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(@)- For 3 days Strength: SR. No. | Length (L) inches] | Breadth (B) ‘Area Load (F) in Compressive inches (inch)? KN Strength (Psi) ol 6 6 36 325-5 2027 02 6 6 36 525-9 2028 GB 6 6 36 326-4 2032 ‘Average =_2929-6 7 Psi. o. For 7 days Strength: SR. No. | Length (L) inches] Breadth (B) Area Load (F) in ‘Compressive inches (inch)2 KN Strength (Psi) o1 6 6 36 $232 3500 2 6 6 36 528) 3299 03 6 6 36 528-42| 33027 Average=_3300-F% Psi. (c)- For 28 days Strength: SR. No. | Length (L) inehes| Breadth (B) Area Load (F)in | Compressive inches (inch)2 KN Strength (Psi) 1 6 6 36 812-6 5078-2 a 6 6 36 913-2 5078-4 0 6 TFN 36 813-7 50h t ( . Avenge=_507B-2 Pai \ = Scanned with CamScanner Department of Civil Engineering Results: The type and grade of cement: 55 The compressive strength of cement at the end of - 3idays:__J4__AN/mm2 (Mpa) Tdays:__22-7_, . (Mpa) . 28days: 35 . N/mm2 (Mpa) Comments: Exon twA exporianiend Ne fpvael oul he gaade Op toss wand Udagt °b conch the Y (pwd. tye tuhth 16 i fol out _wmnol id __gaule —pativanen —__courpiussive _Sihewrg th at — 2g ole Scanned with CamScanner Department of Civil Engineering Observations & C: (a)- For 3 days Strength: Cyueir SE |e Diameter (a) ‘Area (A) Toad (F) Compressive No. (Inch) (ineh)2 (KN) Strength (Ps 6 ol 108 A7o 6 02 me 104 876 c 28 03, 105 848 Average =__ 945 5, (a)- For 7 days Strength: ‘SR. Diameter (d) “Area (A) Load (F) Compressive No. (inch) (inch)2 (kN) Strength (Psi) 6 a1 | ae 176 1414 6 8 Ps x 177 424 | 6 2B ame 03 172 137 a7 4 Average =__140S Psi. (a)- For 28 days Strength: ie - ‘SR. Diameter (d) ‘Area (A) Load (F) ‘Compressive No. (inch) Aineh)2 (kN) Strength (Psi) ie o ° all 2ITS 6 28 e 02 = 373 2190 6 14 _ abd 24 Average=__2./6 2. Psi. Results: The compressive ai ate the end of 1. 3days:__@ 7. Nimm2 (Mpa) 10 IL Scanned with CamScanner Department of Civil Engineering Cy eit 2. Tdays:__10 vanes 3. 28days:__15 bere Comments: Ehoun tbs cu perintent we _leasaah unt deo wounphitsive ~~ stherrg ts of wonucte _eclincled fe ives. lg (00 porti pol to te _ Ane. Scanned with CamScanner Department of Civ, Engineering QObservat ons and Calculati ns Calculate the splitting tensile st -ngth of the ASP=_J4QKN i= 2” de Plitting tensile strength, psi (MPa] P= maximum applied load indicated by the testing machine, Ibf [N] = length, in. [mm] Comments: We \eaxnedl that When tensile i altater He Lo nap Dive. thes ta i 4 ‘ ( j NH Se Menge id is pays ug ut tua —it is gash Scanned with CamScanner Department of Civil Engineering CQyueit Where, = oading rae bin (MN/min} S= is of increase in extreme Ser sess, psi/min (MPa/min) b= average wih ofthe specimen, in (mm) average depth of the specimen, in. (mm) vo dee Pam ena nom) eS [terns ie ners fe mesial cee section for use in calculating modulus of take one measurement at each edge and one at the center of the cross secti termi the average width and the average depth nn ed of Taig Mecoe pte Pen ar Or i Rod ‘hoe tut Bal [nan ay Leotin tnt iy if pd ling scan fiat ot § 7 eanay sul Pate em, yen Lang mn— Diagrammatic View ofa Suitable Apparatus for Flexure Test of Coneret by Third-P Method Observations and Calculations: 1. The fracture intianga the tension surface within the middle third ofthe span length, calculate the mogdlus of rupture gofollows: men Va Ashe ging tb¥l=_20in habia “Sin —- a“ oint Loading 2 64 Pi Where, R= modulus of rupture, psi or MPa. p= maximum applied load indicated L= span length, in., or mm ba average width of specimen, in, oF mm, at fractare ee average depth of specimen, in. or im atthe fracture. >. The fracture occurs inthe tension surface utside of the middle third of the span length by he span length, calculate the modulus of rupture a Follows: not more than 5% of be by the testing machine, Ib. or N 2a, L As P= , 16 aI Scanned with CamScanner Department of Civil Engineering @ “yueiT rate of increase in extreme fiber stress, psi/min (MPa/min) Wverage width of the specimen, in.(mm) d= average depth of the specimen, in. (mm) Le span length, in, (mm), To determine the dimensions of the specimen cross section for use in calculating modulus of rupture, take one measurement at each edge and one at the center of the cross section to determine the average width and the average depth. STEEL nop (way Be owTeO WHEN A SPHERICALLY SEATEO Deanne BLocK is useo} HEAD OF TESTING MACHINE, iiownane [7 sewonaec iGo LOADING staUcTURE OR, FITIS A LOADING ACCESSORY, STEEL PLATE OR Caan Diagrammatic View of a Suitable Apparatus for Flexure Test of Concrete by Midpoint Loading Method Observations and Calculation: 1. The fracture initiates in the tension surface within the calculate the modulus of rupture as-follows: a? a a AsP=_4150¢b ,L=__2ain ,d-__d¥n_b-__“6in Where, R= modulus of rupture, psi or MPa. maximum applied load indicated by the testing machine, Ibf. or N, L=span length, in., or mm b= average width of specimen, in, or mm, at fracture d= average depth of specimen, in., or mm, at the fracture, 19 Scanned with CamScanner Department of Civil Eu Rebound Number and Corresponding Prob O)ueir pable Strengths Graph Corrected Sample | Rebound Compressive | Surface | Calibration | Compressive Name } Number Strength Factor Strength (MPa) (ray 35 Horironal| 32 DA roy) 32 | B-> | 34 - 30 = ! 39, B-3 | 33 iz 28 e / 28 B-4) 33 - 28 - li 28 B-5| 32 - 25 a I 25 6-8 | 30 e 24 : t 24 6-7 |_30 - 24 - g 24 BB | 28 : 20° - ' 22 B-4| 26 18 - u 18 B-10| 25 - 17 - ) 12 R, Average Value=__30-5 _. Mpa Minimum Value of R=. 2S Mpa Maximum Value of R=_35 __. Mpa a ‘At average, Compressive Strength of Concrete is__24-5 ‘Mpa. 2B fCCeCertt tii binb Scanned with CamScanner 3 = = =_ @ertnip) |e | & aa arp i ug’) sa2nf'es oz] 43-2 | 0-54 [tor4 | 2-274] 5 4-03 | a" Bue | 195 fo. az 0-63 | 1008-43.087 |5-S4y-ps- 304 [hers !! 26 135 |osrz|y\es| 20-525 |r | b704 | S-saa] ts. ve Scanned with CamScanner

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