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Lagrangian-Hamilton’s variational Principle

(Classical Mechanics)
For B.Sc.-III year
Physics (H)
2 lecture on classical mechanics

Teacher’s Name:
Dr. Dhirendra Kumar
Assistant Professor
G. J. College, Rambagh, Bihta (Patna)
Patliputra University, Patna

1. Generalized coordinates
2. Hamilton’s principle [Principle of least action]
3. Euler- Lagrange’s Equation
4. Theorems and symmetry properties.
5. Law of Inertia- Lagrangian of a free particle

Reference Books:
1.Classical Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies by K C Gupta
2. Classical Mechanics by J. C. Upadhyaya
Generalized Co-ordinates
Any ‘s’ quantities q1,q2,q3,---------------qs which completely define the position of a system with ‘s’
degrees of freedom are called generalized coordinates of the system and the derivatives are
called its generalized velocity. i
qi → s degree of freedom , i= 1,2,3,------s

Generalized velocity
i →

Space span by G.C. and G. V. are called configurational space.

Let us consider a system of N particles moving according to law of classical mechanics. A state of
the system is specified by means of 3N position coordinates (q1,q2,q3,---------------q3N) and 3N
momentum coordinates (p 1,p2,p3,---------------p3N). The 6N dimensional space is called the phase
space of the system. A point (q i , p i) represents a particular state of the system in phase space
called phase point. Span by
G.C. (q) q1
(q1f ,q2f …)
& (q1i ,q2i ..)
Phase Span by
G.M.(p) q3
space G.C.
Configurational space & G.V.
Hamilton’s variational principle: [Principle of least action]
According to the principle:
(i) Any mechanical system is characterized by a definite function

called Lagrangian of the system denoted by where, i=1,2,3,----------s

(ii) The motion of the system in such that,

S = called least Action of the system.

i.e. [ δS = 0 ] First variation

Where, the system occupy, at the instants ti and tf the positions of two coordinates q i & qf

Now, the principle of least action may be written as


Now, integrating by parts of first term of equation (1),

Since, variation of the function q(t) is very small in the interval of time t 1 to t2, then, we have,

δ q(t1 )= δ q(t2) = 0 -----------------(2)

Now from equation (1),

Using from equation (2) second term will be vanish

Euler – Lagrangian Equation
When the system has more than one degrees of freedom for a holonomic system, the ‘s’
different function [qi(t)], therefore,
For i= 1, 2, ----,s
These equation is called
Lagrange’s equation of motion.
Some simple useful properties properties of the Lagrangian:
(i) Lagrangian does not change if we add or subtract a quantity. If we have two
Lagrangian, L and L’ then

L and L’ will describe the same system,

= f(q2,t2) – f(q1,t1)
Therefore, δ(S’ – S) = 0
(ii) Lagrangian are additive in nature,
If A and B interact to each other then
[L= L A+L B +L AB]
And if A and B are not interacting
[L= L A + LB ]

(iii) Multiplication of the Lagrangian by an arbitray constant ‘C’ has not effect on
equation of motion. Let’s suppose, A Lagrangian ‘L’ and another Lagrangian ‘CL’
where C is constant, then ‘L’ and ‘CL’ does not change the sense of equation.

Law of Inertia- Lagrangian of a free particle :

Suppose a Lagrangian, , and if kth generalized Lagrangian is missing then,
Cyclic coordinate
Therefore, from Lagrangian equation,


Therefore, = 0 = constant
If q is cyclic, linear momentum is conserved
Thank you

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