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Focus 7i

ERP Reimagined with Business


w w c u s s o f t n e t . c o m

• Established in 1992
• Multinational organization with 27 offices across 17 countries
• Continuous R&D and team work
• Products developed are feature rich and state of art the technologies
• Over 25 years of experience and multi domain experience
• Helped over 30,000 clients across the globe to increase productivity,
efficiency and run better
Value Proposition

• Quick and easy deployable Solutions • Integration friendly architecture

• Highly flexible and user friendly • Rich client library

• Localized Solutions
• Scalable and Modular solutions
• Multi Lingual support
• High return on investment with low
total cost of ownership • Highly experienced and committed
• On-time , On-budget project delivery
• 100% total maintenance support
Our Strength


We Deliver
On time
We are
We use
Advanced Home Screen
Proposed Modules

• Financial Accounting Management

• Inventory Management
• Purchase Management
• Quality Analytics Management
• Sales & Distribution Management
• Fixed Assets and Maintence
• Production Management with MRP capabilities
Financial Account Management (General Ledger)

The General Ledger module is the most crucial and fundamental platform for any accounting system. Focus I’s general ledger
Module has the required flexibility and customizability to address the current and future financial management requirements of
organizations of varied business verticals. Focus I General Ledger fully integrates with all modules and is the key to maximizing the
efficiency and accuracy of your financial data.

Department appropriation ensures that total sum of utility payments get allocated to different departments and cost centres by the
User definable additional TAGS (registers) for analysis that can be tagged to documents as required. For example each telephone or fax
number can be created as a TAG and expenses incurred is posted to a single GL account while individual expense on each telephone
number can be analyzed.
User can analyze, refine, view graph or check cross reference report for any account selected.

Key features:
Define up-to 8-level chart of account with or without codes
Define 8-level department/cost centre grouping
Financial statements in different formats (Vertical/Horizontal/Plain)
Financial statements (Trial balance/Income Statement) by Department & Cost Centres
Cash Flow and funds flow reports
Financial Account Management (Cash Flow)

Cash and bank management in Focus I provides for total integration between GL AR and AP modules. Additionally you
can enter post dated transactions for bank and convert the promissory notes on maturity. System would give alerts of such maturities on

Define multiple bank and check number series for each bank Design different Check Printing layouts for different banks
Auto and manual BRS
Contra Transfers
Multiple Cash and Bank Accounts
Cash Flow with integration from receivable and payable modules

Key Features:
Check Printing
Cash and Day books
BRS Statement
Auto Reconciliation from Bank Statements
Financial Account Management (Receivables)

Focus I Accounts Receivable module, you can manage your customers and keep track of receivables by ageing / department.
Accounts Receivable is also fully integrated with all modules in Focus I. Accounts Receivable module allows you to schedule recurring
invoices and therefore Hire Purchase Sales and Sales with recurring invoices on a fixed interval can be managed efficiently. Customization
of header/footer in receivable reports helps you in printing customer statements and dunning reports for payment follow-up.

Flag customers as inactive when you wish to discontinue regular use but want to retain the record in the system for historical and
reporting purposes.
Schedule recurring invoices for fast invoicing of monthly charges.
Adjust receipts against invoices based on auto-fifo or manual pick.
Generate Debit Notes for over-due bills and credit notes for early payments.
Ageing analysis by bill-date or Due-Date.
Ageing analysis by operating divisions.
Create custom defined layouts for invoice printing and send the invoices by e-mail.
Review current balance outstanding, transaction details and detailed transactions for each customer.
Send statement of accounts and invoices to your customer’s billing address, customer’s e-mail address.
Check on post-dated transactions.
Financial Account Management (Receivables)

Key Features:
Credit Limit / Credit Days Check
Group your customers by region/product/salesman up to 8-levels
User definable fields for Customer Masters
Drill down from General Ledger transaction history to Accounts Receivable transactions and then to
originating Order Entry transactions.
Multicurrency statement of accounts
Print ageing-Trial Balance, Overdue Receivables, Customer Transactions, Customer List and Statistics,
and Reports using filter options.
Financial Account Management (Payable)

Focus I Accounts Payable module provides robust accounting features to streamline your entire cash
flow. Process purchase bills, payments and vendor statement in vendor specific currencies. Ensure proper
payment scheduling based on due dates with aging of payables and over-due payable analysis.

Only Focus offers you a unique combining feature of receivable and payable wherein you can adjust
customer invoices against purchases from same customer thus no need to create separate customer and
vendor account. Such accounts would get auto - regroup based on the final balance at the time of generating
the final statement.
Financial Account Management (Payable)

Organize vendor records quickly and easily.
Drill down from the vendor’s transactions and payments to the originating transactions and payments.
Automatically distribute invoices to as many expenses or asset accounts as you require.
Set up and schedule for recurring payments.
View your vendor payments by bank range, vendor range, check status, transaction type, date range, year and period range, and
check number range.
Automatically generate separate checks for each invoice.
Keep details of all fully or part paid transactions and print them when needed.
Key features:
Check Printing
Credit Limit / Credit Days Check
Group your vendor by category, region or country.
User definable fields for Supplier/Vendor Masters
Drill down from General Ledger transaction history to Accounts Payable.
Auto-fifo or manual Pick for settlement of bills
Multicurrency statement of accounts
Print aged Trial Balance, Overdue payable, vendor Transactions, vendor List and Statistics, and Reports using filter options.
Financial Account Management (Payable)

Organize vendor records quickly and easily.
Drill down from the vendor’s transactions and payments to the originating transactions and payments.
Automatically distribute invoices to as many expenses or asset accounts as you require.
Set up and schedule for recurring payments.
View your vendor payments by bank range, vendor range, check status, transaction type, date range, year and period range, and
check number range.
Automatically generate separate checks for each invoice.
Keep details of all fully or part paid transactions and print them when needed.
Key features:
Check Printing
Credit Limit / Credit Days Check
Group your vendor by category, region or country.
User definable fields for Supplier/Vendor Masters
Drill down from General Ledger transaction history to Accounts Payable.
Auto-fifo or manual Pick for settlement of bills
Multicurrency statement of accounts
Print aged Trial Balance, Overdue payable, vendor Transactions, vendor List and Statistics, and Reports using filter options.
Inventory Management

Focus I Inventory Control Module provides inventory control for both trading and manufacturing stores and
warehouses. It is fully integrated with General Ledger, Supply Chain and Manufacturing. The software manages multi-location
stocks with checks on stock count and reorder levels. With the Inventory Control module you are ensured of an efficient flow
of items from procurement to storage to shipping. Focus I’s Inventory Control includes extensive screen inquiry and reporting
functions to give you the detailed, current information crucial for effective inventory management.

Key features:
User Definable Product Codes.
Multi-level Product Tree.
Define unlimited number of units of measure per item.
Multiple Stock Valuation Methods.
RMA & Serial No. tracking.
Auto indenting for stock re-order
Stock Movement report
Stock Ageing Analysis.
Inventory Management

Negative stock check with the option for selective users to allow authorize negative stocks can be set to desired requirements.
The Landed Cost of all the items purchased would be maintained for stock valuation. Focus I calculates cost of issues or
transfer on weighted average, FIFO and Standard Rate.
Tight integration with GL ensures online posting to financials.
Multiple of units of measure with conversion rate allows user to select unit at the stock receiving and issuing stage.
Maintain inventory in alternate units. For example in steel industry stocks are required in Bars/Coils and Tons while in textile
industry stocks are required in rolls and meters with no fixed conversion between the two.
Assemble items using single-level bills of materials using back-flush production.
Create Sets and allow issue of complete set while updating inventory of individual items in the set.
Print inventory analysis reports for efficient management of your product lines.
Review complete transaction history and drill down to the originating transactions in Inventory Control, Purchase Orders, and
Order Entry.
Batch Control of Inventory specially in food and pharmacy industry where one can restrict batches that would expire in x
months or Sort batches by date and pick stocks from batches with expiry within a defined period. Batch numbers can be
associated with manufacturing and expiry dates.
Maintain inventory by multiple attributes for SKU’s like size , Colour and so on
Store Process (Generic Flow)
Purchase Management (Procurement Planning)

Focus I Procurement Planning helps you maximize profitability with superior capabilities to respond to
demand. Optimization provides consumer goods organizations with robust material planning based on sales
forecasting and demand based requirements. The result is a demand-driven organization with higher service
levels and sales with more satisfied customers and lower inventory and distribution costs.
Real-time forecast capabilities that allow just-in-time inventory scenarios.
Analysis is based on credit limit, lead time, Minimum Order Quantity and the class of the supplier, whereas
Quotation analysis is based on the lowest rates and or other predefined parameters.
Improves responsiveness to changes in demand and supply
A single source of information—improves decision-making
Sales forecasts and Sales Orders are synchronized to arrive at the most economic inventory overheads.
Key Features
Define annual/monthly requirement forecast
Raise single purchase order to one vendor or divide total quantity between multiple vendors
Fully Integrated Credit Control with Payable Module
Define annual supplier contract voucher
Work Break-down structure providing complete history from Purchase Requisition to Purchase Bill.
Purchase Management (Purchase Order Processing)

Purchase Order Processing module allows you to build a full cycle of purchase, starting from Purchase Requisition to
Purchase Invoice. The system supports multiple types of purchase requirements like direct purchases, project purchases and
consignments. When combined with Accounts Payable, Inventory Control, and Sales Order Management, the Purchase Order
Processing module provides a comprehensive, fully integrated purchasing system. You can combine multiple purchase orders on a
single receipt and multiple receipts on a single invoice resulting in a totally managed and consolidated Procurement Management

Purchase requisitions can be entered either manually or directly from the procurement planning level.
Users from different departments, production units or warehouses have the authority to raise requisitions. Approval of
requisitions can be defined through a document authorization.
Enter Active Purchase Orders and Blanket Purchase Orders.
Automatically update the Qty procured and remaining on each blanket purchase orders.
Create ONE purchase order from multiple requisitions and select the requisition details by vendor number and / or tracking no.
Automatically produce purchase orders from Inventory Management reorder information or from pending Sales Orders.
Use Purchase Order Processing as a stand-alone module or integrated with Inventory Control.
Purchase Management (Purchase Order Processing)

Key features:

Raise auto-Indents for low stock

Raise single purchase order for multiple requisitions and vice versa

Separate or combine workflows for stock purchase and back-order purchase

Fully Integrated Credit Control with Payable Module

Work Break-down structure providing complete history from Purchase Requisition to Purchase
Quality Analytics

Against MRN booking Sample collection request can be raised

On Quality approval Results can be posted back to MRN to track the traceability of the material.

Quality will also help Management to evaluate the Vendors or Agents

Only Quality approved MRNs will be eligible for booking purchase voucher

Price and deduction can be decided based on the quality results can be reference for future

LOT no will be decided at this stage so that warehouse team place the goods in respective stock
Sales and Distribution Management
Sales Order Management combines an innovative approach to order processing which is fully integrated with
Accounts Receivable, Inventory Control. As a result you are in total control with maximum efficiency. The information available
would be real-time with product availability and related information at the click of a button. Starting from sales enquiry and
processing various documents routed through optional authorization system avoids duplication of data entry by giving
flexibility of combining enquiries, orders for deliveries and billing.
Support your global orders with multiple currency capabilities.
Create comprehensive customer information files, track customer information.
Define flexible pricing from simple price lists to sophisticated multi level pricing structures to maximize product revenues.
Perform comprehensive search on product and item information.
Create ONE sales order from multiple requisitions from departments or SBUs and select the requisition details by customer
number and / or tracking no.
Use Sales Order Processing as a stand-alone module or integrated with Inventory Control.
Key features:
Define Sales Schemes
Stock reservation on orders
Sales Enquiry to Sales Invoice
Fixed Assets Management

Create unlimited number of fixed asset records either directly in Fixed Asset master or integrate it with Fixed
Asset purchase. System would auto generate the serial numbers based on the quantity entered in the fixed asset purchase
allocating the serial number based on the document number. Assets can be classified into user-defined groups such as asset
type, location, G/L account number and personal property type. Tight GL integration ensures depreciation journals can be
posted by department/cost centre in summary or detail.
The asset maintenance module takes care of scheduling preventive maintenance and tracking the maintenance
for each asset.
Eliminates paper work and organizes records.
Handles assets at multiple locations
Multiple fields to track all asset information including type, class, acquisition date, supplier, location, GL asset
account, accumulated and expense account numbers, custodian and more.
Comprehensive Support for Asset Disposals.
Calculate Monthly & Annual Depreciation Schedules.
Scan & Print Barcodes.
Track Maintenance and Expenses for each
Fixed Assets Management

Key Features:
Multiple Depreciation methods viz Straight Line, Diminishing balance, usage and charge off.
Assets grouping by different fields such as Vendor, Insurer or Manufacturer.
Track and schedule maintenance - extend the life of your assets.
View Disposed Assets by Month/Year of Disposal & Disposal Method.
Several useful Deprecation Report templates, including Depreciation for Year & Depreciation for Month reports
Fixed Asset Maintenance
Production Management (MRP Capabilities)

Production Planning in Focus I allows you to determine the production capabilities with
respect to raw material availability. The raw material and requirements can be planned both for
order based as well as forecast based production. Production planning also takes care of raising
production order based on combined orders. For both type of production planning the first step
starts from Bill of Material creation.
Production Management (Material Resource

Production Planning based on demand forecast

Forecast data can be entered directly or can be picked from historical sales.
Annual Production planning considers buffer stock as percentage of next n number of months
Monthly production is picked directly from annual production plan and can be modified.
Weekly production Plan is the final version of production plan that leads to creation of production
batch order.
Forecast data is also used for raw material procurement planning. From annual raw material
requirement system would fill the monthly requirements based on buffer stock and order lead time.
User can manually change the monthly order quantities and raise purchase requisitions.
Production Planning based on Orders
Confirmed Sales Order is the base document from where Production planning picks its data for
production and raw material requirements planning.
All the pending sales orders of a specific product/plant location can be picked and clubbed for
combined production planning.
Available finished stock quantities and optimum production batches are considered before
arriving at the production quantity required for order fulfilment.
Based on production requirements, raw material requirements analyzes the quantities and best
supplier for raising purchase requisition that considers credit balance, lead time and best purchase
Production Management (Material Resource

Create Alternate BOMs or Alternate Raw Material within a process.
Supports Process based production and discrete production
Define manpower and machine requirements for each process
Get the cost per process and Final product cost based on standard costing and average

Key features:
Multi-level bill of material
Buffer stock consideration
Production batches
Production Management (Production Costing)

The production costing can be either based on weighted average cost of raw material or standard costing. Focus I
would calculate and generate both quantity and value variance for both input and yield.

Provides overall and production stage costing.
Fully integrated to GL module for updating the work in progress or finished product cost.
Allows for scrap/wastages to be included in the final product cost.
Both input and output can be generated in multiple stages for single production order.

Key Features
Production Quantity
Restrict/allow production over and above production quantity
Define authorization based on wastage percentage
Production Management (Shop Floor Management)

Starting with raw material transfer from stores to shop floor, this module considers every activity that takes
place at the shop floor. The issues to production return of excess raw material to stores and transfers of finished stock to
stores/dispatch are part of shop floor management. Shop floor activity also includes the allocation of manpower and
machines to production orders based on the availability of manpower and machines.

Restrict Issues based on production stage
Back flush entire Production order or a specific Process.
Online inventory tracking

Key Features:
Update GL online
Update inventory data online
Route issues of raw material through authorization
Restrict/allow production over and above production quantity
Define authorization based on wastage percentage

At Focus we build tools around the solution that makes the solutions user
friendly and scalable

Report Designer – to design user definable reports

Graphs Designer – To design user definable graphs
Document Wizard – customizations of extra fields and calculations and document layout
Document Print Design
Views – Define filed level Security
Work flow designers
Authorizations flow
Consolidation or merging of database
Open architecture - to work with third party modules , user definable Pop ups and triggers
Integration to email
Reports integration to Microsoft Excel , PDF , HTML
Short messages services on mobile phones based on specific query or activity
Integration to RF Devices
Integration to Windows Mobile devices
ERP Reimagined with Business

w w c u s s o f t n e t . c o m

4th Floor, Babu Khan Mall, Somajiguda, Hyderabad, India – 500082 Office | +91 (0)40 40353535 |
| Fax | +91 (0)40 23396674|Web |

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