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Essay #1

NAME: Roxas, Rocelle P. Date: Feb. 08, 2022

Module 8: Human Persons As Oriented Towards Their Impending Death

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift... that's why they call it the
present" Master Oogway.

Human beings tend to take granted the things in the present and eventually regret it when it's
gone. Have you ever wondered why are you alive and existing in this world? Like what is the
purpose of life? What's the meaning of living? Everyday I always ask myself that kind of
question. Always asking myself what my purpose is in this world.Or why am I existing.Every
person in this world either wants to live forever or die early. But isn’t living the same as dying?
What's the difference? Death might be the reason for freedom for all of us. Or maybe not.

You only live once, you probably heard that phrase before. There are two types of self stated in
living authentically by Martin Heidegger, authentic self and inauthentic self. Authentic self is that
being authentic presupposes that one instantiates such virtues as perseverance, integrity,
clear-sightedness, flexibility, openness, and so forth. It should be obvious that such a life is not
necessarily opposed to an ethical and socially engaged existence. Your authentic self is who
you truly are as a person, regardless of your occupation, regardless of the influence of others, it
is an honest representation of you. To be authentic means not caring what others think about
you. On the other hand, inauthenticity is simply the default condition of everyday life, in which
our self-relations are mediated by others. In this sense, authenticity involves no judgment about
which mode of being is superior for Dasein. A prerequisite for living an authentic life was coming
to grips with the fact that " I must someday die." It lived with a sense of excitement. Exploring
one's possibilities. Doing whatever one wants and living their life to the fullest. Becoming all that
one can become. Make choices; The choices are yours to decide not anyone or somebody else
it's yours, it's your life you're the one living in it not anyone else. In contrast, Inauthentic life one
pretends, living a conventional life emphasizing present activities without concern for the future.
Giving up freedom and letting others make the choices of one's life. The free individual is
responsible for the consequences of choices. One cannot blame God, parents, circumstances,
etc. Freedom and responsibility go hand-in-hand.

Furthermore, have you heard of a bucket list before? Bucket list, it refers to a list of things one
has not done before but wants to do before dying. Everyone has a list of things that they want to
do before they die. It can be to explore the world, experience new things, find a new hobby, say
I love you to love one’s, live the life to the fullest etc. But how are you going to do that when you
lose your will to live? And just there patiently waiting for death to come.Death, the irreversible
cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions or the irreversible cessation of all the functions
of the entire brain, including the brain stem. A person shall be medically and legally dead if
either. Everyone will eventually face death whether they like it or not. Even though the person is
certain that they're going to die, they never know when that will be; in other words, anytime it
can happen. There's no specific event and death is nonrelational, whether you're a famous
singer, dancer, actress etc. If it's your time it's your time.

In conclusion, everyone should value the present, forget the past and do not worry about the
future. Look around yourself closely, and you'll realize that you're surrounded by many precious
things. Everyday is full of so much excitement.Someone said that “don’t wait for your life to be
perfect to enjoy it” and that’s an eye opener. Do things that can make you happy so that you
don't regret a thing when you die.

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