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Easter is the oldest celebration in the Christian church. liaison between the old covenant and
new covenant. Easter is the day when christian people celebrate the death and rise of Jesus
Christ to the Heaven. Jesus died to redeem human sins. Easter is the oldest celebration in the
Christian church, a liaison between the Old Testament and New Testament. There are four
holy days at easter .There are Maundy Thursday, good Friday, holy Saturday, and easter
Sunday. Easter every year is held on different dates. There is pre easter period for 40
days.Before celebrate easter christian people must follow the sin confession in church, follow
cross journey mass every Friday for five weeks before easter, and fasting for 40 days. Then
in pre easter period there is donation colllectting for poor people that we do every day in
school .Every year there is a theme for easter and the theme for this year is lets share. One
week beforeOn white Thursday we go to attend mass about the last supper of Jesus and his
apostle. On the night before Jesus was put to death, Jesus gave new meaning to the Jewish
Passover. Bread is denoted as the body of Jesus and the wine symbolized the blood of Jesus,
the symbolism of Jesus as the Passover sacrifice .There is a different thing at that mass than
oter mass. There is washing foot ritual. The command to do the foot washing is only found in
the Gospel of John and not present in the synoptic Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and others.
The foot is the dirty part of the human body. human foot step on the dust of the ground.
Washing is a form of symbolization order motion. The foot washing is a thing which is
commonly done by the Jews in Jesus day. The foot washing is usually carried out by
subordinates to their superiors. In the Greek world, washing foot is a despicable thing, which
is usually done by slaves. But special here, the foot washing is done by Jesus who is the
Master to his disciples. Jesus performed a ritual usually done in a way that is no different.
Jesus did not deserve a job that should be done by a Teacher . washed the feet ritual of this
motion symbolizes a paragon to humble ourselves and serve. Jesus was doing work that
should not be done by a teacher to his disciples. Tata washed the feet of this motion
symbolizes a role model for humility and serve. Action Jesus washed the feet of a symbolic
act which symbolizes the surrender, cleansing, forgiveness, renewal, discipleship and
worship. is meant the surrender of self-surrender of Jesus in death to clean up someone else.
Jesus washing of the feet which do also symbolize humility and a desire to be a servant who
would serve the people, despised even. On good Friday we attend mass about the death of

Jesus Christ . based on the details of the holy book of the Court of the Sanhedrin of Jesus, and
scientific analysis, the events of the crucifixion of Jesus is very likely to occur on Friday,
but the date of occurrence is not known with certainty, and recently estimated to occur in the
year 33 before Christ, by two groups of scientists, and previously estimated to occur in the
year 34 befre Christ by Isaac Newton via the calculation of the differences between the
Jewish calendar and the Julian calendar and the crescent moon. On holy Saturday there is
mass about mourning the death of Jesus. On easter Sunday there is mass about teh rise of
Jesus to heaven. I go to church on Thursday, and Friday with my family. On Saturday I didn’t
go to church because I went with my friend. On Sunday I go to church again with my family.
After I attend easter Sunday mass I meet some of my friend then congratulate each other
easter. In my church held many contest for children like searching egg, drawing easter egg,
and singing some church songs. usually at my school held the celebration of easter every
year. The easter celebration at my school held in one day. In that one day students in my
school do not learn, we only celebrating easter. So happy day. There are many competitions
when easter celebrated in my school. There are searching egg, decorating easter eggs, vocal
group and the other interesting competitions. There is film that mostly shows on tv on easter.
he Easter festival is kept in many different ways among Western Christians. The traditional,
liturgical observation of Easter, as practised among Roman Catholics and some Lutherans
and Anglicans begins on the night of Holy Saturday with the Easter Vigil. This, the most
important liturgy of the year, begins in total darkness with the blessing of the Easter fire, the
lighting of the large Paschal candle (symbolic of the Risen Christ) and the chanting of the
Exultet or Easter Proclamation attributed to Saint Ambrose of Milan. After this service of
light, a number of readings from the Old Testament are read; these tell the stories of creation,
the sacrifice of Isaac, the crossing of the Red Sea, and the foretold coming of the Messiah.
This part of the service climaxes with the singing of the Gloria and the Alleluia and the
proclamation of the Gospel of the resurrection. At this time, the lights are brought up and the
church bells are rung, according to local custom. A sermon may be preached after the gospel.
Then the focus moves from the lectern to the font. Anciently, Easter was considered the ideal
time for converts to receive baptism, and this practice continues within Roman Catholicism
and the Anglican Communion. Whether there are baptisms at this point or not, it is traditional
for the congregation to renew the vows of their baptismal faith. This act is often sealed by the
sprinkling of the congregation with holy water from the font. The Catholic sacrament of
Confirmation is also celebrated at the Vigil.Hte film is The Passion of The Christ. Tehe film
tell about the journey of Jesus Christ when punished by pilatus until He dead in a cross to

redeem human sins. That film is very sad and very frightening when Jesus get tortuerd and
crucified. he Easter Vigil concludes with the celebration of the Eucharist Certain variations in
the Easter Vigil exist: Some churches read the Old Testament lessons before the procession
of the Paschal candle, and then read the gospel immediately after the Exsultet. Some churches
prefer to keep this vigil very early on the Sunday morning instead of the Saturday night,
particularly Protestant churches, to reflect the gospel account of the women coming to the
tomb at dawn on the first day of the week. These services are known as the Sunrise service
and often occur in outdoor setting such as the church cemetery, yard, or a nearby park.The
first recorded "Sunrise Service" took place in 1732 among the Single Brethren in the
Moravian Congregation at Herrnhut, Saxony, in what is now Germany. Following an all-
night vigil they went before dawn to the town graveyard, God's Acre, on the hill above the
town, to celebrate the Resurrection among the graves of the departed. This service was
repeated the following year by the whole congregation and subsequently spread with the
Moravian Missionaries around the world, including Old Salem in Winston-Salem, North
Carolina. Additional celebrations are usually offered on Easter Sunday itself. Typically these
services follow the usual order of Sunday services in a congregation, but also typically
incorporate more highly festive elements. The music of the service, in particular, often
displays a highly festive tone; the incorporation of brass instruments to supplement a
congregation's usual instrumentation is common. Often a congregation's worship space is
decorated with special banners and flowers. In predominantly Roman Catholic Philippines,
the morning of is marked with joyous celebration, the first being the dawn "Salubong",
wherein large statues of Jesus and Mary are brought together to meet, imagining the first
reunion of Jesus and his mother Mary after Jesus' Resurrection. This is followed by the
joyous Easter Mass. In Polish culture, The Rezurekcja is the joyous Easter morning Mass at
daybreak when church bells ring out and explosions resound to commemorate Christ rising
from the dead. Before the Mass begins at dawn, a festive procession with the Blessed
Sacrament carried beneath a canopy encircles the church. As church bells ring out, handbells
are vigorously shaken by altar boys, the air is filled with incense and the faithful raise their
voices heavenward in a triumphant rendering of age-old Easter hymns. After the Blessed
Sacrament is carried around the church and Adoration is complete, the Easter Mass begins.
Another Polish Easter tradition is Święconka, the blessing of Easter baskets by the parish
priest on Holy Saturday. This custom is celebrated not only in Poland, but also in the United
States by Polish-Americans.

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