Bad Health Habits: Harnett Walia, M.D

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Bad health habits

While you may be feeling young, crazy, and free, the decisions today
immediately affect your living down the way. No one's perfect and it's nice
to be a welcoming move, but when it comes to wellbeing, there are specific
things you simply can't contend with. Study shows that certain behaviors
are related to well-being and longevity, while others impact you negatively,
causing suffering today and still later in life. All it takes to guarantee you're
giving yourself the greatest opportunity in the long, happy time, is stopping
some terrible health habits we're all willing to give in to. Here are those
habits you want to dig, and how to get them.

A.) Smoking: When it comes to following a healthy diet, smoking is one

of the biggest evils risking our health. From the risk of developing
cancer, cardiac complications, breathing difficulties, and the danger of
catching second-hand smoke, there is a very valid reason to say no to
smoking. Based on the research provided by “”: About
110,000 Filipinos die from tobacco-related diseases each year. About 21.8% of
male deaths and 9.7% of female deaths are caused by tobacco smoke (18.6%
overall). More than 23% of male deaths and 12% of female deaths are caused
by tobacco (16.6% overall).

B.) Irregular sleeping habits: In our daily lives, we always have a tight
schedule of different things, and we tend to forget our regular
sleeping habits and instead, we only sleep when we are free, or we
finished our works like even if it is very late. Irregular sleeping habits
can lead to some serious health problems. According to the research
of Cleveland clinic”: Researchers discovered that fluctuating amounts of sleep and
irregular bedtimes and wake-up times put people at an increased risk for obesity, high
cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and other health problems. And for
each hour of sleep variability, these risks went up by as much as 27 percent. “We
always educate patients to get seven to nine hours of consistent quality sleep, but now,
we have this study to back us up – that shows maintaining a good sleep hygiene could
also help prevent metabolic disorders,” said   Harnett Walia, M.D. , of Cleveland
Clinic, who did not take part in the study.
C.) Eating junk food: Junk food is the most common habit that people
indulge in while they are working, hanging- out with friends, watching TV,
etc. This bad habit is given less attention by people. According to a study
conducted by the “Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation
(IHME)” in Seattle, eating bad quality food is increasing the mortality
rate at a higher speed than smoking. Yes, you read that right. Your
addiction to junk is cutting short your life and compromising your
lifestyle and health. Not that junk food was ever considered a healthy
food option to have, experts, have now pointed out that all those hours
of binge-eating, mindless snacking, and midnight cravings for chips,
colas, donuts, and chocolates on a regular basis is one of the biggest
threats mankind is facing and poses a grave threat to healthy living.

There are many more bad habits to enumerate, and the habits
mentioned above are just the most common habits of every people. We
already know that some of our habits are not bad for our health, and we
should make a move to stop them so we can have a very peaceful life. All
these habits can be easily avoided if you first take control of your health
habits by changing your daily routine slowly like significantly reducing your
intake of cigarettes and junk foods until it comes to an end and, we should
also start to manage our time so we can get an adequate sleep every night.
We should also exercise every day and eat healthy foods like fruits and
vegetables while taking vitamins. Our health is very important because we
only live once, and this wealth can be replaced in a matter of time while our
lives cannot be replaced.

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