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Ministry of Health Malaysia

Knowledge Beyond Boundary Session 4/2018

Sama Sama Hotel, KLIA
April 2018

Lightning Protection System

Z. A. Hartono & I. Robiah

Lightning Research S/B, Malaysia

Lightning Research plc 1

• Lightning is one of the most destructive natural
forces known to mankind
• Lightning was previously thought to be a form of fire
(from the sky) since it caused lightning struck objects
to burn
• Thousands of lives and billions of USD lost annually
worldwide due to lightning strikes
• Lightning is better understood nowadays due to
continuous research conducted worldwide since
Benjamin Franklin experiments in 18th century

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Lightning flash density map

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LFD Map for SEA

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Types of lightning discharges

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The lightning ground flash

• Basic mechanism of
– Downward (Stepped) Leader
– Upward Streamer/Leader
– Lightning Channel
– Return Stroke
• Only the return stroke is
visible to naked eye

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Lightning discharge process

• Source: Uman (1998)

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Lightning flash components

Source: National Geographic (1995)

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Lightning flash animation

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Damaging Effects of Lightning

• Direct strikes
– Structures, buildings, land vehicles, ships,
aircrafts, trees
– People and animals in the open
• Indirect strikes
– Electrical & electronic systems
– People and animals within buildings/shelters

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Effects of direct lightning strikes
• Electrical effects
– High voltage gradient & flashovers
– Electromagnetic effects
• Thermal effects
– Rise in conductor/material temperature
• Mechanical effects
– Mechanical forces
– Acoustic shock wave
– Explosive expansion

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Effect on trees

• Lightning strikes to trees can cause the bark to be stripped off

• Some trees are totally damaged by lightning

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Effect on vegetation

• Lightning strike to the ground can cause the grass and shrubs
to shrivel and die
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Effect on animals

• Four legged animals usually die due to Ground Potential Rise

• Lightning current enters the body through potential difference
between the legs

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Effects on humans

• Lightning can injure or kill people who do not take shelter in a

substantial building during a thunderstorm
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Thermal effects

• Melting of metallic structures

• Bricks blown apart

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Thermal effects

• Moisture in concrete vaporised by lightning current

• Explosion caused the concrete to break off
• Unreinforced concrete damage is bigger

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Mechanical effects

• Lightning strike to the protection system

• Roof tiles, air terminal and lightning conductor dislodged

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Mechanical effects

• Lightning strike to the roof

• Roof tiles and ceiling panels dislodged

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Thermal, mechanical and electrical

• Lightning strike to the roof and flashover to the electrical

• Roof tiles and ceiling panels dislodged
• Fire from burnt insulation
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Thermal and electrical effects

• Lightning strike to the air terminal and flashover to the electrical wiring
• Fire in electrical panels from burnt insulation
• Component damage due to transients

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Ground potential rise (GPR)

• Unbalanced ground potential due to separate grounding

• Large transient current between grounding systems
• Flashover from cable to metal frame

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Major disasters caused by lightning
• Improper or no protection against direct lightning
strikes have resulted in
– Major building structural damages and fires
– Explosions and fires at ordnance and petroleum facilities
– Aircraft crashes and shipboard explosions
• Improper or no protection against indirect lightning
strikes have resulted in
– Telecommunication and IT system failures
– Radar and aircraft control tower failures

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High power lightning strikes

• High power lightning bolts may cause unusually major

damages to unprotected homes and large buildings

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Oil tank fires

• Direct lightning strikes to oil tanks can result in fires and

– Pasir Gudang oil tank fire

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• Lightning protection standards (code, guide etc.)
were introduced to assist in the design and
construction of lightning protection systems (LPS)
• LPS standard described here is for the conventional
air terminal (i.e. lightning rod)
• The LPS standards were periodically reviewed and
updated to include new knowledge obtained from
research and application

Lightning Research plc 26

Lightning Research plc 13

Recent developments in conventional
lightning protection standards
• International
– IEC1024
– IEC61024:1994
– IEC62305:2006
• British
– BS6651(1995-2004)
– BS-EN62305:2007
• Malaysia
– MS939:1984
– MS-IEC61024:2001
– MS-IEC62305:2007

Lightning Research plc 27

• Identical to the IEC62305: Protection against
• Available in four parts
– IEC62305-1: General Principles
– IEC62305-2: Risk Management
– IEC62305-3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard
– IEC62305-4: Electrical and electronic systems within

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IEC62305-1 sample

• LPZ defined by an LPS

– LPZ OA Direct flash, full lightning current
– LPZ OB No direct flash, partial lightning or induced current
– LPZ 1 No direct flash, limited lightning or induced current

Lightning Research plc 29

IEC62305-1 sample

• LPZ defined by protection measures against LEMP

– LPZ OA Direct flash, full lightning current, full magnetic field
– LPZ OB No direct flash, partial lightning or induced current, full magnetic field
– LPZ 1 No direct flash, limited lightning or induced current, damped magnetic field
– LPZ 2 No direct flash, induced currents, further damped magnetic field

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IEC62305-2 sample

• Determination of the collection

area Ad
• For an isolated rectangular
structure with length L, width W,
and height H on a flat ground, the
collection area is then equal to
• Ad = L × W + 6 × H ×(L + W) + 9 ×
ð × (H)2

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IEC62305-3 sample
• Air terminal design
concepts explained
• Protection Angle
Method (PAM)

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IEC62305-4 sample

• Lightning protection zone concept is explained

• General principle for the division into different LPZ
• Protection against LEMP
– Examples of possible LEMP protection measures systems (LPMS)

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Cost effective design

• Application of IEC62305 standard can lead to cost
effective design
• Existing air terminal (i.e. lightning rod) positioning
methods, if applied correctly, can lead to a very cost
effective lightning protection system
– Protection Angle Method (PAM)
– Mesh Method (MM)
– Rolling Sphere Method (RSM)
– Collection Surface Method (CSM)
• Positioning of air terminals at “high risk” locations

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Protection Angle Method (PAM)

• Introduced by Gay Lussac in 1823

• Applicable to simple/low structures

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Protection Angle Method (PAM)

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Protection Angle Method (PAM)

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Mesh Method (MM)

• Introduced by James
Clerk Maxwell in 1876
• To address the problem
of strikes to flat surfaces
• Very unpopular method
due to negative
aesthetic and cost

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Rolling Sphere Method (RSM)

• Introduced by Tibor Horvath in 1960s

• RSM method is based on studies of lightning strikes to HV
power transmission lines
• Sphere is rolled over and around the structure to determine
the shielded zones (shaded areas)


Rolling Sphere Method (RSM)

• RSM is applicable to both simple and complex structures

• However, the method does not reveal the high risk lightning
interception locations


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Collection Surface Method (CSM)

• Introduced by Hartono and Robiah in 1995

• Air terminal position is based on studies of actual lightning
damaged buildings in Malaysia & Singapore
• CSM is based on the RSM, but inversed


Collection Surface Method (CSM)

• CSM reveals the high risk positions on structures

• Bigger collection surface leads to higher risk


Lightning Research plc 21

Collection Surface Method (CSM)

• Accumulated bypass data corresponds closely with the CSM model

• High risk locations on structures
– A: >>90%
– B: <5%
– C: <2%
– D: <1%
– E: 0%


CSM in current LPS standards

• Accepted by Standards Australia (1999) and by IEC TC81
• Principle of CSM has been included in
– Australian Standard AS1768 (2003)
– International Standard IEC62305 (2006)
– European Union Standard EN62305 (2006)
• Other standards bodies have converted their national
standards to IEC standards
– BS converted the BS6651 to BS-EN62305 (2007)
– SIRIM converted the MS939 to MS-IEC61024 (2001), MS-IEC62305


Lightning Research plc 22

CSM principle in AS1768:2003


CSM principle in IEC62305


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Application of CSM (1)

• By Czech scientists Josef and Marek Dudas in 2008

• Software developed to determine the high risk locations
• Up to 98% lightning stroke interception possible


Application of CSM (2)

• By German scientist Professor Alexander Kern in 2010

• More advanced software developed to numerically determine
the interception levels
• Building corners intercept most of the lightning strokes
• Up to 99% stroke interception possible

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Application of CSM (2)
• However, a single very tall
air terminal placed at the
center of the flat roof can
only intercept about 65% of
the strokes
• This can explain the high
number of bypasses to
centrally placed air
terminals, such as the ESE
air terminals


Application of CSM (2)

• CSM can also be applied to complex structures


Lightning Research plc 25

Common errors in conventional
air terminal placements
• Study on conventional LPS
in Malaysia shows that
more than 90% of air
terminal placements did not
comply with past or current
• This has resulted in a
significant number of
bypasses on buildings
installed with conventional


Common errors in conventional

air terminal placements


Lightning Research plc 26

Common errors in conventional
air terminal placements


Failure of conventional LPS

• Incorrectly positioned Franklin rods (i.e. failure to comply with

standards) are the main cause of conventional LPS failures
observed in Malaysia

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Lightning Research plc 27

Common errors in conventional
air terminal placements
• Misconceptions about lightning and air terminal among
lightning protection engineers seem to contribute to
widespread LPS design errors
• Lightning
– Misconception: Lightning is attracted to metallic objects and
electromagnetic radiation (eg. from mobile phones)
– Fact: Lightning is not attracted to any object or radiation
• Conventional air terminal (eg. Franklin rod)
– Misconception: A conventional air terminal can attract lightning
– Fact: A conventional air terminal is just a passive receptor and does
not attract lightning at all


Misconceptions about lightning and air

• Misconceptions about lightning and air terminals were initially
spread by non-conventional LPS vendors to mislead/confuse
the general public so that they can easily sell their unproven
• However, some local universities were found to have spread
the same misconceptions and some have even added new


Lightning Research plc 28

Examples of misconceptions about
lightning protection
• In a book published in 1998,
new misconceptions about
lightning protection were
– An air terminal can bend the
lightning path upwards
– Metal rebars in structures can
attract lightning and cause
more damages
– Air terminals must be
positioned away from the
corners and edges of the roof
instead of directly on top of


Examples of misconceptions about

lightning protection


Lightning Research plc 29

Examples of misconceptions about
lightning protection
• Although Malaysian and
British standards
recommended the air
terminal be placed very
close to the ridge ends, the
book recommended that
the air terminal be placed
further from the ridge ends


Example of misconception about lightning


• Misleading information about an air terminal “attracting” a lightning

channel was posted on the university website


Lightning Research plc 30

Impact of misconceptions about lightning
• Misconception
– Air terminals must be
positioned away from corners
and edges
– Air terminals can attract

• Lightning attachments still

occur at the usual high risk
locations even though there
is an air terminal nearby


No damage to facades if air terminal

placed correctly

Lightning Research plc 62

Lightning Research plc 31

Lightning damage to unprotected facades

Lightning Research plc 63

Using “natural components” of LPS

• Modern construction methods use steel components
• IEC 62305 standard allows the use of conductive
components of the building as one or more parts of
the LPS
– Natural air termination
– Natural down conductor
– Natural earthing electrode
– Equipotential bonding (EB)

Lightning Research plc 64

Lightning Research plc 32

Natural air termination
• Conductive components
on the roof can be used
as air terminations
– Roof parapet
– Sheet metal roof
– Flag poles
– Telco poles

Lightning Research plc 65

Natural down conductor 1

• Down conductors are
required when the
building is made of non-
conductive material
– Wood
– Bricks

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Natural down conductor 2
• Conductive components can
be used as down
– Steel girders
– Reinforcement steel
• If a separate down
conductor is used, they
must be bonded to the steel
components at the top and
bottom of the building

Lightning Research plc 67

Natural earthing electrode

• Reinforcing steel in the
foundation can also be
used as the earthing
– Steel bars
– Piles

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Lightning equipotential bonding (EB)
• EB is required to reduce the
potential difference due to
• Must be done for
– Metallic installations
– Equipment
• Present method of
providing bonding bars
connected by long
conductors are very costly

Lightning Research plc 69

Lightning equipotential bonding (EB)

• IEC62305 standard
allows the
reinforcing steel to be
used for EB
• Metallic components or
equipment can be
bonded directly or via
bonding bars

Lightning Research plc 70

Lightning Research plc 35

Lightning equipotential bonding (EB)
• Example of bonding bar
connected to the
reinforcing steel of

Lightning Research plc 71

Non-conventional LPS
• Public awareness on the non-
conventional LPS or air terminals
has been raised several times
since 1993 in the local media, in a
public forum [8] and in a a journal
• However, lack of action by the
authorities to stop the sale and
use have led to widespread use of
these non-scientific and
dangerous devices in the country


Lightning Research plc 36

Types of non-conventional air terminals in
• Lightning attractor devices
– Early Streamer Emission (ESE)
– Collection Volume Terminals (CVT)
• Lightning eliminator/rejection devices
– Charge Transfer System (CTS), formerly known as Dissipation Array
System (DAS)
– Compound Air-Plasma Lightning Rejection system (CPLR)
• Lightning reduction devices
– Semiconductor Lightning Extender (SLE)
• So-called “conventional” devices with one of the above


Some examples of ESE terminals

• L – R:
– Saint Elmo (France)
– Indelec 10 (France)
– Paratonnerres (France)
– Pulsar (France)


Lightning Research plc 37

Some examples of ESE terminals

• L–R:
– Saint Elmo (Italy)
– EF (Swiss)
– SI Interceptor (Australia)
– DAT Controller (Spain)


Some examples of CVTs

• L – R:
– Dynasphere
– Dynasphere Mk IV
– Interceptor
– Guardian


Lightning Research plc 38

Some examples of lightning strike
prevention air terminals

• L to R:
– Spline Ball Terminal or SBT (USA)
– CPLR (China)


SLE air terminal

• Inventor claims that the device can reduce the intercepted lightning
current by >99%
• However, rocket triggered lightning studies conducted by the Chinese
Academy of Science in 1999 saw no reduction in the intercepted lightning


Lightning Research plc 39

Example of “conventional” air terminal
with “attractive power”


Failure of ESE air terminals

• More than 95% of
nonconventional air terminals
used in Malaysia are ESE air
• The ESE air terminals are usually
placed at the center of the roof
• Due to their unproven claimed
protection zones, one or more
bypasses have been observed on
most tall/big buildings installed
with the ESE air terminals


Lightning Research plc 40

Failure of ESE air terminals
• Since the invention of the ESE air terminals more than 25
years ago, the inventors/manufacturers have failed to
published any reports that can scientifically support their
claims of enhanced protection zone
• On the other hand, many renowned lightning protection
experts have published reports on the failures of the ESE air
terminals in Malaysia
– While ESE inventors and local academics still disputed the reported
failures, some foreign academics and experts have regarded these
failures as “undisputable”


Failure of ESE air terminals

 “Lightning Protection”, Edited by V Cooray, The Institution of Engineering and

Technology, 2010, pg.241


Lightning Research plc 41

Failure of ESE air terminals
 “Lightning Protection”, pg.242
– The building shown in the picture
is the Royal Selangor Club, Bukit
Kiara annexe.


Compliance to MS-IEC62305 standard

• In September 2011, the Energy
Commission (EC / Suruhanjaya
Tenaga) has published an
advertorial in the local media that
made it mandatory for all
consultants, engineers, building
owners and contractors to
comply with the MS-IEC62305 for
building LPS


Lightning Research plc 42

Mandatory compliance to
MS-IEC62305 standard
• However, many new buildings
were still installed with the ESE
air terminals from 2012 onwards
• The EC and other relevant bodies
(eg. ACEM, BEM, CIDB, IEM and
SIRIM) needs to strictly enforce
this directive in order uphold
public safety


Non-compliance to
MS-IEC62305 standard

• Non-compliance by local university with lightning protection



Lightning Research plc 43

Non-compliance to
MS-IEC62305 standard

• Non-compliance by local university with lightning protection



Non-compliance to
MS-IEC62305 standard

• Non-compliance by standards organisation


Lightning Research plc 44

Non-compliance to
MS-IEC62305 standard
Public Works Dept Ministry of Works


Non-compliance to
MS-IEC62305 standard

• Non-compliance by public clinic


Lightning Research plc 45

Non-compliance to
MS-IEC62305 standard

• Non-compliance by public hospital


Non-compliance to
MS-IEC62305 standard

• Non-compliance by public hospital


Lightning Research plc 46

Non-compliance to
MS-IEC62305 standard

• Non-compliance by public hospital (before)


Non-compliance to
MS-IEC62305 standard

• Non-compliance by public hospital (before)


Lightning Research plc 47

Non-compliance to
MS-IEC62305 standard

• Non-compliance by public hospital (after)


Lightning Scene Investigation


Lightning Research plc 48

Lightning Scene Investigation


Non-compliance to
MS-IEC62305 standard

• Non-compliance by private hospital


Lightning Research plc 49

• Air terminal positioning methods have been in continuous
development since 19th century
• Development of highrise buildings in the 20th century require
new methods of air terminal positioning
• RSM and CSM have been proven to be effective in positioning
air terminals on all types of buildings
• Errors in air terminal positioning are due to misconceptions
about nature of lightning and function of air terminals
• Nonconventional air terminals are still unproven and
dangerous to use
• Most nonconventional air terminals are widely used in
Malaysia due to support from some local universities


• Failure of ESE air terminals in Malaysia are well documented
in many international scientific studies
• Failure of ESE air terminals can lead to property/equipment
losses and injuries/fatalities
• MS-IEC62305 standard must be implemented in full to achieve
near total protection (98%)
• EC has made it mandatory for the full compliance to MS-
IEC62305 in building projects from 2011 but still not enforced
• Government agencies must stop using the nonconventional
air terminals in order not to mislead other agencies and the


Lightning Research plc 50

1. ZA Hartono and I Robiah, “A method of identifying the lightning strike location on a
structure”, International Conference on EMC, Kuala Lumpur, 1995.
2. ZA Hartono and I Robiah, “The collection surface concept as a reliable method for
predicting the lightning strike location”, International Conference on Lightning Protection
(ICLP), Rhodes, Greece, 2000.
3. J Dudas and M Dudas, “Software for lightning protection system diagnosis according to IEC
62305”, ICLP, Uppsala, Sweden, 2008 (
4. A Kern et al, “Probability of lightning strikes to air termination of structures using the
electro-geometrical model theory and the statistics of lightning current parameters”, 2012
5. ZA Hartono and I Robiah, “Misconceptions about lightning and its relation to air terminal
design errors”, Invited Paper, CIGRE C4 Colloquium on Lightning and Power Systems, Kuala
Lumpur, 2010 (


6) “Kilat dan perlindungan”, Hussein Ahmad, Penerbitan UTM, 1998
7) The Star Online, 28 April 2006, “Cellphones draw bolts of risk”
8) ZA Hartono and I Robiah, “Conventional and un-conventional lightning air terminals: An
overview”, ACEM Forum on Lightning Protection, Petaling Jaya, 2004
( )
9) ZA Hartono and I Robiah, “Conventional and un-conventional lightning air terminals: An
update”, Journal of the Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia, 1Q 2007
( )
10) D Makerras, M Darveniza and AC Liew, “Review of claimed enhanced protection of buildings
by early streamer emission air terminals”, IEE Proceedings – Science Measurement
Technology, Vol. 44, No. 1, 1997.
11) MA Uman and VA Rakov, “A critical review of nonconventional approaches to lightning
protection”, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2002
( )


Lightning Research plc 51

12) V Cooray et al, “Lightning interception: Nonconventional lightning protection systems”,
Report of CIGRE Working Group C4.405, Elektra, October 2011 (http://www.iclp-
13) “Lightning: Physics and Effects”, MA Uman and VA Rakov, Cambridge University Press, 2003
14) “Lightning Protection”, Edited by V Cooray, The Institution of Engineering and Technology,
15) ZA Hartono and I Robiah, “Death at the stadium” (


Thank You
for your attention

Lightning Research plc 104

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