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Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessment

David Raslau, MD, MPH; Dennis M. Bierle, MD; Christopher R. Stephenson, MD;
Michael A. Mikhail, MD; Esayas B. Kebede, MD; and Karen F. Mauck, MD, MSc


Major adverse cardiac events are common causes of perioperative mortality and major morbidity. Pre-
venting these complications requires thorough preoperative risk assessment and postoperative moni-
toring of at-risk patients. Major guidelines recommend assessment based on a validated risk calculator
that incorporates patient- and procedure-specific factors. American and European guidelines define
when stress testing is needed on the basis of functional capacity assessment. Favoring cost-effectiveness,
Canadian guidelines instead recommend obtaining brain natriuretic peptide or N-terminal prohormone
of brain natriuretic peptide levels to guide postoperative screening for myocardial injury or infarction.
When conditions such as acute coronary syndrome, severe pulmonary hypertension, and decom-
pensated heart failure are identified, nonemergent surgery should be postponed until the condition is
appropriately managed. There is an evolving role of biomarkers and myocardial injury after noncardiac
surgery to enhance risk stratification, but the effect of interventions guided by these strategies is unclear.
ª 2019 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2020;95(5):1064-1079

ajor adverse cardiac events MACE and determine who may benefit from
(MACEs), defined as death or additional testing or revascularization prior
From the Mayo Clinic myocardial infarction (MI), are to surgery. Our approach has been outlined
Rochester, Division of Gen-
eral Internal Medicine, common causes of perioperative mortality in a previous article in this series, and it is
Rochester, MN. and major morbidity.1 Multiple guidelines similar to recommendations from the 2014
provide recommendations to guide cardiac ACC/AHA guideline. The ACC/AHA guide-
preoperative evaluations. These guidelines line outlined a multistep algorithm for pa-
are written by the American College of Cardi- tients with risk factors for, or known,
ology/American Heart Association (ACC/ coronary artery disease (CAD). Components
AHA), the European Society of Cardiology of the algorithm include an assessment of
(ESC) and the European Society of Anaes- surgical urgency, clinical assessment for
thesiology (ESA), and the Canadian Cardio- acute coronary syndrome, and estimation
vascular Society (CCS).1-3 While similarities of combined medical and surgical cardiac
exist between these guidelines, there are dif- risk using a validated instrument such as
ferences that can lead to confusion for the the Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI), the
clinical practitioner. We aim to synthesize Gupta Myocardial Infarction and Cardiac Ar-
each guideline, discuss where differences rest (MICA) calculator or the American Col-
arise in the major guidelines and why, present lege of Surgeons (ACS) National Surgical
a systematic approach to the preoperative car- Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) sur-
diovascular evaluation, and share the gical risk calculator.1 Patients with an esti-
approach we use to characterize cardiac risk mated risk of MACE < 1% (low risk) can
prior to noncardiac surgery. proceed to surgery without further testing.
The assessment of functional capacity in
PREOPERATIVE RISK STRATIFICATION metabolic equivalents (METs) is recommen-
Major perioperative cardiac guidelines all ded for patients with an estimated cardiac
recommend beginning preoperative cardiac risk of greater than or equal to 1% (elevated
risk assessment with a focused history and risk).1 Patients with elevated cardiac risk
physical exam to identify unstable or undiag- who have a poor or unknown functional ca-
nosed cardiac conditions, estimate the risk of pacity (<4 METs) can be further risk

1064 Mayo Clin Proc. n May 2020;95(5):1064-1079 n n ª 2019 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

stratified with pharmacologic stress testing,

if the results would change perioperative ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTS
management. Management changes might d Different guidelines have different recommendations regarding
include changes in operative plans, changes
cardiac risk stratification and testing. This article summarizes
in pharmacotherapy, or rarely, coronary
revascularization. Patients with a normal and synthesizes these recommendations.
stress test can proceed to surgery, whereas d Myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery is a recognized risk
those with an abnormal stress test should factor for postoperative mortality. There is no consensus on
be managed according to existing clinical what should be done and there is no current recommended
practice guidelines.1 intervention.
The ESC/ESA also issued guidelines in d Indications for postponing surgery for additional evaluation are
2014 that incorporated a stepwise approach discussed.
to preoperative cardiac evaluation.2 The
initial step is an assessment of surgical ur-
gency, with a recommendation to proceed
to surgery if the need is urgent. Patients un- that stress testing might also be considered
dergoing elective surgery should be assessed in patients with an RCRI score of 1 to 2 in
for active or unstable cardiac conditions, some cases. However, a class I recommenda-
with stabilization according to clinical prac- tion is given to consideration of stress testing
tice guidelines. The surgical risk is then in patients undergoing high-risk surgery
assessed according to low (<1%), intermedi- with RCRI greater than 2 and poor func-
ate (1%-5%), and high (>5%) risk categories tional capacity.1,2
(Table 1). Patients undergoing low-risk sur- The CCS issued guidelines in 2017 for pa-
gical procedures can proceed to surgery tients undergoing noncardiac surgery,
without additional testing, whereas patients requiring at least overnight hospital admis-
undergoing intermediate or high-risk sur- sion, who are 45 years or older or 18 to 44 years
geries should have their functional capacity old with known significant cardiovascular dis-
in METs assessed. Patients with a functional ease (CAD; e.g., cerebral vascular disease, pe-
capacity greater than 4 METs can proceed to ripheral artery disease, congestive heart
surgery. If the functional capacity is less than failure [CHF], or severe pulmonary hyperten-
4 METs, or cannot be determined, clinical sion [PH], which was defined as pulmonary ar-
risk can be assessed using the RCRI (Gupta tery pressure greater than 70 mmHg, or severe
MICA calculator can also be used, but the valvular heart disease [VHD]). The surgical ur-
authors do not indicate how this fits in the gency should be evaluated first, as there are
algorithm). If the RCRI is greater than 2, distinct pathways for emergent, urgent, semi-
then stress testing could be considered if urgent, and elective surgery. Patients with
the results would change management. The emergent surgical needs should proceed to
authors provide some nuance to suggest surgery without further cardiac assessment.3

TABLE 1. Surgical Risk Stratification by Surgery Type

Low risk (<1%) Intermediate risk (1%-5%) High risk (>5%)
d Breast d Carotid (symptomatic) d Aortic and major vascular surgery
d Carotid (asymptomatic) d Endovascular aneurysm repair d Adrenal resection
d Dental d Head and neck surgery d Pneumonectomy
d Eye d Hip surgery d Pulmonary or liver transplant
d Other minor or superficial d Intraperitoneal d Repair of perforated bowel
procedures d Intrathoracic (nonmajor) d Revascularization or thromboembolectomy
d Renal transplant of lower limbs
d Spine surgery

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Postoperative monitoring with troponins and monitoring is not recommended for patients
electrocardiography and comanagement by a with normal preoperative natriuretic peptide
medical specialist is recommended if the pa- levels. In this guideline, there is no indication
tient is older than 64 years or has known signif- for preoperative stress testing.3
icant cardiovascular disease. Patients with There are multiple similarities in the
urgent or semiurgent surgical need should approach to preoperative cardiac risk assess-
proceed to surgery, with preoperative cardiac ment among the major guidelines. All recom-
assessment only if there is an unstable cardiac mend a stepwise approach assessing surgical
condition, suspicion of severe VHD, or evi- urgency, surgery specific risk, patient-
dence of severe PH. Postoperative monitoring specific risk, and consideration of additional
can be implemented as described in emergency risk stratification in patients with an elevated
surgery. Patients undergoing elective surgery combined medical and surgical risk. The
should undergo risk stratification with calcula- RCRI risk calculator is recommended by
tion of an RCRI score.3 The version of the each of the guidelines, and no preoperative
RCRI calculator is different than the version testing is recommended for low-risk patients
used in the ACC/AHA and the ESC/ESA guide- undergoing low-risk surgeries. Several impor-
lines (this will be discussed in more detail in a tant differences also exist, and they are sum-
subsequent paragraph). Patients who are age marized in Table 2.1-3 A major point of
65 years or older, are 45 to 64 years old with difference relates to stress testing and func-
significant cardiovascular disease, or have an tional capacity assessment. Both the ACC/
RCRI score of 1 or greater are recommended AHA and ESC/ESA recommend considering
to have brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) or stress testing for patients with elevated risk
N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (>1%) and poor functional capacity (<4
(NT-proBNP) testing to further stratify risk. METs).1,2 The CCS deviates and makes no
If the BNP is greater than 92 ng/L, NT- formal recommendation on assessing func-
proBNP is greater than 300 ng/L, or the patient tional capacity or preoperative cardiac stress
would have qualified for natriuretic peptide testing. Instead, they define populations for
measurement but the results are not available, which natriuretic peptide levels should be
then patients are determined to be higher risk checked. If BNP levels are elevated, postoper-
and postoperative monitoring as described ative troponin monitoring, rather than preop-
above is recommended. Postoperative erative stress testing, is recommended.3 The

TABLE 2. Summary of Guidelines for Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessment

Cardiac evaluation ACC/AHA 2014 guidelines ESC/ESA 2014 guidelines CCS 2017 guidelines
Whom to evaluate Patients with known CVD or risk All patients planning to undergo a Patients undergoing surgery
factors for CVD planning to noncardiac surgery requiring an overnight stay with
undergo a noncardiac surgery pre-existing CVD or who are
45 years old
Categorizing risk of MACE Combined patient-specific and Surgical risk Low risk (<5%)
surgical risk: d Low risk (<1%) Elevated risk (5%)
d Low risk (<1%) d Intermediate risk (1%-5%)

d Elevated (1%) d High risk (>5%)

Risk calculator RCRI (Lee 1999),6 MICA, ACS RCRI (Lee 1999),6 MICA RCRI (Lee 1999)6
Functional capacity goal >4 METs subjectively or >4 METs subjectively No recommendation
objectively (DASI)
ACC ¼ American College of Cardiology; ACS ¼ American College of Surgeons; AHA ¼ American Heart Association; CCS ¼ Canadian Cardiovascular Society; CVD ¼
Cardiovascular Disease; DASI ¼ Duke Activity Status Index; ESC ¼ European Society of Cardiology; ESA ¼ European Society of Anaesthesiology; MACE ¼ major adverse
cardiac event; MICA ¼ myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest; NSQIP ¼ National Surgical Quality Improvement Program; RCRI ¼ Revised Cardiac Risk Index.

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1066 Mayo Clin Proc. May 2020;95(5):1064-1079

TABLE 3. Summary of Guidelines for Preoperative Cardiac Testinga

Test ACC/AHA 2014 guidelines ESC/ESA 2014 guidelines CCS 2017 guidelines
Electrocardiogram d Used in patients with known CVD d Used in those who have CVD risk Used postoperatively in the PACU
(except in low-risk surgery) factors or are undergoing high-risk for those who are at high risk
d Used to establish baseline and (>5%) surgery
discover underlying CVD in d Used postoperatively in those
asymptomatic individuals (except with signs or symptoms of MI
in low-risk surgery)
d Used postoperatively in those
with signs or symptoms of MI

Echocardiogram Used in those who have unexplained Used in those who have unexplained Not recommended
dyspnea, a history of heart failure dyspnea, a history of heart failure
with a change in clinical status or with a change in clinical status or
no assessment in the last year, or no assessment in the last year, or
are undergoing high-risk surgery are undergoing high risk surgery
(> 1%) (>5%)
Stress testing Considered in those who are Considered in those who have Not recommended
undergoing elevated-risk surgery unknown or low functional
(1%) and unknown or low capacity (<4 METs) and RCRI > 1
functional capacity (<4 METs) who are undergoing intermediate
or high risk surgeryb
Angiogram Same uses as nonoperative Same uses as nonoperative Same uses as nonoperative
indications indications indications
BNP or NT-proBNP Used for diagnosing heart failure or Used as additional independent Strongly recommend before
assessing optimization of heart prognostic information for noncardiac surgery (that will
failure patients perioperative and late cardiac require at least one overnight stay
events in high-risk patients (RCRI in the hospital) in patients who are
>1 for vascular surgery, RCRI >2 >65 years old, are 45-64 years old
for other surgeries)b with significant CVD, or have
RCRI score 1b
Troponin Used postoperatively in those with Used in high-risk patients both Used in patients >65 years old or
signs or symptoms of MI before and 48-72 hours after age 18-64 with significant CVD or
major surgery a positive BNP or NT-proBNP or
in those who would have qualified
for BNP or NT-proBNP but were
unable to have the test performed
ACC ¼ American College of Cardiology; AHA ¼ American Heart Association; BNP ¼ brain natriuretic peptide; CCS ¼ Canadian Cardiovascular Society; CVD ¼
cardiovascular disease; ESC ¼ European Society of Cardiology; ESA ¼ European Society of Anaesthesiology; MET ¼ metabolic equivalent; MI ¼ myocardial infarction; NT-
proBNP ¼ N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; PACU ¼ postanesthesia care unit; RCRI ¼ Revised Cardiac Risk Index.
RCRI risk factors: high-risk type of surgery, history of ischemic heart disease, history of congestive heart failure, history of cerebrovascular disease, preoperative treatment
with insulin, and preoperative serum creatinine >2.0 mg/dL.

ESC/ESA and CCS algorithms specifically therapies for these conditions if they are
discuss evaluating patients for low- decompensated; this is discussed in greater
prevalence, yet high-risk, conditions such as detail later.1-3
severe VHD, symptomatic arrhythmias, Another important difference between the
decompensated CHF, or severe PH.2,3 The guidelines is how cardiovascular risk is
ACC/AHA guidelines discuss management defined. The ESC/ESA guideline uses low
of noncoronary cardiac conditions, which in- (<1%), intermediate (1%-5%) and high
crease perioperative risk, separately from the (>5%) surgical risk categories and uses the
algorithm.1 All guidelines support delaying RCRI and MICA risk calculators to determine
nonemergent surgery to optimize medical patient-specific risk (see Table 2).1-3 The
Mayo Clin Proc. n May 2020;95(5):1064-1079 n 1067

ACC/AHA guideline uses a combined patient- risk, as is reported by the RCRI, Gupta
and surgery-specific risk, with 2 risk cate- MICA, or ACS Surgical Risk calculators, fol-
gories: low (<1%) and elevated (1%) risk.1 lowed by functional capacity assessment for
The CCS guideline identifies specific-patient elevated-risk patients (1%).1 The ESC/
risk populations.3 For example, patients age ESA recommends using only surgical risk
45 years and older, or patients with known for baseline assessment and next proceeding
cardiovascular disease, have a 1% or greater to functional capacity assessment. The RCRI
risk of perioperative MACE. The CCS guide- or Gupta MICA calculators are used as mod-
line recommends BNP or NT-proBNP testing ifiers to the elevated surgical risk, but only in
for this group. In addition, the choice of pop- patients with poor functional capacity.2 The
ulations qualifying for postoperative troponin CCS guideline again specifies populations
monitoring (see Table 3)1-3 was based on an based on a combination of surgical risk
estimated risk of greater than 5%.3 However, (required overnight hospital stay) and medi-
the data used to create these risk estimates cal risk (age, risk factors, cardiac comorbid-
were weighted differently by the various ities, RCRI score).3
guideline committees. Different from the
CCS guideline committee emphasized data Risk calculators are an essential component
on postoperative MACE outcomes that were of preoperative cardiac evaluation; however,
much higher than were reported in other they are a significant cause of confusion for
studies, because all patients (symptomatic the clinician. The calculators recommended
and asymptomatic) were universally screened by current guidelines use patient and proce-
for postoperative MI or myocardial injury. dural factors to estimate the risk of MACE
The universal screening studies have identi- after surgery. Each calculator has differences
fied that the majority of patients with postop- related to input variables, the derivation
erative ischemia were asymptomatic (65%). population, and outcome definitions result-
Because many studies did not use universal ing in variability in risk estimates depending
screening for postoperative outcomes, a sig- on which calculator is used. This can result
nificant number of asymptomatic patients in confusion because the calculated risk of
might not have been identified as having post- MACE for the same patient might differ
operative MI. There were also a number of significantly according to which calculator
patients that had elevated biomarkers postop- is chosen. Each calculator has limitations
eratively, but did not meet the definition of that are important to understand to help
MI. These patients were defined as having with interpreting the scores. Complicating
myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery things even further, over the years since it
(MINS).4 This places a greater emphasis on was initially validated, and there have been
studies such as Vascular Events In Noncar- modifications and different versions of the
diac Surgery Patients Cohort than on data RCRI used; however, they have not been as
derived from the NSQIP database, which widely validated. Changes in medical prac-
does not require routine screening for asymp- tice over time have created issues with using
tomatic MI.5 Current American and European older cardiac risk calculators. Some of these
practice guidelines do not address MINS sys- changes include the use of troponin to diag-
tematically but do recognize the association nose MI, advancements in surgical tech-
with increased mortality.1,2 Canadian guide- nique, and improvements in anesthesia.
lines are specifically structured to screen for Although the RCRI has been re-evaluated
MINS.3 MINS is discussed in greater detail in these modern settings, older risk calcula-
later. tors, such as the Eagle cardiac risk criteria,
The ordering of risk assessment compo- Detsky index, and Goldman Cardiac Risk In-
nents also differs between guidelines. The dex, have not; this limits their applicability
ACC/AHA recommends using an absolute to modern clinical practice. A major limita-
estimate of combined medical and surgical tion of risk calculation tools is the exclusion
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1068 Mayo Clin Proc. May 2020;95(5):1064-1079

of low-prevalence, yet high-risk, conditions of 1 had a 0.9% risk, a score of 2 had a 7%

such as severe VHD, symptomatic arrhyth- risk, and a score of 3 or greater had an
mias, decompensated CHF, and severe PH. 11% risk. The RCRI has stood the test of
Screening for these conditions should be time and has been validated in multiple pop-
performed on a clinical basis, with further ulations, and these risk factors have been
diagnostic testing as would be indicated in recommended for use in the ACC/AHA
non-perioperative setting. We recommend guidelines since 2007. Since the original
using the RCRI, Gupta MICA, or the ACS publication of the RCRI in 1999, however,
NSQIP surgical risk calculators to assess subsequent meta-analyses have suggested
the risk of adverse cardiac outcome in the that the RCRI underestimated risk in
patient contemplating noncardiac surgery. vascular surgery procedures.10 In addition,
there have been alternative versions of the
RCRI CALCULATOR RCRI published, reflecting outcomes more
The most widely validated risk prediction consistent with other risk prediction tools
tool is the RCRI. It was developed in 1999 (ie, using solely MI and cardiac arrest as
on a prospective sample of patients age 50 adverse postoperative outcomes measured)
years and older undergoing nonemergent and reflecting changes in clinical practice
inpatient surgery during 1989-1994 and (ie, using troponins to diagnose MI, using
who had a hospital stay of at least 2 days estimated glomerular filtration rate [GFR]
and assessed for 5 in-hospital major cardiac rather than creatinine to define kidney dis-
complications (see Table 4).5-9 In this ease). In 2005, adverse cardiac outcome
version of the RCRI, the variables that deter- risk estimates that included only MI and car-
mined risk of adverse cardiac outcomes were diac arrest were published using the entire
(1) high-risk surgery, (2) history of ischemic original RCRI cohort (see Table 5). Updates
heart disease, (3) history of CHF, (4) creati- to the RCRI calculator aimed at improving
nine greater than 2 mg/dL, (5) cerebrovascu- predictive performance have been investi-
lar disease, and (6) diabetes requiring gated but not robustly validated.8,11 Cardiac
insulin. Patients with increasing numbers risk increases when the GFR is less than 60
of these variables had a higher risk for post- mL/min and a revision using a GFR-based
operative adverse cardiac outcomes. The criterion rather than a creatinine greater
adverse outcomes measured were MI (using than 2 mg/dL had superior perfor-
creatinine kinase-muscle/brain [CK-MB], as mance.2,11,12 A 5-factor reconstruction of
troponin assays were not yet developed), the RCRI eliminating diabetes and using a
ventricular fibrillation or cardiac arrest, com- GFR less than 30 mL/min improved net
plete heart block or pulmonary edema. Post- risk reclassification at higher risk scores
operative MI definition depended on the compared with the original RCRI criteria,
type of CK-MB assay. “When the ion- and performed better than a model using a
exchange chromatography assay was used, GFR less than 60 mL/min.8 This recon-
acute MI was diagnosed if the peak CK-MB structed version of the RCRI used outcomes
was greater than 5% of an elevated total of MI, pulmonary edema, and cardiac arrest
CK or if the peak CK-MB was greater than during hospitalization, excluding the origi-
3% of an elevated total CK in the presence nally included outcomes of ventricular fibril-
of electrocardiogram (ECG) changes, consis- lation and complete heart block because of
tent with ischemia or infarction. When the data collection issues (see Tables 3 and 4).
CK-MB mass assay was used, acute MI was More recent studies have also validated
diagnosed if peak CK-MB levels exceeded the RCRI, although significant heterogeneity
the normal range (<5 ng/mL) and the ratio exists in the timing of outcomes (30-day out-
of CK-MB to total CK exceeded 0.0278 or, comes verses in-hospital outcomes) and how
in the setting of ECG changes, 0.0167.6 Pa- the outcomes are identified (newer studies
tients with an RCRI score of 0 had a 0.4% have reported higher rates of adverse out-
risk of postoperative cardiac event, a score comes because all patients were screened
Mayo Clin Proc. n May 2020;95(5):1064-1079 n 1069

TABLE 4. Summary of Cardiac Risk Assessment Calculatorsa

Calculator Year Population Variables Outcomes Outcome timing Advantages Limitations
6 b f
RCRI, 1999 Nonemergent inpatient d Ischemic heart disease d Postoperative MI During d Validated in diverse d Emergent surgeries and
surgery with 2 day stay, d Congestive heart failurec d Ventricular fibrillation or CA hospitalization settings ambulatory surgeries
age  50; derivation d Cerebrovascular d Complete heart block d Easy to calculate excluded
n¼2893; validation diseased d Pulmonary edemag d Underestimates vascular
n¼1422 d Diabetes treated with surgery risk
insulin d Overestimates ambulatory
d Cr>2 mg/dL surgery risk
d High-risk surgerye d Lack of universal serial
monitoring for postopera-
tive events (ie, ECG, CK-
d Does not predict mortality
or 30-day events well

RCRI (MI, CA Nonemergent inpatient d Ischemic heart diseaseb d Postoperative MIf During d Less well validated in d Emergent surgeries and
outcomes only), 20057 surgery with 2 day stay, d Congestive heart failurec d Ventricular fibrillation or CA hospitalization external populations ambulatory surgeries
Mayo Clin Proc.

age  50 years d Cerebrovascular d Easy to calculate excluded

(n¼4315) diseased d Underestimates vascular
d Diabetes treated with surgery risk
insulin d Overestimates ambulatory
d Cr>2 mg/dL surgery risk

High-risk surgerye
May 2020;95(5):1064-1079

d d Lack of universal serial

monitoring for postopera-
tive events (ie, ECG, CK-
d Does not predict mortality
or 30-day events well

Reconstructed Elective inpatient surgery d Ischemic heart diseaseh d MIk During d Uses more contempo- d Not externally validated,

RCRI, 20138 with 2 day stay, age  d Congestive heart failurei d CA hospitalization rary diagnostic testing d Excluded urgent and emer-

50 years (n¼9519) d Cerebrovascular d Pulmonary edema for MI and renal function gent surgery


diseased d Excludes variables that d Lack of universal serial
d eGFR<30 mL/minj were not predictive monitoring for postopera-

d High-risk surgerye (diabetes) tive events (ie, ECG,

d Better calibration vs troponins)
original RCRI d Risk estimates higher for
scores 1 vs RCRI

Gupta MICA9 Nontrauma, nontransplant Age, surgery type, ASA MI, CA Within 30 days of Improved prediction for Knowledge of NSQIP
surgical patients of the class, functional status, surgery vascular surgery, definitions required, not
NSQIP participants Cr>1.5 mg/dL externally validated,
Continued on next page
Mayo Clin Proc. n May 2020;95(5):1064-1079


TABLE 4. Continued
Calculator Year Population Variables Outcomes Outcome timing Advantages Limitations
ambulatory surgery vs outcomes and variables
RCRI limited by NSQIP
definitions, requires
electronic device
ACS NSQIP Surgical Nontransplant surgical Procedure (CPT code), MI, CA Within 30 days of Internally validated in Knowledge of NSQIP
Risk Calculator5 patients undergoing age, sex, functional surgery diverse population, definitions required, not
procedures with CPT status, emergency case, assesses multiple externally validated,
codes from the NSQIP ASA class, chronic complications, most outcomes and variables
database steroid use, ascites, procedure specific limited by NSQIP, requires

sepsis, ventilator universal calculator electronic device with

dependent, internet connection,

disseminated cancer, requires CPT code but
diabetes status, cannot accommodate more
hypertension requiring than 1 for complex surgery
medication, congestive
heart failure, dyspnea,
current smoker, severe
COPD, dialysis, acute
renal failure, BMI
ACC ¼ American College of Cardiology; ACS ¼ American College of Surgeons; AHA ¼ American Heart Association; ASA ¼ American Society of Anesthesiologists; BMI ¼ body mass index; CA ¼ cardiac arrest; CCS ¼
Canadian Cardiovascular Society; CK-MB ¼ creatinine kinase-muscle/brain; COPD ¼ chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CPT ¼ common procedural terminology; Cr ¼ creatinine; CVD ¼ cardiovascular disease; eGFR ¼
estimated glomerular filtration rate; ECG ¼ electrocardiogram; ESC ¼ European Society of Cardiology; ESA ¼ European Society of Anaesthesiology; MET ¼ metabolic equivalent; MI ¼ myocardial infarction; MICA ¼ myocardial
infarction and cardiac arrest; NSQIP ¼ National Surgical Quality Improvement Program; NT-proBNP¼ N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; PACU ¼ postanesthesia care unit; RCRI ¼ Revised Cardiac Risk Index.
Ischemic heart disease was defined as history of myocardial infarction, history of a positive exercise test, current complaint of chest pain considered to be secondary to myocardial ischemia, use of nitrate therapy, or ECG with
pathologic Q waves. Patients with prior coronary artery bypass graft surgery or percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography were included in this definition only if they had current complaints of chest pain that were presumed
to be due to ischemia.
Congestive heart failure was defined as a history of congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema, or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, physical examination showing bilateral rales or S3 gallop, or chest radiograph showing pulmonary
vascular redistribution.
Cerebrovascular disease was defined as a history of transient ischemic attack or stroke.
High-risk surgery was defined as intraperitoneal, intrathoracic, or suprainguinal vascular surgeries.
Postoperative MI was defined as CK-MB >5% total CK value or >3% total CK for patients with ECG changes consistent with ischemia or infarction, or CK-MB/CK total ratio >0.028 or >0.017 with ECG changes.
Pulmonary edema diagnosis required a formal reading of the chest radiograph by a radiologist, consistent with this complication in a plausible clinical setting.
Defined as cardiac ischemia, nitrate therapy, or coronary artery disease.
Congestive heart failure was defined as a history of congestive heart failure (it did NOT include pulmonary edema, or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, physical examination showing bilateral rales or S3 gallop, or chest radiograph
showing pulmonary vascular redistribution).
eGFR was calculated using the Cockcroft-Gault equation.
Detection of a rise or fall of cardiac troponin with at least one value above the 99th percentile upper reference limit and with at least one of the following: symptoms of ischemia, new or presumed new significant ST-segmenteT
wave changes or new left bundle branch block, development of pathological Q waves in the ECG, imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or new regional wall motion abnormality, or identification of an intracoronary
thrombus by angiography or autopsy.

for postoperative ischemic events, whereas C-statistic of 0.895 for predicting cardiovas-
the older studies reported only events that cular complications. Several studies have
were identified in a much less systematic questioned the accuracy of the calculator for
way).3,8 The CCS performed an updated certain urologic, abdominal, head and neck,
meta-analysis as part of their 2017 guideline and neurosurgical procedures, but the find-
and included studies that universally ings were not consistent and were
screened patients for postoperative MI using confounded by the inclusion of procedure-
troponin assays.3 Five studies were included specific variables in some studies.13-17 There
in the meta-analysis, which reported overall are several unique limitations with using
postoperative cardiac outcome rates that NSQIP datasets to build risk-prediction
were significantly higher than those reported models. None of the NSQIP-derived calcula-
in the original RCRI cohort (Table 5). There tors have been robustly externally validated,
are several significant practice changes likely as the currently published validation studies
contributing to this finding, including the have had limitations as discussed above.17-21
use of a more sensitive troponin detection The creators of the Gupta MICA have pub-
assay, an increase in patient complexity, lished the equations underpinning the calcu-
and a shift toward more outpatient surgery lations, but the ACS has not done so with their
for healthy patients, leaving the sicker pa- surgical risk calculator. They all require an
tients with comorbidities in the inpatient electronic device to calculate risk, and the
surgery group. However, several features of ACS calculator requires an Internet connec-
the analysis also contributed to the higher tion and the specific Current Procedural Ter-
rates of postoperative cardiac outcomes. minology code of the anticipated procedure.
The CCS analysis included a much higher The outcomes and prediction variables are
proportion of vascular (39% vs 20%) and limited to those specified by the NSQIP data-
aortic (35% vs 5%) surgery patients than sets. This limitation creates the possibility of
the original cohort.3,6 They also included missing a clinically important risk factor or
30-day outcomes rather than only in- complication. For example, the NSQIP data-
hospital events. This difference in absolute set defines postoperative MI as an acute MI,
risk is important when using the RCRI as which occurred intraoperatively or within
part of the 2014 ACC/AHA algorithm, as 30 days following surgery as manifested by
using the CCS-derived estimates would not documentation of ECG changes indicative of
define any patients as having a risk less acute MI (either ST elevation >1 mm in 2 or
than 1%. Given the differences in validation more contiguous leads, new left bundle
cohorts, we recommend that the estimates branch, or new Q-wave in 2 of more contig-
from the original RCRI cohort be used uous leads) or by new elevation in troponin
when applied to the 2014 ACC/AHA algo- greater than 3 times the upper level of the
rithm as recommended by that guideline. reference range in the setting of suspected
There is an ongoing effort to update the myocardial ischemia. Because we know that
RCRI validation in a large, diverse popula- most postoperative MIs are asymptomatic
tion that can provide more accurate cardiac and NSTEMIs, it is possible that the NSQIP
event rates in a modern cohort.11 dataset could significantly underestimate
postoperative cardiac outcomes. The ACS
ACS NSQIP SURGICAL RISK CALCULATOR calculator is also difficult to validate exter-
The ACS published a comprehensive surgical nally because the ACS calculator is updated
risk calculator in 2013, also derived from annually with additional NSQIP data, and
NSQIP data. This calculator estimates the the model might be adjusted;18,19; however,
risk of multiple complications within 30 this does allow the ACS surgical risk to remain
days of surgery, using 20 variables and the up to date as medical and surgical practices
specific Current Procedural Terminology change.
code of the procedure.5 Internal validation It is important to acknowledge the chal-
showed excellent predictive ability, with a lenges with comparing risk assessment tools.
n n
1072 Mayo Clin Proc. May 2020;95(5):1064-1079

TABLE 5. Outcome Comparisons by RCRI Scorea

Postoperative Cardiac
Outcome Rate in Percent-
age by RCRI Score
Validation Outcomes 0 1 2 3
Lee, 1999; RCRI derivation In-hospital myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, ventricular 0.5 1.3 3.6 9.1
fibrillation, complete heart block, pulmonary edema
Lee, 1999; RCRI validation6 In-hospital myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, ventricular 0.4 0.9 6.6 11.0
fibrillation, complete heart block, pulmonary edema
Devereaux, 2005 Whole RCRI cohort3 In-hospital cardiac death, myocardial infarction, nonfatal cardiac 0.4 1.0 2.4 5.4
Duceppe, 20173 30 day myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest or death 3.9 6.0 10.1 15.0
RCRI ¼ Revised Cardiac Risk Index.

The specific outcomes of interest, timeframe assessing other components of the overall
over which the outcomes were collected, 30-day risks.
and surgical populations investigated vary,
all which provide significant variability and FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY
make it difficult to compare one tool to Previous studies have shown only moderate
another. In addition, as mentioned earlier, correlation with adverse cardiac events at in-
the RCRI also has different versions. The sur- termediate functional capacity (4 to 10
gical population is particularly important; the METs).21 Poor functional capacity (<4
RCRI is best validated in improving discrimi- METs), owing to noncardiac limitations,
nation rather than absolute risk estimates, as might have a stronger correlation with
it lacked the sample size to stratify by surgery noncardiac complications such as prolonged
type like the Gupta and ACS calculators intubation or infection; this might reflect the
do.5,6,9 The RCRI, reconstructed RCRI, Gupta importance of pulmonary function and gen-
MICA, and ACS NSQIP calculators were eral health status on overall perioperative
recently compared in a retrospective, single- risk.22 Poor functional capacity owing to car-
center study of elective inpatient surgical pa- diac limitations is associated with an increase
tients.20 This study found each tool per- in cardiac and noncardiac risk.23 Excellent
formed similar to the performance in the functional capacity (>10 METs) is associated
original validation studies, as long as the out- with a low risk of cardiac complications, even
comes of interest were kept consistent. The in the setting of major risk factors.24 There is a
RCRI performance degraded significantly role for assessing functional capacity preoper-
when it was applied to 30-day outcomes and atively, even if its performance for cardiovas-
restricted to just cardiac arrest and MI cular risk stratification is inferior to
(receiver operating characteristic, 0.85 vs biomarkers or clinical risk prediction tools.
0.55).20 This creates significant challenges Functional capacity has historically been
in accurately comparing performance, espe- subjective, based on information that the pa-
cially when applied to NSQIP datasets. We tient provides about activities in which they
view the RCRI as complimentary to the participate. The recent Measurement of Exer-
NSQIP-derived tools. Until more robust vali- cise Tolerance before Surgery (METS) study
dations in modern cohorts are available, we calls the reliance on subjective functional ca-
recommend using the RCRI for nonemergent pacity assessment into question.22 This study
inpatient surgery to predict in-hospital events examined the incremental predictive value of
and relying on the NSQIP calculators for adding several methods of assessing functional

Mayo Clin Proc. n May 2020;95(5):1064-1079 n 1073

capacity to the RCRI score when predicting with postoperative elevation of cardiac bio-
postoperative cardiac complications. Cardio- markers signifying increased mortality after 30
pulmonary exercise testing (CPET), the Duke days as well.29
Activity Status Index (DASI), functional capac- Approximately 8% of patients experience
ity subjectively assessed by a physician, and MINS after noncardiac surgery, affecting 8
NT-proBNP testing were compared. Subjective million adults annually.4 A large proportion
assessments of functional capacity correlated of MINS patients are asymptomatic, making
poorly with actual performance on CPET. Sub- diagnosis challenging.30 Given the challenge
jective assessments generally overestimated in diagnosis, several groups have developed
patient performance and did not improve pre- guidelines for screening patients who are at
diction of adverse cardiac events beyond what risk for developing MINS. The CCS guidelines
the RCRI provides. The DASI and NT-proBNP recommend measuring a BNP or NT-proBNP
both improved prediction of adverse cardiac in patients who have a baseline risk greater
events and correlated with performance on than 5%, defined as patients age 65 years and
CPET, though, only the DASI predicted older, or who are 45 to 64 years old with a his-
death and MI postoperatively. The optimal tory of cardiovascular disease, or who have a
cutoffs of DASI score to discriminate risk RCRI score greater than 1.3 For the purposes
have not been established, and they might of Canadian guidelines, cardiovascular disease
not correlate with the current threshold of was defined as CAD, history of stroke, periph-
4 METs. Although the METS study suggests eral arterial disease, CHF, severe PH, or a se-
that the DASI score might be superior to these vere obstructive cardiovascular abnormality
other methods of measuring functional capac- such as aortic stenosis. For patients who have
ity, it is important to remember that there were an elevated BNP or NT-proBNP, defined as
a relatively small number of participants and a greater than 300 ng/L, Canadian guidelines
relatively small number of adverse cardiac out- recommend obtaining daily hs-cTnT for 48
comes, which limits the power of this study. to 72 hours to help identify patients who
develop MINS.3 Measuring hs-cTnT 48 to 72
MYOCARDIAL INJURY AFTER NONCARDIAC hours after noncardiac surgery in patients at
SURGERY high risk for cardiovascular disease is also sug-
MINS is an emerging theme in perioperative gested by the 2014 ESC/ESA perioperative
medicine.4 It is defined as myocardial injury guidelines.2
owing to ischemia occurring within 30 days Management of MINS is evolving. For pa-
after noncardiac surgery.25 The definition of tients who develop an MI postoperatively,
MINS includes postoperative MI in addition management is similar to patients who develop
to postoperative elevation in cardiac bio- MI in the non-perioperative period, with
markers in patients with cardiovascular caution given to the increased bleeding risk
symptoms or evidence of ischemia on in postoperative patients.31 For patients who
ECG.25,26 The mechanism of MINS likely in- have evidence of myocardial injury without
volves both supplyedemand mismatch from MI, management guidelines are less clear. Evi-
CAD and ischemia secondary to obstructive dence supports improved outcomes at 12
CAD.27 Other causes of myocardial ischemia months in patients who received medical man-
after surgery such as sepsis, pulmonary em- agement in accordance with the 2007 ACC/
bolism, or cardioversion are not included AHA recommendations for chronic stable
in the definition of MINS.25 angina including b-blockers, ACE inhibitors,
MINS is an important marker for mortality antiplatelet agents, and statins.32 In addition,
after noncardiac surgery.28 Thirty-day morality patients who experience MINS had a reduction
increases with increasing values of postopera- in 30-day mortality if they received statin and
tive high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T aspirin.33 Although there is some debate as to
(hs-cTnT), from 0.5% for hs-cTnT<20 ng/L the ideal management of these patients, the
to almost 30% for hs-cTnT1000 ng/L.25 This CCS guidelines recommend at least initiating
increase in mortality is not limited to 30 days statin and aspirin in patients who experience
n n
1074 Mayo Clin Proc. May 2020;95(5):1064-1079

MINS with appropriate follow-up care in the getting one postoperatively in the postanesthe-
outpatient setting.3 sia care unit for those who are at high risk.3
Recent evidence might support the initia-
tion of anticoagulation in the setting of ECHOCARDIOGRAM
MINS. The Management of Myocardial Injury Echocardiography can be used to assess LV
After Noncardiac Surgery trial showed that function or in conjunction with stress testing.
dabigatran, when continued for 2 years, American and European guidelines find that
reduced the composite outcome of vascular assessment of LV function is reasonable in
mortality, all-cause mortality, MI, cardiac those who have unexplained dyspnea, a history
revascularization, nonhemorrhagic stroke, of CHF who have had a change in clinical status
peripheral arterial thrombosis, amputation, or have not had assessment in the past year, in
symptomatic venous thromboembolism, and those who are undergoing high risk surgery, in
readmission to hospital for vascular reasons those who have VHD, and potentially in those
(11% vs 15%).34 It is important to note that who have a history of PH.1,2 Canadian guide-
only the outcome of nonhemorrhagic stroke lines suggest using BNP or NT-proBNP over
was, by itself, statistically significant with the echocardiography for LV function
remainder of outcomes in the composite assessment.3
outcome not reaching statistical significance.
Although anticoagulation might eventually STRESS TESTING
play a role in the management of MINS, the There are a variety of stress testing options,
current evidence is insufficient to warrant including exercise stress testing (EST),
therapeutic anticoagulation for treatment of CPET, and pharmacologic stress testing. All
myocardial injury, particularly in the absence guidelines would agree that stress testing is
of an MI. not indicated in patients who have excellent
exercise capacity (>10 METs). American
PREOPERATIVE CARDIAC TESTING and European guidelines recommend consid-
No cardiac testing is routinely indicated for ering preoperative stress testing only in pa-
low-risk, asymptomatic individuals. Cardiac tients who have unknown or poor
testing should be considered for those who functional capacity (<4 METs).1,2 Canadian
have cardiac symptoms, have a cardiac his- guidelines do not recommend EST or CPET
tory, or have elevated cardiac risk (such as but emphasize the value of BNP or NT-
those who are undergoing elevated risk pro- proBNP.3 We generally do not pursue stress
cedure or have multiple cardiac risk factors). testing in patients with a functional capacity
Table 3 summarizes testing recommenda- greater than 4 METs. We do pursue stress
tions from the 3 major guidelines. testing in nonurgent surgeries for patients
with low or unknown functional status
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM when test results would change management.
American guidelines recommend a preopera- The type of stress testing used should be
tive resting 12-lead ECG for patients with a determined by the patient’s clinical status.
known cardiac history (except those undergo- Those able to exercise should undergo an
ing a low-risk procedure). It can also provide EST. The standard ECG EST can provide in-
some prognostic information regarding under- formation for risk stratification at low cost
lying cardiovascular disease, such as and low risk. This test is limited by the abil-
arrhythmia, left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, ity to interpret the ECG tracing. For patients
and bundle branch blocks and therefore can be with abnormal baseline ECGs, such as ST
considered in patients without a known cardiac segment abnormalities, left bundle branch
history.1 European guidelines also recommend block, frequent ectopy, or atrial fibrillation,
a preoperative ECG in those who have cardiac other modalities should be pursued. Some
risk factors or are undergoing high-risk sur- centers have migrated toward CPET for peri-
gery.2 Canadian guidelines do not recommend operative risk stratification because it pro-
a preoperative ECG, but would recommend vides more detailed physiologic data and
Mayo Clin Proc. n May 2020;95(5):1064-1079 n 1075

better predicts both cardiac and pulmonary ventricular dyssynchrony and in patients
outcomes. with obesity or severe lung disease.39,40
CPET provides an objective measure of
the integrated function of the cardiac, circu- ANGIOGRAPHY
latory, respiratory, and muscular systems Indications for preoperative conventional
under physiologic stress.35 It measures the angiography are identical to those in the
anaerobic threshold and peak oxygen up- nonoperative setting; they would include
take, which are thought to aid more defini- symptoms consistent with acute coronary
tively in risk assessment. The METS trial, syndrome and unstable angina. Although
which is the most recent high quality study coronary computed tomographic angiog-
evaluating CPET, found no clear association raphy is less invasive than angiography, it
with cardiac risk, although it did predict was found to overestimate risk in the
overall risk for postoperative complica- Vascular Events in Noncardiac Surgery Pa-
tions.22 The current guidelines would not tients Cohort, and it is not recommended
support CPET as a cardiac-specific risk for perioperative risk stratification.1-3,27
assessment tool, but there might be a role
in predicting noncardiac complications.
For patients who are unable to exercise,
pharmacologic stress testing can be used. BNP or NT-proBNP
Different medications can be used in phar- American guidelines recommend preoperative
macologic stress testing, each with distinct NT-proBNP for diagnosing or optimizing
disadvantages that must be kept in mind. Va- heart failure.1 European guidelines state that
sodilators, such as adenosine and dipyrida- BNP and NT-proBNP measurements can be
mole, can induce bronchospasm, precipitate considered to obtain additional independent
hypotension, accentuate sinus node dysfunc- prognostic information in high-risk patients
tion and high-degree atrioventricular block, undergoing surgery.2 Canadian guidelines
and increase the risk for an ischemic event strongly recommend measuring BNP or NT-
during testing.36 Inotropic drugs, such as proBNP before noncardiac surgery to enhance
dobutamine, can result in severe systemic perioperative cardiac risk estimation in pa-
hypertension, ventricular arrhythmias, and tients who are 65 years of age or older, are
rapid ventricular response in atrial fibrilla- 45-64 years of age with significant cardiovas-
tion; they are contraindicated in the setting cular disease, or have an RCRI score of 1 or
of a recent MI, unstable angina, aortic dissec- greater.3 A systematic review and meta-
tion, and hemodynamically significant left analysis published in 2014 also showed that a
ventricular outflow tract obstruction.37 Of postoperative measurement of BNP or NT-
note, the dobutamine stress echocardiogram proBNP further enhanced risk stratification
is the only common pharmacologic test that above just a preoperative measurement, and
provides an ischemic threshold.38 it was the strongest predictor of mortality
Lastly, there are nuclear stress tests. This and nonfatal MI postoperatively compared
category includes single photon emission with the preoperative value. The other vari-
computed tomography (SPECT) and positron ables analyzed were RCRI of 3 or greater, pre-
emission tomography (PET). The most com- operative elevation of BNP or NT-proBNP,
mon agents used in SPECT imaging are based urgent or emergent surgery, vascular surgery,
on technetium-99m. The most common and age.41 It is worth noting that troponin
agents used in PET imaging are rubidium-82 was not part of the variables analyzed in this
and N13-ammonia. SPECT and PET stress study.
testing provide information on cardiac size We typically use BNP and NT-proBNP in
and function, myocardial perfusion, and several ways. First, we can use it for
viability. They are preferred in the setting of enhancing stratification in patients with
left bundle branch block, as echocardiogra- elevated risk. Second, the BNP and NT-
phy has a significant false-positive rate from proBNP can be used to determine when
n n
1076 Mayo Clin Proc. May 2020;95(5):1064-1079

postoperative testing with troponins will be agree that if patients have signs or symp-
useful (eg, monitoring for MINS). Lastly, it toms of acute coronary syndrome, surgery
can be used in patients who, because of sur- should be delayed unless the surgical need
gical urgency, are unable to undergo stress is emergent and the risk of delaying surgery
testing as an aid in predicting risk and in outweighs the benefit of revascularization.
forming postoperative monitoring plans. If acute coronary syndrome is identified, it
should be managed as per published prac-
Troponin tice guidelines. In the case of a recent MI,
American guidelines suggest obtaining timing of this event is paramount. Livhits
troponin levels postoperatively for signs or et al43 found that postoperative MI and
symptoms of MI and do not recommend mortality continued to decrease as surgery
routinely checking troponins.1 European was delayed up to approximately 60 days
guidelines recommend obtaining troponins after the initial event.43 This would make
in high-risk patients both before surgery sense as time allows of healing of the
and for 48 to 72 hours after major surgery.2 myocardial tissue and stabilization of the
Canadian guidelines use a decision tree that inflammatory and coagulation responses in
recommends daily postoperative troponins the body. American guidelines recommend
for 2 to 3 days in patients older than 65 years that elective surgery should be delayed at
or 18 to 64 years old with significant cardio- least 60 days after MI even in the absence
vascular disease or a positive preoperative of coronary intervention.1 However, pa-
BNP or NT-proBNP.3 tients will most frequently undergo treat-
ment. In those circumstances, American
and European guidelines specify treatment
HARD STOPS based on whether the patient has stable
Patients with severe or symptomatic cardiac CAD or had an acute coronary syndrome
disease represent an elevated-risk population and whether the intervention was a bare
that require careful consideration before pro- metal stent or a drug-eluting stent. Amer-
ceeding with surgery (see Table 5 for a sum- ican guidelines recommend dual antiplate-
mary of the relevant cardiac diseases). This let therapy (DAPT) for a minimum of 1
population requires a careful assessment of month after bare metal stent, a minimum
the risks of delaying surgery and the poten- of 3-6 months after drug-eluting stent
tial benefits of cardiac intervention. Elective (with 6 months being preferred), and a
surgeries can be delayed for cardiac evalua- minimum of 12 months after an acute cor-
tion or intervention, whereas emergent sur- onary syndrome.42 European guidelines
gery should not be delayed. Management of recommend DAPT for a minimum of 1
time-sensitive and urgent surgery should be month regardless of stent type, up to 6
individualized. Details on management of months depending on risk factors (eg, acute
these conditions will be discussed in a subse- coronary syndrome at stent implantation,
quent article in this series. complex coronary anatomy, chronic kidney
Any form of symptomatic obstructive disease, diabetes, prior stent thrombosis
coronary disease requires additional evalua- while receiving antiplatelet therapy).44
tion prior surgery. Acute coronary syn- DAPT management perioperatively is com-
drome (defined as ST-segment elevation plex, especially if an event occurred in the
MI, noneST-segment elevation MI, and un- past 6 to 12 months. Consideration should
stable angina) significantly increases peri- be given to the guidelines, but management
operative risk of MACE.42 One study will likely need to be individualized.
found an almost threefold increase in rela- Heart failure, the presence of VHD, un-
tive risk for patients who had an MI in stable arrhythmias, PH, and recent transient
the last 180 days.6 All the major guidelines ischemic attack or stroke have also been

Mayo Clin Proc. n May 2020;95(5):1064-1079 n 1077

recognized as predictors of postoperative Abbreviations and Acronyms: ACC = American College of

MACE. These predictors will be discussed Cardiology; ACS = American College of Surgeons; AHA =
American Heart Association; BNP = brain natriuretic pep-
in further detail in a subsequent publication tide; CAD = coronary artery disease; CCS = Canadian
in this series. Cardiovascular Society; CHF = congestive heart failure; CK-
MB = creatinine kinase-muscle/brain; CPET = cardiopul-
CONCLUSION monary exercise testing; DAPT = dual antiplatelet therapy;
DASI = Duke Activity Status Index; ECG = electrocardio-
The ACC/AHA and ESC/ESA perioperative gram; ESA = European Society of Anaesthesiology; ESC =
guidelines incorporate elements of contem- European Society of Cardiology; EST = exercise stress
porary tools for perioperative cardiovascular testing; GFR = glomerular filtration rate; hs-cTnT = high-
risk stratification, include current definitions sensitivity cardiac troponin T; LV = left ventricular; MACE =
major adverse cardiac events; MET = metabolic equivalent;
of operative urgency and risk, and provide MI = myocardial infarction; MICA = myocardial infarction
evidence-based expert consensus on periop- and cardiac arrest; MINS = myocardial injury after noncar-
erative cardiovascular care.1,2,6,9 Preopera- diac surgery; NSQIP = National Surgical Quality Improve-
tive cardiac stress testing should be ment Program; NT-proBNP = N-terminal pro-brain
natriuretic peptide; PET = positron emission tomography;
reserved for patients who have elevated PH = pulmonary hypertension; RCRI = Revised Cardiac Risk
risk and poor functional capacity, and they Index; SPECT = single photon emission computed tomog-
should be considered only when the results raphy; VHD = valvular heart disease
would change perioperative management. Financial support: No funding was utilized.
Postoperative surveillance for MACE is not Potential Competing Interests: The authors report no
routinely recommended in the American or competing interests.
European guidelines; however, the European
Correspondence: Address to David Raslau, MD, 200 First
guideline endorses postoperative measure- Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905 (Raslau.David@mayo.
ment of troponins and ECGs in patients edu).
who are believed to be at high risk (>5%)
of MACE. The American guidelines recom-
mend ECG and troponins in patients who
have symptoms of MI postoperatively, but REFERENCES
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