Assignment ROTC

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The Improvised Explosive Device (IED) according to the video I have

watched, is a device that is placed or fabricated in an improvised

manner incorporating destructive, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic, or
incendiary chemicals and designed to destroy, incapacitate, harass or
distract. And it is normally devised from non-military components. This
device is very harmful to us people especially to those people who did
not know about this device or what to do if they encounter this kind of
thing. That is why they conduct Improvised Explosive Device Awareness
to aware us all about this thing.

Before, I have experienced this kind of thing in my elementary days. I

heard from most of the people in our community that the target of
non-military groups is in school and in places which people gather
together. So back to my elementary days, it was around 10 in the
morning. The students and teachers in our school are panicking
because someone reported that there is an undefined explosive device
in our area. Which leads people in our school to panic and to run
everywhere. But at the end of the day, it is proven that it is not an
explosive device. In that experience, I can conclude that the importance
of Improvised Explosive Device Awareness in school is very useful for
the students and teachers to know what to do if they encountered such
thing about this explosive device. And so that they will also have an
idea about the different types of this explosive device or how to
identify if that thing is dangerous like explosive devices. Not just in
school but especially in the community. Because we admit it or not
many people today know nothing about this thing. And I am one of
those, because before I thought all of the explosive devices are the
same. That is why we need to learn every single thing about this matter
for our safety and security. And to avoid the danger that is caused by
this device.
1. What are the three branches of AFP organization?
The three branches of AFP are Philippine Army, Philippine
Navy, and Philippine Air Force.
2. Enumerate the five reserve force components.
The five reserve force components are army reserve command,
air force reserve command and affiliated reserves.
3. Identify and differentiate the different types of reserve units.
The Ready reserve, it is the physically-fit and tactically-current
reservist personnel that are always on constant alert and
training; ready to mobilize once a mobilization order has been
given. While the standby reserve it is the reservist personnel
who do not maintain currency in specialization qualifications
but the base for expansion, support and augmentation to the
Ready Reserve Force needed. And lastly the retired reserve it is
composed of citizens who are qualified for retirement either by
length of service or age.
4. Classification of reservist and reserve units.
There are three classification of reservists these are the,
First category reservists, Second category reservists, and Third
category reservists. While in reserve units first is Ready reserve,
second is the standby reserve and lastly the retired reserve.

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