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Useful expressions:


Dear Jack, Hi Jack, Hi everyone,

My dear Jack, Hi there,

Starting your letter or email (paragraph 1)

(Many) Thanks for your letter / email.

It was good / lovely / great to hear from you.
How are you?
How are things?
How are you doing?
How have you been (lately)?
I hope you are well.
Sorry for answering so late, but...
I’m sorry I haven’t written earlier, but...
Sorry I haven’t written to you for a long time.
After all this time, I thought I would drop a line to...
After all this time, I thought I would send you...

Commenting on something (paragraph 1)

I’m just writing to tell / thank you...

It was very kind of you to...
Have you thought about...?
Well, if I were you, I would...
I think you should / shouldn’t...

Moving on to another topic (paragraph 2)

Anyway, the reason I’m writing...

I thought I’d write to tell / ask you...
Anyway, I was wondering...

Giving good / bad news

I’m sorry to hear / learn...

I’m so pleased / glad to hear...
It’s great to hear...
I was very happy to read that...
What wonderful news about...
I’m sure you’ll be pleased to hear that...
By the way, did you know that...?
You’ll never guess what happened!

Ending your letter or email (paragraph 3)

Well, that’s all for now

Write back soon
I’ll write again soon
Looking forward to hearing from you soon / again
My regards to your parents
All the best
Best wishes
See you soon
Take care

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