the evaluation of the reliability of the
information is labeled.

a. A
b. F
c. E
d. D

Knowledge in raw form is known as

a. Intelligence
b. Information
c. Awareness
d. Cognition
Knowledge in raw form is known as

a. Intelligence
b. Information
c. Awareness
d. Cognition
The resolving or separating of a thing into its component

a. Analysis
b. Evaluation
c. Collation
d. Collection
The resolving or separating of a thing into its component

a. Analysis
b. Evaluation
c. Collation
d. Collection
Any form of clandestine tradecraft using a system of marks,
signs, or codes for signaling between operatives.

a. Ciphers
b. Signs
c. Signals
d. Code
Any form of clandestine tradecraft using a system of marks,
signs, or codes for signaling between operatives.

a. Ciphers
b. Signs
c. Signals
d. Code
When an operation goes bad and the agent is arrested.

a. Rolled up
b. Rolled down
c. Burned out
d. Burned down
When an operation goes bad and the agent is arrested.

a. Rolled up
b. Rolled down
c. Burned out
d. Burned down
The Private Security Agency Law is known as

a. R.A. No. 5487

b. R.A. No. 5467
c. R.A. No. 5476
d. R.A. No. 5478
The Private Security Agency Law is known as

a. R.A. No. 5487

b. R.A. No. 5467
c. R.A. No. 5476
d. R.A. No. 5478
Any Person who, for hire or reward or on commission,
conducts or carries on or holds himself or itself out as
conducting or carrying on a detective agency or detective

a. Private Security Guard

b. Private Detective
c. Private Security Agency
d. Private Detective Agency
Any Person who, for hire or reward or on commission,
conducts or carries on or holds himself or itself out as
conducting or carrying on a detective agency or detective

a. Private Security Guard

b. Private Detective
c. Private Security Agency
d. Private Detective Agency
Any Person who is not a member of a regular police agency or
the Armed Forces of the Philippines who does detective work
for hire, reward or commission.

a. Private Detective Agency

b. Private Detective
c. Private Security Guard
d. Private Security Agency
Any Person who is not a member of a regular police agency
or the Armed Forces of the Philippines who does detective
work for hire, reward or commission.

a. Private Detective Agency

b. Private Detective
c. Private Security Guard
d. Private Security Agency
The Operator or Manager of a security agency must be at

a. 25 Years of Age
b. 30 Years of Age
c. 35 Years of Age
d. 40 Years of Age
The Operator or Manager of a security agency must be at

a. 25 Years of Age
b. 30 Years of Age
c. 35 Years of Age
d. 40 Years of Age
Who has the power to promulgate the rules and regulations
to carry out the provisions of R.A. No. 5487.

a. The President of the Philippines

b. The DILG Secretary
c. The Chief of the PNP
d. The DOJ Secretary
Who has the power to promulgate the rules and regulations
to carry out the provisions of R.A. No. 5487.

a. The President of the Philippines

b. The DILG Secretary
c. The Chief of the PNP
d. The DOJ Secretary
A Security Agency is entitled to possess firearm in a number
not exceeding

a. One Firearm For Every Two Security Guard

b. One Firearm For Every Three Security Guard
c. One Firearm For Every Four Security Guard
d. One Firearm For Every Five Security Guard
A Security Agency is entitled to possess firearm in a number
not exceeding

a. One Firearm For Every Two Security Guard

b. One Firearm For Every Three Security Guard
c. One Firearm For Every Four Security Guard
d. One Firearm For Every Five Security Guard
A Security Agency operating in municipalities other than first
class may employ

a. Not more than 200 security guard

b. Not more than 300 security guard
c. Not more than 400 security guard
d. Not more than 500 security guard
A Security Agency operating in municipalities other than first
class may employ

a. Not more than 200 security guard

b. Not more than 300 security guard
c. Not more than 400 security guard
d. Not more than 500 security guard
The Chief PNP in issuing rules and regulations implementing
R.A. No. 5487 or the Private Security Agency Law must consult
with the

d. LGU
The Chief PNP in issuing rules and regulations implementing
R.A. No. 5487 or the Private Security Agency Law must consult
with the

d. LGU
What is the maximum number of private security personnel
that a private security agency may employ?

a. 200
b. 1000
c. 1500
d. 2000
What is the maximum number of private security personnel
that a private security agency may employ?

a. 200
b. 1000
c. 1500
d. 2000
A crew which is assigned to a mobile car usually consist of

a. a driver and intelligence agent

b. a driver and traffic man
c. a driver and a recorder
d. a driver, recorder and supervisor
A crew which is assigned to a mobile car usually consist of

a. a driver and intelligence agent

b. a driver and traffic man
c. a driver and a recorder
d. a driver, recorder and supervisor
An industrial complex must establish its first line of physical
defense. It must have?

a. the building itself

b. perimeter barriers
c. communication barriers
d. window barriers
An industrial complex must establish its first line of physical
defense. It must have?

a. the building itself

b. perimeter barriers
c. communication barriers
d. window barriers
It is the circumspect inspection of a place to determine its
suitability for a particular operational purpose.

a. Inspection
b. Surveillance
c. Survey
d. Casing
It is the circumspect inspection of a place to determine its
suitability for a particular operational purpose.

a. Inspection
b. Surveillance
c. Survey
d. Casing
In the de-briefing, the intelligence agent is asked to discuss
which of the following:

a. his educational profile and schools attended

b. his personal circumstances such as his age, religious
affiliation, address, etc.
c. his political inclination and/or party affiliation
d. his observations and experiences in the intelligence
In the de-briefing, the intelligence agent is asked to discuss
which of the following:

a. his educational profile and schools attended

b. his personal circumstances such as his age, religious
affiliation, address, etc.
c. his political inclination and/or party affiliation
d. his observations and experiences in the intelligence
It is a natural or man-made structure or physical device which
is capable of restricting, determine, or delaying illegal access
to an installation.

a. alarm
b. wall
c. barrier
d. hazard
It is a natural or man-made structure or physical device which
is capable of restricting, determine, or delaying illegal access
to an installation.

a. alarm
b. wall
c. barrier
d. hazard
What form of intelligence is involved when information is
obtained without the knowledge of the person against whom
the information or documents may be used, or if the
information is clandestinely acquired?

a. covert
b. overt
c. active
d. underground
What form of intelligence is involved when information is
obtained without the knowledge of the person against whom
the information or documents may be used, or if the
information is clandestinely acquired?

a. covert
b. overt
c. active
d. underground
Republic Act 6975 provides that on the average nationwide,
the manning levels of the PNP shall be approximately in
accordance with a police-to-population ratio of:

a. one (1) policeman for every seven hundred (700)

b. one (1) policeman for every one thousand five hundred
(1,500) inhabitants.
c. one (1) policeman for every five hundred (500)
d. one (1) policeman for every one thousand (1,000)

Republic Act 6975 provides that on the average nationwide,

the manning levels of the PNP shall be approximately in
accordance with a police-to-population ratio of:

a. one (1) policeman for every seven hundred (700)

b. one (1) policeman for every one thousand five hundred
(1,500) inhabitants.
c. one (1) policeman for every five hundred (500)
d. one (1) policeman for every one thousand (1,000)

The term used for the object of surveillance is a subject while

the investigator conducting the surveillance is:

a. rabbit
b. surveillant
c. traffic enforcement
d. patrol
The term used for the object of surveillance is a subject while
the investigator conducting the surveillance is:

a. rabbit
b. surveillant
c. traffic enforcement
d. patrol
Which of the following is considered as the most important
factor in formulating an effective patrol strategy?

a. training of station commander

b. adequacy of resources of the police station
c. rank of the patrol commander
d. salary rates of police personnel
Which of the following is considered as the most important
factor in formulating an effective patrol strategy?

a. training of station commander

b. adequacy of resources of the police station
c. rank of the patrol commander
d. salary rates of police personnel
Which of the following is the most common reason why
informer can give information to the police?

a. wants to be known to the policeman

b. monetary reward
c. as a good citizen
d. revenge
Which of the following is the most common reason why
informer can give information to the police?

a. wants to be known to the policeman

b. monetary reward
c. as a good citizen
d. revenge
What administrative support unit conducts identification and
evaluation of physical evidences related to crimes, with
emphasis on their medical, chemical, biological and physical

a. Logistics Service
b. Crime Laboratory
c. Communication and Electronic service
d. Finance Center

What administrative support unit conducts identification and

evaluation of physical evidences related to crimes, with
emphasis on their medical, chemical, biological and physical

a. Logistics Service
b. Crime Laboratory
c. Communication and Electronic service
d. Finance Center

Those who are charged with the actual fulfillment of the

agency’s mission are ________.

a. staff
b. supervision
c. management
d. line

Those who are charged with the actual fulfillment of the

agency’s mission are ________.

a. staff
b. supervision
c. management
d. line

When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge that the

investigation is conducting surveillance on him, the latter is:
a. cut out
b. sold out
c. burnt out
d. get out

When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge that the

investigation is conducting surveillance on him, the latter is:
a. cut out
b. sold out
c. burnt out
d. get out

Police Inspector Juan Dela Cruz is the Chief of Police of a

municipality. He wants his subordinates to be drawn closer to
the people in the different barangays. He should adopt which
of the following projects?

a. COPS on the blocks

b. Oplan Bakal
c. Oplan Sandugo
d. Complan Pagbabago

Police Inspector Juan Dela Cruz is the Chief of Police of a

municipality. He wants his subordinates to be drawn closer to
the people in the different barangays. He should adopt which
of the following projects?

a. COPS on the blocks

b. Oplan Bakal
c. Oplan Sandugo
d. Complan Pagbabago

A method of collecting information wherein the investigator

merely uses his different senses.
a. observation
b. casing
c. research
d. interrogation

A method of collecting information wherein the investigator

merely uses his different senses.
a. observation
b. casing
c. research
d. interrogation

Pedro is a thief who is eying at the handbag of Maria. PO1

Santos Reyes is standing a few meters from Maria. The thief’s
desire to steal is not diminished by the presence of the police
officer but the _______________ for successful theft is.

a. ambition
b. feeling
c. intention
d. opportunity

Pedro is a thief who is eying at the handbag of Maria. PO1

Santos Reyes is standing a few meters from Maria. The thief’s
desire to steal is not diminished by the presence of the police
officer but the _______________ for successful theft is.

a. ambition
b. feeling
c. intention
d. opportunity
One way of extending the power of police observation is to
get information from persons within the vicinity. In the police
work, this is called:

a. data gathering
b. field inquiry
c. interrogation
d. interview
One way of extending the power of police observation is to
get information from persons within the vicinity. In the police
work, this is called:

a. data gathering
b. field inquiry
c. interrogation
d. interview
Dogs have an acute sense of _______________ thus, their
utilization in tracking down lost persons or illegal drugs.

a. smell
b. hearing
c. eating
d. drinking
Dogs have an acute sense of _______________ thus, their
utilization in tracking down lost persons or illegal drugs.

a. smell
b. hearing
c. eating
d. drinking
Intelligence on _________________ makes heavy use of
geographic information because law enforcement officials
must know exact locations to interdict the flow of drugs.

a. Logistics
b. Human Cargo Trafficking
c. Narcotics Trafficking
d. Economic resources
Intelligence on _________________ makes heavy use of
geographic information because law enforcement officials
must know exact locations to interdict the flow of drugs.

a. Logistics
b. Human Cargo Trafficking
c. Narcotics Trafficking
d. Economic resources
A method of collection of information wherein the
investigator tails or follows the person or vehicle.

a. research
b. undercover operation
c. casing
d. surveillance
A method of collection of information wherein the
investigator tails or follows the person or vehicle.

a. research
b. undercover operation
c. casing
d. surveillance
The uprightness in character, soundness of moral principles,
honesty and freedom from moral delinquencies is referred to

a. integrity
b. loyalty
c. discretion
d. moral
The uprightness in character, soundness of moral principles,
honesty and freedom from moral delinquencies is referred to

a. integrity
b. loyalty
c. discretion
d. moral
The act of expelling a squatter by the legal process is called:

a. demolition
b. squadron
c. eviction
d. tear down
The act of expelling a squatter by the legal process is called:

a. demolition
b. squadron
c. eviction
d. tear down
Which of the following words has the same meaning as the
word credibility?

a. ability
b. capacity
c. believability
d. vulnerability
Which of the following words has the same meaning as the
word credibility?

a. ability
b. capacity
c. believability
d. vulnerability
Which of the following best defines the word self-reliant?

a. observation
b. crime prevention
c. called for service
d. criminal apprehension
Which of the following best defines the word self-reliant?

a. observation
b. crime prevention
c. called for service
d. criminal apprehension
All but one is the primarily line operation in police

a. patrol
b. records
c. investigation
d. traffic
All but one is the primarily line operation in police

a. patrol
b. records
c. investigation
d. traffic
Criminals can hear the sound of the helicopter coming and so
element of surprise is lost which is one of the ________ of air

a. advantages
b. features
c. disadvantages
d. import
Criminals can hear the sound of the helicopter coming and so
element of surprise is lost which is one of the ________ of air

a. advantages
b. features
c. disadvantages
d. import

Who is the most important officer in the police organization?

a. investigator
b. patrol officer
c. traffic officer
d. The Chief of Police

Who is the most important officer in the police organization?

a. investigator
b. patrol officer
c. traffic officer
d. The Chief of Police

What type of cover uses actual or true background?

a. artificial
b. multiple cover
c. Natural
d. cover within a cover

What type of cover uses actual or true background?

a. artificial
b. multiple cover
c. Natural
d. cover within a cover

What is the principle of organization suggesting that

communication should ordinarily go upward and downward
through establish channels in the hierarchy?

a. Chain of Command
b. Span of Control
c. Unity of Command
d. Delegation of Authority

What is the principle of organization suggesting that

communication should ordinarily go upward and downward
through establish channels in the hierarchy?

a. Chain of Command
b. Span of Control
c. Unity of Command
d. Delegation of Authority

It is the central receiving entity for any citizen’s complaint

against the members and officers of the PNP.

d. IAS

It is the central receiving entity for any citizen’s complaint

against the members and officers of the PNP.

d. IAS

A police strategy which aims to directly involve members of

the community in the maintenance of peace and order by
police officers.
a. Integrated Police System
b. Comparative Police System
c. Police Visibility
d. Community Oriented Policing System

A police strategy which aims to directly involve members of

the community in the maintenance of peace and order by
police officers.
a. Integrated Police System
b. Comparative Police System
c. Police Visibility
d. Community Oriented Policing System

This term refers to the period when a police officer is actively

engaged in the performance of his duty.

a. off duty
b. off limits
c. on call
d. on duty

This term refers to the period when a police officer is actively

engaged in the performance of his duty.
a. off duty
b. off limits
c. on call
d. on duty
The act of temporarily denying an officer the privilege of
performing his police duties in consequence of an offense and
violation of rules and regulations.

a. dismissal
b. restriction
c. suspension
d. reprimand
The act of temporarily denying an officer the privilege of
performing his police duties in consequence of an offense and
violation of rules and regulations.

a. dismissal
b. restriction
c. suspension
d. reprimand
In the history of our police force, who was the first Director
General of the Philippine National Police (PNP)?

a. Gen. Cesar Nazareno

b. Gen. Raul Imperial
c. Gen. Umberto Rodriquez
d. Gen. Recaredo Sarmiento
In the history of our police force, who was the first Director
General of the Philippine National Police (PNP)?

a. Gen. Cesar Nazareno

b. Gen. Raul Imperial
c. Gen. Umberto Rodriquez
d. Gen. Recaredo Sarmiento
The premier educational institution for the training, human
resource development and continuing education of all the
personnel of BJMP, BFP and PNP.

The premier educational institution for the training, human
resource development and continuing education of all the
personnel of BJMP, BFP and PNP.

It exercises supervision and control over the provincial jails.

b. Bureau of Prisons
c. Department of Justice
d. Provincial Government
It exercises supervision and control over the provincial jails.

b. Bureau of Prisons
c. Department of Justice
d. Provincial Government
The required rank for the head of the Fire Bureau.

a. Chief Superintendent
b. Director General
c. Director
d. Deputy Director General
The required rank for the head of the Fire Bureau.

a. Chief Superintendent
b. Director General
c. Director
d. Deputy Director General
It exercises supervision and control over all city and municipal

b. Bureau of Prisons
c. Department of Justice
d. Local Government
It exercises supervision and control over all city and municipal

b. Bureau of Prisons
c. Department of Justice
d. Local Government
The annual reservation percentage quota for women in the

a. 25%
b. 5%
c. 10%
d. 20%
The annual reservation percentage quota for women in the

a. 25%
b. 5%
c. 10%
d. 20%
Which of the following administers and attends to cases
involving crimes against chastity?

c. Women’s Desk
d. Homicide Division
Which of the following administers and attends to cases
involving crimes against chastity?

c. Women’s Desk
d. Homicide Division
They have the authority to recommend to the Provincial
Director the transfer, reassignment of PNP members outside
of their town residences.

a. Regional Directors
b. Priests
c. Chiefs of Police
d. Mayors
They have the authority to recommend to the Provincial
Director the transfer, reassignment of PNP members outside
of their town residences.

a. Regional Directors
b. Priests
c. Chiefs of Police
d. Mayors
The utilization of units or elements, of the PNP for the
purpose of protection of lives and properties, enforcement of
laws and maintenance of peace and order.

a. employment
b. deployment
c. assignment
d. designation
The utilization of units or elements, of the PNP for the
purpose of protection of lives and properties, enforcement of
laws and maintenance of peace and order.

a. employment
b. deployment
c. assignment
d. designation
The orderly and organized physical movement of elements or
units of the PNP.

a. employment
b. deployment
c. assignment
d. designation
The orderly and organized physical movement of elements
or units of the PNP.

a. employment
b. deployment
c. assignment
d. designation

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