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2007 Edition Chapter 1 anrropucrion ‘CONSTITUTIONAL LAW is ho study of the maintenance tho proper balaneo fotwean muthorty as epee by the thre inherent powers ofthe Sate aad Ubety as a steed hy the Ll of Rights I eror to pene tha his tubjectsuggeeta the unjustified nssendancy of euthorty ‘ver Ibert as tha might result n tyranny or the ‘una Fant primacy of liberty over nutorty se thie would ‘esul ln anarey. The tro role of Conetitatonal Lari to ‘stan ulin between ator a tym Ut Fighte are exercined within the fatnomor ofthe lw ane the Ines are enacted with due deferace to sight Ie ix bast thatthe itident nppreciat thi st. the thread, Bare he enters the fuenating word of Canetiitona Law ‘The fundamental gawers of the Stale are th pice power the power of eminent domsin, and the pomer of {tation Among tho safeguards inthe Blof Rights are the right to duo process and equal prozetin, the prob tion aginst antearonslo searches a ataes, reders af cxpremion, te impeirment elas, andthe guarantors against injustice to the accused. Thee povrs and rights ‘euntershes hit ao not nearly hal each ter, They have commen objective. eoisence ‘Theil nts goa i Use sane: a welder socket bse on ao Invilaiity of rghta whic, lthough they may not be ctl ebltray, may aevertloa bo regula forthe onion god, "his wos wil ea int wth euch ofthe Uwe inber ‘nt powers This fing es the regan of asta ‘onde eve qua non for the proper enjoyment of Ul tefp il the common wel a the eritaran. Thon will ‘coal tothe examination of the diferent proviion ka Aiello the Constitution, more commonly known as the Bil of Righss, Once satorty i established, i is nec asery to define ad inti reach lot rogulation become fncreachnent ad the pestine purity of rights debe Dy naked power efi evrything ela, however, sort belgraud study on the hase principles govering conttations in fener thelr actare, cameos, amendniot or rev Son, and Interpretation eal be presente. The adoption tf the present Constitution of the Philippines 1987, together with the recent pertinent decisions of the Su ‘remo Court shall aaa be reviewed. Chapter "THE NATURE OF THE CONSTITUTION Definition ACONSIVTUTION, nesting to Coley, i “that by of ules and maim in seprdance with hich the powers of soverignty ere habitually exerdsed™ This definition a fompreiensive enowh to cove the writen and the ‘sen Contac, With particular rfarenee tp Uae Contttion of the Philippines, the more appropriate dseipion x that given by Jui Malem, who speaks of ar “te writen In ‘strument enacted by diet aston ofthe pope by which the fundamental pers of the goverment are sla lished, nite and dene, and hy wih hive powers are Aistibuted among the soveeal departments for their safe ‘and useful ocr far the bene of the body pte Purpoocs. Tho purpoeo of the Cansei is to preseibe the permanent framework of «system of government, 0 Sgn to tho soveral deparimenta their respective powers and dates, a Yo efi certain fit Fal princes on ‘which government i founded” 1k shouldbe sresed that when i comes to cotain Desi individ ight euch 9 egioas eedom, ii not the Conltation that cuts o confers them. The correct view te that the Consist meray rengaies nd pro toa thene rights and dos nsbring them into existence. “The Constitution i not "the aig of pivato rights it Js nok the foun of Iw nor the Sapient stato of ge fernments fait the caw bat Use consequence of ee foal and policalfeedom.” Supremacy of the Constitution “The Conatittion i the base and pararhount law to which al ee Inv moet conform and to which all pe loos ined the highest fila of wo Land, must deer. No act shall be valid, however noble Ss intetions, i it nics with the Canetitton. ‘Tse Constitution mast ‘ror remain supreme, All mst bow to she mandate of his Iw: Expediency snustnot be allowed co sap is strength nov greet for power dabace i rectude. Right or wrang, ‘he Constion mist be upheld along as thas mk ben ‘hanged by Ue sovereign people let aregurd rel in {ho usurpation of the maety oF lw by the pretenders ta legitimate power! ‘Clastteation ‘Constitutions az clase into writen oF unten, volved or enatad, and rigid o Roi ‘A writen conaitaton Is one whose pratt ae on badd in on documento et of documenta. An waren fenstitation, on the oer hand, coisa of roles whlch fneve not bee iniagrated into a lage cnerte fem but are sattrol in varoas sours uch a atte of fun ‘damental charactor, judilal decisions, commentaries of pobleints, conloms sid trudtons and certain commen Taw pent. ‘A converonal conetittion isan anata conti tn, farmaly “trek of at dete tno an place fl leing conscious or doliberate ort tlken by ens cnt boy or rule. A cumulative costttion, by contrat tho result of paca evolution, “not inaugurated at any ssi time tnt changing by acetian rather than by ang ‘Sterne method” Agi constitution is ne tht can be amended ly ty formal snd usually dieule provet whereas ale seasttlio i one tat can be changed by ordinary leg ‘The Constitution of tbo Philippines ie writen, con ‘ventional and eg assentlal Qualition ofthe Written Constitution A gad wrtton constintion must be bro, bre and etnite must be broad nt only esnure it provides for the organiation ofthe entire government and coves all per sons and things within th trary of he Stat but more Sobor appt ey the paso reel the Present and to antipale the fare, Th eonaiation Must be comprehensive enough to provide for eway com ‘ingency Tt ha been aid that the onatiteton ia nly ‘he imprisonment ofthe past but the uning of te fi ture to whieh st may be add tha a al the Tal mont ofthe presnt 6 CoNSARUTIONAL LAW 1 mua be bi and confine alto base pings to be inplemented wit logilntiv details moe adjustable to diage end enero amend Others, th ensitution woul be a prix aad voluminous oxieation inaccessible (othe understanding or even only the interest of tho peo- fle ad unable to adapt resily to changing conditions Fras of th ifialy ofits atsendent Te must he cloar det let ambiguity ints prvi sions rut in canton and divisiveness among th peo pl, and pevhaps even py ennft. Tho exception is Faved oni in those eases where the ros are deliberstaly ‘worded ia a vague manner, Ik the do procs las, Tk then more malleable to jd nterpretatin Inthe Fight of ne onions and elreumstancos, Rasential Parts of the Welton Constitution [A good writin constitution contain thre eesentat ubstantive parte. Thowe are knven as to constitation of Lert, the cnatcton of gocernmend, andthe const tion of soersenty "Tho firs const of a saree of presergcons sting forch the fandamental evil and pola! rights ofthe ct ens and imposing Hinata on the pera of govern tment as_¢ moans of secusig the eqjyment. of thos Fighta? These wo fund prisalplly in Arie IT of our (Cenaitton, and no i Ati IV, V, and XI "The second ents of «ser of provisions outing the orzanization of te goverament, enumerating it pov fr lying down certain olor flav to ts administra on, und deinng Uso ectorate® Those ate fad in Art flee Vito XL oft Constitution. ‘The thint conta ofthe provisions pointing out the role of procedure in sesrdanee with: whieh firm hangs in the fundamental law may be brought about” ‘Shoe are ound in Artie XVI oar Conatiaion Permanence ofthe Constitution, One advantage af the weten, conventional and ig conattion fs fix jermantey, ofa capac lo rset faprisious cr whimaial change deat not ly legit reeds but any by pasting facie, teraporary passions ot scensanalinfatustions ofthe people with es or persone Ate. “A Conattation must be ian and immovable ike & ‘mountain amidst tho asf forme orn rela the oa, Andi the raging ofthe waves" Sach a constitution ‘ot likely to be esily tampered with to sul politi expo len, prea mins or Hod ition for ‘Bot the very vitue of permanence may’ at the same tim be n dsadvantage whore the writen cotton is tuntle to aut tothe noe! for change Jus new ‘conditions and ereumsancs, The difialy ef ofthe ‘ampndiag proces may be respnsile fr te delay in Tooting the needed change ad th cao irreparable i Jury the publi intetet In auch situation, the vetan enim wil bo- come an Ingeiiment rather than a par to progee, 8 {reed to Ube nation soaking to Uberate ite fom the Hutches of beceto ul no longer conformable to thle

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