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Performance Specification
• Objective of control  “desirable” output
Question 1: What is “desirable”?
Question 2: For which inputs?
Answer of both: Define quantitative output “specifications”
for inputs used in targeted applications
• Usual inputs in applications: step, ramp, sinusoidal,…
• Here, use step input for illustration (similar when dealing
other inputs)


Desired performance Actual output

II.B.1 Output Specifications for Step Input
To be discussed
in Section II.C.

new set point

old set point

Textbook Fig. 5.7

• Rise time Tr1:- time to go from 10% to 90% of new set point
(For underdamped system, can also define rise time Tr from
0% to 100% of new value)
• Settling time Ts:- time for output to settle within ±  % of new
set point value
• Percent overshoot P.O.:- maximum % by which the output
overshoots the new set point value
• Peak time Tp:- time for output to reach maximum value
• Note: (Tr1 , Ts , P.O. , Tp) pretty much determine the output

• (Tr1 , Ts , P.O. , Tp) measure how “close” the output resembles

the “desirable” step function:
– (Tr1, Tp) measure swiftness of output as compared to a
step function
– (P.O.,Ts) measures similarity of the output to the profile
of a step input

• Swiftness and Similarity measures are by nature contradictory

to each other  Compromise needed

• Control design is to tradeoff between the two

II.B.2. Analytical Expressions for Second Order System

• Derive expressions of (Tr1 , Ts , P.O. , Tp) assuming system is

2nd order for simplicity
• Standard form for second order system:

n 2
R(s) Y(s)
( s 2  2 n s   n )

- Systems has a pair of complex pole: p and p*

p   n  j n 1   2 ( (n, )-representation of p )

- Note: n2 in numerator is scaling factor

 y()  1 for step input
• Step function as input: R(s)=1/s
- Laplace Transform of output:
n 2
Y (s) 
s( s 2  2 n s   n )

• Inverse Laplace Transform (for < 1):

y(t )  1  e nt sin( n  t   )

  
nt 
 1 e  cos( n t 1   ) 
sin( n t 1   ) 

 1   2

with   1   2 , and   cos 1 

(Step responses y(t) vs  n t for different  values in

Fig. 5.5 of Textbook)
Figure 5.5 Step response of second order system for different  value
dy (t )
• Obtain Tp by t T p
sin( nT p 1   2 )  0   nT p 1   2  0, ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ...

Take 1st max Tp  Peak time
n 1   2

( M p  1)
• Obtain P.O. by P.O.   100%
with Mp  y(T p )  1  e  nTp


P.O.  e 1 2
100 % Percent overshoot
• Comparing P.O. and Tp (Similarity vs Swiftness):
- Figure 5.8 from Textbook
- Cannot have  value to yield small P.O. and also small nTp
Need to compromise between the two
• Estimate settling time Ts from envelop of y(t)
- y(t) written as
1 nt
y(t )  1  e sin[n t   ]

- y(t) lies in-between 1  e   n t

e   n t
- y(t) within (1±%) if < %

or, rough approximation e  nTs   %
- Textbook adopt  = 2%  nTs  ln 0.02  4
Ts  2% settling time
 n
• Estimate Tr1 from response y(t) at different values of 
- From step responses of Fig. 5.5:



 nTr1 for   0.4

- n Tr1 varies from 1  3.5 as  varies from 0  1

- Plotting n tr1 vs.  (Figure 5.9)

Linear approximation
 nTr1  2.16  0.6

- Linear approximation:

2.16  0.6
Tr1  rise time (Pretty good approximation
n for 0.3    0.8 )

- Question: Ways to enhance the approximation?

• Example: Usage of formula
+ K Y(s)
- Given R(s)
- s( s  2)

- Transfer function:
R(s) Y(s)
( s 2  2s  K )

- Question: values of Tr1 , Ts , P.O. , Tp when K=9?

* Answer: compare with standard second order form

n 2
R(s) Y(s)
( s 2  2 n s   n )

 n 2  K  9,  n  1   n  3,  
* Peak time
 
Tp    1 .11 sec
n 1   2 8

* Percent overshoot
 
 
P.O.  e 1 2
100 %  e 8 100 %  32.9%

* Settling Time
Ts   4 sec
 n
* Rise time
2.16  0.6
2.16  0.6 3
Tr1    0.44 sec
n 3
* Tr1 , Ts , P.O., Tp values from step response generated
using MATLAB (do you know the MATLAB commands?)

- Exercise: values of Tr1 , Ts , P.O., Tp when K=17?

• Question: what if system NOT second order?
- Expressions derived for rise time, peak time, P.O., and
settling time will be more complicated
- Textbook included discussions on (read Section 5.4):
* Effects of additional zero
 n 2 (s  1)
G( s )  2
( s  2 n s   n )

* Effects of additional pole

n 2
G( s )  2
( s  2 n s   n )(s  1)

- Most systems can be approximated as second order by

keeping only the most dominant complex pole pair
Above expressions mostly
applicable to all systems!
• Better use of the expressions of Tr1 , Ts , P.O., Tp

n 2
R(s) Y(s)
( s 2  2 n s   n )

- Instead of:
Given  and n
 values of Tr1 , Ts , P.O., Tp of y(t)
How about:
Given desired range of Tr1 , Ts , P.O., Tp of y(t)
  and n ?
- Next topic: Allowable Region
II.B.3. Allowable Region on s-plane

• Recall p    jd ( Cartesian representation )

  n  jn 1 2 ( (n, )-representation )
 
• Peak time T p  
n 1 2 d
- depend only on imaginary part of complex pole

- specification: T p  x sec d 
- Allowable Region
for system complex 
pole to satisfy
Tp  x 
 j
Any complex pole pair x
lying within this region
will satisfy T p  x
• Example: systems with complex pole pairs having
same imaginary part have same Tp
• Example: systems with complex pole pairs having
same imaginary part have same Tp

p, p*  0.5  j 2
p, p*  1  j 2
p, p*  1.5  j 2

p, p*  2  j 2

• Percent overshoot P.O.  e 1  2
 100%

- depend only on damping coefficient  (Larger , smaller P.O.)

- Specification: P.O.  x %     Value of  at
x which P.O.=x%
x obtained from Fig 5.8,  x

or by solving the equation: e 1   x2
 x%

- From x , obtain  x  cos 1  x Im

- Allowable Region obtained  x  cos 1  x

by confining   
Allowable Region for
system pole pair to
satisfy P.O.  x %
 x  cos 1  x
MATLAB to calculate PO given Angle A:
>> A =45;
>> z=cos(A/180*pi)
z =0.7071
>> PO=exp(-z*pi/sqrt(1-z^2))*100
PO =4.3214
>> A =60 PO=exp(-z*pi/sqrt(1-z^2))*100
>> z=cos(A/180*pi)
z =0.5000 px
>> PO=exp(-z*pi/sqrt(1-z^2))*100 z=cos(A)
PO =16.3034
MATLAB to calculate Angle A given PO:
Angle A
>> lx=log(PO/100)
lx= -2.3026
>> z2=lx^2/(pi^2+lx^2)
z2 = 0.3495
>> z=sqrt(z2) x
z = 0.5912 P*
>> Ar=acos(z)
Ar = 0.9383
>> A=Ar/pi*180
• Example: systems with complex pole pairs having
same damping coefficient  have same P.O.

• Example: systems with complex pole pairs having
same damping coefficient  have same P.O.
  0.3, n  1.5
  0.3, n  1
  0.3, n  2
  0.3, n  0.5
4 4
• Settling time Ts  
 n 

- depend only on real part of complex pole

- specification: Ts < x sec  n   
- Allowable Region for system pole to satisfy Ts < x sec


• Example: systems with complex pole pairs having
same real part has approximately the same Ts
p, p*  0.5  j 2
p, p*  0.5  j1.5
p, p*  0.5  j1

• Allowable region for rise time Tr1 ?

Design Concept #2:
• Allowable region satisfying a set of specifications is the
intersection of all allowable regions satisfying individual

• Control Design  To place close loop system poles

inside Allowable region
(Root Locus method (Later)!)
• Example 5.1: Given system
+ K Y(s)
- s( s  p )

- Find K and p to satisfy specifications

(i) P.O. <5%
(ii) Ts<4 sec

- Transfer function R(s) to Y(s):

Y (s) K
 2
R( s ) ( s  ps  K )
- This is a standard second order form!
  n 2  K , 2 n  p
- Allowable region for specification (i)
x  x  45.57 
P.O.  5%    0.7
   45.57 Real

 x  cos 1  x

- Allowable region for specification (ii)  x  45.57 

Ts  4 sec   n  1 Im

- Overall Allowable Region: intersection of the two
* Pick p1, p1 *  1  j
inside overall Allowable
Region 45.57

* Find K and p such that Real

system poles are p1, p1 *
* With p1, p1 * as given,
  n  2 ,  1
 K  2, p  2

- Question: what if add one more specification?

(iii) T p  1.55 sec

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