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Nice Arzi in Punjabi


The Chairman,
Software Firm,


Sir ji,

Binti eh hai ki aj kal company vich dil nahi lagda te raat nu neend nahi
andi kyonki company vich munde bore ne, jo hai oh sab eniyan ajeeb
ne ki dekhan nu ji ni karda.Te manageran v koih khas ptaka nahi haan.
Hor ni koch taan munde hi sohne rakh lavo taa ki nave joinees kaam
leyyee motivate ho sakan .

Aap ji da bahut dhanayawda howanga.

Your faithfully,

Kudi Association

Calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked right up to
the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes, and said, “I would like to
buy some cyanide.”

The pharmacist asked, “Why in the world do you need cyanide?”

The lady replied, “I need it to poison my husband.”

The pharmacist’s eyes got big and he exclaimed, “Lord have mercy! I
can’t give you cyanide to kill your husband! That’s against the law! I’ll
lose my license! They’ll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things
will happen. Absolutely not! You CANNOT have any cyanide!”

The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her
husband in bed with the pharmacist’s wife.

The pharmacist looked at the picture and replied, “Well now, that’s
different. You didn’t tell me you had a prescription.”
How Dare you….

One day, at a bus stop there was a girl who was wearing a skin tight
When the bus arrived and it was her turn to get on, she realized that
her skirt was so tight she couldn’t get her foot high enough to reach to

Thinking it would give her enough slack to raise her leg, she reached
back and unzipped her skirt a little.
She still could not reach the step.

Embarrassed, she reached back once again to unzip it a little more.

Still, she couldn’t reach the step.

So, with her skirt zipper halfway down, she reached back and unzipped
her skirt all the way. Thinking that she could get on the step now, she
lifted up her leg only to realize that she still couldn’t reach the step.

So, seeing how embarrassed the girl was, the man standing behind her
put his hands around her waist and lifted her up on to the first step of
the bus.

The girl turned around furiously and said, “How dare you touch my
body that way, I don’t even know you!”
Shocked, the man says, “Well, ma’am, after you reached around and
unzipped my pants three times, I thought that we were friends.”

Good one …..

A lady approaches a priest and tells him, “Father, I have a problem. I have these two talking female
parrots, but they only know how to say one thing. They keep saying “Hi, we’re hot. Do you want a

“That’s terrible!” the priest exclaimed. “But I do have a solution to your problem. Bring your two
parrots over to my house and I will put them with my two male talking parrots to whom I have
taught to pray and read the bible.

My parrots will then teach your parrots to stop saying that terrible phrase, and your female parrots
will learn to pray and worship.”

So the next day, the lady brings her female parrots to the priest’s house.
The priest’s two male parrots are holding rosary beads and praying in their cage. The lady puts her
female talking parrots in with the male talking Parrots, and the female parrots say, “Hi, we’re hot.
Do you want a date?”

One male parrot looks over at the other male parrot and screams, “Put your Bible away
Idiot, our prayers have been answered!!!!!!!”

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